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Tn some cones + Pecigtance 4 of thermistor ot Room -bempredure may decrease S/- ‘ for eoch one degree ceMeius wise in bemprecture. ; “je OF “thermistor on “Ihe basis oF Shapes © bresd Ahermstor —> = ==> GY) dist thermicdor —_, ox ®) Rod thermistor Symbal of ~thermisder crrewit | © scanned with OKEN Scanner eyuentag nappeme + fer the purpose ck arafas oP U MCE CRON Fe je he crepe ee ences eee Rosietance of — mocterial change Tres changes im Resislance can be Preagured costly and calibyated agennst fhe input quantity: hermistar hes ~hgh negechve ctemprecre correo ion The commenaly used hermictar ove mode up the ceramre Lite semiconducting mecterial guch os oxiden of mongonese, riteel and cobalt: “Were ave three Chareeteristre of thermistor ? © Resistance: pemprecture Choracteristics & torhigh vonge = R= RK we [8 . *)| -© Where R — Resistance af thermistor at temprecture Tem k) ' ) » > Ry a Resistonce of thermistor ett ctenpreture Te Gn) Dd Pm motenct specific- constant 7 ts ic D ditferomiat auction with rts “Temp. ® RB dee » TI OT Ra Te ® ae w ar-e 2 iT Tt i Tatein beth side of eq” ha dna - he wg Ten ea © scanned with OKEN Scanner of vottys arent the lead! erm is dow * ic of th 3 Noltoge fe Meare teoetale “Tie vel+age drop tneveose, m current HF mereaaes unt Be io teer ite Oconee woedth thermistor merecse with an Lob reaches tne peok increase in tempred across “the valve after P 1 Arnorert pO temproclere —> 6 wt 63 currenteay @ Cunmerts tne _choractertste + then time defoy “to eoeh inection of applied wattage -urnen maximum current jp the the time delay we are decreasing tre applied valtoge, to reach the meximam carrent 14 also decreasing’ Erbe Correntine) © scanned with OKEN Scanner Ryherevey response » fos the purpose, ol anatavi ae ii new an» x They ave compact, rugged and imex- “Advarlage of -lhermister pensive They “hove ree stobility ond gh sensu ty» % “Tre Responce very fast * “Trey ore not affected by stray magnetic and electric field Pecodvarhage: 2 Rey “have non: Lncor “hempoecture resistance Chawocteristics # Not suitobse -for Lorge -temprecture Forge: * everlation for Large —bemprocdure songe * Susceptivfe to sell neorling ere: Application: G) measurement af —femprecdure OTe mprecture compensator G9 Meesurement of Power at “high frequency: @® Meosurement of Develo l Siquid / Clow of Liquid © Mecsurement of “time deLoy TTS SPP CCCOCCTEUUUUUYUUUUU UU UU eee © scanned with OKEN Scanner pecs “oy ot ned an ce presure appt delop develop ny force Prog elec due-eftect? when AY feriat tren ve Hoge “the surfoce yezermed tect cok oelectnie efFect” thot effect cotted pr dO POPLLLLLLLS FA in efecto ware preroelectnie roredecee 16 0 7 Preze eectne-frosdaces 1 TE Pete ere oe eesiom oF pressure or mochoneal chress: ito alterreciy fee ireal Sigdal Wie ured for measuring Ihe physicet quortity Lite ico, pressure ee uhich derdetly aot possible te meoaurs: Piercelecne -frorsducer converte the physica! Quartiy ito electro t vallage urhch 16 costly measured by onoblegue and digitee& me ter. se prewelectne -Hronedecer use “the prezoeliecctrie motenio0 Which as a special property me the Coens Voltage when “the pressure of stress oppied fo it: “Me mecterial which shew such property 1 Known as the ellectro- vesisdive efement- The piezo electri meon the ellectrerty produces by -the Pressure The Bluarte uw “the example of nockral electric crystal, ushereos Kochetle softs, ecfumaum ammonium dertydrestion, phosphate, Qidhumeulphate, di potassium tordeete are example of prere- materia ks ene ene PN HNNN NPD © scanned with OKEN Scanner NEC expanse + 6 rt ; f. ra : fe jw Baler Afovee ‘t applied an the surface of preza-elcetric element “then deformation, / af Se ofitur\t to at the Charge genended tho SS Rar -@ Fn. 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Quorte oscillator operated m ctickness Shear! mode of “the AT- cut are used in computers, Ty's and VCRs its voltage sensitive 18 L8x10"S Vinny, permitivrdy ig 425x109 iq ond charge senstwrty 1s 4.50 x10°8 S/n its whos extemely Thigh machanica! quality foctor Rm sos - Barium Ttanote + OJ tese materia? with dopants suck on Pb or Ca tens con Stabilize the Jetragme! phose over a wider stempreclure ‘rarge These are wndrolly used for Longevin- type piezoelectric uibrertow Hs voltoge Sensrtividy 8 Soxio'3 Voyn | permitwrty ts 4o-6 x1o"'8 Fim ond Chorge Sensitive (6 <9 Pe/4 bULLEUUUUTUUIIUVIVVVI Oreo © scanned with OKEN Scanner The inagniooale of VoHays. arses +H load, ¢€ i \ Ge [ to Cp Ry 4 |jtisteter opeection of cperotien — LT }- kcme mode cf © -fece_sheor + @)ickness expansion; (@ essere rr r Equivalent crreuit of precoefectnre Frans duces © scanned with OKEN Scanner Preguentrig Lev mene . Looding effect and frequency Respanes meen —S, ol les ae ~~] | i} a Ee. Resistonce Rp oF oh ne crystol very forge sre veluc of heokoge thos order of ob xii? 2 Rg under the condlion of Lead 4° Tee 4 yw RL Cop tc) etal impedence s 2 =—4— & . . + eee Po tts CswCp) (4+ se Cp & ) fs z valtoge across the Load - Baa xEy RK (IHC p) Crt JwCpR ) E vo co Gs Cmca) Crtuw ReCeptee) Cit ser Copter) weph. 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