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Somalia +252907967121/ 7790526

I am looking for a challenging position, which will enable me to develop my skills and knowledge
to the maximum and achieve further career developments that offer the possibility of working in
global teams.


I am recognized for driving technical development of sophisticated structures and systems in the structural
building and civil and water engineering fields. For which I am responsible of developing all WASH(Water,
sanitation and Hygiene) and shelter Structural designs, BOQs, implementation plans and managing all
WASH(Water, sanitation and Hygiene) and shelter Humanitarian intervention programs in Somalia therefore
with my in-depth knowledge and Strong demonstrable experiences in all aspects of project management
• A minimum of 10 years managing a developmental and emergency humanitarian interventions
program with an INGO in various humanitarian contexts.
• In-depth knowledge and experience of developing Structural designs, BOQs, implementation
plans and managing urban and rural Humanitarian programs, preferably in Somalia or in
puntland the region..
• Experience with institutional donor such as ECHO, DFID, UN, SIDA OFDA /USAID etc.
• Strong demonstrable experience in all aspects of project management including project
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, financial management and the
design/utilization of appropriate project management tools, and the capacity to transfer this
experience to others.& the capacity to transfer this experience to others and maintaining
inventory levels, performing preventive maintenance checks, inspecting and monitoring work
areas to ensure safety, and supervising and training project employees, including in -house,
external contractors, and sub-contractors for the assurance of project set goals/objectives in
• Excellent interpersonal, motivational and management skills with extensive experience and
staff mentoring capacity.
• Exceptional communication, networking, analysis and writing skills
• Strong demonstrable experience in liaising with governmental/local authorities and other


I am a Somali by nationality a who currently pursing MASTERs in General engineering managements and
holding bachelor degree of environmental science, Higher diploma of water engineering (from Kenya water
institute (KEWI)) and With A minimum of 10 years managing WASH (Water, Sanitation and hygiene)
programs with an INGOs, Advanced knowledge of technical development of sophisticated structures and
systems in the structural building and civil and water engineering fields. by developing all WASH(Water,
sanitation and Hygiene) and shelter Structural designs, BOQs, implementation plans and managing all
WASH(Water, sanitation and Hygiene) and shelter Humanitarian intervention programs in Somalia therefore
with my in-depth knowledge and Strong demonstrable experiences in all aspects of WASH Technical
background and as I am A motivated, adaptable ,young energenitic with more than 10 years experiences with
INGO and responsible graduate seeking an entry-level position that will enable me to use my strong
organizational Management Skills, Educational background, and ability to work well with people as I enjoy
challenges and seeking opportunity to learn and improve my skills And Have a clear, logical mind with
practical approach to problem solving and drive to see things through to completion. I enjoy working on my
own initiative or in a team and eager to learn and enhance my skills


2013 University of Nairobi Bachelor degree of environmental resource

management (Bachelor of science)
2011 Kenya water institute Higher Diploma in Water engineering
2010 Atlas management college Diploma in organization management
2007 Garissa polytechnic Plant mechanic Grade3,2&1
2006 Kenya national youth service Dip. of security personnel
2004 Garissa county high secondary School O’level certificates
2000 IFO private primary school K,C,PE certificate

Summary of the Current of roles responsibilities position

The REGIONAL WASH/SHELTER PROGRAM OFFICER, will be based in Galkaio (Puntland/Somalia),

with field travels to WASH/SHELTER projects in Puntland- RWPO will manage and provide technical
support in both emergency as well as NRC’s long term WASH/SHELTER development programs,
through regular assessments, program design, management, capacity building and monitoring and
evaluation. The REGIONAL WASH/SHELTER PROGRAM OFFICER, will also provide both engineering
and ‘software’ support to NRC puntland ’s program.


6 Nov 2013 up to date
Regional S helter/WAS H Program officer
Responsibilities and Tasks under the REGIONAL WASH/SHELTER PROGRAM OFFICER, undertake the following

a) Provide Technical support to field staff and partners

 Review and implement effective Country WASH strategy for puntland.
 Ensure the development of accurate Bill of Quantities (BOQs) and detailed technical drawings
for all WASH interventions in liaison with the technical staff from relevant government
authorities and implementing partners.
 Lead or support WASH assessments, including interpretation of early warning indicators, and
support to cluster and or other inter-agency processes.
 Carry out day-to-day management of emergency WASH and Shelter programmes, including
recruitment, staff management, capacity-building, and development of work plans, grant
management and reporting
 Provide technical guidelines and advice to NRC partners

b) WASH and Shelter program management and implementati on

 Ensure timely and high quality completion of WASH and Shelter interventions planned as part
of emergency program’s work plans and strategies.
 Develop and implement monitoring/implementation plans for program activities, both within
NRC and for sub-grantees that receive funds.
 Manage the WASH and Shelter budget for assigned projects and ensure that financial,
programming and reporting are in line with NRC and donor requirements.

c) Ensure quality WASH and Shelter programs

 Ensure that internationally accepted and relevant standards such as the SPHERE standards,
HAP, Somalia WASH guidelines, and protection principles are applied and adopted.

d) Capacity building of staff and partners

 Identify training needs for the purpose of capacity building and sustainability of WASH projects.
 Act as resource person in workshops and training both in-service (formal) and on the job
 Train key national and international staff in specific WASH management competencies.

e) Emergency Preparedness and Response

 Participate in the review of the Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP)
 Provide leadership and technical support role in assessing the WASH needs of disaster affected
 Develop contingency plans for emergency WASH and Shelter activities and providing technical
supporting to other core competences.
 Develop emergency WASH and Shelter response strategy
 Provide advice on stock-piling of WASH and Shelter kits /materials/equipment for emergency

f) Proposal development:
 Design and seek funding support for extension of existing WASH and SHELTER projects as well as
new projects for appropriate emergency response and other interventions based on assessed needs,
including but not limited to: household and school water treatment and supply, household and
community sanitation and hygiene promotion.

g) Coordination
 Proactively link the country WASH activities with key program sectors such as nutrition and
protection and other NRC programs
 Responsible for carrying out relevant advocacy, coordination and external representation activities
with other NGOs, UN agencies, donors and both Somaliland and Somalia governments, including
 Liaise and coordinate with the Regional WASH and SHELTER Project manager/ Advisor in Nairobi
on technical activities related to WASH and SHELTER operations.
 Take the lead as the Regional WASH or SHELTER cluster focal point for Puntland, Somaliland,
south central and Jubland when needed.
 Work closely with protection staff to identify priority areas in WASH /SHELTER interventions

h) Monitoring and evaluation

 Lead or support WASH/SHELTER assessments, including interpretation of early warning indicators,
and support to cluster and or other inter-agency processes.
 Regularly review and monitor WASH/SHELTER programme implementation and take corrective
action when necessary.
 Ensure the sustainability of projects is place for longer term operation and maintenance of all water
and sanitation and Shelter infrastructure, including the provision of all necessary training.
 Follow up on recommendation from external evaluation of WASH/SHELTER projects.
 Undertake field visits to monitor WASH/SHELTER programs and conduct periodic programme
reviews with staff and other partners
 Documentation of lessons learnt in WASH/SHELTER programs for wider dissemination

i) Representation
 Represent NRC in the WASH and SHELTER cluster meetings and any other WASH and
SHELTER related meetings and events

j) Other duties
Perform any other responsibilities deemed necessary or as delegated by the Emergency Coordinator or the
emergency Director to meet the level of the services in the country office
 Key contacts/relationships, Key External Contacts: Local implementing partners, relevant UN
agencies such UNOCHA, UNHCR and UNICEF; government ministries (mainly MOH, local
government); INGOs working in the region.
 Levels of authority and autonomy =The REGIONA L SENIOR WASH/SHELTER PROGRAM
OFFICER, will manage budgets of WASH and SHELTER activities, and other resources and will
ensure efficient use of these resources.
 REGIONA L SENIOR WASH/SHELTER PROGRAM OFFICER, will make operational decisions
and be accountable in accordance with NRC and donor policies and regulations.
1st May2012 to 5 Nov 2013 Water, sanitation and hygiene (WAS H) program officer with the international Rescue
committee (IRC) S omalia program based in puntland regional office Garowe and covering all south central S omalia
• Develop in the design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating of
o WASH activities, and proper budgeting according to the availabilities of budget
• Developing concept notes and proposals for WASH activities, including
the technical descriptions and the budgets associated with them
• Gathering and compilation of project information (reports, assessments,
baseline, monitoring and evaluation)
• Ensure community participation in all WASH activities including
conducting community training and awareness promotion on hygiene
• Attend coordination meetings in the designated settlements or area to coordinate
o WASH activities with other agencies/actors carrying out similar activities
• Assist in developing of promotional messages and materials to promote
hygiene behavior
• Prepare periodic reports on the status and progress of NRC WASH activities
• Continuously collect field evidence to assess and analyze emerging public
health needs, and then recommend sustainable practical solutions within the
NRC’s Projects’ scope.
th st
From 10 December 2011 to 31 April 2012 Camp administrator and water maintenances
and power technician Windle Trust Kenya Hagadera Refugee Camp
• facilitating setting up offices and staff living compound structure at Dadaab refugee camp
• Attending all UN, governmental and INTERNGO coordination meetings
• Provide direction for developing communication plans on large scope assignments.
• Follow through in a timely manner as necessary on all calls, tasks and commitments to
ensure service was performed correctly and at a fair and reasonable cost.
• Ensure that communication and documentation is clear, proper action is taken based on
organization guiding principles and all internal processes are followed.
• Innovation and elaboration, handling conflicts, strategic problem solving, confronting and resolving
disagreements, managing former barriers, establishing respect, coping with strangers, socializing
with subordinates, interacting teams in different levels, creating proactive and reactive emergency
response, changing agent in a positive.

From February 2009 to 31st April 2012Emergency Relief manager Amound foundation
• Designing emergency water supply system to the draught affected people
• Supervising surveying and analyzing team
• Advising the drought and famine encountered communities on sanitation measures
• Updating the finds/ researches made by surveying team
• Writing and making proposal of new humanitarians funds
• Allocating the available funds for the need of victims of drought and famines
• M aking media conference of the progresses and bring the attention to the
donators world to help the children and the mother who are suffering diseases,
starvation and malnutrition.
• M aking video recording on site of work
• Storing all dates either photo form or video on social webs/internet networks
• Collecting and banking of branch revenue collection

Regional water supply assistant Care international in Kenya at WATESAN

SECTOR Officer from 2006 to 2009
• Installation/removal borehole submersible pump/boost pump
&monitoring the performance of the borehole water production
• Maintenance of Gensets and repairing the breakdowns of the borehole
Gensets and general services of the borehole & other power supply
generators for the Dadaab based organizations and police
• Carrying out weekly aquifer monitoring for the knowhow of the
borehole water production and the drawdown of the yield.
• monitor water levels in the water reservoirs and water distribution systems
• Record hourly pump status- pumping hours, water tank level and chlorine additions
• Supervision of borehole attendants and watchmen
• compile fuel and other circumstantial reports


2012/2013 Centre for creative leadership/online Leadership beyond boundaries
2012 NSP HEIST (security training)
2012 IRC Supply chain & budget management training
2012 IRC T echniques of problem analysis
2010/11 Atlas college in Nairobi Certificate of management
January 2010 UNHCR Certificate of NGO security alerts
2009 Kenya water institute certificate of attendance in integrated
environmental education

April 2008 CARE international in Kenya certificate of attendance water quality

November 2008 CARE international in Kenya Certificates of attendance WASH programs

2007 Garissa polytechnic Plant mechanic Grade2
2006 Windle T rust English program Upper intermediate certificate
2005 Atlas Computer college Computer society of Kenya certificate
• Working timelessness for humanitarians purpose
• Managing and protecting environmental and its natural resources
• Working in hardship areas

1. Mr. Ahmed salad

Cell: +252-90921402

2. Liban Abdirahman Sh.

NRC logistic coordinator

3. Aweys Abdullah Aden

NRC Education project manager

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