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To Presenters who has gotten abstract accepted notification

Dear Participant,

We hope you are well. On behalf of the Committee of The 4 th INHSP Conference, Faculty of Nursing,
Universitas Hasanuddin, I would like to congratulate you for your abstract's acceptance at our
conference. What would you do next are:

1. Creating your oral presentation video using the following guidelines

a. All oral presentations should be in English
b. Only one author per abstract will be allowed to present
c. You need to pre-record your presentation and you may do so using Zoom
1) You need to create your PowerPoint slides
2) Record your presentation
3) Both slides and the speaker should be shown on the pre-recorded video presentation
d. Slides should be limited to 7, allowing one minute per slide presentation. You are only
allowed a maximum of 7 minutes. On the conference day (schedule will be updated), after
the play of your presentation video, you should be prepared for 3 minutes discussion from
the audience. Your slides may include the following
1) Title, author, and disclosures
2) Introduction, background, and research questions
3) Methods
4) The result, analysis, and discussions
5) Conclusions and recommendation
e. The texts in your slides should be readable. Use of common fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or
Times New Roman is suggester, as well as the use of font sizes between 26-30. The amount
of text to be used in the slides should be minimal. Use of illustrations whenever appropriate
is encouraged
f. Criteria for Oral Presentation
1) Novelty/ Originality of research’s contribution (30%)
2) Quality of Discussion (40%)
3) Quality of Audio-Visual Presentation (30%)
2. Filling out this Google Form Link and submit your video
presentation on that Gform before September 13, 2021
3. Completing your conference payment (detail of this can be found on the conference website). If
your payment has been confirmed, ignore this step

If you have questions, kindly reply to this email or contact me through WA number (+62
82296240580). Thank you and see you at the conference virtually


Andi Fajrin Permana, S.Kep., Ns., MSc

Secretary of The 4th INHSP Faculty of Nursing Universitas Hasanuddin

Conference Website:

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