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Plant with Joy, Pots to Employ!


A Business Plan

Presented to the Faculty of

Benigno S. Aquino National High School


In Partial Fulfillment

In the Subject



Submitted by:
Awat, Marc Ivan
Bayani, Altheya P.
Cunanan, Jheneil Ann A.
Hipolito, Jona V.
Llorin, Shaquille R.
Magsilang, John Paul B.
Mercado, Chrishel Alexa I.
Tipay, Krisha Mae Nicole C.
Turla, April Rose Lumen B.
Valencia, Kim Maja S.

Submitted to:
Melanie S. Manalo, MBA
Teacher II, ABM

January 2023


Pot de Plantano
San Nicolas, Concepcion, Tarlac, Philippines
0909 – 139 – 3755 / 0912 – 230 – 9011


Marc Ivan S. Awat


Throughout the semester, we have experienced everything a student could possibly

experience: happiness, stress, you name it, we've felt it. As a result, we've had the chance to interact

and collaborate with a number of notable people that have contributed their resources and efforts

to the success of our project. We want to express our gratitude at this point in the process.

This paper and the research behind it would not have been possible without the exceptional

support of our instructor, Mrs. Melanie S. Manalo. Her enthusiasm, knowledge and exacting

attention to detail have been an inspiration and kept our work on track for our first encounter with

the business plan to its final draft.

This business plan demonstrates not only our knowledge but also our creativity and social

competence. It stands for the items we have gathered along the way. As a result, we've had the

chance to interact with members and collaborate with them. These people sacrificed some of their

time and efforts to help us complete this project. We want to express our deepest gratitude at this

stage of the procedure.

For their contributions to the general growth of our hypothetical commercial activity, we

thank the inquisitive participants in our focus group discussion. To the members of our individual

families and social circles we thank them for all the support and appreciation they have shown for


Finally, thanks to the entire group as a whole for the positive attitude and collaborative

connections that greatly influenced how favorably the actions involved were projected. It is

genuinely enjoyable to understand and the inner workings of the minds of contributors.


Title Page ........................................................................................................................................ i

Cover Page ..................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................ iii
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Figures............................................................................................................................ vi

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
Description of the Business ..........................................................................................................1
Location of the Business ..............................................................................................................1
Funding Requirements ................................................................................................................2
Source of Funds ............................................................................................................................3

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................4

Vision ..........................................................................................................................................4
Mission .........................................................................................................................................4
Goals and Objectives ....................................................................................................................4
Business Model ............................................................................................................................5

Environmental Analysis ................................................................................................................6

Trend in the Industry ....................................................................................................................6
Customer Analysis .......................................................................................................................6
Customer Analysis .......................................................................................................................7
Market Segmentation ...................................................................................................................8
Demand Analysis .........................................................................................................................9
Competitor Analysis ...................................................................................................................10
Market Share ..............................................................................................................................10
Market Position ..........................................................................................................................11
Marketing Strategy .....................................................................................................................11
Marketing Strategy .....................................................................................................................12

Business Description ....................................................................................................................13
Product Description ....................................................................................................................13
Equipment and Materials Needed ..............................................................................................13
Size of the Business ...................................................................................................................14
Personnel Requirement ..............................................................................................................15
Personnel Requirement ..............................................................................................................16

Organizational Plan .....................................................................................................................17

Form of Business Organization ..................................................................................................17
Liability of the Owner ................................................................................................................17
Organizational Structure ............................................................................................................17
Role of the Owner ......................................................................................................................18
Proposed Salary ..........................................................................................................................18

Production Plan ............................................................................................................................19

Production Schedule ...................................................................................................................19
Production Process .....................................................................................................................20
Equipment Required ...................................................................................................................21
Sources of Materials ...................................................................................................................21
Estimated Production Cost .........................................................................................................22

Marketing Plan.............................................................................................................................23
Product .......................................................................................................................................23
Place ...........................................................................................................................................23
Promotion ...................................................................................................................................25
People .........................................................................................................................................27
Packaging ...................................................................................................................................29
Positioning ..................................................................................................................................32

Financial Plan ...............................................................................................................................33
Projected Starting Balance Sheet ...............................................................................................35
Sales Report................................................................................................................................36
Income Statement .......................................................................................................................37
Statement of Changes in Equity .................................................................................................39
Cash Flow Statement ..................................................................................................................39
Projected Year-End Balance Sheet ............................................................................................41

Documentations ............................................................................................................................40


Figure 1: Vicinity Map ..................................................................................................................2

Figure 2: Business Model ..............................................................................................................5
Figure 3: Market Position ..............................................................................................................5
Figure 4: Organizational Structure ...............................................................................................18
Figure 5: Products ........................................................................................................................24
Figure 6: Paper Bag .....................................................................................................................31
Figure 7: Informative Label ..........................................................................................................32
Figure 8: Logo ..............................................................................................................................32
Figure 9: Descriptive Label ........................................................................................................34


Description of the Business

The rise of plantitos and plantitas has been rapid, particularly with the recent

COVID-19 pandemic, drawing the attention of entrepreneurs to the emergence of a pot

that is far more convenient to our current situation. Pot de Plantano, a plant pot innovation,

was integrated into a sole proprietorship business on October 22, 2022. It is an alternative

plant shelter that can sustain a plant's life due to its ability to absorb water due to the high

porosity of the raw material used. These pots will not only be environmentally friendly,

but also innovative, as we plan to connect them to nature's ambiance and make them more

creative in the near future.

Location of the Business

The physical store of Pot de Plantano is located in Barangay San Nicolas Poblacion,

Concepcion. This place was chosen as (1) it is where the target customers usually go and

located, which are the plant lovers - the plantitos and plantitas, and (2) it is closer to the

market, which is a public place and an advantage to help boost the company, the popularity

of the products, and the potentiality of the business to grow. On the other hand, Emervelle

Company, is located at San Franciso, Concepcion, Tarlac as it is within reach to the raw

materials that the business will utilize, Banana Stalks.

Figure 1: Vicinity Map

Source: Google Maps

The location of our business is at L. Cortez St, San Nicolas Poblabcion,
Concepcion, Tarlac

Funding Requirements and Source of Funds

Pot de Plantano requires ₱ 42, 500.00 to be able to start the business. This is an important

key part of our business as this will help us provide our resources to help our business grow. The

finance will be distributed to the sectors listed below.

Cash ₱ 20 000.00

Materials Molders ₱ 1 500.00

Cling Wrap ₱ 1 500.00

Basin ₱ 1 000.00

Canister ₱ 1 000.00

Measuring Cups ₱ 1 000.00

Kitchen Knives ₱ 1 000.00

Paper Bags ₱ 2 000.00

Stickers and Labels ₱ 1 500.00

Storage Facilities ₱ 2 000.00

Rent Deposit and Advance Payment ₱ 5 000.00

First Month Utility Services ₱ 1 500.00

Furniture ₱ 1 000.00

Permits Registration and Certifications Permits ₱ 1 000.00

DTI Business Name Registration Certificate ₱ 1 500.00

TOTAL ₱ 42 500.00



“A celestial shelter for a prospective, greener future”


“To stabilize the issue of plastic pollution through the development of waste materials to

an environmental-friendly eco-pot”


 To make the world heal from the plastic waste that usually becomes pollution.

 To furnish a home’s plant and make it universally attainable and useful.

 To increase sales by 10%

 To inspire the youth to take steps for a greener world.

 Increase our product's popularity and demand and to be recognized even more in the



 Increase the number of pots to sell by 10%.

 Spread the business to other localities for the next 6 months.

 Broaden the suppliers of raw materials to produce more products by 10%.

 Spread awareness by creating relationships with followers on social media accounts to

influence them to share knowledge about our business.

Release various designs of our pots - relating to the trends and timely styles of most


Business Model

The figure below shows the business model that the business will utilize:

Figure 2: Business Model


Trend in the Industry

Everyone recognizes that 2020 was quite a unique year. Travel has been limited or off the

table, school or work may have been moved to home; and since spring, holidays have been

celebrated in different ways. One big stress reliever in all of this may just have been the backyard

garden and the home landscape.

A recent "Gardening Insights" marketing survey bears out what Extension has seen this

entire growing season—a whole bunch of us got more into gardening in 2020, with the emergence

of COVID-19. And we can see that the trend has continued in the last year. A surge in demand for

flower pots and planters among households for creating pleasurable and attractive surroundings is

propelling the growth of our product.

In fact, many places in the Philippines experienced a shortage of pots and planting

essentials starting in mid-June this year. Gardening stores, local stores, and even malls are almost

always "sold out" of pots on most days of the week. There was also a noticeable increase in prices

because of the high demand. The overall growth of gardening culture among Filipino consumers

is expected to boost the market share of flower pots and planters market share.

Customer Analysis

The coronavirus pandemic forced many of us to be confined into our homes for extended

periods of time, but a popular trend is helping people get outside while bringing them a little peace

of mind. Planting and gardening is known for being a peaceful activity and since COVID-19 has

drastically impacted our way of life, many have taken up the outdoor hobby. As a result, when the

"Plantdemic" strikes the Philippines, the demand for greenery rises. The demand remained robust

even as prices for the most popular varieties of plants and their shelter doubled or quadrupled,

resulting in the need to grant a demand for or a place for our product in the market.

The Emervelle Company’s physical store is a business authorized to be located at L. Cortez

St, San Nicolas Poblabcion, Concepcion, Tarlac, and since 29% of gardener demographics are

mostly millennials, they will serve as our market, between the ages of 27 and 42, those who

habitually reside at home and like gardening or planting as a hobby, which they refer to among

themselves as "plantitas and plantitos."

As for our online store, the prospective consumers within the vicinity are those who have

the ability to access our Facebook page, as well as the common online shopping platforms,

particularly Shopee and Lazada, since they are the ones who are within reach of our promotions

and information posted online.

Aside from the previously mentioned reach of our company's product, we also consider

our distributors and business partners to be customers as well as having a pivotal role in the


Due to our wide customer base, which is made possible by Emervelle Company's

inclusivity and diversity, enables our product to last a very prolonged stretch on the market.

Market Segmentation

The product of Emervelle Company would appeal to customers with various factors,

demographic profiles, and preferences. These customers may be classified and as follows:

1. Low-Income Families. Low-income shoppers are not always concerned with the cost

of a service or product; they will pay for something if they presume it has value to

them. With our product, we appeal to long-term benefits by focusing on the value of

our product, which provides low-income families or price-conscious customers with a

high-quality product at a reasonable and affordable price.

2. Plantitas/Plantitos. The words "plantito" [male] and "plantita" [female] refer to

someone who appreciates caring for plants, and are usually regarded as plant lovers

and nurturers. Home gardening has been reported as a method of connecting with

nature, a psychological experience, and an interest. As a result, they are the most

obvious measure of the merits of our product.

3. Housewives/Homebodies. People had to remain inside their homes due to quarantine

measures, which prompted them to adapt and establish a new standard of living. These

homebodies, however, already existed before the pandemic, and gardening has long

been a favorite pastime of these individuals. They enjoy gardening as a hobby. It's

beneficial, lovely, and attractive. They may therefore be interested in our products.

4. Interior Landscape Technicians. These are individuals who focuses on indoor

landscaping, they possess the experience required to bring the flora to life inside.

Interior landscaping specialists care for plants in natural surroundings, requiring unique

considerations for plant and pot selection, watering, fertilization, and pest management.

Plant cleaning, trimming, watering, and plant rotation are all given specific attention

by interior landscape professionals. Hence, on account of our product’s vision, mission,

and virtue, we consider them as our potential customers.

5. Eco-friendly Consumers. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, 50% of

consumers surveyed globally said they have become eco-friendlier, their main goal is

to help our environment by reducing the consume of products that will harm it.

Consumers—particularly Millennials—increasingly say they want brands that embrace

purpose and sustainability. Considering our product upholds a sustainable future and a

prosperous life, from the raw material up to its packaging, it is necessary to

acknowledge environmentally friendly consumers as potential customers as Emervelle

Company adheres to its objective and purpose.

Demand Analysis

The pandemic has sparkled a gardening craze across the Philippines and fueled demand for

greenery, sending plant and flower pots prices soaring and sparking a rise in poaching from public

parks and home gardens. About 42% of gardeners spent more time gardening during the COVID-

19 pandemic. So it is no secret to us that this is the start of demand for flower pots and commercial

pots increasing the number of flower pots sales in the Philippines by 35%. However, as our hobbies

are being satisfied with home gardening, the use of plastic pots is slowly deteriorating our planet,

this is why Emervelle Company offers you a high quality product. Pot de Plantano is an eco-

friendly alternative pots to the ones that we commercially use, we can guarantee that our product

can help create a greener environment for all of us. With the benefits and high-quality products

that Emervelle Company offers, it will be ensured that the proper and balanced demand for natural,

biodegradable, and eco-friendly pots will be maintained in the business industry in our country.

Competitor Analysis

As there are no established eco-friendly pots businesses within the municipality, Emervelle

Company would only go head-to-head with resellers of related goods, mainly flower pots.

It should be noted that leading distributors of flower pots, such as stores and online

retailers, among others, will also be reached for potential partnerships. As a result, we would be

able to enter and actively participate in the market. In order to keep the firm moving forward

through these relationships, an increase in promotion provided by the partners over rivals that

simply have nonbonding distribution agreements would be important.

With this approach, it can be said that Emervelle Company can compete head-to-head with

its competitors.

Market Share

We categorized our market share into two categories: that which is covered by our physical

store and that which is covered by our internet store.

We believe that if there are 2,500 people in our area and 1,250 pots are sold, at least 300

of those would come from us, giving us a market share of 25% due to the limited market and near-

rareness of our product for the physical store.

The estimated 20,000 Pot de Plantano products, equated 20% of the market share, is

justified by the planned partnerships in marketing and distribution alongside top stores and medical

institutions within the municipality.

Market Position

Pot de Plantano is a product from Emervelle Company defined as a shelter for plants that

as a resplendent solution for plastic pollution. These high-quality, natural, biodegradable and

environmentally friendly pots yet are pro-poor, aims to provide the much-needed service in the

lines of gardening. People that are looking for an ecological alternative for commercial pots build

up our target market. We distinguish ourselves by offering superior assets that could not only

satisfy or help our customers but also the environment. Pot de Plantano is the light amidst darkness

on the environment, providing hope and a shelter designed to let flowers blossom inside.

Figure 3: Market Position

Marketing Strategy

When the garden craze emerged, other brands were also established, which is why

Emervelle Company would need a strategic framework to be the pot of choice of the target

customers. Below are the marketing strategies of Emervelle Company:

1. Partnership Marketing. This strategy will help us deliver several key benefits, including

increased revenue, brand awareness, and customer retention, among others. But perhaps

more importantly, partnership marketing is a necessary new avenue of growth as older,

established methods become less efficient. Target clients would be drawn in by these

connections as collaborative programs and promotions would present enticing

opportunities and prospects established by the collaboration institutions.

2. Celestial Cards. Loyal customers get celestial rewards. These premium cards are made

available for customers who are loyal to the product. These cards are also made for regular

customers to collect points every time you exceed the promotional purchase value; these

points will then be used once it reached its quota as discounts. This strategy will help the

company to increase its sales and business growth.

3. Social Media Marketing. Use social networking platforms like Facebook to post

messages informing people about your most recent creation. Utilizing social media to

advertise your business would be a smart start given its ongoing increase. As a result, our

Facebook page will serve as the primary platform for marketing and promoting our

product. It will be filled with interesting information about the product and its

effectiveness, as well as notable customer success stories that demonstrate how our product

and the company as a whole have improved its services.

4. Customer experience (CX). Emervelle Company understands its target demographic

pretty well. The company’s understanding is readily apparent in every part of our

marketing efforts—from the social media posts to the products and services we provide.

The company understands that their target customers are generally people looking for pro-

poor but high-quality pots. They’re not looking to spend a fortune on luxury pots. The

brand is also pretty innovative with its product, by offering different types and themes of

pots. A long-lasting firm will benefit from strong customer relations and service, which

will enable us to innovate and grow.


Product Description

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the quick increase of plantitos and plantitas,

entrepreneurs have been inspired to form the Emervelle Company and develop a pot that is much

more practical in light of recent developments. Our company name is derived from the French

word “emerveiller”, which means “to amaze”.

Essentially, our company’s purpose is to amaze people with our products. On the other

hand, the name of our product, Pot de Plantano, is defined as “Pots for Plants”. Derived from the

Spanish words “de”, which means “for”, and “platano”, which means “banana”, our product is

an alternative shelter for plants that could sustain the life of a plant because of its ability to absorb

water, as the raw materials used, which are banana stalk fibers, are high in porosity.

The origin of our company name and product name does not only cultivate our uniqueness;

it also helps us distinguish ourselves from the competition and let customers know what we can

provide and what we can offer.

Equipment or Materials Needed

Pot de Plantano will use two types of equipment and materials throughout the venture,

namely production-specific and operations-specific.

The following are the materials and tools required to make Pot de Plantano.:

1. Banana Stalk – the fibers of the banana stalks are the main material of the

product to create a pot.

2. Cornstarch – The material used to create starch glue

3. Molders – This tool will be used for molding the pots.

4. Cling Wrap – These will be used along with the molders to create accurate

shapes for the pots.

5. Knives – Used for cutting the stalk into thin and long strips.

6. Tables – For putting the tools in working the product and also used in putting

the finished products.

7. Paper Bags – This will be used for the packaging of the finished products.

Size of the Business

The Emervelle Company will begin as a small startup and grow into a larger business over

time. In the interim, the company will be regarded as a small firm due to the anticipated restricted

scope of its resources and staff. The company initially manufactures and produce its products in a

rented vicinity with future plan to broaden its reach and venture new markets as the business


Personnel Requirement

Only individuals who have agreed to the terms and conditions of the official Emervelle

Company and who meet the criteria specified below may submit a personnel application:

1. The applicant must be a Filipino citizen.

2. The applicant must be between the ages of 18 – 39 years old.

3. The applicant must be fluent in both the Filipino and English languages

4. The applicant should have effective leadership, management, and business skills.

5. The applicant should at least be a high school graduate.

6. The applicant has not been convicted of any form of felonies.

The requirements for both the general requirements and the department-specific

requirements must be met by eligible people.

The applicant must complete and provide the following in order to satisfy the general


1. Emervelle Company Personnel Application Form. The Human Resources

Department will use this entry form to rigorously evaluate the applicant. It will be

divided into the following sections:

A. Profile

B. Education

C. Interest and Hobbies

D. Skills and Abilities

E. Awards and Accomplishments

2. PSA/NSO-Certified Birth Certificate

3. 2x2 ID Picture

For the department-specific requirements, the following should be accomplished

1. Interview

2. Departmental Assessment

3. Writing Supplements


Form of Business Organization

Emervelle Company will operate as a sole proprietorship since there will be just one owner,

which will make it easier for the company to secure the necessary initial funding and associated


Liability of the Owner

Emervelle Company will have its owner manage contracted restricted liabilities to partners

because it is a sole proprietorship and has associated partnership responsibilities, involving

financial obligation of your business, obligations and business operations

Organizational Structure

The figue below shows the organizational structure of Emervelle Company:

Figure 4: Organizational Structure

Role of the Owner

The owner will have the following key roles:

1. He/she is responsible for the future development and advancement of the business.

2. He/she is in charge of managing the business security and operations of the


3. He/she is responsible for representing the business external image.

4. He/She is responsible for sourcing capital and funding that the business needs.

5. He/She is responsible for decision making of all constitutional amendments,

primers, and proposals before signing.

6. He/She is responsible for providing a State of the Business Address (SOBA) by the

last week of November of each year.

Proposed Salary

The salaries for the department crews will receive a minimum wage salary of ₱450 per day.

The crew who covers another crew’s shift and works overtime will receive incentives. Raises will

be based on your performance and service satisfaction regardless of your position and experience

having a title of “Employee of the Month”. As for the Executives, their proposed salary is ₱950

pesos per day, which will also vary according to their job performance, contribution to the

company and service satisfaction.


Production Schedule

To enable the primal development of the raw material, two mass productions per month

will be followed. The table below shows the specific time allotment for each activity set in

Philippine Standard Time (PhST). The schedule will be followed for each day of the week

scheduled. assessing the manufacturing the product assembly.

Week Time Activity

08:00 – 10:30 Material Collection

Material Sterilization and Preparation

Week 1 10:30 – 11:30
Equipment Sterilization and Preparation
Week 3 11:30 – 12:30 LUNCH TIME

12:30 – 14:30 Manufacturing (Cutting)

14:30 – 16:30 Manufacturing (Storing)

08:00 – 10:30 Product Assembly (Design)

10:30 – 11:30 Product Testing

Week 2
& 11:30 – 12:30 LUNCH TIME
Week 4
12:30 – 14:30 Product Packaging

14:30 – 16:30 Store Disinfection

Production Process

The production is anticipated to take two and a half (2 ½) hours to complete, excluding

the preparation of equipment, materials, product testing and packaging. This will involve the

following steps:

1. The banana stalks were sterilized and cut into thin and long strips.

2. Then, the banana stalks were submerged into a basin with 15L of water.

3. The stalks are then covered and stored for 1 week.

4. For assembling the product, first, separate the fiber from the excess flesh of banana


5. The fibers were washed to be sterilized and to remove the unpleasant odor.

6. Next is to set aside the fibers, allowing them to dry.

7. Once the fibers are already dried, a canister was covered using a cling wrap with the

starch glue pasted on it. Know that a different process for creating the natural glue is

allotted in the Material Sterilization and Preparation.

8. Afterwards, 1 cup of the fiber was wrapped around a molder to create the pot. The fiber

added into the molder varies according to the size of the pots to be produced.

9. Lastly, natural glue will again be added: the fibers were wrapped with cling wrap to

secure the shape of the pot allowing it to dry and be molded efficiently.

Equipment Required

The equipment needed for the production process includes the following:

1. Knives. These will be used for cutting the banana stalks.

2. Basin. These will be used for sterilizing and storing the banana stalks.

3. Canister. These be used for storing the fibers from the banana stalks.

4. Natural Glue. The starch glue will be used for mixing and sticking the fibers


5. Measuring Cups. These will be used to measure the right amount of the materials.

6. Molders. these will be used to create the shape of the pots.

7. Cling Wrap. These will be used along with the molders for covering and to create

accurate shapes for the pots.

Sources of Materials

Emervelle Company will fund and obtain its raw material, banana stalk fibers, from the

quarter’s area. However, the packaging materials like stickers and labels will be produced

by the Supply Chain Department in association with printing services. Other materials such

as molders, basin, canisters, and other peripheral materials will be availed from our trusted

suppliers from the local stores to ensure the attainment of high quality materials. Lastly, the

paper bags will be obtained from partner suppliers within the municipality by the company’s

Production Manager. Emervelle Company ensures that our suppliers are able to meet our

standards enabling us to manufacture high-quality products.

Estimated Production Cost

The anticipated manufacturing cost of Pot de Plantano is ₱10 000.00 broken down into

the following:

Raw Materials: Banana Stalk ₱ 0.00

Equipment: Molders ₱ 1 500.00

Peripheral Materials ₱ 1 500.00

Basins ₱ 1 000.00

Canisters ₱ 1 000.00

Cling Wrap ₱ 1 500.00

Packaging: Paper Bags ₱ 2 000.00

Stickers and Labels ₱ 1 500.00

TOTAL: ₱ 10 000.00



The COVID-19 pandemic brought the business sector to its knees worldwide. The

Department of Trade and Industry here listed more than 700 business enterprises that closed as of

September this year. These are mostly micro scale. However, the pottery business is standing tall

amidst the health crisis. In an unexpected turn of event, the people focused on planting in their

homes that saw high demand for earthen pots. This is the very reason why Emervelle Company

came up with a plant pot that surely will be a trend.

However, Emervelle Company wanted to innovate these existing pots, the entrepreneurs

wanted the product to be unique and beneficial compared to the ones who are already existing. Pot

de Plantano, is made from banana stalk fibers, it is an eco-pot that has the ability to sustain moisture

from the plants. This means our product could help reduce the use of plastic pots

Figure 5: Products


Customer perceived value is difficult to predict. It vacillates between online purchases and

visits to physical stores. As a result, our transactions occur in two forms: physical and

online. Providing options for customers in any situation ensures that they receive hassle-free

service from our company.

Emervelle Company’s physical store is located in Concepcion, Tarlac, particularly in L.

Cortez St in Barangay San Nicolas Poblacion. The company chose this location specifically

because of the following terms:

1. our main raw material, banana stalk fibers, is within reach in this location;

2. it is near the market, which is a public place and an advantage to help boost the company,

the popularity of the products, and the business's potential for growth; and

3. it is currently free for use.

Emervelle Company promotes a safe environment, so some rules are in place: the company

will provide employees with equipment to disinfect their workspace on a regular basis. The

business will also do daily disinfecting to assure the safety of the employees and customers.

Additionally, the "no facemask, no entry" rule will be put into effect, protecting everyone's health

and lowering the propensity for them to be exposed to the virus.

Providing customers with a broad preferred form of transaction, the ease of online

purchases is assured to the customers by Emervelle Company, as our Facebook is accessible and

has informational, promotional, marketing, and transactional features. In addition, other platforms

are available on our Facebook page that can direct customers to our online shop in other apps,

primarily Shopee and Lazada. There will be guidelines provided by the company to help customers

outside the vicinity order our products with ease.

The buyer will be responsible for any additional shipping costs incurred if the order is

placed outside of our location. This is the reason why our company encourages customers to

purchase bundled products from our shop in order to receive discounts; if they are unable to do so,

they may also buy during promotional seasons whenever new themes of pots are launched by the


The Logistics Department would manage the online transaction, and a regular general

meeting will be held every month's end to discuss potential upgrades to the company's online



Considering that Emervelle Company offers cost-efficient and pro-poor products, Pot de

Plantano would have a starting price of ₱ 19.99 to sell the general or common size of pots with

application of cost-plus pricing with a 99% mark-up added to the cost of the product.

The break for this price is based on its production cost below:


Banana Stalk Fibers ₱ 0.00

Glue Starch ₱ 1.50

Cling Wrap ₱ 2.50

Molders ₱ 1.00

Packaging ₱ 1.30

Peripheral Materials ₱ 1.29

Cost of Labor ₱ 2.50

Total Cost: ₱ 10.09

Markup Price ₱ 9.90

Final Selling Price ₱ 19.99


The business would be utilizing the following promotional mixes:

1. Public Relations. With this kind of promotional mix, our Facebook page will be used to

post daily posters and infographics involving our product updates and promotions, boosting

our top posts for extra media reach.

2. Sales Promotion. With this kind of promotional mix, a discount pricing strategy will be

used to get the customer’s attention, as well as bundle pricing with free or promotional

products involved, offering different deals with the ultimate goal of increasing sales.

3. Advertising. This type of promotional mix will enable both new and veteran partners to

increase customer awareness of the company. We can promote programs and support

campaigns to demonstrate the advantages of both with the use of promotional contracts and

composing institutions.

The Logistics Department, along with the Secretary-General and Finance Officer, would

handle the flow of the sales promotion to identify the most profitable sets of actions, and the

Human Resources Department would handle the advertising mix to fully enable the strands of the

memorandum of agreement. The Marketing Department would regularly feature parts that would

offer chunks of information about the business and its objectives, along with metrics,

breakthroughs, and accolades. In this manner, maintaining an active social media presence would

be essential for ensuring the target market's interest in the product.

As technology advances, online reading and browsing has been the preference of many

individuals when it comes to promotion of product and sponsorships, the more it is engaging and

attractive, the more they are interested to buy, an example of online platform is Facebook and

about 96.2% of Philippine internet users aged 16 to 64 are using it monthly.

Discounted items are made available to customers, as well as bundled items are available

for purchase where you can save ₱ 24.99 in order to effectively advertise our product. This tactic

will lay the groundwork for creating customer awareness and interest. This can help us draw

customers and entice them to spread the word about our product, which is an effective strategy to

reach new customers and manage the expenses associated with customer acquisition.


The manpower needed for Emervelle Company would include two sets of posts: the

executives and the departments.

The executives consist of the following:

1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO). He/She is the highest-ranking person in a company.

While every company differs, the CEO of Emervelle Company is responsible for

expanding the company, driving profitability, and in the case of public companies,

improving share prices. CEOs manage the overall operations of a company.

2. Chief Financial Officer (CFO). He/She is a senior executive responsible for managing

the financial actions of a company. The CFO of Emervelle Company has duties including

tracking cash flow and financial planning, analyzing the company's financial strengths and

weaknesses, and proposing corrective actions.

3. Chief Operating Director (COD). He/She is the corporate executive who oversees

ongoing business operations within the company. The COD reports to the CEO and is

usually second-in-command within the company. He/She manages and handles the daily

business operations of the company, working closely with department heads and

supervisors to support the day-to-day activity of employees.

4. Finance Manager. He/She performs data analysis and advise senior managers on profit-

maximizing ideas. The Financial Manager of Emervelle Company is responsible for the

financial health of an organization. He/She creates financial reports, direct investment

activities, and develop plans for the long-term financial goals of their organization.

On the other hand, other executives include the following:

1. Research and Development Manager. This official is responsible for controlling,

coordinating and carrying out research in various company departments, guaranteeing the

continuous innovation of products and work processes, tasked with managing business

activities aimed at innovation in production. Said ‘innovation’ often concerns various fields

like process and product innovation.

2. Advertising Manager. This official is responsible for overseeing the different advertising

projects, activities and channels that their organization uses to reach customers. He/She

has experience developing content or methods that can spark interest in the product among

the target market. They use whatever intriguing abilities they possess to draw attention to

the company and its offering.

3. Supply Chain Manager. This official is in charge of a company's distribution, movement

and storage of its supplies. Their main duties include reviewing budgets, processing

shipments and building delivery routes. He/She is an expert in manipulating both

qualitative and quantitative data to formulate interpretations regarding the development of

the business in aspects such as popularity and presentation.

4. Production Manager. This official is responsible for the technical management,

supervision and control of industrial production processes. He/She ensures that

manufacturing equipment and tools function properly and increase an organization’s

efficiencies. Their duties include building production schedules, making sure production

processes stay within budgets and deadlines and reviewing the productivity of an

organization’s manufacturing equipment.

5. Advertising Employees. These officials are responsible for helping the advertising

manager to perform the various creative and business activities that are needed to take an

advertisement, from the research stage, to creative concept, through production, and finally

to its intended audience. They Develop pricing strategies for products or services marketed

to the target customers.


In light of the rapidly deteriorating plastic pollution in the world today, Emervelle

Comapany is making the deliberate change by implementing environmentally friendly packaging.

The eco-friendly packaging has proven useful in helping our environment stay clean and healthy.

Eco-friendly packaging not only fulfills the customers’ environmental obligation but

boosts the company’s image, sales, and business growth. By this, the packaging we used is of

course, biodegradable, it is an upgraded paper bag that is on-trend and minimalist. Still sticking to

our mission, we will use our raw material which is banana stalk fibers, to create a string or handle

that will be attached to the paper bag, sticking to be eco-friendly.

The packaging is a total reflection and representation of what goal the product has, since it

is the first thing that your customers see when they buy your product, it can help your products

stand out, catch the eye of shoppers. Our packaging also helps reduce plastic pollution, promoting

a greener and safer environment.

Figure 6: Paper Bag

The packaging uses a color combination that radiates nature in all its serenity and beauty
to convey the company's goals to the environment.

Figure 7: Informative Label

Aside from the color, the sticker found in the upper front part of the paper bag contains the

brand logo.

Figure 8: Logo
All of the key elements of our product are present in the brand logo. There is a plant, as

you can see, that emphasizes the letters P, O, and T. Green hues were chosen for the logo of our

product since they are associated with eco-friendly companies or those engaged in agriculture,

landscaping, and gardening. It is the color of nature, has a relaxing effect, and symbolizes

development and wealth, making it ideal for our product. White and brown were our chosen neutral

colors. Brown to represent the pot and white to indicate the background.

By emphasizing our raw material's well-known quality—banana leaves—we also added

prominence to it. Our logo is formed like a circle in order to keep things straightforward, we also

incorporated some curves that resemble hands holding a plant which is the circle, that stands in for

mother earth. The logo was created to resemble a plant that looks like growing out of a pot, this

enables the customers to identify the type of products we sell. Putting our product’s name on the

upper part of the logo to emphasize and conveys our business.

The product's packaging has a label on the rear that provides some information about the

product's scope, usage restrictions, what it offers, and some of its most enticing features and


Figure 9: Descriptive Label


Emervelle Company introduces its product with their deepest pride and greatest pleasure,

the eco-friendly pot, Pot de Plantano. But what really makes our pot unique from other pots besides

promoting a no plastic use production, Pot de Plantano has the ability to sustain the moisture of

the soil or porosity, meaning, it is not only beneficial for the environment but also for the customers

as well. The product is also pivotal to the poor because it costs far less than commercial pots while

maintaining high standards of quality. It has a unique background, is organic, and is

environmentally friendly. In essence, it is what every plantitas and plantitos need at this time.


Projected Starting Balance Sheet

The table shows the January 2023 (or starting) statement of financial position.

Emervelle Company’s
Statement of Financial Position (January 1, 2023)

Current Assets Liabilities ₱ 2 500.00

Cash ₱ 20 000.00

Inventory ₱ 10 000.00 EQUITY

Total Current Assets ₱ 30 000.00 Owner’s Capital ₱ 40 000.00

Noncurrent Assets

Equipment ₱ 12 500.00

TOTAL ASSETS ₱ 42 500.00 ₱ 42 500.00

Sales Report

The Emervelle Company's projected sales report for 2023 is displayed in the table, taking

regular holidays, celebrations, quarterly evaluations, and SWOT week into account.

Month Working Days Daily Sells Selling Price REVENUE

January 25 95 ₱ 47 476.25

February 24 95 ₱ 45 577.20

March 21 95 ₱ 39 880.05

April 26 95 ₱ 49 375.30

May 26 95 ₱ 19.99 ₱ 49 375.30

June 20 95 ₱ 37 981.00

July 26 95 ₱ 49 375.30

August 27 95 ₱ 51 274.35

September 21 95 ₱ 39 880.05

October 26 95 ₱ 49 375.30

November 26 95 ₱ 49 375.30

December 16 95 ₱ 30 384.80

TOTAL:. 281 TOTAL: ₱ 539 330.20

Income Statement

The following tables represent the 2023 expenses of Emervelle Company:

A. Cost of Sales. This represents the cost of the materials needed for production. The quantity

will be considered three since these materials already comes in bundle.


Materials Cost Quantity COST

Canisters ₱ 500.00 ₱ 1 500.00

Paper Bags ₱ 500.00 3 ₱ 1 500.00

Stickers and Labels ₱ 500.00 ₱ 1 500.00

Total Monthly Cost:. ₱ 4 500.00

ANNUAL COST:. ₱ 54 000.00

B. Operating Expenses. These represent the cost of day-to-day operations of the business
outside production.


Operations Cost

Salary ₱ 30 000.00

Rent ₱ 5 000.00

Table and Furniture ₱ 1 500.00

Total ₱ 36 000.00

Taxes and License ₱ 2 000.00

ANNUAL TOTAL ₱ 434 000.00

C. Depreciation Expenses. These represent the cost of allowance for the decrease in the
value of equipment due to wear and tear.

Materials Cost Life Span (in Depreciation

Molders ₱ 3 000.00 10 ₱ 300.00

Storage Facilities ₱ 2 000.00 10 ₱ 200.00

Peripheral Materials ₱ 1 500.00 3 ₱ 500.00

TOTAL: . ₱ 1 000.00

The table below shows the statement of comprehensive income considering the established
tables of sales and expenses.

Emervelle Company’s
Statement of Comprehensive Income
(December 31, 2023)
Sales ₱ 539 330.20

Cost of Sales ₱ 54 000.00

GROSS PROFIT ₱ 593 330.20

Operating Expenses ₱ 434 000.00

Depreciation Expenses ₱ 1 000.00

ANNUAL PROFIT ₱ 158 330.20

Statement of Changes in Equity

The table below shows the statement of changes in equity of Emervelle Company after
its debut year 2023.

Emervelle Company’s
Statement of Changes in Equity
(December 31, 2023)
Emervelle Company, ₱ 42 500.00
Start-up Capital
Additional Investment ₱ 0.00

Drawings ₱ 0.00

Profit ₱ 158 330.20

Emervelle Company, ₱ 200 830.20

Year-end Capital

Cash Flow Statement

The table below shows the 2023 cash flows of the business

Emervelle Company’s
Statement of Cash Flows (December 31, 2023)


[Inflow] Sales of Good ₱ 539 330.20

[Outflow] Purchase of Inventory ₱ 54 000.00

[Outflow] Salaries Expense ₱ 255 000.00

[Outflow] Rent Expense ₱ 69 000.00

[Outflow] Depreciation Expense ₱ 1 000.00

[Outflow] Taxes and License ₱ 2 000.00


Net cash for Operating Activities ₱ 158 330.20


[Outflow] Purchase of Equipment ₱ 6 500.00

Net cash for Investing Activities - ₱ 6 500.00


[Inflow] Loans Borrowed ₱ 0.00

[Inflow] Owner Investment ₱ 42 500.00

[Outflow] Payment to Owner ₱ 0.00

[Outflow] Loan Settlement ₱ 0.00

Net cash for Financing Activities ₱ 42 500.00

Net increase in Cash ₱ 194 330.20

Start-up Cash Balance ₱ 0.00

Year-End Cash Balance ₱ 194 330.20

Projected Year-End Balance Sheet

The table shows the December 2023 (or year-end) statement of financial position.
Emervelle Company’s
Statement of Financial Position
(December 31, 2023)

Current Assets Liabilities ₱ 0.00

Cash ₱ 194 330.20

Inventory ₱ 1 000.00 EQUITY

Total Current ₱ 195 330.20 Owner’s Capital ₱ 200 830.20


Noncurrent Assets

Equipment ₱ 5 500.00

TOTAL ASSETS ₱ 200 830.20 AND EQUITY ₱ 200 830.20


The following documentations were taken from the Focus Group Discussion emphasizing

the idea proposal for the formalization of the specificities of the endeavor and product


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