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Clasa a V-a, profil intensiv

Varianta 3

A. Read, find and circle (10×2p=20p)

1. I had ………….bowl of soup today for lunch!

a) some b) a c) this
2. There are some chairs ………. the table .
a) for b) under c) on
3. Jane has three parrots. ………… are very colorful.
a) they b) their c) its
4. She……….big brown eyes.
a) has got b) have got c) is
5. Mary’s sister is a painter. She paints…………
a) very b)every c) many
6. ……….is your school?
a) When b) Where c) Who
7. John likes watching TV. He thinks it is …………...
a) dangerous b) annoying c) relaxing
8. People must …………..careful when they cross the street.
a) are b) be c) is
9. Kate is….…….. than her sister.
a) smart b) the best c) younger
10. This is my ……………. car.
a) cousin’s b) bro’thers c) sisters

B. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: (10×1p= 10p)

1. Samuel …………………….…… (watch) a movie now.

2. My mom’s friend …………………….…… (work) in a hospital. She’s a nurse.
3. They …………………….…… (not/walk) to school every day, they take the bus.
4. Tom…………………….…… (try) to read at least five pages every day.
5. I …………………….…… (go) to visit my grandparents now.
6. The teacher …………………….…… (not/like) it when the students are noisy.
7. …………you ………….…… (like) chocolate ice cream?
8. My parents …………………….…… (have) some tea now.
9. My house is big. I …………………….……(enjoy) living here.
10. I …………………….…… (look) for my keys.
C. Fill in the text using the following words: (10×1p = 10p)
play, love, write, going, is, having, am, have, spend, go

Dear Sam,
I am happy to (1) …………… to you from the seaside. I’m (2) …………… a great time here with
my friends and family. We (3) …………… to the beach every day, where we (4) ……………
volleyball. I (5) …………… very good at it. The sun is shining brightly, and the water
(6)…………… really warm. I (7)…………… swimming. In the evenings, we usually
(8)…………… dinner in a restaurant and listen to some live music. Tomorrow, we are
(9)…………… to a waterpark and I am sure it will be fun. How do you (10)…………… your

D. Write the plural of the following words: (5×1p= 5p)

1. a tomato – two ………………...
2. a party – four …………………
3. a peach – three ………………...
4. a toy – many ….………………..
5. a leaf – five ……………….….

E. Write the correct question word in the gap: who, when, where, why, how many
1. …………..….. don’t you dance if you like the music?
2. …………….... does the party begin?
3. ……………..… listens to you every day?
4……………..… cats are there on the roof?
5. ………………. is the nearest hospital?

F. Write about a place you like spend your free time in (what does it look like? what can you
see there?what activities can you do there? why you like that place?) in about 50-75 words.
(50 points)

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