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[Scene 1]

Rich Man: *Coughs* HELP MEEEEEEEE!

[Scene 2]

Lazarus: Help….. help….. help…

Rich Man: How dare you touch me! Do you want me to be unclean as well?

Rich Man: I shouldn’t allow you to (“beget or beg?” 2:48 di kaayo clear ) at my gate.

Lazarus: Forgive me sir. Forgive me… I have not eaten in days. I wondered that I might have some of the
scraps that fall from your table.

Rich Man: Scraps? That fall from my table? *laughs* what then will the dogs eat. I have business to
attend to. Here, burn this. Disinfect it.

[Scene 3]

Man 2: He’s finally here!!

Rich Man: My favorite brother. What do you want from me now?

Man 2: We expect no expenses today. (again di kaayo sha clear pero akong gi translate nalng)

Rich Man: I can see that.

Narrator: There was a rich man who dressed in purple with fine linen and lived in luxury.

At his gate laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores/scars and longing to eat what fell from the
rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores/scars.

Lazarus: *screaming in pain* God, Help me!

Narrator: When the time was fulfilled for both men to die and pass from this life to the next.

[Scene 4]

*In hell*



Lazarus: An alms..

Abraham: Welcome

Lazarus: Father Abraham?

Abraham. Yes. I am Abraham. Welcome to paradise

Lazarus: Paradise?

Abraham: Yes Lazarus. PARADISE!

Abraham: We have been preparing a banquet on your honor

Lazarus: a Banquet?

Abraham: Yes. Yes. Come

Rich Man: Father Abraham. FATHER ABRAHAM! Have mercy on me!!

Rich Man: I saw he was Lazarus. Send him to me! And he might dip the point of his finger in the water
and touch my tongue

Rich Man: [8:40 huy di nako ma sabot unsa iyang gi ingon akong gi translate and] filled with agony sumn

Abraham: Son, you remember in your life that you receive good things and Lazarus here received his bad
things. Now he is being comforted and now you are in agony.

Rich Man: PLEASE

Abraham: Besides all of this between us a great chasm. If someone wishes to come from here to you.
They cannot and no one can cross from you to us.

Rich Man: Father Abraham, there is one thing I ask for you. Let Lazurus go to my father’s house for I
have 4 brothers. Let him. Tell them. Warn them. So they too cannot come to this place of torment.

Abraham: They have Moses. They have the prophets. Let your brothers hear them.

Rich Man: No. No! When someone from the dead comes to them. *laughs* they will repent.

Abraham: No if they will not listen to Moses and the Prophets neither they will be persuaded by the one
that rises from the dead.

Rich Man: No!! PLEASEEEE NOOOO!! *screams*

Abraham: Lazarus, come to the place your father has prepared for you

[Scene 5]

Man 1: We can divide his estate now. We will all be rich. That is what he would have wanted.

Man 2: Where do you think.. he is now?

Man 1: He was rich in this life. Im sure he will be rich in the next

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