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Scene 1

In the distant land lies two neighboring kingdoms. Kings and queens from both nations gathered around to
talk about their crumbling economy.

Meckian: Our economy is collapsing because of your trade policies. You have to let us take control of this

Andrei: No! We can't leave this issue to a falling country

As they babbled and. babbled and. bickered. Things have started to escalate into a fierce and fiery

Meckian: I beg your pardon. Was it not us who helped you during your time of need?

Elloise: And aren't we the ones who helped you when your kingdom was in crisis?

Meckian: You have to make us lead, your policies are preventing us to export our products Andrei: If you
don't want to follow our policies, we better end this collaboration.

Scene 2
After what if felt like an eternity, their argument had no end. The Queen of the Cynth was still in rage ranting
about what had happened.

Elloise: That family has the audacity to challenge our kingdom, we will prove to them that our Kingdom will
be the bests of all, and therefore they’ll be on their knees.
Not to mention that their child is an insult to their family, a lady who pursues the same sex. Don't your ever
go near that embarrassment Andrea.

Isabelle: Yes mother…

Andrei: Darling, let's not get our anger get the best of us, we shall be calm at times like this. Anyhow, we will
be attending a masquerade party tomorrow night.

Elloise: Andrea may even find a suitor of her liking.

I heard Prince Enrel is seeking for a fiancé.

Andrea felt a sense of disgust. She herself disagreed with that idea but as she was about to say
something her mother stopped her

Andrea: Mother I—

Elloise: What?????

Andrea: Nevermind.. Its nothing..

Scene 3:
The Day of the masquerade party has finally arrived. Lady Andrea from the Kingdom of Cynth; She
stepped into the crevices of the ballroom all men laid eyes on her. She tries to ignore all their
gleaming and hideous eyes but out of one from the crowd stand out from the rest.

A figure from the crowd leaped out. Lady Francine from the Kingdom of Ethia, as she looked up at
the open ballroom there she sees the gracious Lady Andrea. They both near at each other waiting for
a conversation to start
Andrea: Oh god these men are so…. ugh

Francine: I know right?? What a bunch of creeps

Andrea nods*
Andrea: I’m Lady Andrea from the Kingdom of Cynth, It is a pleasure to meet you and you are?

Francine: I am Lady Francine from the Kingdom of Ethia, It is an honour to meet you Lady Andrea.
Supposed you are the daughter of my families missalliances isn’t?

Andrea: It is me yes. You don’t seem like what the rumors say

Francine: Well you just met me, and I maybe like what the rumors say. Anyway, do you wanna come with
me? It’d be best to get some fresh air, rather than letting these men, staring at you.

Andrea felt so flustered she tries to ignore her as her parents requested to avoid her.

Andrea: I would love too.

They then slowly walked as they had a conversation with each other till they reached the Secret

Francine and Andrea sits*

As their conversation took place, they realized they have a lot in common. They have a lot of
similiarietis to share. Thus, this is where their friendship took place.

Francine and Andrea talks and talks

Andrea: What time is it anyway??

Francine: The moon is right above us and by the looks of It it is midnight already…

Andrea: Oh heavens, Mother is going to kill me !! I should go..

Francine: Right yes… It was lovely meeting you Lady Andrea, wish I could meet and talk to you again

Andrea: I would love too, let us drop the formalities and call me andrea. Bye now..

As days went on and on after the Masquerade Party. Lady Francine wishes to see Lady Andrea again.

Scene 4:
Francine: Anne I would like you to send this letter to Andrea from the Kingdom of Cynth.

Anne: But... You're not allowed to talk to her. Your mother does not want that.

Francine: And so? Mother's rules can't stop me from doing such thing. I do what I want to do.

Anne: *sighs* fine, I'll do my best, Lady Francine

Francine: Thank you, now go!

Scene 5:
And so they meet again, in the same place and same time. Laughing and sharing moments… As days
and days went by both of them shared deep emotions with each other. Never have they realized to
meet each other like this. Never have they knew that both would share deep connections. It is totally

Francine: You know Andrea, I really love talking to you…

Andrea: I do to aswell..

Francine: I have something to give you..

Lady Francine presents Lady Andrea with a Rose to signify passion and affection. Lady Andrea
hesitates before accepting it. It was wrong, and they both knew it. The Gods were against it, and it
appears that both of them are afraid to express their affections for one another. They are terrified of
what other people will say to them. They were terried. Lady Andrea refused Lady Francine’s rose as a
sign of her devotion. Lady Andrea then fled the scene because of her, leaving Lady Francine in the
latter all by her self in the garden.

Scene 6:
Days and Days have passed since that night, and Lady Andrea will never forget that night. She
regretted doing that to Lady Francine. Guilt rushing in and soon she couldn’t do it anymore. Andrea
could not overcome her feelings and she just could not handle the thoughts with Lady Francine. She
sends her a letter if they could go out once more.

Scene 7th:
The Mother of Francine saw the letter and she was in raged when she have found out about their

A letter was sent in the Kingdom of Ethia, there It said

Lady Francine, please accept my apologies for what I did to you that night. I can't bear it, and I
can't forgive myself for doing it. I came to write you a letter because... I missed you. Sounds silly, but
after spending time with you, I realized how much I missed how you spoke, laughed, and listened to
me when I needed to be heard. I am fortunate to have you.

From Andrea:


The Stepmother had a devilish and grinning smile she had thought of a plan to kill and assassinate
Lady Andrea. She did not think of this twice nor did she thought about the consequences.

She hired a mercenary from the slumps the city

[Meckain talking to the assassin/mercenary]

Meckian: I want you to go and kill Lady Andrea, tomorrow night.

Darisse: Yes ma’am..

Scene 8:
Today, the skies were grey. Andrea headed towards the secret garden not knowing what will happen.
Lady Francine, then went to her Mother’s bed chambers to look for something till she saw a letter so
familiar, she then went to open it. To see the letter from Lady Andrea. She was shocked to know how
her Mother got a hold of this Letter, then her goosebumps came and she knew instinctively that
something bad is going on, and she then rushed to the secret garden at the exact time where Lady
Andrea wishes to see her.

Andrea waited, she waited and waited. A gush and blows as if it was pushing her away from
her devastating fate. She heard the bushes rustles. She saw a dark figure pass by.

Andrea: Francine??
Andrea called for her name. There was no answer. It was all but silence but she could not get that sense that
someone is watching her.

Andrea: Francine… I don’t like this. Stop pulling this prank on me- It’s not funny!

[Dark Figure tackled her]

Andrea did not notice that there been already a knife against her throat.


Lady Andrea, passing dead and cold… Lady Francine then saw Lady Andrea’s Body. Cold and Lifeless.

Francine: Andrea??? Andrea please talk to me… please say something

Blood were all over Francine’s hand.. as she looked at Andrea and cried and cried

She saw the dead cold body of the one that she loves. Dropped dead into the ground with her neck sliced like a
choking blood. Vomiting blood around the flower petals from the knife that slashed Andrea's throat. The white
roses suddenly splashed with a dash of red. As the Assassin and her Step Mother stands in front of her.

Meckian: I did what I had to do. TWO WOMEN CANT FALL IN LOVE!!

Francine: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS.. WHY. WHYYYYY *wails and screams*

Darrise: Shall I kill her too?

Meckian: There’s no need for that I’ll keep her shut.

Meckian: This is the real world Francine, whether you like it or not.

Lady Francine stays stills, as she stays silent.

Lady Francine then stood up, and look up in the dark clouds that were about to drip any time… She then
walked towards the one who killed Andrea, and swiftly look the knife where Lady Andrea was used to kill. It
was finally time to be free, to leave her exhaustive and restrictive life behind. It was finally time to end things.
She then looked at her Mother…


Lady Francine crouched beside Andrea’s dead body said her words..

Francine: I… I love you Andrea… I’m coming Andrea..

Lady Francine then slit her throat and killed herself. All by means to meet Lady Andrea again…

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