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Part one: read the passage carefully and answer these questions (2MARKS)

Football is one of the sports that most of the people live in the world like to play and watch it. Although
there are other sports like tennis, athletics, driving, boxing and cycling. The Somali people famous at
athletic games there are three men who popular at athletic games who succeeded the world
competition like Mo-Farah, Abdi and Nageye made a amazing history in the last games of the past year.

1. What is football?
2. Are there other games except football?
3. Which game do you like?
4. Who are the Somali athletics succeeded the world competition?

Part two: fill in the gaps with helping verbs in the brackets (4 MARKS)

{Am, were, is, have}

1. They _________ received a letter from his brother.

2. I _____________ a teacher. What’s your name?
3. We _________ doing the exercise when the bell rung.
4. She __________ going to the school now.

Part three: circle the correct letter (2 MARKS)

1) The place where bees rest for the night is :-

A. Mosque B. Market C. beehive
2) The race in which people jump over upright frames is:-
A. Athletics B. Tracksuit C. Hurdle
3) The race between horses with riders is :-
A. Car-race B. cycling-race C. Horse-race
4) The defense of mechanism of a bee is:-
A. Sting B. Comber C. Nectar

Part four: composition (1 MARK)

Write about your classroom four lines



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