Business English Pre Intermediate Review 5 British English Student PDF

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1 How’s it going?
Part A: Read about the following people talking about their work. Decide if the words in bold need a
prefix or not. If they do, write in the correct prefix. If they don’t, write X.

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

1. When I first started my own business, I didn’t realise how experienced I was and made a
lot of mistakes. Fortunately, my uncle gave me a lot of practical advice about what to do
and how to run the business effectively.

2. I think the main problem with our chocolate bars is they are just too expensive which makes them
really competitive against cheaper ones. It’s a real advantage because no one
wants to spend $7 on a chocolate bar when you can get a really delicious one for $3 or $4.

3. I thought working in sales would be easy when I first started, but I was really successful and
sold almost nothing in my first few months. I was really upset because I’m really competitive
and I hated being terrible at my job. It gave me a lot more respect for the others who were
much better than me.

4. I once went to work for a guy who had just started his own business. He wanted people to think
he was successful. He rented this huge office for us to work in which was completely
practical because there were only seven of us. It was very expensive to run and he lost a
lot of money.

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Part B: Read the following statements and replace the words in bold with vocabulary from the How’s
it going? lesson.

1. At the beginning of a project, it’s important ( ) to know what the main goal
( ) is.

2. You will need to make sure you have all of the things you need ( ) to complete the
project, which can be people, computers and the time required to give ( ) the final
result to customers.

3. You will have to understand ( ) that there are going to be things you cannot do
( ) and not everything will go as you want it to.

4. Time is often the most important factor. However, if you send out ( ) a product
that doesn’t work well, it can cause problems for the way people think ( ) of the

2 Discussing free time

Part A: Complete the following sentences with a word from the Discussing free time worksheet. The
first letter is done for you.

1. If an activity reduces stress then it can be described as r .

2. If something is fairly difficult to do then it can be described as t .

3. A seat you put on the back of a horse is called a s .

4. Some people enjoy going to the gym because it improves their fitness and their s .

5. If you want to grow flowers and plants you have to put them in the s .

6. A special kind of bag you might take on a long walk with you is called a b .

7. A book or film which is exciting and sometimes involves crime is known as a t .

8. If you can’t focus on your work because you are thinking about other things, then you are
d .

9. If you go walking away from the city where there are lots of trees and fields, then you are in the
c .

10. Some people like to s on waves in the sea using a special kind of board.

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Part B: Under each of the following photographs, write the name of the activity.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Part C: Rewrite each sentence without using modal verbs.

1. I should go to the office on Tuesday.

2. I have to go to the office on Tuesday.

3. I can go to the office on Tuesday.

4. I can’t go to the office on Tuesday.

5. I don’t have to go to the office on Tuesday.

6. I shouldn’t go to the office on Tuesday.

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3 Sick day
Read the following excerpts from emails by people giving reasons why they can’t come to work and
complete them with vocabulary from the Sick day worksheet. The first letter is done for you.

I’m afraid there’s been an e and I have to take my son to the hospital. He
was cooking in the kitchen when he dropped a hot pan and his legs are b
3 4
quite s . It’s obviously very p for him because he’s crying
and shouting.

I’m feeling very u today and can’t come in. I ate some fish last night and
I’ve had a bad r to it. My skin has gone all red. My stomach is also really
u and I can’t stop being sick.

I should stay at home. I’ve got a really bad c and a sore throat, as well as
2 3
other s of a cold. I’m worried that I’m going to d the flu and
I don’t want to give it to anyone else.

4 Discussing and agreeing

Part A: Complete the following sentences with vocabulary from the Discussing and agreeing worksheet.
The first letter is done for you.

1. If two people promise to do something, then they make an a .

2. If you say you will definitely do something, then you c to it.

3. If you make someone think something is true, then you c them.

4. If you have to do a lot of tasks in a short amount of time, then you might feel a lot of p .

5. If you get someone to do something by giving them reasons, then you p them.

6. If you make someone feel as though they can do something or be successful, then you
e them.

7. If people are buying from you, they will want to feel as though they have a good d .

8. If someone thinks you are wrong about something, you can give reasons why you are not and
a for your point of view.

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Part B: Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. I always think that you’re really good putting presentations together.

2. I’m quite surprised how much we’ve done today. We’ve been really productive.

3. I’m really pleased your progress. You’ve done an excellent job.

4. I’m really worried finishing this work on time. It’s taking longer than I expected.

5. Are you interested going to this conference next week? It looks like it could be
really useful.

6. Let’s go out for lunch. I think it will be good us to get outside for a while.

5 Future tenses

Part A: Complete the following sentences using the subject, verb and tense in brackets.

1. to Brussels next week. (I/go – future continuous)

2. at 5.30 so we can get to the train station on time. (We/leave –

future simple)

3. three presentations in two days by the end of tomorrow. (Stuart/do-

future perfect)

4. here for eleven years at the end of this month. (she/work – future
perfect continuous)

5. us at 4 pm. (he/meet – going to)

6. When for the airport today? (you/leave – future continuous)

7. What time the report by today? I need it as soon as possible.

(you/complete – future perfect)

8. When Stephen? I might need to go with her. (Jenny/meet – going


9. What time to lunch today? I wondered if I could join you. (you/go

- present continuous)

10. How long here by the time you move? (you/live – future perfect

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Part B: Complete the following text with an appropriate tense and the verb in brackets.

So, let’s just go over the plans for tomorrow. (meet) at the station at 6 am. Sorry,
2 3
it’s so early! The train (leave) at 6.30, but we (need) to make sure
we have enough time to find the right place and I (give) each of you your brochures.
5 6
We (travel) business class, so we (have) breakfast on the train, you
7 8
(not/need) to worry about that. If everything goes well, we (arrive) at
the hotel by 10 am which gives us time to change before the conference. Julia (present)
first at 2pm, followed by Ahmed at 3pm. By 5pm, we (finish) and I think we should
go out for dinner, but don’t worry, we can get to bed early because we (work) all day
and I’m sure you (be) tired.

Total points for Review 5: ______ out of 100

6 Speaking (optional - points awarded according to the teacher)

Part A: In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. What are you going to do tonight?

2. What will you do this weekend?
3. What do you usually do at the weekend?
4. What did you do at the weekends when you were a child?

Part B: Talk about your plans for the next time you take time off and travel.

You should say:

• Where do you plan to go?

• What do you plan to do there?
• Who do you plan to go with?
• Why do you want to go there?

Part C: Discuss the questions below with your partner.

1. What job do you want to be doing in five years from now?

2. What would like to have achieved by the end of your career?
3. How do you think the business world will change in the next 20 years?
4. How do you think technology will change how we work in future?

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