News Volleyball

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News Volleyball



By: Kay Francine G. Ongsuco

ZNNHS female volleyball athletes serves the ball, with the power that they posses, as they serve
the ball through the sky, it catches the eyes of the audiences and their head looking up to see how
powerful it is to be a volleyball player. The game is played in 2 sets for the simple elimination, but on
the the finals the game was played by 5 sets by Female Volleyball Students in ZNNHS. Athletes were
combined from schools of ZNNHS Main and Annex Campus. Junior to Senior high school competed
with each other till the finals. The game started and ended on 1:30-6:30pm at ZNNHS Main Campus
Covert Court.

The first round of the game is played by Grade 7 vs Grade 8. Before the game started, the court
was surrounded with the audiences, facilitators we’re having a hard time trying to scoot the audience
from crossing the line that will be played by the volleyball athletes. The Grade 8 players took the
stance on the net, they played with great teamwork and with determination. On the first set for an hour
of 30 minutes, Grade 8 were leading and they were on the spotlight. Till on the second set, Grade 8
female player was so good at spiking despite her short height, she jumped over the net and spiked the
ball so powerful. Their team won the first set gaining (g8 points) and (g7 points)

Grade 11 vs Grade 12 were next on the match. The audience were riled up with the tensions,
between grades from senior high. Their heights were quite intimidating, Grade 11 paved the first set
with their amazing agility and speed. Audiences were in quite shock and amazed of how the Grade 12
Libero, swam the floor that was filled with dirt, all by means to catch the ball, she was injured but with
the burning passion to do what she loves, she continued in doing the game like the pain was nothing.
The second set was well lead by Grade 11 with ( points ) and (G12 points), thus they won on the 2 nd

After the game that was played by the Senior High Atheles, the 3 rd Round was upcoming and was
played by Grade 8 vs Grade 9. Audiences were up for the third show with the game played by the
winners of the first set the Grade 8. The weather was hot, but that didn’t stop them from playing the
game. The first set was lead on by the Grade 9, with the ball on their eyes. Grade 9 players played the
game with confidence. The Leader of their team named Elaiza Dagayloan jumped so high over the net,
and blocked the serve from one of the servers from Grade 8, the audience are riled up by what she did,
and that gave her more confidence and perseverance to continue on playing the game. Then, the time-
out came, and to witness the scene where Elaiza scolded her team-mates “Ayaw daw mo pag-tinanga,
dili ni biya ni fashion show, volleyball biya ni,” Elaiza stated. Grade 9 athletes played the game hard
and tough, thus they won the round with (g9 points) and (g8 points).

The audiences are starting to get little by little, as it was getting mid-dawn. It was Grade 10 vs
Grade 11 turn to lead the court like it was theirs to own. Even if the audiences are going home, athletes
are still eager to play and win to get to the finalist. With little to cheer and clap, it won’t matter till you
win what you’re working hard for. Grade 11 starts of with their agility and peservance, but with Grade
10 to compete, it was a hard match. Grade 10 Volleyball Team Leader named ( name sa leader ) whose
also related with the Grade 9 Volleyball Captain. Both are really good players and they deserve the title
of being the Captain, it really runs in the blood of becoming the best-est in the Team. ( nsl ) spiked the
ball with power, it smashed unto the floor like it was pounded by a giant. The smash was hard, and it
couldn’t be competed with the other team. Hence, the Grade 10 won the fourth round with (g10 points)
and (g11 points)

It is now the Finals. Everybody is now riled up. It won’t be an easy match. The darkness of the
night has already shine the sky, and the matches between Grade 10 vs Grade 9 will be now played. The
Finals has 5 sets, and with those 5 sets.

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