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A lot of wildlife are now extinction,

and some of living things of the land and sea are disappearing.
pollution is the tool of wildlife taking.

Pollution is now keep growing,

and now some of other creatures are now suffering because of it.
Every day and every each of the day,
on the list of some endangered species are in more extinction.

Less fish are now on the waterfalls,

in due of the pollution for saving wildlife it seem there is no particular solution or plan.
Some land and trees are now being cleared that seems awful pity,
and another wood or trees are bulldoze to build some big buildings and make a big city.

Every day,
animals lose there habit and I know some people care.
but we just look away and pretend like the problem is not there,
people don’t think of animals.

We are disrespecting mother nature and we just forget about it,

Day and night they are falling like flies.We kill them weekly,monthly,and yearly,
A howl cry. As they falls all of them are falling and there habitat falls their number is falling,
people cut tress as they build some city and buildings and habitat are losing.

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