Petroleum Da

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The review paper focuses on the topic ―Calcination of coke‖. The coke calcination is an
important process in the petroleum refining process. Processes including heat breakdown,
polymerization, and condensation are used to create petroleum coke. Green coke and calcined
coke are the two chemicals that make up the category of petroleum coke. Based on the
similarities of their manufacturing techniques, which produce comparable physical chemical
features and chemical makeup, these two materials are placed together in a category. The
main distinction between the two products is the quantity of residual hydrocarbon, or volatile
matter. A black-colored material known as petroleum coke is created when heavy petroleum
process streams and leftovers are thermally decomposed under high pressure. The first by-
products of cracking and carbonising feed stocks to create a material with only a high carbon-
to-hydrogen proportion is green coke. Calcined coke is created by further thermal processing
of green coke. The extra processing lowers the potential for toxicity of calcined coke by
removing volatile materials and raising the proportion of elemental carbon. Coke is typically
calcined in a rotating kiln at temperatures between 1300°C and 1500°C. The coke undergoes
further decomposition during the process, increasing the carbon - hydrogen proportion from
20 for green coke - 1000 as calcined coke. As coke is calcined, its fixed carbon content rises
to nearly 95%, and electrical conductivity and real density also improve. The amount of
sulphur in the green coke used as the process feed determines the sulphur content of its
calcined coke. Only low sulphur green cokes are typically calcined because low sulphur
concentration is often required for calcined product. Starting with consistently high-quality
crudes, cut crudes are added there at fore end of the distillation process to eventually manage.
The industry has recently made good adjustments to quality changes, and smelters' mixing of
various grade cokes is becoming more and more significant. Although there is a large supply
of green petroleum coke available worldwide, the industry will continue to place pressure
upon that supply of better grade cokes by expanding aluminium smelting capacity in the
coming years. For many years, the aluminium sector enjoyed an easy supply of high-quality
GPC and CPC, but over the last decade, the situation has been increasingly difficult as a
result of a general trend towards increased impurity levels brought on by alterations in crude
and processing economics. Increasingly smelters are combining CPC from various sources,
and this pattern is anticipated to continue as blending techniques become more sophisticated.
Because these cokes have varying bulk density and porosity profiles, blending is more crucial
for smelters utilising a mix of rotary and shaft CPC. In calcined petroleum coke, a heat
exchanger recovers the waste heat. Calcined petroleum coke's heat exchanger consists of an
interior and an exterior heat exchanger. Many calciners are adding SO2 cleansing, and it is
now a requirement for new calcining facilities due to the trend towards higher CPC sulphur
levels combined with tighter SO2 emission regulations. Future smelters are anticipated to be
constructed with SO2 cleansing, and research and development are now on going to provide
substitute scrubbing methods. Thus extraction and calcination of coke requires many sub unit
and complex process under designated temperature and pressure. This paper focuses on
different types of calcination and the device used for calcination.
Petroleum is considered as the black gold, which has major applications in many fields. One
who possesses its control is recognized as superpowers in the world. Petroleum is found
majorly in Venezuela and the Gulf countries. Petroleum coke, which makes up roughly 5-7
weight percent of each barrel of crude, is essentially the carbon in the raw charge that cannot
be recovered during typical refining procedures. Crude oil is a complex combination of
hydrocarbons. Calcination of coke is a process that comes under the petroleum refining. Coke
is the final, carbon rich substance that results from the refining of oil. Coke is the solid
residue left after burning certain types of bituminous coals at elevated temperatures without
the presence of air until practically all of the volatile components have already been driven
off. It's a greyish-black hue. The coke that specifically results from the final cracking process,
a high - temperature chemical engineering procedure that breaks long-chain petroleum
hydrocarbons into shorter chains. Coke contains more than 80% carbon and when burned, it
releases 5 percent to 10 percent carbon dioxide per unit of energy than coal. Coke produces
between 30 percent and 80 percent CO2 than coal per unit of weight due to its greater energy
content. The moisture in the coal, which raises the CO2 per unit of energy - heat of
combustion, and the reactive hydrocarbons in coal and coke, which lower the CO2 per unit of
energy, determines the difference between coal and coke in the generation of CO2 per unit of
energy. Calcination is defined as the heat processing of a solid chemical compound such as
mixed carbonate ores in which the compound is heated to a high temperature without
dissolving while being supplied with a limited amount of ambient oxygen, typically in order
to remove pollutants or flammable liquids and/or to cause thermal decomposition. The cokes
are classified as green petroleum coke, needle coke, sponge coke, shot coke and honey comb
cake based on their morphology and making. Green petroleum coke is a residue of the
refining of crude oil. It is created during the processing of crude oil into gas, diesel oil, and
other petrochemical products. Crude oil is heated and treated with various chemicals
throughout the refining process to break it down into distinct components. Petroleum coke, a
solid carbon substance that stays after the distillation process, is one of these components.
The greenish tint of green petroleum coke is because of the presence of specific impurities
and minerals. Its most commonly utilised as a fuel in industry applications like cement kilns
and power stations. It may also be processed further to make calcined petroleum coke, which
is used in a variety of uses such as electrodes in the steel production and anodes in the
aluminium industry. Green petroleum coke has wide of application in the industries. Before
being utilised to create anodes, Green Petroleum Coke should be calcined or heated at
temperatures higher than 1200 degree Celsius. To ensure that the coke compresses and
densifies during calcining, the volatile matter must be removed. Coke calcination is a process
that includes heating green petroleum coke to extreme temperature in a furnace or kiln, often
between 1200-1400°C. The high volatility matter and moisture content of green coke are
eliminated during this process, and the material is turned into calcined coke, a denser and
more resilient form of carbon. To prevent coke from interacting with oxygen and producing
undesirable by-products, the calcination process is carried out in a controlled environment.
Depending on the application, the atmosphere can be either air or a combination of gases
such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or steam. Calcined petroleum coke is utilised in a range of
sectors, including the manufacture of anodes for aluminium smelting, steel electrodes, and
carbon-based refractories. It is also utilised as a fuel in several industrial operations, as well
as in the manufacture of titanium dioxide and many other compounds. Calcined coke is an
appropriate material for various applications because to its substantial amount of carbon, low
ash level, and high calorific value. There are many kilns and furnace used in calcination of
coke which includes rotary calciner, rotary hearth calciner, and shaft calciner. A rotary kiln or
a vertical shaft kiln can be used for calcination. Coke is injected into a long, revolving
cylinder that is ignited by furnaces at one end of a rotary kiln. The coke gets heated and the
imperfections are pushed off while the cylinder spins. The calcined coke would then be
released from the kiln's opposite end. Coke is put into a long, tall chamber that is fired from
the bottom of a vertical shaft kiln. When the coke goes up the furnace, it is heated as well as
the impurities are pushed out. The calcined coke is subsequently ejected from the kiln's top.
A refiner's crude characteristics must be carefully balanced against refining unit capacity and
product slates. Petroleum cokes are manufactured at refineries using one of three coking
methods: delayed, hid, or flexi coking. Coke is often used to fuel fires, kilns, and
blacksmithing. It is employed as a reduction agent in metal extraction. Its ore is utilised in
coke ovens to manufacture iron. Coke provides the heat & supplies carbon to extract iron.
C+O2 gives carbon dioxide, CO2+C -> 2CO, here limestone used to reduce the impurities.
And it is used with iron oxide Fe2O3 to produce pig iron from its ore. Correct distillate in the
Vacuum Device is essential for maintaining residence quality control. The quantity of
vacuum gas oil delivered to the Coker also with vacuum residue, as determined by the
fractionation efficiency in the vacuum tower itself. To ensure proper harshness of a green
coke generated by the Coker, it must be properly monitored and managed. A "best" reside
yield for a distiller concerned with subsequent catalytic units might not correspond to the best
for final calcined coke characteristics. Crude oil comprises a variety of hydrocarbon
molecules but has minimal quantities of inorganic chemicals or metals. The most frequent
metals in crude oil are vanadium and nickel. These metals are frequently found in solution in
oil, and leftover fuel oil is condensed during the refining process. Metals in petroleum have
long been known to have negative consequences. Such metals not only pollute the product
but also induce intoxication, catalyst loss, and equipment damage. The removal of heavy
metals and petroleum residues was explored in this study. Physical, chemical, and biological
treatment techniques are among them. Techniques such as solvent extraction as well as
hydro-catalytic and catalytic processes, for example, are effective and practical approaches,
although they are sometimes expensive. One of the most significant fundamental raw
ingredients is calcined petroleum coke. It is widely employed in the fabrication of aluminium
electrolytic anodes, graphite electrodes, decarburizes, industrial silicon, as well as other
carbon products. China has the world's highest capacity for calcined petroleum coke
manufacturing, with tank calcined furnaces producing more than 70% of it. The temperature
of calcined petroleum coke released from tank calcined furnaces is 1000 degrees Celsius. The
heat of elevated temp calcined petroleum coke accounts for approximately 33.5% of the
overall heat of the calcination process. This review paper concentrates on coke and its
recovery by various methods. The main aim of this research paper is focused on the
calcination process of the coke.

Often crude oil is described to as "a useless combination of precious products," a complicated
hydrocarbon mixture. Petroleum coke, which takes up roughly 5-7 weight percent of each
barrel of oil, is essentially the carbon as in crude charge that is lost during typical refining
procedures. Carefully weighing refinery capabilities and product lines against crude attributes
is necessary. If the plant produces carbon appropriate for anodes, other consequences must be
considered. High-quality coke is produced by using consistently high-quality crudes. To
regulate the quality of the resident (Coker feed), proper distillation in the vacuum unit is
essential. To ensure sufficient hardness of the green coke generated by the Coker, the
quantity of vacuum gas oil sent to the Coker with the vacuum residuum (determined by the
effectiveness of the fractionation in the Vacuum tower itself) must be closely monitored and
controlled. The "optimal" reside yield for a refiner more focused on catalytic units
downstream may not always be the best for the ultimate properties of calcined coke . At
refineries, three distinct coking processes—delayed, hid, and flexi coking—are used to create
petroleum cokes. In forty-nine U.S. plants, the delayed Coker is primarily used for
processing. The other fluid cooker and flexi Coker are used less frequently and to a lesser
extent, respectively. Shot, sponge (occasionally honeycomb), and needle coke are the three
types of coke produced by a delayed coker, according to their molecular and physical
properties. Shot coke, which is almost always marketed as fuel, is made literally by
precipitating asphaltenes and is hard and spherical in shape; As a mixture of shot and needle
cokes, sponge coke is dull and black, with a porous, amorphous structure; needle coke, on the
other hand, is silver-grey, with a crystalline broken needle structure, and is made chemically
by cross-linking of shot and sponge coke. Flexi coke has never been used in the aluminium
smelting process, and the majority of fluid coke does not reach the anode pool. Various
hydrocarbon molecules can be found in crude oil, but there are only small amounts of
inorganic substances or metals. The two elements found in crude oil most frequently are
vanadium and nickel. The majority of the time, these metals is in solution in the oil, and any
leftover fuel oil during the purifying process condenses. Metals in petroleum have been
known to have negative impacts for some time. These metals not only taint the product but
also impair judgement, destroy catalysts, and cause machinery to corrode. In this research,
petroleum residues and heavy metal removal were looked into. Treatment procedures using
physical, chemical, and biological means are among these techniques.


of the organic sulphur affixed to the aromatic carbon skeleton as well as the general
desorption of the inorganic sulphur present in the coke pores or on the coke surface. The
desulphurization methods suggested usually fit into these categories. Petroleum coke is no
longer a by-product of refineries' "bottom-of-the-barrel" activities, .which are primarily
focused on producing other materials. Petcoke has grown in value on its own, and there is a
growing market for premium low-sulfur coke. However, more coke with a high sulphur
content is being created, and methods for reducing or eliminating this content are needed,
especially in light of the tightening regulations on sulphur oxide emissions for environmental
reasons. The desulphurization of petcoke entails the partitioning and removal.

Solvent extraction. - Chemical treatment. - Thermal desulphurization. - Desulphurization in
an oxidizing atmosphere. - Desulphurization in an atmosphere of sulphur-bearing gas. -
Desulphurization in an atmosphere of hydrocarbon gases. - Hydrodesulphurization.


The end result of calcining petroleum coke is calcined petroleum coke (CPC). This coke is a
by-product of a crude oil refinery's Coker machine. Anodes for the processing of aluminium,
steel, and titanium are made from the calcined petroleum coke. For use as an anode material,
green coke must have a suitably low metal content. Anode grade coke is green coke with this
low a metal concentration. The green coal that contains too much metal will not be calcined
and will instead be burned.

Coke can also be categorised as shot, sponge, or needle coke depending on its physical shape.
Shot coke is a product of high asphaltene precursors and appears as hard cylinders. Needle
coke is made from feedstocks that contain a lot of aromatic hydrocarbons and has the
appearance of silvery-grey brittle needles. Although it appears macroscopically amorphous
and is a drab black colour, sponge coke contains both shot and needle coke structural
elements. The green coke feed is heated to a high enough temperature during the calcining
process to burn any remaining hydrocarbons and force off any remaining moisture (the
combustion of the derived volatile materials generates the heat required for the calcination

In contrast to tank calciners, which acquire heat indirectly, rotary kilns for Calcining
petroleum coke are heated directly by flame. The raw materials come From the kiln end of
the large kiln when the rotary kiln is being calcined. The raw materials steadily advance
towards the kiln head as the cylinder rotates as a result of the kiln body's tilt.

A high temperature calcination zone that is 5 to 10 metres long is created by spraying gas or
heavy oil into the air that is regulated by the kiln head. The calcination zone has an average
temperature of 1200–1350°C. The raw ingredients must remain in the process for 50 to 60
minutes. The final product is then cooled and recovered by being discharged through the
cooling kiln head. But when the needle coke is calcined, the temperature in the rotary kiln
Increases too quickly, and the calcined needle coke particles are too big to satisfy the
requirements for creating ultra-high-function electrodes.
Rotary kilns are commonly used in the calcination of petroleum coke, a material derived from
oil refining. Calcination is a thermal treatment process that involves heating a material to
high temperatures in the absence of air or oxygen. In the case of petroleum coke, calcination
is used to remove volatile components, such as moisture and hydrocarbons, and to transform
the material into a more stable and useful form.

The rotary kiln is a large, refractory-lined cylindrical vessel that is inclined slightly from the
horizontal and rotates slowly on its axis. The raw petroleum coke is fed into the upper end of
the kiln and is gradually heated as it moves down towards the lower end, where it is
discharged as calcined coke. The kiln is fired with a fuel, such as coal, natural gas, or oil,
which provides the heat necessary to drive the calcination reaction.

The rotary kiln process can be divided into three stages: drying, calcining, and cooling. In the
drying stage, the moisture and volatile components are driven off by the heat of the kiln. The
temperature in this section is typically around 100-200°C. In the calcining stage, the
temperature is increased to around 1200-1400°C, which causes the carbon and other solid
components in the coke to react with oxygen from the air and become oxidized. This reaction
produces heat, which helps to maintain the high temperatures required for calcination.
Finally, in the cooling stage, the calcined coke is cooled down to a safe temperature before
being discharged from the kiln.

The design of rotary kilns for petroleum coke calcination is complex, and many factors must
be considered, including the characteristics of the feed material, the desired product quality,
and the requirements of the downstream processes. The length and diameter of the kiln, the
slope of the kiln, the speed of rotation, and the fuel type and consumption rate are all
important parameters that must be optimized to ensure efficient and effective calcination.

In conclusion, the rotary kiln is a critical component in the calcination of petroleum coke. Its
unique design and operating characteristics enable the efficient removal of volatile
components and the transformation of the material into a more stable and useful form. The
use of rotary kilns for petroleum coke calcination is widespread in the oil refining industry,
and on-going research and development continue to refine and improve this important

Petroleum coke is a by-product of the refining process of crude oil, and it is widely used as a
fuel and a raw material in various industries. Calcination is a process that involves heating the
petroleum coke to high temperatures to remove impurities and moisture, and to increase its
carbon content. This process is typically carried out in a rotary kiln or a shaft calciner.

A shaft calciner is a type of vertical calciner that is used for the calcination of petroleum
coke. It consists of a vertical cylinder or shaft that is lined with refractory material, and a
burner at the bottom that supplies heat to the calcining process. The coke is fed into the top of
the shaft and gradually moves downward as it is exposed to the high temperatures. The
process is typically carried out in batches, with each batch taking several hours to complete.

The shaft calciner offers several advantages over other types of calciners. One of the main
advantages is its ability to produce high-quality calcined petroleum coke with a low level of
impurities. This is due to the fact that the coke is heated in a relatively small space, which
allows for better control of the temperature and atmosphere. Additionally, the vertical design
of the shaft calciner means that the coke is exposed to the heat for a longer period of time,
which leads to more complete calcination.

Another advantage of the shaft calciner is its energy efficiency. The burner at the bottom of
the shaft is typically fuelled by natural gas or other fossil fuels, which provides a high-energy
input to the calcining process. However, the design of the shaft calciner also allows for the
use of waste heat from other processes, such as the exhaust gases from a cement kiln or a
power plant. This can significantly reduce the energy costs of the calcining process and make
it more environmentally friendly.

In summary, the shaft calciner is a type of vertical calciner that is used for the calcination of
petroleum coke. It offers several advantages over other types of calciners, including high-
quality product, energy efficiency, and the ability to use waste heat from other processes. The
shaft calciner is an important tool in the production of high-quality calcined petroleum coke,
which is widely used as a fuel and a raw material in various industries.

1. Petroleum coke The raw material that will be calcined.

The basic goals of calcination furnace

are all to oxidise all or part of the item,
driving off water that is available as
Calcination furnace moisture content, or drive off volatile
elements like carbon dioxide. A variety
of devices, including industrial
furnaces, are used for calcining
Crucible is used in the laboratory to
Calcination tray or contain chemical compounds when
3. crucible heated to extremely high temperatures.
A container that can withstand high
temperatures and is used to hold the
petroleum coke during calcination Calcinations of coke
A pulverizer or mill may be used to A Rohani, K Sharifi, R
grind the petroleum coke into a fine Golpasha - 3rd International
powder before calcination. A Conference on …, 2014 -
Grinding equipment pulverizer or grinder is a mechanical
4. device for the grinding of many
different types of materials. For
example, a pulverizer mill is used to
pulverize coal for combustion in the Petroleum coke
H Predel - Ullmann's
steam-generating furnaces of coal
encyclopedia of industrial
power plants.
chemistry, 2000 - Wiley
Temperature monitoring A device used to monitor the
Online Library
equipment temperature of the furnace during
5. calcination.
Appropriate safety gear, such as heat-
resistant gloves, goggles, and
6. protective clothing, should be worn
Safety equipment during the handling and operation of
high-temperature equipment.

The high sulfur and metal content can

Analytical equipment also reduce pet coke’s usefulness in
7. certain applications, decreasing its
value. Petcoke also has a high carbon
content, which contributes to
greenhouse gas emissions.

Containers for storing the calcined

petroleum coke after it has been
analysed and cooled. It is important to
Suitable containers ensure that all materials used in the
calcination process are of appropriate
quality and purity to avoid
contamination of the final product.


The process of calcination of petroleum coke typically involves the following steps:

• Preheating: The petroleum coke is typically crushed and screened to remove any oversized
particles or impurities, and then preheated to a temperature of around 800-1000°C in a rotary

• Calcination: The preheated petroleum coke is then fed into a kiln, where it is heated to
temperatures of around 1200-1400°C. This high temperature causes the volatile organic
compounds and moisture to evaporate, leaving behind a higher carbon content material.

• Cooling: Once the calcination process is complete, the material is then cooled down to
room temperature before it is either stored or further processed.
• Grinding: The calcined petroleum coke may be further processed by grinding into a fine
powder, which can be used in various industrial applications such as electrodes, anodes, and
carbon raisers.

The calcination process is typically carried out in a rotary kiln, which is a long cylindrical
furnace that rotates on its axis. The kiln may be fuelled by natural gas, coal, or other fuels,
depending on the specific requirements of the process. The length and diameter of the kiln
may vary depending on the amount of material being processed and the desired outcome.

The following is a general experimental procedure for calcining petroleum


1. Preheat the calcination furnace to the desired temperature (typically between

1200°C and 1400°C).

2. Grind the petroleum coke into a fine powder using a pulverizer or mill.

3. Place the powdered petroleum coke into a calcination tray or crucible.

4. Insert the tray or crucible into the preheated furnace.

5. Allow the petroleum coke to calcine for a predetermined amount of time

(typically several hours).

6. Monitor the temperature of the furnace to ensure that it remains at the

desired level.

7. Once the calcination process is complete, remove the tray or crucible from
the furnace and allow the petroleum coke to cool.

8. Analyse the calcined petroleum coke for various properties, such as ash
content, sulfur content, and particle size distribution.

9. Store the calcined petroleum coke in a suitable container until it is ready for

Kiln Value Units

Length 60 m
Internal Radius 1.06 m
External Radius 1.23 m
Kiln Slope 2.4
First tertiary air entrance position 36.44 m
Second tertiary air entrance position 37.66 m
Third tertiary air entrance position 38.88 m
Fourth tertiary air entrance position 40.10 m
Refractory thickness 120 mm
Kiln wall thickness 50 mm

Rotary kiln design specifications


Flow chart of Rotary Kiln

Shaft kiln reaction

Zones and temperature profiles in the shaft kiln

Information flow diagram for the petroleum coke calcination model

Simplified refinery flow sheet with delayed coker showing relative product values

A delayed coking unit

Petroleum coke calcining is the process of taking green coke, also known as anode grade
green coke, produced during the refining process and changing it into various carbon
structures. The coke must be heated to a temperature of 1200–1450°C or higher to modify its
crystalline structure in order to get the calcined coke qualities required by a carbon and
graphite industries. Since calcined coke is a highly dusty substance, calcining plants that don't
have proper dust containment can run extremely filthy operations with high atmospheric
discharge. The process of calcination involves heating green or raw petroleum coke to a high
temperature in order to remove any associated moisture as well as volatile combustion matter
as well as to improve other important physical characteristics such as electrical conductivity,
real density, and oxidation characteristics. The exact qualities and quality of such green coke
fed to that same calciner directly affect the ultimate quality of such calcined coke. The supply
of feedstock barely ever meets the demand on low sulphur coke for the production of
electrodes. In contrast to the centre of the both internal and external heat exchangers, where
the temperature of CPC is large and the temperature fluctuations of various planes are large,
the temperature of a calcined petroleum coke generally low near the heat exchanger tube's
wall. For usage as an anode material, green coke needs to have a suitably low metal
concentration. Anode grade coke is green coke with just this low a metal concentration. The
green coke that contains too much metal is unlikely to be calcined and will instead be burned.
The sulphur concentration of those same anode quality cokes will therefore rise as a result of
the processing of crudes with rising sulphur content. As a result, it becomes crucial for those
petroleum coke calciners once again to comprehend how sulphur affects output quality. This
study estimates the desulfurization that occurs during calcination as little more than a
function of the sulphur concentration and calcination level of green coke. On the basis of data
mostly from actual calciner runs, the impact on other coke's physical attributes is provided.
Changes in calcination can have a greater impact on physical qualities as desulfurization
rises. As a result, the choice of calcination level is now more influenced by calciner
optimization of even more process factors. This has led to the creation of calcined coke with
better physical characteristics. A number of categorization methods and criteria for defining
coke microstructure, and in particular coke micro texture or perhaps even carbon forms, have
emerged as a result of the resurging interest in blast-furnace coke microscopy on a global
scale. This essay provides a brief history of coke petrography research. Shown are
characteristics, localisation, and production techniques for petroleum coke, such as the
Delayed Coker process The rapid growth of aluminium recycling has caused a stagnation in
the use of ordinary calcinate for something like the carbon anode inside this manufacturing of
aluminium. Similar to this, the production of even more graphite electrodes used throughout
electric-arc furnaces instead by steel operations has only slightly increased when needle coke
is employed. Thus the review paper was made on the calcination of petroleum coke and
reviewed on the operations going behind them.

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 Rohani, A., Sharifi, K., & Golpasha, R. (2014). Calcinations of Petroleum coke. In 3rd International
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