Lesson 2 Lecture and Activity

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Lesson 2. Art in different forms.

Visual arts- is the art that appeals to the visual sense and may be constructed using varied
mediums. It takes a permanent form and allows appreciation by viewing the physical form of
the artist’s imagination and expression.
Drawing-creation of an image, diagram or a form using drawing tools such as pen, ink,
brush, pencil, markers, charcoals, crayons. It uses hatching, scribbling, strippling and
blending. It represents a creative idea through a sketch on a paper or a surface.
Painting- a creative expression using pigment or color on a surface for aesthetic value. Tools
or photographic, representational, abstract, narrative, and political.
Ceramic-may take the form of pottery, sculpture, and figurines. Some may be created for
decorative functions industrial or for art. It is basically the creation of objects from inorganic,
non-metallic materials through the use of heat. The term ‘ceramic’ came from the word
‘keramikos’ which is a Greek word meaning ‘pottery’.
Photography-is art through photos taken by a photographer. Thus may be inspired by
people, objects, events or the environment itself. Photography is an art where one produces
images of varied objects through light and other forms of radiant energy.
Architecture- is a creation of science with art purposive of designing structures.
“Architecture” is a Greek word which means ‘arkhitekton’ which means ‘master builder’ or
‘carpenter’ It is the art and discipline of creating, or inferring an implied or apparent plan of,
a complex object or system. In architecture function and aesthetic matters specifically for
the benefit of the user.
Sculpture- uses carving, modeling from metals, ceramics, wood, stone. A work of art which
represents either a two or three dimensional form using metal, wood or plaster. It may also
be expressed in abstract but solid form.
Weaving- is a method of fabric or textile production where two distinct sets of yarns, fibrous
materials or threads are interlaced to form fabric or cloth.
Literary Arts- This art form denotes ‘letters’ or literature which came from the Latin word
‘littera’ meaning “an individual written character.” Literature is imaginative writing with
recognized artistic value. It is an art that represents a collection of writings not only
emotions but history, culture that surpasses time and space. It is prose, poetry, and drama
which may include varied genre such as fiction and non-fiction.
Performing Arts- art that involves creative activity that is performed and delivered in front
of spectators. This form of art which may be purposive of entertaining its audience may
include dance, theatre, music, mime and opera. Several individuals who use their voices and
bodies are required to participate in these arts with definite roles and functions to carry out.
Most of the characters are the performers who use materials such as costumes and facial
make-up to perform their specific roles.
Music- An art that involves the creative use of sound to express insights and emotions. Its
elements include rhythm, pitch, harmony which creates a pattern or a composition together
with a song and even the playing of an accompanying instrument. Music has varied genres
such as raggae, blues, country, jazz, rock, pop etc.
Theatre-originated from the ancient Greek ‘Theatron’ which is place where spectators
gather to watch a performance or a show. It is a collaborative art where performers act a
real life or imagined story with speech, dance, music, and movements. It may take the form
of an opera, mime, ballet which oftentimes are representation of specific cultures such as
the kabuki, Indian dance and the like.
Dance- this is an expression represented by sequenced body movements. From the French
term ‘Dancier’ which is a non-verbal form of expression performed in varied settings. It
involves motion and the accompaniment of certain musical genres.
Why Do People Make Art? By Craig Roland and Susan Amster
1. Seek personal enjoyment and satisfaction.
2. Express personal thoughts and feelings.
3. Communication with others.
4. Create a more favorable environment.
5. Make others see things more clearly.
6. Provide us with new visual experiences.
7. Record a time, place, person, or object.
8. Commemorate important people or events.
9. Reinforce cultural ties and traditions.
10. Seek to affect social change.
11. Tell stories.
12. Adorn themselves.
13. Worship.
14. Create illusion.
15. Predict the future or remember the past.
16. Earn livelihood.
17. Do something no one else can.
18. Amuse themselves.
19. Make the ordinary extraordinary, the familiar strange.
20. Increase our global understanding.

Seatwork 1.

Direction: Explain the importance of the following concepts according to how you understand them.

(Write your answer on a one half sheet of paper)

1. Art
2. The varied forms of art
Activity/Performance task-to be submitted or presented on Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Instruction: From the various contemporary art forms above, choose one and create your

own artwork. It can be a product or a performance. Create a good title of your artwork. For

product, attached it on the sketchpad with explanation on the next page. For performance,

share it on social media or Youtube. Don’t forget to create a good title of your artwork. The

link, explanation or interpretation of your artwork will be written on your sketchpad.

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