Meet 3 Intro To General

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Name: Katarina Natalia Dakhi

NPM: 20810010

Find some references to answer these questions I.

1. The Origins of Language

1. What do you know about " HOMO LOQUENS", Explain it?

2. Explain briefly The History of "Human Language"

2. Explain briefly about "LANGUAGE BARRIER", what do you suggest to overcome it?

3. Explain about PIDGIN and CREOLE

4. Write down 10 languages that are widely used as a means of international language/ communication


1. a. PIDGINs exist as second languages for adult speakers, if the children of those adults are exposed to
a pidgin, they do not grow up speaking it. Instead, they develop a complete language known as creole .
A creole is a pidgin language that has become the native language of the children of adult pidgin

b. The origin of language in the human species has been a topic of scholarly debate for several centuries.
Even so, there is no general agreement about when and the exact age of human language. One of the
problems that makes this topic so difficult to study is the lack of direct evidence. According to Noam
Chomsky, language appeared around 60,000 to 100,000 years ago in Africa, here. Before language was
discovered, it was thought that humans communicated using sounds produced by the mouth and
through body movements only.

2. Language barriers usually occur when two people who speak different languages cannot understand
one another, and there is a breakdown in language and communication. They can also come from
physical language disabilities which include stuttering, articulation disorder and hearing loss.

The best ways to overcome language barriers are to increase your proficiency with a language, introduce
cultural context to your learning, find other ways to communicate your thoughts, use simple words, and
not being afraid to make mistakes.
3. A pidgin is a form of language that has typically evolved using simplified grammar and structures from
an external language combined with features of local languages. Pidgins are born out of the need for
people to communicate without speaking a common language.

A creole is a language that has evolved from contact between a European language (e.g., French,
English, or Portuguese) and a local language (or a variety of local languages). Most creoles emerged
during the slave trade and are most commonly associated with the West Indies and Africa. There are
also many English-based creoles in South and Southeast Asia.


1. English Number of speakers: 1.13 billion

2. Mandarin Number of speakers: 1.12 billion

3. Hindi Number of speakers: 615 million

4. Spanish Number of speakers: 534 million

5. French Number of speakers: 280 million

6. Arabic Number of speakers: 274 million

7. Bengali Number of speakers: 265 million

8. Russia Number of speakers: 258 million

9. Portuguese Number of speakers: 234 million

10. Indonesia Number of speakers: 199 million

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