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CAMBRIDGE STUDENT’S BOOK (7S Youve Wore? WITH PRACTICE EXTRA Claire Thacker and Stuart Cochrane fowl with Andrew Reid and Daniel Vincent Ur ais y WELCOME! VOCABULARY Free time and hobbies oe © 1 Match verbs 1-11 with the words in the box to Se" make phrases. Listen, check and repeat. a bike ride ablog aninstrument books/magazines cakes/videos friends music online photos shopping ‘songs 1 chat _ online 7 make 2 download 8 play 3 go 9 read 4 gofor 10 take 5 hang out with 1 write 6 listento eo 2 Listen and write the acti O81 playaninstrument, 5 2 6 3 7 og LEARN TO LEARN Verb and noun phrases We often use verbs and nouns together to make different phrases. Learn them together. 4, Complete the list with nouns in Exercises land3. an instrument, 5 Discuss the questions. 1 What is your favourite sport to watch on TV? 2. What is your favourite sport to do? 3. What isn't a good sport to do on your own? ; © Gore] Sport eo 3 Match the words with the pictures 1-8. Circle ©" the two sports that aren't in the pictures. : Listen, check and repeat. athletics gymnastics rugby swimming volleyball basketball hockey sailing table tennis windsurfing 4 STARTER UNIT Is the sentence T (true) or F (false)? Rugby is popular in many countries, but itis the only sport in Exercise 3 that isn't played at the Summer Olympic Games. {_} Find another interesting fact about sports and write question for your partner to answer, ° 60 READING A blog post 1 Look at the photos in the blog post. What do you want to know about the people? 2. Read the blog post. Do you learn the information you wanted to know in Exercise 1? % 3. Find words in the blog post that mean: 1 doing alot of things difficult making you a bit angry very bad very good busy wnwn 4, Read the blog post again and write the names of the people. Who ... 1 isa busy person? 2 are Rosie's brother and sister? Rosie 3 likes computer magazines and computer games? 4 isnot a good singer? 5. are Sara and Fatima? 6 thinks Rosie's blogis very good? 5 Discuss the questions. 1 Are you like any of the people in Rosie's blog? If so, who and why? 2 Doyou read blogs? Why / Why not? 3. What's your favourite blog? What's itabout? THOUGHTS FOR TODAY Rosie Wilson Hi everyone! Today, my blog is. all about my hobbies, family and friends. I'm always busy! So, what do | do? | go swimming three momings a week. | always get up at 5.30 am #. It’s tough, but ‘swimming is my favourite thing (after my blog - obviousiy!). My big brother, Dan He plays computer games and he sometimes reads magazines (computer pi ~ game onest). He plays football every day with his friends, but he doesn't leave the house! ® My annoying little sister, Nora She does her homework and she often listens to music at the ‘same time. Does she sing too? Yes, she does ~ but she's aterrible singer! @ Best friends forever: Sara and Fatima @ 9% | don't see them during the week because we don't go to the same School. That isn’t @ problem because we usually hang out together at the weekend. They love taking selfies and they post Snapchat stories every day! What about you? Do you often read my blog? How do you ‘spend your free time? Let me know! COMMENTS: Jody | read your blog in my free time. it's brilliantt STARTER UNIT S © ° ° LANGUAGE IN ACTION nt simple read your blog in my free time. We? {go to the same school. you often read my blog? Yes, 1 do./ No, Idon’t. 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the blog post on page 5 to help you. 2. Write present simple sentences. 1. Rosie/ get up/ at 5.30 am three mornings a week. Rosle gets up at: 5.30 am three momings a week. Dan / not play / computer games. Nora / not listen / to music when she / do / her homework. Sara and Fatima / not see / Rosie during the week. 3. Complete the blog post with the present simple 58°" form of the verbs. Then listen and check. 1! ke (like) my new school. |? know) all the students in my class yet, but |? (Git) next to.a boy called Jorge in my English class. He's sports mad. He * (play) basketball every day. (On some days he * (not have) lunch — he's con the basketball court! ‘ pal (nor (get) a lot of homework? (Our teachers ” (give) us lors! I* (not do) it at home ~ 1? (g0) to homework club on Wednesdays. Some of the older students * (help) us. They're nice. After homework. lub," (not get) home until about 6.30 pm. 1 (listen) to music and relax | before dinner. > 6 STARTER UNIT Creu forrrs A rT Cur She? her homework, does, He* leave the house. she sing too? (No, she doesn’t. Yes, she* Adverbs of frequency Rosie is always busy. Dan sometimes reads magazines. Nora often listens to music when she does her homework. Rosie usually hangs out with friends at the weekend. 4, Complete the timeline with the adverbs of frequency in the table above. 5 Write the sentences with the words in brackets. 1 Imlate for school. (never) Iimneverlate for school 2 Idomy homework at the weekend. (always) 3. Doyou go shopping with friends? (sometimes) 4 Imtired after school. (often) 5 Doyou take photos on your phone? (usually) 6 Discuss the sentences in Exercise 5. Are they true for you? ‘Are you always late for school? ‘No, I'm never late for school! VOCABULARY AND LISTENING (GJ LEARN TO LEARN Personal possessions Making vocabulary cards Make vocabulary cards to help you learn new words. 11 Match the words with the photos. Listen, check Draw a picture on one side and write the word on the and repeat. other. bus pass O) camera 3. Make your own vocabulary cards for the words headphones (_} keys in Exercise 1. laptop (money passport (phone portable charger {_} tablet $% 4 Test apartner. Show your cards. Can your partner say the words in English? 5 Describe a possession in Exercise 1 for your partner to guess. Think about: + when you use i + where you use it + what you use it for. 1use it every day. always keep it in my bag. use it to get to school 'sityour bus pass? A conversation £26 Listen. Circle the club Alex wants to go to. a codingclub b photography club VT Listen again and circle the correct answers. oe Emine goes to the ... club. a coding b@hotographp Alex... taking photos. a likes b doesn't ike Alex has got a... a tablet b laptop oe 2 Complete the sentences with words in Exercise 1. 4 MrAdams.. 1 Where are my keys?! can't open the door. a isagoodteacher b knows Bill Gates eo 2 Danis always late. Can | borrow your 5 Inher free time, Libby writes to message him? ‘a ablog b computer programs 3 You can’t go tothe USA without your Qvacene 4 Lwant to take good photos. Ineed a nice 8 Doyou go to any school clubs? Which ones? What school club would you like to go to? 5 That music is very loud. Use your STARTER UNIT 7 LANGUAGE IN ACTION love, like, don’t mind, hate +-ing Wee ae Pee arent Ince td Coen Hove helping _ people. Eminelikes*us __ the new cameras. ‘Alex and Libby like? writ programs. computer 4 Think of five sentences using love, like, don’t mind ‘and hate. Say your sentences to your partner. Do you agree? Idon't mind cleaning the kitchen. _ hate doing itt have got We've got two new cameras. gota planofthe ‘5. got a new camera. P Alex hasn’t got a plan school. of the school. Have you got your own * he got his own laptop? laptop? Yes, -/No, |haven’t,| Yes, he has. / No, he* eo Complete the words in the table above. oe 5 Complete the examples in the table above. ° 2. Write the sentences with the correct form. of the verbs. 1 Emine likes meeting (meet) new people. 2 Alex doesn’t like (take) photos. 3 Libby doesn’t mind (help) Alex. 4 MrAdams loves (tell) stories. 3. Complete the blog post with the correct form of the verbs in the boxes, love@@@ like not mind > notlike® hate Jack @ tikes listening to music. Mic Lowry is his favourite band. Hee ee early. eee English, even in our French class! 1@ maths homework. Jack @ , me. 8 STARTER UNIT 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got. 1 Alex hasn't. got. his own laptop. x 2 Alex atablet.¥ 3. They a lot of laptops at coding club. 7 4 Libby her own computer. 5 She much free time. x Complete the text with the correct form of have got. Then listen and check. We've got a new student in our class. Her name's Paola. What ? we in common? A lot! She 3 brown hair and blue eyes ~ just like me! g she any brothers and sisters? Yes, she * - She © two annoying litle sisters, just like me. She” any brothers. We ‘ the same trainers, phones and headphones! We both love playing table tennis. We * any classes today because it's a holiday. | ® | Paola's phone number, and | hope she's free to practise 8 Ask and answer questions using have got. Have you got any brothers or sisters? ° ° WRITING A personal profile 1 Look at the photo. What does Emesto like doing? Read his profile and check. 3 Iolso ike going for bike rides. new bike and | usually go for a havent got much free time, but | a ar with my fiends at the weekend. We often go to Joe!’ place because he's got 0 swimming pool. 2. Read Ernesto’s profile again and answer the questions. 1. Whereis Ernesto from? He's from Vancouver in Canada 2. Why does Emesto get up early? 3. What does he like doing on his own? 4 What does he do at the weekend? 3 Lookat the Useful language box. Find and underline examples of apostrophes and ‘commas in the profile. Match them with the correct use and write them in the box. We use apostrophes: + forcontractions / short forms: name's ‘My cat's names Tiger. + to show possess We use commas to indicate a pause: Hive with my mum and dad, my grandma and my cat 4, Rewrite the sentences with commas and apostrophes in the correct places. 1 Were from South Africa. We're from South Africa 2. Whats your history teachers name? 3. Thatisnt my tablet. 4 Ive gota cat three horses and a parrot! 5. Mysisters friends very noisy! PLAN 5 Make notes for each paragraph. You, your family and friends Your favourite free-time activity + what itis and where you do it + how often you do it Other free-time activities + what you like doing on your own or with friends + when and where you do the activities WRITE 6 Write your profile. Remember to include three paragraphs, the information in Exercise 5, the present simple, adverbs of frequency, love, etc. + ing and have got. CHECK 7 Doyou... + describe you, your family and friends? + explain your favourite free-time activity? + say what other things you like doing, and : when? STARTER UNIT 9 LEARNING OUTCOMES ok at the photo. girl doing? Before you watch, whe! ich TV shi What did John L roo ‘action 12 TRL ARoa a VOCABULARY Match eight of the TV shows in the box with the photos. Circle the four shows that aren't in the photos. Listen, check and repe: cartoo chat show comedy cookery show documentary drama game shot ‘on-demand series reality show ap opera sports show the news Match the sentences with TV shows in Exercise 1 Put your potatoes in a pan and add some salt. “They're coming! We need to get out of here. ‘Giant pandas are in danger. There are only about 1,800 left We've got some really interesting guests on tonight's show ‘Can they score in the last minute?" Today: Hurricane hits city. Listen. Write the shows the people talk about. Comp othe ee you. Tell your partner. Hove watching My family often watches My favourite TV show is thate pamemace Guess the correct answer. Using real examples When you learn vocabulary, think of examples tohelpyou [Explore it! JQ SS Which country in the world watches the most TV? Poland b USA ¢ Japan ‘Ask about your partner's TV shows. Can you guess Find an interesting fact about TV. Then write a what they are? (question for your partner to answer. Think of an example of each type of TV show in Exercise 1. What type of show isit? A sports show CTRL R Rr aT READING Tweets 1 Lookat the pictures and titles, What do you think the Tweets are about? eo €.2 Read the Tweets. Match the people with 10" the TV shows. 1. Jack a acomedy 2 Holly b thenews 3 Rory anon-demand series oe 3 Write J (Jack), H (Holly) or R (Rory). 1 Who likes different TV shows from his/ her friend? 2 Who does media studies? 3 Who is with his/her friend now? 4 Who talks about a friend in a different place? 4 Match the words with the definitions. 1 typical, normal 2 one individual show in a series 3. arrange to pay and receive something regularly 4. aperiod in which a show appears regularly on TV 5 Imagine you are watching a famous event from history on the news. Discuss the questions. 1. Where are you? 2. Who or what can you see? 3 How many people are there? 4 How do you feel? 12 WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING? | UNIT1 Mad about TV @madabouttv ‘Agar from sleeping, the average teenager spends more tine in front ofa tlevsion than doing any other free- tne activity! So... ae you watching TV right now? Where are yu watching it and who with? We want to know! Tweet us and send us your photos. madaboutTV JackLong @JLo-0-0-09 Vm learning about he tstory of TV in media studies his week. So for homework traveling back to 1969 to watch the news abeut Neil Armsrong, the rst person on the moon @JLo-0-0n9 Amazing! Nel Armstrong and Buzz Adin are waking onthe moon, 530 ition people aro watching them with you. Wete oer the moon too! #madaboutTV Waly arly ores Abe name mat boom ih mbes fang oe Were mahego oan dears ‘series, Stanger Things, on my new tablet. We're super fans inde gon sent a Mad About TV @madabouttv 4 rain ie ae Is the sentence T (true) or F (false)? * woe Snow isn’t always white - sometimes y ke ‘ 7 there is pink snow in the Sierra Nevada > ia mountains in the USA. d a van Find an interesting fact about the weather. Be j Then write a question for your partner to answer. READING Look at the photos. What do you think the gil is writing about? @ 222 Readrthe text. check your answer to Exercise 1. eo Read the text again and find these things: two American states two types of furniture five weather adjectives two musical instruments two animals eo Match the highlighted words with the definitions. long trip to another place wet and dirty after rain a difficult task not deep vehicles with four wheels to transport heavy things large animals like cows that can pull heavy things eo ‘Complete the sentences with words from the text. People on the Oregon Trail were called The adul the Louisa travelled across the country with her coast of the USA. ts and children didn’t usually travel in One of Louisa’s brothers played the Qvoiceie Discuss the questions. Do you think diaries are important? What challenges do you face each day? 24 OUT OF THE PAST | UNIT 2 ithe, Oregon)jTra ° ° LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past simple got up at 5.30 am. Itwas cold and rainy. We didn't stop until 5 pm. Ite easy towalk. Other people weren't lucky. Did we manage to cross it? Was it a hot day? Were all the people lucky? Yes, we® ./ No, we didn't. _| Yes, it* No, it wasn’t. Yes, they were. / No, they* Cry fon Ai uc CO asa ed We ‘were lucky. = 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the diary extract on page 24 to help you. 2. Rewrite the sentences in the past simple. 1 More than 500,000 people leave the east coast. Mare than 500.000 people left: the east:coast. 2 The journey takes between four and six months, 3. On8 April 1850, Louisa doesn’t get up late. 4 8Aprilisa warm, dry day. Q3 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs. Then listen and check. ‘On6 September 1620, 102 people eft (leave) England to travel 4.500 km to the USA. They? (Got agree) with some ofthe religious views in Europe | at that time, so they ” ecide) | to start a new ite. They * (travel) in a ship called the Mayfiower and the journey * (take) 66 days. The first haf ofthe journey * (Q0) well. Then the weather ” (change) and it* (be) very cold and stormy. People became il and some of them (ot survive). In December they ® (errive) in Plymouth Bay. They (oot know) anything about this new land, but the local Wampanoag people * (helo) them to find food and build houses, % 4 Put the words in the correct order to make ° questions. Then ask and answer. 4 last / your friends / you / see / Did / weekend /? Did you see your friends last weekend? © 2 you/ did / after school / What / yesterday /do/? 3 night / Were / asleep / at 10.30 pm last / you /? 4 any homework / your English teacher / Did / last week / give / you /? 5 Was/ hot / yesterday / the weather /? 5 Think of questions to interview Louisa or a person from the Mayflower about their journey. Use the ideas below or your own. thedate theweather the food the other people the challenges new friends 6 Take turns to ask and answer your questions. ‘When did you leave? eft on 2 April with my family. UNIT 2 | OUT OF THE PAST 25 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Useful objects ©. 1 Match the words with the pictures. Listen, check ? and repeat. comb hairbrush mirror O fork @ lamp =) (bow O plate = (_) toothbrush (_) scissors oS os oe 2.2 Listen. Write the objects the people are using. "1 toathbmush 4 o : 3 ‘ 26 OUT OF THE PAST | UNIT 2 03 Whearn TO LEARN Categorising Recording new words in groups in your notebook can help you remember them. Write words in Exercise 1 in the three groups. Can. you add any more words? Appearance | comb. Bedtime blanket. bow. guess your partner's object. Doyou useit everyday? Yes, do. A radio programme 5 Listen to an interview about a discovery from 208" the Bronze Age. What can you see in the photo? 6 Listen again and correct the sentences. #1 Egtved is a small village in southern Germany. Egtvedis.a smallvilage in southern Denmark. 2. The Egtved girl was 15 years old when she died. 3 The girl died in the winter. 4 She wore a shirt and trousers. WOU Nar ec Preity WOO ed Pines LANGUAGE IN ACTION there was/there were Singular There was an exhibition in Copenhagen. There® ‘some summer flowers with her body. There? any information about clothes. _| There weren’t any plates. Was there a blanket with her body? Were there any other things with her body? Yes, there? ./'No, there wasn't, : Yes, there were. / No, there * 5 Complete the quiz with was(n't)/were(n’t) and a, an, some or any. Then circle the correct answer. eo 1 Complete the examples in the table above with was, Wasn't, were or weren't, We use some and any with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. some/any plates NOT some-plate some/any information NOT er-ieformation J There were ¥ Gomme) any humans in 250,000 years ag : ee Gated) : arte a ; ata eo 2 Correct the sentences about the Egtved girl. q letters in @ times. |L_There wasn't an exhibition about the Egtved girl z a Aztec b Roman . There 7 some J any university There was an exhibit he Egtved gic eee owe aL atatoare courses for students in @ in 1035. vere weren't any flowers with her body. SIME OeeT : There Xsome/any@for + 3. There weren't any useful objects with her body. eating (ocd in ercienk Greece : 2 forks b knives 4 There was a hairbrush. There Ya/somefamous * Roman @ called Apicius. . a emperor b cook 5. There weren't a lot of travellers in northern Europe. A. 6 Discuss your answers to the quiz. Then oe $% 3 Ask and answer about the information in Exercise2— listen and check. ‘Was there was an exhibition Yes, there Ouse ote was. 7 impairs, choose a photo from Units 1 and . 2.and look at it for one minute. Close your: oe 4 Circle the correct words. books. What can you remember? 1. There wereGomd)/ any students at the talk. eo 2 There was an / some interesting exhibition last week. Were there any clouds in the sky? 3. There weren't some / any audio guides. Tea RCE TST 4 Was there some / any snow in the mountains? Fare Soma wise cloves 5. There wasn'ta / any documentary on TV last night. S UNIT 2 | OUT OF THE PAST 27 SPEAKING Talking about your weekend oe 1 Listen to the conversation. 28" Why was Andy in Wales? CARLA Hi Andy. "How was your weekend? |. ANDY 2 OK, thanks. 4. Which Everyday English phrase do we CARLA What? ? Use to respond to ANDY | went to Wales for my grandad's 70th birthday. CARLA Cool! What * like? 2 interesting facts? ANDY — Itwascold, wet and windy. 3 positive news? CARLA That's ashame. 5 2 4 aquestion? ANDY We stayed ina cottage. CARLA What wasit ike? PLAN ANDY — Well, there wasn’t any wi-fi and there wereloads of 5 Write about something you did in noisy sheep outside, {the past, Use theideas below. CARLA Really? : Where you went: ‘ANDY Yes, really. In Wales there are about three million What you did: people and nearly ten million sheep. CARLA Wow. You learn something new every day! ‘ANDY What ¢ 2 What did you do? CARLA Nothing much. | watched TV and made some cakes, ANDY Sounds good! What the weather was like: Any problems you had: SPEAK 6 Practise the conversation with your partner. Remember to use the past oe 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases from the 8°" Useful language box. Then listen and check. Pp simple and there was|there were, ~ the vocabulary from this unit, and How was yourweekend? What did you do? phrases from the Useful language oe ‘twas (OK/good/great/ What was the weather lke? ‘and Everyday English boxes. amazing/awful), thanks. Where did you stay? CHECK What about you? 7 Work with another par. Listen to their conversation and complete oe 3 Lookat the Everyday English box. Find and underline the reeioens phrases in the conversation. wera What they did: What the weather was like: Cece eat Le Nothing much. ‘Sounds good! That's a shame. You learn something new every day! Any problems they had: 28 OUT OF THE PAST | UNIT 2 WRITING 3. Read the phrases in the Useful language box. An account of a journey In what order are they in the account? Oo 1 Look at the photos. Where do you think the man wanted to go? Read the account and check your answer. A difficult journey Frdtjof Nansen was a Norwegian explore. He wanted tobe the ist person to reach the North Pole. He Set off on 24 June, 1893 from Oslo coma ship with 12 men, At fist things went wel but by November, the weather wus fay cand icy. The sp moved slowly through the ce fora yar ‘Then Nansen and another man. Johanson. decided to cross the ice on sis, The two mon lf theshp in March 1895, but thee were a lot of problems. They couldn't reach the Pole and tumed south, The weather wes warn, 50 the ice melted and it was cdf to tome. They built shelter and wated thee | fo ight months. Finally, on 17 June, a British explorer found them. They ave home safely on 13 August, 1896. (_) atfirst,... (—) There were alot of problems. (Final (2) The weather was. C the) set off on... 4, Put the sentences in the correct order (1-5). a(_) Finally, we arrived back safely at 9 pm. | oe b(_) Theweather was sunny but cold. | ¢(7) Weset off from home early one morning. | \) d(_) At first, we made good progress. ‘e(_) There were a lot of problems that day. Write an account of a journey. PLAN 5, Make notes for each paragraph. 3 Who made the journey: When it started: 2 The first part of the journey: Theweather: 3. How the journey continued: Any problems: eo 2. Read the account again. Are the sentences z 4 Theendof the journey: T (true) or F (false)? : WRITE 1 Nansen left Norway in June 1893. ! G Write your account. Remember to include 2 Hestarted the journey on his own. the past simple, there was/there were and 3 The weather was bad in November. phrases from the Useful language box. 4 Nansen and Johansen didn’t have any : CHECK problems. 27 poyou... S Nansen was the first person to reach the : + use the past simple to talk about the past? North Pole. + explain what the journey was like? 6 Nansen etued to Norway one year ae ane pina hs ieee er re let. UNIT 2 | OUT OF THE PAST 29 THE HISTORY PROJECT A museum display 7% 1 Discuss the questions. 1 What museums do you know? 2 What can you see in them? 3. What makes a museum interesting? 2. Read the texts. Then read the sentences and write S (scissors), M (mirror), L (lamp) of B (bowl). 1 The way of making this object is the same today as it was in the 1600s. It's black butyou can see things init. Only rich people had objects lke this. This type of object first appeared in Egypt There was probably water in this. This object had two uses Ittook along time to find this object after a natural disaster. 8 This had connections with weather. {7% 3. Which object is your favourite? Why? How to give feedback ©) 4 Read the tips about giving feedback. Then listen. Which objects do Sophie and Leo talk about? 1 Read the piece of work 2 Think about any areas that need improvement (the language, facts, organisation, design and photos, etc.). Say what you like about the work Point out things that need improvement and make suggestions. Sophie: Leo: 15 Listen again. Answer the questions. 1 What did Sophie like about the display she read? 2. What improvement did she suggest? 3 What suggestions did Leo make? 4 Doyou agree with Sophie and Leo? 5. What suggestions can you make to improve the displays? USEFUL OBJECTS DISPLAY SCISSORS, STEEL AND IRON, 16: Yi County, Anhui Province, China, This is one of the first pars of Zhang Sija's shop. Zhang Sijia 350° shop in China in © issors by hand and followed cissors from Yad the first he 72 steps to make them. There is stil a scissors factory in Hangzhou, China, and the workers use the same process as they cid in the 1600s. The ancient Egyptians invented scissors, and today scissors are one of the most common objects inahome MIRROR. OBSIDIAN, AROUND 4000 BCE Gatalhdyak, south-central Turkey ‘Archaeologists found this mirror in GatalhoyOk. It was one of the first cities in the world, and 8,000 people lived there. The mirror is made from a special black stone called obsidian, and it was one of the first mirrors in the world. People used these mirrors tolook at themselves and also to look at the sun. LAMP, BRONZE, CE 79 Pompeii, southern Italy Archagologists found this olllampin the city of Pompei in 1752. tts in the shape of a dolphin. Bronze objects were expensive to make, so this lamp probably belonged to a rich family. Clay lamps were cheaper and more common. The city of Pompeii disappeared when the volcano Vesuvius erupted in the year CE 79. TLALOC BOWL, TERRACOTTA. 3RO-8TH CENTURY Veracruz, Mexico This bowl probably held water The face shows one of the faces ofthe Aztec figure Tlaloc, from ancient Central Mexico. People believed he sent good rain when he was happy to help plants grow, and he sent bad rain and storms when ne was unhappy. PLAN Work in groups. Choose four historical objects. Then complete the steps below. + Decide on the object that each student will research. + Research your object and write a short text touse in the display. + Find a photo or draw a picture of your object. + Read each other's texts and give feedback. + Make + Workin your group and make your display. [—: PRESENT 7 Put your display on your classroom wall Remember to follow the tips in How to give feedback and include correct facts, photos or pictures, and an attractive design. CHECK 2G Look at your classmates’ displays. Do they explain the four historical objects well? Give feedback to other groups on their displays. any changes or improvements. UNIT 2 | OUT OF THE PAST 3) 2 REVIEW VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with the adjective form of the nouns in the box. ° cloud fog ice rain storm wind 1 Idon't like it wher dark and noisy. 2. It's dangerous to drive when it’s and you can't see well, Take an umbrella, It's very today. Is outside. The trees are moving. Is today so we can’t sunbathe. Watch out! it's oe 2 Complete the sentences. 1 Ineeda to stir my drink. 2 tvegota sol can read in bed. 3 Youcanusea ora tomake your hair look better. 4 Have you got any tocut this paper? 5 | slept on my friend’s sofa last night without a ora LANGUAGE IN ACTION 3 Complete the text with the past simple. a because it's ° Meriwether Lewis ' (want) to explore more of the USA in the early 1800s. He and William Clark. 2 (leave) on 14 May, 1804 to go to the west of Mississippi. It? (not be) an easy joumey. They + (meet) a lol of people. but hey (not speak) their language. At times. they © (not have) enough food and it? (6) difficult to survive. After two years and more than 13,000 km, the men finally ® (complete) their journey in September 1806. 32 OUT OF THE PAST | UNIT 2 outside, Dont slip, eo e Self-assessment 4, Complete the review with there was(n't) or there were(n't) and a, an, some or any. [went to my local museum last week. oe amazing exhibition about Egypt. oe amazing things to see, like bronze: mirrors and beautiful necklaces. o board game called Senet It was, great fun to play. a Egyptian mummiest % cate. Iwas hungry. ‘900d exhibitions in your town lst week? 5 Complete the conversation with past simple verbs or there was(n't)/there were(n't). an, some or any. CHLOE What! you (do) at the weekend? MAX oP (g0) to my grandma's vil 2 “a / an outdoor film festival. CHLOE Cooll® you (watch) *some / any films? MAX Yes,1” a "some / any excellent films, but the weather ® (be) rainy. CHLOE Oh, dear. When * you (get) home? MAX This morning. CHLOE You {not message) me, MAX — I know."? Msome / any wii at home. ean use words to talk about the weather. I can use words to talk about useful objects. Ican.use the past simple. Ican use there was/ there were. G LEARN TO... GUESS THE MEANING OF NEW WORDS a Circle the answer that is true for you. Compare and discuss your answer with a partner. When | see a word I don’t know, | usually guess the meaning from the rest of the sentence. see if | can understand part of the word. sk the teacher what it means. look in a dictionary. write it in my notebook Read the text. Then tll your partner three Cola tirag sell (avai Cerel mcg things that surprise you. ee a Te eco) peed evenin Wer ee ae ee rh Suny day, at about 515 am. The. rea took sway See ta Read the text again. Discuss the questions about each of the words in bold with a partner. Make notes in your notebook. Isit a noun, verb or adjective? ‘Unusual’ describes the weather. What clues about the meaning can you find in the text? The text says ‘Normally it's wet and windy but it didnt rain oncer” fo) a | think ‘unusual’ fs an adjective Does the word have a special beginning or end? What does it mea What do you think the word means? Yes. Itstarts with mn which means ‘not Check the meanings of the words in a dictionary or ils with your teacher. Did the questions in Exercise 3 1 think ‘unusual means ‘not usual! help you guess correctly? UNIT.2 |OUTOF THE PAST 33 al PCI eek ree | ea ae WHAT'S THE hE ae | ae VOCABULARY ae Whearn TO LEARN Adjectives of feeling Personalising oe O11 Circle the adjectives to describe the people in You can write a sentence that is true for you to help you ***"" the photos. Listen, check and repeat. remember new words. 3. Write a personal sentence for six of the 1 adjectives in Exercise 1. 1 ' 2 : 3 4 3 5 j 6 embarrassed surprised/ §@ 4 Read your sentences to your partner, but = tired Worried don’t say the adjectives. Can they guess the adjectives? I feel... when 1 forget someone's name. Embarrassed? 5 Choose an adjective in Exercise 1 and tell your partner about a time when you felt like that. Ask questions to find out more. a I felt angry when my brother took lonely/tired afraid / upset excited /nervous a Dace ne ema ‘When did that happen? 2 Complete the sentences with adjectives in eo (Explore it [63 Exercise 1 1 Sam's afraid of dogs sohe doesn't want towalk | cusssthiecorrect answer: afraid n't want tow mee teoag tieaek it you have didaskaleinophobia, you are 28 ke to me today. | felt eee ipa mn cae we a cheese. b spiders. school. i Find out another unusual thing people are 3 I'm about my exams. What should I do? aE aes jovi 20?" | afraid of. Then write a question for your partner 4 It's Ana's birthday today! She's very Saat 5 'm This documentary isn’t very interesting. UNIT 3 | WHAT'S THE STORY? 35 READING A fable @ {% 1 Read the introduction and discuss the questions. 1 Whatis special about fables? 2 Why do you think Aesop's stories are stil important today? Aesop's fables ‘Aesop was a writer from ancient Greece. He wrote a lot of short stories called fables. Fables usually have a moral message. The main characters are often animals, but they act like humans. 4.2 Read the fable. Circle the best title. ‘a TheFox’sDance b TheMonkey as King OM A7IN ‘One day, al the animals from the jungle were sitting ina circle. They were feeling excited because this was the day to choose their new king. ‘The animals took turns to ive a speech about why they ‘wanted to be king. When the fox was giving his speech, ‘alot of the other animals ‘were getting bored, and they ‘weren't listening Then i ‘was the monkey's turn, but he didn't give a speech. He danced, made silly faces ‘and made the other animals laugh. They decided to make ‘the monkey king. ‘The fox know it was a bad decision, and he was angry. ‘The monkey didn’t have the right qualities to be a good king, He decided to play tiek on the monkey. Tve ‘got a present for you, he told ‘the monkey. ‘Follow me’ The monkey followed him. All the 36 WHAT'S THE STORY? | UNIT 3 AAs they were walking through ‘the Jungle, the fox pointed ‘towards a tree. Look st all ‘those bananast’ he sald. As the monkey was running to the tree, he fell nto a trap. ‘Help! Help he shouted. He ‘wasn't dancing now. ‘How can the monkey look after us and be our king?, asked the fox. He can’t ‘even look after himself? The ‘animals realised that they were wrong. ‘You are our king now; they told the fox. “You are olever and you can protect us’ 3 °e oO: Find words in the story that mean: 1 aplacewith alot of trees 2 not serious 3. something that people give you on a special occasion 4 ahole inthe ground to catch animals or people 5 to keep people safe Answer the questions, 1 Why were the animals excited? 2 How did the other animals feel about the fox’s speech? 3. Why did the animals choose the monkey tobe their king? 4 What did the fox decide to do? 5 What happened inthe end? Discuss the questions. 1 What isthe moral of the story? 2. What do you think a good leader needs? 3 Which other fables do you know? ° i e ° LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past continuous: affirmative and negative Mhe|shejit The fox’ was_giving his speech. He® dancing. 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the story on page 36 to help you. 2 Complete the sentences with was/were or wasn’t/weren't. 1 The animals weren't standing in a circle. They were. sitting. 2 The fox wasn't quiet. He iving a speech. 3. The animals, watching each other. ‘They were watching the fox and the monkey. 4 The monkey walking to the tree. He was running, 3. Complete the story with the past continuous form of the verbs. Then listen and check. ‘One day, a hare "was telling (tell) the other ‘animals how fast he could run. At that moment, a tortoise? (walk) past, He heard the hare and he offered fo race him. The race began. At first, the hare * (fun) very fast and the tortoise + () very slowly. The hare was soon near the end of the race. The other animals * (rot watch), so he decided to stop for a rest. He soon fell asleep. The tortoise continued to walk slowly while the hare * (sloop). Just as the tortoise” (oni) the race. the hare woke up. \ The other animals, | . (Shout loudly- | SS the tortoise was the winner | The moral of the story is: don't | be too sure that something is ecry. Sometimes things ore | inal more diffcuit than you think. The animals * They weren't listening. SACLE ues ieee nti Cnet) ear ied sitting in acircle. 4, Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in the box. make notlive not work road take travel watch 1 At9 pm last night, | wasreading a book. 2 Leo selfies this morning. 3 Esma a cake when I called. 4 My parents at 10 pm last night. They W. 5 Sandra at home this time last year. She round the world! 5, Think of true sentences about things you were doing at these times. Use the activities in the box or your own ideas. at.... clock yesterday morning/afternoon/evening at... o'clock last Monday/Tuesday this time two days/months/years ago this time last week/month/year chattofriends do my homework get up gotobed have breakfast/lunch/dinner play basketball/computer games walkhome/to school sleep 6 Compare your sentences with a partner. ‘At 8 o'clock yesterday morning, I was ‘walking to school What about you? 1 wasn’t walking to school. Iwas cleaning my teeth. UNIT 3 | WHAT'S THE STORY? 37 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING @Uzi® Prepositions of movement 3 Inyour notebook write about your journey to school today using the prepositions in Exercise 1.1 Match the prepositions with the pictures. 1. Compare with a partner. Usten, check and repeat. First. Lwent out of my house. Then | walked along ‘the road and over the bridge along into over under A radio phone-in Te) LEARN TO LEARN Using your knowledge Before you listen, think about what you already know ‘on the topic and words you might hear. 4 Look at the photos and think about words you 12 Circle the correct prepositions, Then listen #0" and check, © ; Be carefull Don't fall over (Gownyhe stairs. Whois that coming out of / under Bruno's house? Isit Carla? Let's jump into / up the water together! Are you ready? Don't cross the road through / between those cars. It's dangerous. Why don’t we swim across / offthe lake to the other side? It isn't far. Laura walked along / past me without sayinghello, 38 WHAT'S THE STORY? | UNIT 3 wo o eo might hear. Listen to Melissa's story. How many of your words in Exercise 4 do you hear? Listen again and put the events in the correct order. a (_) A boy fell into the lake in the park. b (_] A photographer was taking a photo of Clayton’s wife ¢ (_) Clayton and his wife were in a park. 4 (7) Clayton Cook got married e (_} Clayton jumped into the water and rescued the boy. £ (-) some children started shouting. Close your books. Take turns to tell the story. ‘Can you remember the events in order? 00 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past continuous: questions POO Our ee sed Oe eas Dera Was he wearing his wedding clothes? Yes, he? ! No, he? the children standing close to the lake? Yes, they* ./ No, they weren't. 1 Complete the examples in the table above. 2. Complete the dialogues with the past continuous °°” form of the verbs. Then listen and check. 1 A you/TVat 8 pm last night? (watch) Were you watching TY at 6 pmlast right? BY Yes.\was. 2 A What/ your friends / at 7 am this morning? (do) B getup 3A What / you / yesterday? (wear) B jeans and a hoodie 4 A your best friend / at 5 pm yesterday? (chat online) B X play basketball © Past simple and past continuous When Clayton jumped into the water, he 1 (wear) his wedding clothes. While the photographer? (prepare) his camera, Clayton noticed three children. past simple past continuous the correct form of the word in brackets. We can use when, while and as + past continuous for a longer action in progress. We use when + past simple for a shorter action that interrupts a longer one. © 4 Complete the text with the past simple or past ** continuous. Then listen and check. 1 was walking (walk) to the bus stop one afternoon when 12 (fall) over on the icy street. vp (carry) a heavy bag with al my school things and I+ (break) my gasses. rE (fee) very embarrassed. Alot of other people ¢ (wait) for the bus, (ot help) me. However, one (ick up) my bag and glasses (find) an empty seat for me. (Gi there, she " but they” and she While | (lean) my face and gave me some water. But when 1a (look) for her a few minutes later, there was no one there, 5, Work in pairs. Take turns to say a sentence to continue and finish the story below. Use the past simple and past continuous. While | was walking to school this morning, Isaw... UNIT 3 | WHAT'S THE STORY? 39 SPEAKING Telling an anecdote oe A. Listen to the conversation. Whois the story “about and what was the person doing? DAVID ‘Guess what: happened yesterday? LAURA Noidea. DAVID Well, it didn’t happentome, Adrian. LAURA Goon. DAVID He was at the new shopping centre. LAURA You're kidding! * a shopping centre? He hates shopping. DAVID He was looking for new trainers. LAURA * DAVID Yes, really. Now please stop interrupting. While he was looking at the trainers, someone bumped into him. LAURA Whowasit? DAVID twas Neymar! LAURA Noway! DAVID know. LAURA Didhe take. photo? | DAVID No, he didn't He was | too embarrassed. Can you believe it? LAURA vnatagreatstont |@ eo 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases 245°" from the Useful language box. Then listen and check. we Guess what happened (yesterday)? Ithappened to... Really? That's amazing/incredible! What was (he) doing (in) ...? 40 WHAT'S THE STORY? | UNIT 3 3. Look at the Everyday English box. Find and underline the phrases in the conversation. Gree ae ey Goon. Noidea. What agreat story! You're kidding! 4, Which Everyday English phrases do you use when you 1 don’t know? 2. hear something surprising? 3 want someone to continue? 4 liked a story that someone told you? PLAN 5 Write about something funny or unusual that happened. Use the ideas below. Who did it happen to? What was the person doing when it happened? What happened? SPEAK 6 Practise the conversation with your partner. Remember to use the past simple and past continuous, the vocabulary from this unit, and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday English boxes. CHECK 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their conversation and complete the notes. Who the story happened to: What the person was doingwhen ithappened: WRITING Astory 1. Look at the photo. What do you think Berat’s story " is about? Read the story and check your answers. e A funny story 84 Berot Dewic 1 One night last summer, I was lying in bed wen I heard a ise downstairs. At fist. | thought it was cour cat, | got up to see, but then [noticed my brother Eymen wasn't in his bedroom. I was worried. is. The 1 A few tes later, | saw Eyeen. He was walling along went out. | started walling down the 1% the pavement on the other side of the road. He was zaring his bear pyjamas and he was carrying his bear. Si he stopped. Iran towards him. 3 In the end, we walked back home together. Eymen sas still sleeping. The next morning he was very tired. When I asked him about the night before, he didn't remember it at all! 2. Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 When did the events happen? 2. Why did Berat go downstairs? 3. What did he do after that? 4 What was Eymen doing? 5 What happened the next morning? @:; @ ‘Complete the sentences in the Useful language box with sequencing words and phrases from the story. Cees Write a story. Iwas lying in bed. » thought it was ourcat. sIsaw Eymen. she stopped. we walked back home together. he was very tired. > PLAN about these things. 1 What was happening before the main events started: What happened first The main events of the story: What happened in the end: WRITE 5 Write your story. Remember to include three paragraphs, the past simple and past continuous, and the vocabulary from this unit. : CHECK 6 Doyou... use the phrases from the Useful language box? explain the main events? explain what happened in the end? UNIT 3 | WHAT'S THE STORY? 41 4 Think about a time when something interesting, : : funny or scary happened to you. Make notes : teaN < eT THE WORLD eas READING A Turkish fairy tale rd + Where are bees very busy? 1 Look at the pictures, What is happening in each + What is honey used for? picture? What do you think the story is about? oO 1.2 Read the fairy tale. Put the pictures °° inthe order of the story. + Who did artists in the 18th century paint? 4, Read the fairy tale again. Answer the questions. © 1 Why did the boy start his journey? 2. How did he feel when he started the journey? 3. What did the ogre try to do? 4 Why do you think he felt afraid at the end? The boy who found fear nice upon a time, a woman and her son lived in a small house in a forest. They didn’t have ny neighbours, and the lonely boy stayed at home with his mother every day One winter's evening, they were having dinner when a storm started. The wind blew the door open and the mother said, ‘Close the door. I feel fear. ‘What is fear?" asked the boy. ‘Fear is when you feel afraid,’ she replied. 3. Find words in the fairy tale that mean: 1 don’t understand. 1 want to find fear? people who steal things = avery big and figneing—<=<— very afraid , So the next mornin 2 3 4 notalive 5 6 the boy set off confidently. While he was looking for fear, he met a lot of different people and he faced a lot of challenges. First, there was a group of robbers, They made him do dangerous and difficule things, but he wasn't afraid. He continued his journey. d something that gives information awhite Cee acs sc Lhe) iy Ug LEARN TO LEARN Phrasal verbs Aphrasal verb is a verb + a small word like for or on. ‘They have a special meaning which is different from the verb on its own. 5 Find phrasal verbs in the story that mean: 1 tostart ajourney 2 totrytofind 3 tofind by accident 4 toarriveor reach 5 tocontinue Next, he came across an angry ogre who tried to attack him, but the boy ran away. he got to the se: n and he saw a ship in great danger. The people on the ship were terrified and they were shouting for help, so he jumped into the water and saved them. He wasn afraid at all There was a terrible stot He went on until finally he got to a city. There were people everywhere and it was very busy. One man told the boy that the people were sad because their king was dead, but today they new king. Just then, flew down from a tower an were choosing a ful doves they sat on the boy's head, The people were excited. “This is the sign! You are our king! hree be: Ac that moment, he saw into the future hhe was the ki everyone happy, but the people were angry. And he suddenly realised what fear was, and he was afraid. he was trying to make 6 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in Exercise 5. 1 Are we all ready to go? Let's now before it gets too hot. 2. A Idon'tthinkit's a good idea to. in the dark. B OK. Let’s camp here for the night. 3. Canyou help me my phone? 4. A How long did it take you to the beach? B Ages! It was quite far away. 5. While | was doing some research, 1 this photo of our street in 1885. 7&7 Think of your own sentences with the phrasal verbs in Exercise 5. Say your sentences but don’t say the phrasal verb. Can your partner guess it? 8 Answerthe questions. 1 When does the boy show fear? Why? 2 Is fear a positive or a negative quality? 3. Is everybody always afraid of the same things? Is the sentence T (true) or F (false)? ‘The story of Cinderella first appeared ina Chinese book around the year aso.[ ) Find another interesting fact about a fairy tale. Write a question for your partner to answer. 3 REVIEW VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with the adjectives. afraid embarrassed surprised tired upset 1 Elsa looks and she’s crying. 2 lean't believe | won! I'm really 3 Mydadis of heights. He can't go up tall buildings. 4 forgot my friend's birthday. | was so 5 I'mreally the road. He went a. the park and climbed * 2 mouse appeared. ‘Lunch! thought Tiger. He climbed « the tree and followed it. The mouse ran : the grass and (— then disappeared * a stone. ‘Maybe Ill have lunch at home today’ said Tiger. (a LANGUAGE IN ACTION 3 What was happening at 10.30 am yesterday? Write two sentences in the past continuous. 1 it/not snow - rain ° 2 I/ not study chat / with my friends 3. Alex /not read / a book - listen / to music 4 Eva and Helen / not talk - have / a snack 4 WHAT'S THE STORY? | UNIT 3 e° the front door and walked a tree. Then i, ? ed as oe 4. Write past continuous questions. Then match them with the answers (a-d). 1 you/ wear / jeans / yesterday? 2 Lidia / work / at 10 pm last night? 3. where / we /go / last Saturday at 7 pm? what / Ollie and Brad / do / an hour ago? We were going to the cinema. Yes, she was. They were taking photos. Yes, | was. a b « d ‘Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs. Beth? a She? while she * {study} at school when {write) her frst novel. (G00) ber book odie {si in her bedroom ct home. She soon 2 (discover) thot lots of young people * (read) her story. Two years later, it had 19 million reads on the website and it” (win) a prize for teen fiction. ‘When Both ® {leave} school, she * {0} 10 university. She (complete) hwo more books while she " (do) a physics course, and a TY company '? (make) her first novel into a film in 2018. Ian use adjectives to talk about feelings. can use prepositions to talk about movement. I can use the past continuous to make affirmative and negative @@ @ @ sentences and questions. Ican use the past simple and the past continuous, $% 1 Elif writes sentences with missing words for a friend to guess. Can you guess what the words are? Discuss with a partner. OK. the first one. is tan adjective? Yes itis. Isit’happy? No. Try again! Iwas because my football team were winning The plane flew the city > The boy felt when he called his teacher ‘mun. ! / " 2. Choose five words from the box. Write five sentences with 3. Show your sentences to your partner. missing words like the sentences in Exercise 1. Can they guess the missing words? ; é between bored jungle nervous protect $% 4 Whyisit a good idea to learn words in : iS surprised tired trap under worried sentences? Discuss with your partner. 747 G {% 5, Close your book. Take turns to say fi 2 the five words you chose in Exercise | 2 = 2. Can your partner remember your . } sentences? ® The word was bored’ 4 What was the sentence? ‘feel bored when... 'No, sorry, can you help me? OK. It starts, ‘I was bored because... remember was bored because Geecrsenst)[E)\ Sb RBCS THE StOBI 45 | )\V Way ae er eee oth he , / THINGS IN ; LIFE ARE ™ FREE VOCABULARY 2 Listen to the verbs in Exercise 1 and repeat. oe 3 Listen and write the correct verb from Exercise Look at the verbs in the box. Then miaien he 1 for each situation. Sometimes there is more sentences with the photos. than one possible answer. pay borrow change cost earn lend owe pay save sell spend Don't worry. Ian pay for you, to®, 4 = Don't spend your money on more video SJ games. Save it for something you need. Similar words Friendships don't cost money. They're free! Many words have similar meanings. Think of ways to Iwantto earn money. Can | wash your car? help you understand the differences. 5 lowe my friend £50. |can selll my bike. Could you lend me some money? You lend money tos B_ How much do you want to borrow? You borrow money fi voney, please. Iwant to change this Look at these pairs of verbs. Think of more ways toremember the different meanings. spend/ buy —earn/ win Compare with a partner. How does your partner remember the meanings? eitt Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Tell your partner. A good way to earn money is to The last time | borrowed money was I spend most of my money on Is the sentence T (true) or F (false)? In Zimbabwe, there was a $100 trillion banknote. At that time, bread cost $300 billion. Find another interesting fact about money. Then write a question for your partner. ° © e LANGUAGE IN ACTION Comparative and superlative adjectives could fit the fittest happy the happiest important the most important difficult the most difficult the best Tey ered Cen et) rere He ! could change his life, SB _5 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the article He? make any calls. on page 29 to bel yo8. Could he live without money? on) Yes, he? -/No, he* We use than, not that, to compare two things. My sister sitter than me. NOT My-sisteris itor that me. 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the article on page 48 to help you. oe 6 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. 2 pharaoh rare eae ne 1. Life for Mark without money was better (good) than before. ‘or couldn't and the verbs in brackets. hack jor nace a tha niche 2 (good) thing was that he felt more alive 3 (difficult) decision was to return to a life with 1 Mark could receive calls on his : money. phone. (receive) 2 He food. (buy) eo 7 Complete the text with the comparative or superlative form of 3 He hislaptop with solar“ theadjectives. Then listen and check. power. (charge) 4 He ‘a shower. (have) les the fourth Friday in November and it’s Black Friday. les "the busiest usy) shopping day ofthe year. Things are? {cheap} than usual today. Shoppers can get? (0d) prices for * (ate) gadgets o* (stylish trainers. In my opinion, Black Friday ist (bad) day ofthe year. People seem tobe” {interested) in shopping than anything else! | think we could all be ‘ (happy people without spending money al the time. 3 Complete the sentences. Use could/ ‘couldn't and the ideas in the box. buy my own clothes make my own lunch ride a bike use a laptop 1 Whentwasfive, | Ouseit 2 When my grandparents were young, 8 Chooseattopic from the box or use your own. Discuss with they : a partner. Use comparatives and superlatives. 3: Ayearag,| : maths/ history / science 4 eked ial Sait market / shopping centre / online shopping Could you buy your own History is more difficult than .. but... isthe most difficult. shes ben on were et @ rinsnearorre2) UNIT 4 | THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE 49 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Caring jobs it jobs with the photos. Circle the jobs that aren't in the photos. Listen, check and repeat. carer firefighter (charity worker t liteguard { { { ( ) lawyer nurse police officer surgeon volunteer paramedic refuse collector 2. Write which person you need in these situations. 1. You're at the swimming pool. Your friend has a problem. lifeguard There's afire at your school. Your grandma needs help at home. Your cat has a problem with its eye. Your friend isin hospital. This person is doing an operation on them. e oe wauwn 50 THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE | UNIT 4 3. Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1 What do the jobs in Exercise 1 have in common? 2. Which people in these jobs do you see every week? 3. Which job would you like to do? {% 4, What do you think are the best and worst things about doing a caring job? Discuss with a partner. 5 Listen and match the speakers with their jobs. “ot There is one extra job. Speaker 1 a lifeguard nurse Speaker? b paramedic e vet Speaker 3 € volunteer Speaker 4 ug LEARN TO LEARN Identifying key information When you are matching people with information, check key words before you listen. This helps you to focus on the information youneed. 6 Read the questions in Exercise 7. Ci words you need to listen for. 27 Listen again. Write 1, 2,3.0°4. a Who « doesn't have a job now? sometimes doesn't have lunch? was bored in their old job? sells things that help other people? enjoys making people feet happier? seance $8 8 Imagine aday in the life of one of the people in the jobs in Exercise 1. Write five sentences about your day in your notebook. Read your sentences, but don’t say the job. Can your partner guess? sometimes work all night, Isitanurse? © e © LANGUAGE IN ACTION too, too much, too many too+ adjective too much + uncountable noun eed Pee Cuneta Perera unr y Breen 1 Complete the examples in the table above with tthe words in the box. 2. Read the sentences about the people you listened to on page 50. Circle the correct words. 1 The hours weref09/ too much / too many long in the paramedic’s last job. 2 The volunteer thinks people own too / too much / too many books. ‘Sometimes the pool is too / too much / too many noisy for the lifeguard. The vet spends too / too much / too many time at work. 3 Complete the questionnaire with too, too much or too many. All about you! Have you got ... 1 too much homework this week? 2 dlothes? we ‘money on clothes? 3 spend 4 buy sweets? e Are you ... 5 6 4, Work with a partner, Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3. busy to listen to your friends? ? young to drive a car? tohave lunch.| Lots of people have got too much ? too many + plural countable noun .| We've all got too many® 7 (not) enough + noun ve got? {time}. | !don’t have? (money). 5 Complete the examples in the table above with the words in brackets and enough. 26 Complete the text with the words in the box. “e* "Then listen and check. enoughchairs enoughspace enough time toofar toomanyanimals too many people too much information toonoisy tooyoung T'm' too. young to have a fulltime job, but every Saturday I'm a volunteer with 3 local vet. [cycle there because it isn’t 1 from my house. I help the receptionist when she hasn't got ® Last week, there were * to do everything. inthe waiting room— we for them to sit on! Sometimes it gets didn’t have * g for me, especially when there are and there isn’t in the waiting room. The best thing I ove animals and I can spend al day with them The worst thing: Sometimes there's for me and I don’t understand it all 7 Imagine a day doing your dream job. Make notes. Then compare with a partner. + What the job is: + The best thing: + The worst thing: My dream job is to bea firefighter. 1's an exciting job but itcan be dangerous. UNIT 4 | THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE SI READING Qvoiceit: A newspaper article 4 Imagine you can interview Mark Boyle after his three years without money. 1 Look at the photos. What do you think the man did? Write questions to ask him using the x) 2. Skim the article and choose the correct summary. 60 Family and friends: a Amansold his home and bought a caravan to travel around the world for three years. Clothes: b_Amanlived without money for three years. 3. Read the article and answer the questions. Food: 1. Where did Mark live after he sold his own home? Work: 2. How did he use his laptop without electricity? Travel: 3. Which three things were difficult for him at first? 5 Take turns to be Mark Boyle and the interviewer and do the interview. How often did you see your family? A different aaa 4 What did he buy after his time without money? Pt ee ie ome ute Crna aac Mark had a good job and he eared The first few months were the a lot of money. One day, a friend worst ~ simple things were more challenged him to live without cifficuit than before. Mark couldn't ‘money. Mark decided he could buy food, have a shower or travel cchange his life and do it. easily. But he soon found his own far ee Ho Wane Toney ete for Mark than ife with money? Yes, First, he sold his houseboat, and he food — usually vegetables, fruit and it wae was happier than before, i other plants. He made a stove to » went to ive in a caravan on a farm. and the best thing was that he ft He kept his laptop and mobile—he 00k outside and he collected W0Od re alive. He also discovered that knew he could use solar power to ‘use a8 fuel. He washed in aver endshin is more important than charge them. He couldnt make any ade used plants to clean mse. AON calls, but he could receive them, Fe oven made his own tothaste The biggest and most tic a waked or cycled everywhere, SO gecision for Mark was returning to Nw , he was iter and heather tan he ite wit money. Aer thre years Pm without money, what was the first ¢ ~ (A thing he bought? A pair of trainers iD. Se from a charity shop! eee @ rinishearozex 48 THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE | UNIT 4 SPEAKING Making requests 4) 1 Listen to the conversation. Who lends Rita * "some money? BILLY Hey, Rita. What’s up? You look a bit worried. RITA 1am. *Could youdo me a favour? BILLY » What do you need? RITA * ending me £10? BILLY Ah.* spent too much ‘money at the weekend. RITA OK, noworries. What about you, Greg? GREG Maybe. What's it for? RITA _Iwant to buy a bag for Maisie’s birthday. There's a really cute one that | want to get her, but | haven't got enough money. GREG When's her birthday? RITA Yesterday! Please, Greg. GREG * ,sineyou | asked so nicely. There you are. RITA Thanks, Greg. You're the best! lowe you one. GREG Actually, you owe me ten! oe 1.2. Complete the conversation with the phrases “28” from the Useful language box. Then listen and check. Useful language Could you do mea favour? Vmsorry, can't. Itdepends. Sure. Would you mind 52 THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE | UNIT 4 3 Look at the Everyday English box. Find and underline the phrases in the conversation. reo mare cute lowe you one. There you are. What's up? SB 4 Complete the conversations with the Everyday English phrases. 1A Kate? B Ineed a favour. 2A Thanks for paying, B Anytime. 3. A Can! borrow your phone for a second? B Sure. 4 Look at that little dog! PLAN 5, Workin groups of three. One person wants t borrow something. One friend can’t lend it, but the other can. Make notes. What the person wants to borrow and why: Why one friend can’t lend it: } SPEAK 2G Practise the conversation in your groups. = Remember to use (not) enough and too, too much, too many, the vocabulary from this ind phrases from the Useful language and Everyday English boxes. CHECK 7 Work with another group. Listen to their conversation and complete the notes. What the person wanted to borrow and why: Why one friend couldn't lend it: ° © WRITING An opinion essay 1 Read Min-Seo’s essay. Does she agree with the statement? professional sports stars earn too muck money. Do you agree? By Min-Seo Lim 1 Nowadays, sports stars can eam a lot of money. some Ps basketball players eam more than $40 million every year, In my opinion, this is too much, 2 First of all, sports stars work less than other people, They only entertain people for a short time each week. Also, they have long holidays. 3 Personally, | think that other jobs are more important. For example, nurses, like my dad, save lives. | also think its easier to live without sport or sports stars thar to live without nurses and firefighters 4 To sum up. believe that some sports stars earn too much money and people with important life-saving jobs dowt earn enough. We need to find a better and fairer way to pay those people more 2 Circle the correct words. 1 According to Min-Seo, sports stars earn enough / too much money. 2. Min-Seo thinks sports stars help / entertain people. In Min-Seo's opinion, sports stars have got ‘more | less important jobs than firefighters. Itis easier / more difficult to live without ‘nurses than without sports stars. People with life-saving jobs don't earn enough / earn too much money. Oo 3. Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. opinion = * think that. ‘To that 4 Putthe words in the correct order. 1 need / less / think / Personally, /we / homework / I/that students / homework / In / too much / have / opinion, / my 3 work / all, / enough /in class / do / we / of / First Write your own opinion essay. PLAN 5 Choose one of these topics. Make notes about ‘the information you need for each paragraph. + Pop stars earn too much money. + Money can't buy happiness. 1 Introduce the topic and give your opinion 2. Give a reason for your opinion 3 Give a second reason 4 Summarise your opinion } WRITE Write your opinion essay. Remember to include (not) enough and too, too much, too many, and phrases from the Useful language box. CHECK 7 Doyou... + have four paragraphs? + give reasons for your opinions? + summarise your opinion at the end? UNIT 4 | THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE S3 THE SOCIAL STUDIES PROJECT A poster 11 Whatis the purpose of the poster? Read and check. 2 toencourage more people touse a local park bb toask or more volunteers to clean the park Don’t give us your money € totell people about a charity event ~ give us your tim: 2. Read the poster again. Under which heading can you find this information? 1 the place forthe activity W the type of activity the people organising the activity the reasons why it isa useful thing todo the time and place to meet aunwn rs enjoy the activity How to agree as a group 3 Read the tips on how to.agree as a group. Put them in the best order. ‘Ask other people for their opinions. Make a decision as a group. Check everyone agrees. Introduce the decision you need to make. Give your own opinion politely. Interrupt politely if you want to comment. ‘Sum up all the opinions, 4, Listen to the students. Write ¥ (Yusuf), (Lara) or T (Thiago). Who... 1 suggests ideas (two people)? 2 interrupts politely? 3. asks other people for their opinion and sums up the opinions? WHAT? Help us to make the park a cleaner space for the whole community. WHERE? Greenhill Park WHO? We have a team of five volunteers, but there's too much work for us, We need more volunteers. WHEN? — 10 am every Saturday. Meet at the park café. Your commun WHY? Ht helps your community! There aren't enough people using the park We want more people to use it. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? — We need only an hour of your time once a week You can get fitter and have fun, H's one of the best ways to make new friends and make a difference! we e it PLAN 5 Work in groups. Plan a poster fora volunteer project. Complete the steps below. + Choose an idea for a volunteer project. Use the ideas below or your own. ~ Teach older people how to use the latest gadgets. = Help at an after-school or local sports club for younger students. ~ Work in an animal shelter. + Think of phrases to attract volunteers. + Prepare your poster. + Add photos. q PRESENT 6 Display your poster on your classroom wall. Remember to include useful information for volunteers, photos and follow the tips in How to agree as a group. : CHECK 7 Look at your classmates’ posters. Would you like to work on their projects? Vote for the best poster. UNIT 4 | THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE 55 4& REVIEW 4, Putthe words in the correct order. 1 lifeguard / you're / too / be / young/to/a VOCABULARY e 1. Complete the conversations with the pairs of 2 a/money /1/ drink /to/ haven't / got / verbs in the box. enough/ buy borrow/owe pay/lend spend/save sell /earn i coc / thera /050/ peopla vere] tha] 1A Can you me £2 for acoffee? neo! B Don'tworry. !ean for yours. <5 Sasi Gaim 4 much /night /we / last /spent / too / money B Yes, but they don't much money. 3A Shall! my money for the future? 5 Complete the blog with too, too many, too much, B No!Why don't you itnow? Let's go (not) enough and the comparative or superlative shopping. form of the adjectives. Use than i 4 A Could! some money for the bus? B Sure, butyounow mest oe 2. Read the descriptions and write the correct job. Appearance She's! 1 Igive my free timeto help people. I don't earn | ine and she's gt? (ox) any money but I love my job. ait, So, I'm ? (short) her in two ways! 2. I've got a difficult job in a hospital. I'm not a Personality She alveys makes me lug. She's normal doctor or a nurse. ‘ tuy) and (happy) person know! 3-1 keep our community safe. can arrest people | coor Hotys (g200) sport is bastetbal who are breaking the law. Unortunatly, the school team has got” players at 4 | treat very ill people at home and then take the moment, so she only plays for fun. them to hospital. Jobs She wants to be a firefighter, he's * (brave) LANGUAGE IN ACTION @ ee egoam cede lathes Tore tk oe 3 Complete the quiz with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. Then decide ifthe sentences are T (true) or F (false). Basketball players are usually than I can use words to talk footballers. (tal) about money. Finland is country in the world {can use words to talk (happy) about caring jobs. Chris Hemsworth is than Chris Evans. (oi) Ian use could and couldnt. @ @B @ The Istanbul Cevahir shopping mall is {can use comparative and the word, (bi) po eee A hippo is than a lion. (dangerous) eee meee) na can use too, too much, too 6 New York is city to live in. (expensive) » , . ‘many and (not) enough. eee 56 THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE | UNIT 4

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