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Ash PSYC 3360VCR Checklist

Video Case Report Editing Checklist
PSYC 3360 - Abnormal Psychology at UALR
for Dr. Stephen Ash:

Report Section: Information Needed: Information to Avoid:

Primary diagnoses (dxs) with their code numbers.All Dx Code digit #s not actual
Specifiers and secondary dxs are optional, but numbers (Xs left unchanged).
latter require code numbers. Simultaneous Substance-Induced
Minimum 3 external, environmental psychosocial Disorders for same drug.
sources of stress, and more the better (cf. HO Internal sources or experiences of
3 - Diagnostic
Psychosocial Stressors for examples). Or can stress like issues or feelings.
be listed as V codes with diagnoses. External stressors not unusual, but
GAF has two discrete numbers, one for the just part of normal life.
Worst (= Current) time of the video, one for Current/Worst GAF being higher than
the Highest period of functioning in the past the Highest in the previous year
year. Both are required. GAF (as this is illogical).
All relevant DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria (Crit, from
N/A for Major Diagnostic Criteria.
the DR) are provided for the primary dx.
Reference citations of any kind.
DR formatting and numbering system is used.
Definitions, explanations, or
All Major (DSM-5 capital letter) Dx Criteria are
references for the dx criteria. Just
addressed without using N/A.
give the evidence that they fit the
4 - Diagnostic All Minor Dx Crit are addressed, though with
character, or they do not.
Documentation these N/A can be used. This means providing
Substance dx is used without giving
evidence from the video to prove they fit the
the specific substance; i.e., if
assigned character if they do.
addiction to marijuana exists, the
Secondary Dx Crit are given and addressed if
dx is Cannabis Use Disorder, not
needed; i.e., Personality Disorders and most
Substance Use Disorder.
Substance-Use Disorder dxs all have them.
Description of current or historical evidence Disorders defined or their symptoms
given in the video followed by Explanation of described (or any other deviation
why or how these factors were involved in of explanation of the cause of the
causing or developing the assigned character's disorder).
primary (and secondary) disorder(s). Prevalence rates of a disorder.
5 - Etiology
Description and explanation of what your References to class lecture notes.
textbook (and other references) says about Microsoft Word red and green
the causes of this disorder, ideally underlining flagging of poor
synthesizing the video and reference material. grammar and misspellings.
Reference citation per each idea asserted.
Description of how the assigned character was
Ψ'ly treated during the video (or prior). What
type of professionals provided the treatment Psychiatrist being called a
and explain how and why the treatments Psychologist or vice versa.
were supposed to work, and if they did or did References to class lecture notes.
6 - Treatment not, and if not, why not? Microsoft Word red and green
Description and explanation of what your underlining flagging of poor
textbook or other references says about grammar and misspellings.
Treatment of this disorder, ideally
synthesizing the video and reference material.
Reference citation per each idea used.
Overall Report References page for Etiology and Treatment. Report longer than 12 pages.

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