Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2

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MTB-MLE Teaching Dates and Quarter 1st

I. Objective
A. Grade Level Standards The learner listens critically to one-two paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in varied situations; reads texts for pleasure and
information critically in meaningful thought units; responds properly to environmental prints likes signs, posters, commands and
requests; and writes legibly simple sentences and messages in cursive form.

B. Learning
Competency/Objectives National Competency:
Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects, musical instruments, environment, speech)
Contextualized Competency:

• Classifies sounds heard from animals, mechanical, objects, and musical instruments such as dog, cat, snake, drum, bee,
clock, ambulance, rain and etc.

Taking Good Care of the Animals

II. Content Classifying Sounds Heard from Animals, Mechanical, Objects, Musical Instruments and Environment

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. MELC Page English MELC p. 180
2. Additional Materials from English Quarter I-Module 1
Learning Resources (LR) Hipolito, Myrna, Magdalena Rosopa, Porfiria Santos, Marimel Jane Polita, Eliza Cerveza, Rose Ann Pamintuan, Nerissa
Portal/Websites Lomeda, and Amcy Esteban. 2013. English 2 Learner’S Material. 1st ed. Philippines: Department of Education content/uploads /2019/01/English-CG.pdf
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, strips, box, etc.
(Non-text Based)
IV. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities a. Drill
Read the names of the following pictures and try to produce their sounds.
b. Review
Encircle the musical instrument below and draw them in your notebook.

c. Motivation
Present a video presentation that show animals, objects, environment producing sounds and ask the pupils on what they
have observed from the video presentation.

d. Presentation
Say: Today we are going to classify sounds heard from animals, mechanical, objects, musical instruments and environment.
The teacher will show to the pupils the table below:
Animals Sound
Dog aw-aw!
Cat meow-meow!
Snake hisss-hisss
Cow neigh-neigh
Bee bzzzzz-bzzzzz
Ask: How are you going to take good care of your animals or the animals around you?
Who created the animals?
Objects/Musical Instrumentss Sound
Clock tic-tac
Telephone kringg-kringg
Drum boom-boom
Guitar kleng-kleng
Ask: What is the use of telephone?
What do you feel when you hear the sound of a guitar?
Transportation Sound
Motorcycle broom-broom
Ambulance wheeeng - wheeeng
Ask: What is the use of an ambulance?
Say: Our Environment also produces sound, such as the sound of rain, thunder, river and falls.
All sounds come from vibrating object. Sounds may come from animals, mechanical objects, musical instruments and
environment. We can describe different sounds as loud or soft and we can use these characteristics of sounds to identify types of
sounds and their sources.

1. Modelling
-Flash the following photos below in front of the class. The teacher will produce the sound of each photo shown and will
let the pupils do the same after her.
2. Guided Practice
The learners will be divided into three groups. Each group has different activities to be done. The teacher will also tell the
learners that when having a group activity, they should help each other and will observe cooperativeness among the group. After
their varied activities, each group will report their answers to the class.
Rubrics for Group Activity:
5 Show cooperation and eagerness to do the task, participates actively and helping each other,
submits on time
4 Show cooperation and eagerness to do the task, good followers only, submits on time
3 Participated but late to submit, with teachers supervision
2 Activity was done but does not show eagerness to participate or cooperate, late to submit
1 No interest in participating the activity

 Group 1
Encircle the pictures that produce animal sounds. Mark (X) those picture that do not produce animal sound.
1. 3. 5.

2. 4.

 Group 2
Write YES if the things from the environment produces loud sounds and NO if it is not. Write your answer on
the space provided.

1. 4.


3. 5.
 Group 3
Put a cross (X) if the sound is made by an animal and check (/) if the sound is made by a thing. Write your
answers in your notebook.
______ 1. boom-boom ______6. meow-meow
______ 2. aw-aw ______7. tic-tac, tic-tac
______ 3. meee-meee ______8. mooo-mooo
_______ 4. hissss-hissss ______9. brooom-brooom
_______ 5. wheeeng-wheeng ______10. kleng-kleng

3. Independent Practice
Directions: Match the object with the sound it produces. Write your answers on the blank provided.








e. Application
Draw only one example that you observe in your environment of the categories given below and write the sound that
you heard for each.
Animal Object

Instrument Transportation

f. Generalization
Ask: What are the animals, object, instruments and transportation the produces sound?
What are the sounds your heard from them?
What are thing in our environment that produces sound?

V. Evaluation Directions: Classify the sounds heard from animals, mechanical, objects, musical instruments. Put a cross (X) if the sound is
made by an animal and check (/) if the sound is made by an object/musical instruments and draw a ( ) if the sound is made by
means of transportation. Write your answers in your notebook.
______ 1. kring-kring ______6. Bzzzz-bzzzzz
______ 2. meow-meow ______7. tic-tac, tic-tac
______ 3. Aw-aw ______8. Broom-broom
_______ 4. hissss-hissss ______9. wheeeng-wheeng
_______ 5. Boom-boom ______10. kleng-kleng

VI. Homework What musical instrument can or would you like to play? Draw it and write the sound it makes. Do the activity in your notebook.

VII. Remarks
VIII. Additional activities for
application or remediation
IX. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. NO. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation

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