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Review Chemistry and Physics

Oxidation-Responsive Polymers: Which Groups

to Use, How to Make Them, What to Expect
From Them (Biomedical Applications)

Enrique Lallana, Nicola Tirelli*

Dramatic physical changes may take place upon the occurrence of oxidation reactions in a
polymer, for example, solubilization or crosslinking. These effects can be used to perform
responsive actions such as modulating the release kinetics of a drug with the extent of oxida-
tion. The relevance of oxidation-responsive applications to the
biomedical/pharmaceutical field is discussed, starting from a
review of chemical groups that can respond to physiologically
occurring oxidants. An overview of the preparative processes
of polymers containing groups such as metallocenes, (poly)
pyridyl metal complexes, polyconjugated sequences, thiols,
thioethers (sulfides), and stannanes is presented, and the
mechanisms of oxidative response are reviewed.

1. Introduction, Scope, and Limitations associated to pathological (inflammatory) phenomena,

where reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen
Oxidative processes can easily modify the behavior of species (RNS) can fulfill both roles of signaling and toxic
materials. Undesired and generally uncontrolled oxida- molecules. Hereafter, we will focus on ROS (hydrogen per-
tive degradation often causes aging and failure of a mate- oxide, superoxide, OH radical, etc.), since they are generally
rial;[1] biomedical applications are not an exception: for recognized to be the main contributors to the intra- and
example, the oxidative lability of polyurethanes soft seg- extracellular redox potential and to the associated stress
ments was the major cause of failure of vascular grafts in conditions[6] and signaling cascades,[7] for example, in
the 1990s.[2] diabetes,[8,9] hypertension, and atherosclerosis,[10,11]
On the other hand, oxidative processes such as double cancer[12]; however, many of our considerations can apply
bond peroxidation have been used since the dawn of to some RNS too (e.g., peroxynitrite). Scheme 1 summa-
times, for example, to control paint rheology (peroxida- rizes the general paradigm that ROS-responsive mate-
tion-induced hardening of siccative oils and resins[3–5]). rials could follow in a physiological environment, in a
In this review, we specifically focus on the application sequence of events that link molecular, macroscopic, and
of the general concept of an oxidative response in poly- biological scales. Typically, the materials would swell/
mers developed for biomedical applications. Oxidants dissolve or in alternative shrink/harden as a result, for
are extremely common in biology and they are often example, of increased osmotic pressure (oxidation of a
metallic center, thus larger number of counterions), of
increased polarity (oxidative conversion of a low-dipole
E. Lallana, N. Tirelli
moment molecule into a high-dipole moment one), or of
School of Medicine, University of Manchester, Oxford Road,
Manchester, M13 9PT, UK
the occurrence of crosslinking or depolymerization reac-
E-mail: tions. These physical changes could then be translated
N. Tirelli into biological effects, for example, through direct biome-
School of Materials, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, chanical interactions on adherent cells, or by controlling
Manchester, M13 9PT, UK the release of encapsulated drugs.

Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2013, 214, 143−158

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/macp.201200502 143
Chemistry and Physics E. Lallana and N. Tirelli

The first point to ascertain is the identity of the mole- Nicola Tirelli holds a Master’s degree in chemis-
cular components, that is, the oxidation-sensitive groups try and a Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry from the
that could respond to physiologically relevant oxidants University of Pisa (Italy), both under the super-
under physiologically acceptable conditions. vision of Francesco Ciardelli. After a postdoc-
toral period with Ulrich Suter at the ETH Zurich
in 1998, Nicola joined Jeff Hubbell at the ETH
2. Selection of Oxidant (ROS)-Responsive Zurich as an Senior Staff Scientist, turning his
Groups research interests to the area of biomaterials. In
2002, he moved to Manchester first as a Senior
ROS comprise compounds characterized by free radical Lecturer, where he holds the Chair of Polymers
and Biomaterials since 2005. His research
reactivity and high oxidation potentials (Eo0, left part of
interests include synthetic polymer chemistry,
Table 1), whose typical chemical signature is the (per)oxi-
colloid science, and biomedical applications.
dation of lipids,[13] proteins,[14] and nucleic acids.[15] At high
concentrations, ROS are involved in a number of potentially
Enrique Lallana received his Master in Chem-
toxic/inflammatory processes; at low concentrations, they
istry in 2004 from the University of Santiago
can direct behavior of cells, which respond to even very de Compostela (USC, Spain). He subsequently
modest modulations in the redox potential[16]: reducing obtained his Ph.D. in 2010 from USC under
intracellular environments (Eo0 > 200 mV) are associated the supervision of Profs. R. Riguera and E.
to proliferation and differentiation phases (as in fetal life), Fernandez-Megia for his work on configura-
while even mildly oxidizing ones to apoptosis and necrosis tional assignment of polyols by NMR and new
(Eo0 < 170 mV). bioconjugation procedures for the preparation
Two main strategies are used in nature to interfere with of immunonanoparticles. He is now a postdoc-
ROS: (A) the enzymatic intervention at specific stages of toral research associate in the group of Prof. N.
the free radical chain reactions, for example, superoxide Tirelli at the University of Manchester (UK). His
current research interests include bioconjuga-
dismutase and glutathione peroxidase focus, respectively,
tion reactions, surface functionalization via
on the conversion of superoxide and lipid hydroperoxides
controlled living radical polymerization, and
into the less dangerous hydrogen peroxide, which in turn redox-responsive materials.
is the target of catalase; (B) the use of broad-spectrum
antioxidants, for example, vitamins C and E, or glutath-
ione, which typically present oxidation potentials in the
range of +0.2 to −0.5 V (Table 1, right part). The redox are toxic[37] due to both Michael-type reactivity (alkyla-
behavior of the latter could be mimicked by synthetic tion of proteins and nucleic acids) and to their own redox
systems with similar oxidation potentials; in order of behavior. Similarly, the rich redox responsiveness of vio-
decreasing ease of oxidation, these systems are viologens, logen chromophores[38,39] is also at the basis of their tox-
thiols/disulfides, hydroquinones/quinones, metallocenes, icity (see paraquat herbicides[40]).
polypyridyl ruthenium complexes, and thioether/sulfox- The groups characterized by a low oxidation potential,
ides (Table 2). for example, thioethers, could also be advantageously
Stability and toxicity concerns hinder the biomedical employed to interfere only with highly oxidizing situa-
application of some of these systems: most quinones tions to possibly discriminate between biological envi-
ronments according to the gravity of a
ROS-based pathology.

3. Organometallic Polymers

3.1. Metallocenes

Ferrocene is the most popular metal-

locene building block with redox prop-
erties in part due to its stability in air
and in the presence of protic solvents.
However, a few examples exist of mac-
romolecules incorporating other met-
Scheme 1. General modus operandi of oxidation-sensitive materials in the perspective of allocenes, such as cobaltocene and
biomedical applications. nickelocene centres.[41]

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Oxidation-Responsive Polymers: Which Groups to Use . . . Chemistry and Physics

Table 1. Oxidation half-cell potentials of some ROS and biologi- Metallocenyl-containing monomeric structures have
cally relevant reducing agents.a) also been polymerized via free radical mechanisms, for
System Reduced form Oxidized form E0o [V] example cobaltocenyl acrylates[53] and a variety of ferro-
H2O2 O2 − b)
−0.91[17] and other metallocene derivatives comprehensively
reviewed by Pittman.[54] In recent years, the attention has
oxidants H2O H2O2 −1.35[17]
shifted toward polymers obtained through controlled rad-
(ROS) OH•/H2O H2O2 −0.32[18] ical mechanisms, for example, reverse addition/fragmenta-
H2O OH• −2.31[18] tion chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization,[55] atom-transfer
radical polymerization/single-electron transfer living rad-
ical polymerization (ATRP/SET-LRP),[56] or surface-initiated
α-tocopherol α-tocopheroxyl −0.50[18]
ATRP[57] of ferrocenyl (meth)acrylates, RAFT of ferrocenyl
(vit. E) radical
styrenes,[58] or (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl
ascorbate ascorbate −0.28[18] (TEMPO)-mediated polymerization of vinylferrocene.[59]
reductants (vit. C) radical
Finally, it is worth mentioning the anionic polymeri-
NADHc) NAD+ 0.32[16] zation of vinylferrocene,[60,61] which has been recently
GSHd) GS-SG 0.21,[19] improved by the “carbanion pump” method, in order
0.24[16] to cope with the low reactivity of ferrocenyl-based
In all cases, H+ are omitted, and the potentials refer to a water
environment at pH = 7 and 25 °C. Note that the oxidation poten- 2) Use of metallocene-containing initiators/chain transfer
tial values shown here are presented in the form of standard agents; ferrocenyl RAFT agents[63] or cobaltocenyl ATRP
reduction potentials (E0') in the cited references. b)Superoxide can
initiators[64] have been used to introduce the metallo-
behave both as an oxidant (being reduced to hydrogen peroxide,
which is a powerful oxidant in its own right, see next column), cene group as a terminal or central group of styrene or
but can also be oxidized to molecular oxygen (E0o = 0.33[20]-0.36 (meth)acrylic polymers.
V[17]); this behavior is at the basis of the action of superoxide dis- 3) Functionalization of preformed polymers; a number of
mutases; c)NADH: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, two-elec- reactions have been used to introduce metallocenes, in
tron process; d)GSH: glutathione, two-electron process.
most cases, as side chain groups or as terminal groups
in dendritic/star structures. We will here mention only
a few cases, starting from early examples of transesteri-
fication on poly(γ-methyl-L-glutamate),[65] to the nowa-
Synthetic routes to macromolecular metallocenes
days more popular hydrosilylation[66] and “click” (Huis-
started being explored in the 1950s with the first attempts
gen cycloaddition)[67] reactions.
of ferrocene (co)polymerization in DuPont,[42] but their
real development dates only from the 1990s and followed Ferrocenyl-containing copolymers with inter-
three main directions: esting self-assembly possibilities have been pre-
pared using sequential anionic polymerizations (e.g.,
(1) Polymerization of metallocene-containing monomers.
poly(vinylferrocene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide)[68]),
The most popular mechanism is the ring-opening po-
using macroinitiators (e.g., SiH-terminated poly(ethylene
lymerization of ferrocenophanes, which is based on the
oxide) (PEO) for the ring-opening polymerization (ROP)
structural strain introduced by short (1–2 atoms) ansa
of silaferrocenophane[69]) or combining end-functional
bridges connecting cyclopentadienyl rings; the corre-
polymers (e.g., through the formation of terpyridine
sponding complexes are referred to as [1] and [2] ansa
metallocenes (Figure 1). ruthenium complexes[70]).

This polymerization method has been pioneered by

3.1.1. Ferrocenes as Oxidative Triggers
Manners in the early 1990s[43] and extensively explored
by his group[44,45]; although boron-,[46] tin-,[47] phos- Medicinal Chemistry. Ferrocene is known to have a
phorous[48] [1] ferrocenophanes and the slightly longer particularly low acute toxicity[71] and is therefore regarded
unsaturated[49] and saturated C2-bridged,[50] and tri- as a particularly benign molecule. On the other hand, its
sulfide-[51]containing [2] and [3] ferrocenophanes have oxidized counterpart, ferrocenium, has been shown to gen-
been used, silicon-bridged [1] ferrocenophanes have pro- erate ROS in physiological environment; this activity has
vided the best results, leading to high-molecular-weight been linked to a specific toxicity toward tumoral cells.[72]
polyferrocenylsilanes (PFSs) through a variety of initia- Particularly interesting is the case of ferrocifen where the
tions, for example, anionic, photochemical, thermal; a ferrocene unit is derivatized with a tamoxifen-like res-
comprehensive overview of PFSs synthesis has been idue. Tamoxifen is a well-known antiproliferative chemo-
recently provided by Bellas and Rehahn.[52] therapeutic agent, whose hydroxylated and demethylated

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Table 2. Oxidation potentials of possible ROS-responsive groups.a)

Groups Example Ref. elec.b) E0o [V] Solvent
c) 0.36–0.83e,d)[21] propanol/PBd)
viologen substituted viologens NHE

thiols → disulfides glutathione SHE 0.21d)[19] PB

dithiothreitol 0.32
mercaptoethanol 0.21d)[19]

hydroquinones → geldanamycin derivatives NHEc) 0.06–0.27e)[22] propanol/PBd)

quinones 1,4-naphtoquinone-2- O2/O2•−/ O2/O2•− c) 0.06[23]/0.08e)[22] propanol/PBd)
adriamycin NHEc) 0.34e)[24] H2Od)
substituted benzoquinones SHE (0.2)–(−0.05)e)[25]

metallocenes ferrocene Ag/AgCl (−0.18)–(−0.21)[26] variousg)/H2O

(−0.43)–(−0.45)[27,28] various/MeCNh)

(poly)pyridine metal various RuNH3/pyridine SCE (−0.25)–(−0.50)[29] p-TsOH/K/H2O

complexes complexes
[Ru(bpy)3]2+ with various Ag/AgCl (−0.96)–(−0.97)[30] TBAPF6/DMSO

thioethers → sulfoxides methioninei) Ag/AgCl −1.50[31] NaBF4j)

−1.24[31] NaHCO3k)
−1.16[31] Na2CO3l)
diphenylsulfide NHEc) −1.54m)[32] H2O
various aliphatic and aro- Ag/AgCl (−1.50)–(−1.85)m)[33] NaBF4/MeCN
matic sulfides

sulfoxides → sulfones aromatic sulfoxides SCE (−1.73)–(−2.19) [34] NaClO4/MeCN

a)Obtained by cyclic voltammetry unless otherwise indicated. Please note that the oxidation potential values presented in this table are taken

from E0′, E1/2 or half-peak oxidation potentials given in the cited references, and that these data are obtained against various reference elec-
trodes (SHE, NHE = standard and normal hydrogen electrode; SCE = saturated calomel electrode; PB = phosphate buffer); b)In relation to SHE
and NHE (0.00 V) at 25 °C the other reference electrodes are estimated to be: SCE +0.24 V, Ag/AgCl (1 M) +0.23 V and Ag/AgCl (sat) +0.20 V
and O2/O2• − −0.18 V; c)From pulse radiolysis measurements; d)pH = 7.0; e)One-electron oxidation to radical anion; f)Two-electron oxidation
to hydroquinone; g)Measured at pH = 6.96–7.44; h)For a compilation of standard reduction potentials of Fc+/Fc in MeCN at 25.0 °C measured
using different reference electrodes, see ref.[35] For a compilation of standard reduction potentials of Fc+/Fc in different organic solvents meas-
ured using SCE as reference electrode, see ref.[36]; i)Dehydromethionine is proposed as the direct oxidation product, which is then rapidly
hydrolyzed to methionine sulfoxide; j)pH = 2.1; k)pH = 8.2; l)pH = 12.2; m)One-electron oxidation to radical cation.

metabolite (endoxifen) is capable of binding to estrogen (deprotonated) phenol[75] or catechol[76] species to tran-
receptors (ER) that are overexpressed in a significant siently formed ferrocenium ions.
number of tumours. However, ferrocifen exhibits anti- This antitumoral (antiproliferative) activity in the
proliferative activity also for ER(–) cells and therefore its absence of direct interactions with nucleic acids is not
cytotoxicity has been attributed to an antenna effect of a peculiarity of ferrocene or of structurally similar com-
the ferrocene group, which allows the formation of toxic pounds (e.g., ferrocenophanes are reportedly more active
quinonic species (Figure 2)[73,74] via electron transfer from than ferrocene itself[77]); its occurrence in a number of

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Oxidation-Responsive Polymers: Which Groups to Use . . . Chemistry and Physics

PFSs correspondingly show strong electrochromic

effects.[84] When crosslinked polyanionic PFSs are used,
the color change is accompanied by gel shrinkage, due to
the attraction between the positively charged oxidation
products (ferrocenium ions) and the polymer negative
charges (sulfonates), with a redox-responsive swelling
performance that could be used to design actuators or
responsive drug reservoirs.

3.2. Multidentate (Polypyridine) Coordination Systems

Synthetic polypyridine metal complexes, above all those

based on ruthenium centers, are extensively studied in
supramolecular chemistry for their photophysical prop-
Figure 1. Top: The one-electron oxidation of the metallic center. erties and as a means of obtaining reversible linkages at
Bottom: For several metallocenes, the magnitude of tilt angle the basis of polymer structures. These systems have been
α between aromatic rings is a measure of the structural strain, object of a number of reviews, and the reader should refer
which indicates also the propensity to a ring-opening polymeri-
to them for what attains to the synthesis[85,86] and electro-
zation. This relationship does not hold for metal centres with few
d electrons, such as Zr, whose energy is substantially insensitive chromic/electro-optical/photochemical properties[87–89] of
to the tilt angle. their macromolecular derivatives. A peculiarity of ruthe-
nium systems is that the strength of the complexation by
polydentate pyridine ligands depends on the oxidation
state of the metal, for example, only a mono terpyridine
other organometallic reagents suggests a broad occur-
complex can be obtained from Ru(III) salts, whereas double,
rence of redox-mediated toxic mechanisms.[78] Studies of
and possibly asymmetric, complexation can be obtained
the use of polymeric and/or colloidal carriers, for example,
by reduction to Ru(II).[90] This opens the way to the prepa-
lipid nanoparticles[79] or micelles,[80] bearing ferrocene
ration of coordination polymers of ruthenium in this lower
moieties to enhance its antitumoral, redox-mediated
oxidation state,[91] whereas Ru(III)-containing polymers
effects have been performed and in general the imple-
can be obtained only through side-chain complexation of
mentation of ferrocene as a redox antenna is extremely
the metal centre.[92] It is therefore possible to speculate
promising, although the field is yet in its infancy.
that oxidation of Ru(II) coordination polymers may lead to
their depolymerization, and thus to macroscopic changes Controlled Release. The reversible oxidation of in the material properties.
a metallocene can dramatically change the polarity of
its environment, due to the acquisition of a net positive
3.2.1. Ruthenium Complexes as Oscillating
charge, but also to the presence of counterions. In a few,
Oxidative Triggers
this phenomenon has been used to modulate the inter-
facial properties of amphiphilic compounds, with the A most interesting case is offered by the introduction of
clear perspective application of drug release modulated the Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillating reaction in polymeric
by oxidative signaling. For example, ferrocene groups materials; this has allowed the modulation of material
covalently linked on liposomal surfaces have allowed the properties (color, dimensions, etc.) through the oxidation
electrochemical modulation of the liposomal membrane state of ruthenium in polypyridine complexes.
permeability.[81] Similarly, vesicles obtained through the This Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction has a complex
guest–host interactions between ferrocene- and cyclodex- mechanism,[93] which in the Field-Koros-Noyes (FKN)
trin-functionalized polymers are disrupted and eventually scheme[94] is based on essentially three inter-dependent
solubilized upon electrochemical oxidation of the iron cen- processes: (1) the production of bromide (Br−) from malonic
tres.[82] Even more interestingly, amphiphilic cationic PFSs acid (or citric acid), bromate (BrO3−), and an inorganic oxi-
have shown reversible changes in micellar size in response dant such as Ru(III), (2) the oxidation of Ru(II) by bromate
to the presence of Fe(III), which allow the release of encap- to restore Ru(III) and produce hypobromite (HBrO2), and
sulated payloads and are reversed by reduction with (3) the consumption of bromide to eventually produce
ascorbic acid.[83] bromine (Br2) through various reactions with higher oxi-
Similar effects could be shown also in macroscopic dation state bromine species (hypobromite, bromate,
matrices. Ferrocene oxidation can be performed also in etc.; see Figure 3, top). The different kinetics of the three
an organogel state and indeed crosslinked hydrophobic steps produce periodic oscillations in the concentration of

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those of soluble reagents, can affect the

reaction producing different optical pat-
terns in the poly(NIPAm) gels.[97] These
phenomena are caused by precipita-
tion/solubilization of polymer chains,[98]
which (a) are determined by the varia-
tions in the ionic strength of swelling
liquid following changes in the charge
of the ruthenium complex, and (b) occur
due to the proximity of the experimental
temperature to the lower critical solu-
tion temperature (LCST) of poly(NIPAm),
effectively reversibly shifting the LCST
below room temperature through the
increase of ionic strength. The last point
has been further confirmed by the use of
terpyridyl ruthenium complexes in gels
of poly(N-ethylmethylacrylamide)[99]:
the latter are characterized by a higher
LCST [56 vs 32 °C for poly(NIPAm)] and
correspondingly allowed to extend this
oscillating behavior to higher tempera-
ture values.
The ruthenium-catalyzed reaction
displays a peculiar behavior under irra-
diation[100]: the excited state of Ru(II)
complexes (<Ru2+>∗ in Figure 3, dotted
box) is particularly effective in the pro-
duction of BrO2, thus increasing the
amount of HOBr and ultimately the con-
sumption of bromide. This sensitivity
has been used to produce complex and
oscillating optical patterns,[101] since
Figure 2. An antenna effect based on the transient oxidation of ferrocene to ferro- the accelerated conversion of the Ru(II)
cenium and a charge transfer from (deprotonated) phenol groups is hypothesized to complex (intense absorption max at
explain the cytotoxicity of ferrocifen and related molecules. In the insert, the chemo-
460 nm) to the Ru(III) one (less intense
therapeutic amoxifen and of its active metabolite endoxifen, whose structures inspired
that of ferrocifen. absorption at 460, but secondary peak
at 670 nm) is associated to strong color
changes. Most importantly, light of
bromide, which are mirrored by oscillations in the ratio appropriate intensity can temporarily inhibit the oscil-
between the two oxidation states of ruthenium. lation and this feature has been cleverly used to control
Terpyridyl complexes have been shown to be the best the amplitude and period of oscillations in both color and
ruthenium catalysts for this reaction, whereas the activity dimensions of poly(NIPAm) gels;[102] further it has been
of bipyridyl complexes can be detrimentally affected by theoretically shown that these features can be used to
ligand exchange phenomena. [ 95 ] Nevertheless, ruthe- determine directional motility of these gels, forcing them
to follow complicated trajectories. [103]
nium tris(bipyridyl complexes) covalently embedded in
N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAm) gels showed remarkable
stability and the occurrence of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky
reaction determined significant oscillations in the gel 4. Conjugated Organic Polymers
volume, with corresponding changes in mechanical prop-
erties (Figure 3, bottom).[96] Hereafter, we will refer to highly π-conjugated macromo-
Further, the relation between mechanical effects and lecular structures characterized by high intrinsic conduc-
chemical oscillations is bidirectional: compression, hence tivity simply as conjugated polymers. Most often, these
variations in the ruthenium concentration but not in polymers are synthesized by oxidative polymerization,

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Oxidation-Responsive Polymers: Which Groups to Use . . . Chemistry and Physics

the resulting conjugated polymers; a

number of (bio)molecules[109,110] have
been used as dopants in the application
of conjugated polymers, for example, as
artificial muscles,[111,112] sensors,[113] or
in batteries.[114]
During oxidation conjugated poly-
mers may swell due to capturing of
anions from solution, whereas they
may shrink during reduction due to the
release of these species; the biomedical
applications of such phenomena are the
subject of a number of reviews[115–118]
and here we specifically focus on their
implementation in redox triggered
encapsulation/release of drugs. It is
noteworthy that from the beginning
of this field[119,120] to date[121,122] PPy
appears to be the most popular material
used in these studies, mainly due to its
easy synthesis and rather good biocom-
Figure 3. Top: The Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction is accomplished by using bromate, patibility. For what attains the active
malonic acid (MA), and a ruthenium catalyst. According to the FKN scheme, three main principles, different strategies have
processes occur concurrently, which in the figure correspond to the three solid boxes. In been developed:
the first from the right, bromide is produced (the intermediate is the 2-bromo malonic
acid, BrMA) and ruthenium is reduced; in the other two processes, the main events are (1) Electrostatic entrapment: Anions
the oxidation of ruthenium to restore Ru(III) and the consumption of bromide to produce can typically be incorporated in the
bromine. Bottom: The Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction has been implemented in polymer conjugated polymer as dopants dur-
gels, most commonly poly(NIPAm) crosslinked via N,N′′-methylenebisacrylamide
(polymer chains in bold). (LCST = lower critical solution temperature).
ing its electrochemical synthesis,
for example ATP,[123] neurotrophin-3
(NT-3),[124] and RNA.[125] Alternatively,
either chemically (for instance, with FeCl3) or electro- they can replace the dopant originally used in the syn-
chemically, generally in the form of thin films. Most thesis of the conjugated polymer during a redox cycling
often, the product of an oxidative polymerization is a of the polymer in a solution containing the drug. This
positively charged/doped conjugated polymer, which is strategy was pioneered by Zinger and Miller[119] for the
ionically counter balanced by the inclusion of an anionic incorporation of glutamate in PPy upon electrochemical
species (dopant) present in the polymerization environ- reduction/oxidation of the polymer (originally synthe-
ment. Readers are referred to specialized reviews for the sized in the presence of NaClO4) as attempts to polym-
synthesis of commonly used conjugated polymers, for erize pyrrole in the presence of glutamate failed. Simi-
example, polythiophenes,[104,105] polyaniline (PANI),[106,107] larly, this approach has also been used with salicylate,
or polypyrroles (PPy).[108] naproxen, and nicoside anions.[126]

Cations can be incorporated upon redox cycling if

large and/or multivalent anionic dopants are used in
4.1. Redox-Responsive Drug Release
the polymer synthesis; such dopants remain embedded
The electrochemical redox cycling of conjugated poly- into the polymer film upon electrochemical reduction
mers results in an ingress (p-doping during oxidation) due to their relatively slow diffusion kinetics, therefore
and an egress (n-doping during reduction) of ions upon prompting smaller cationic molecules to be incorpo-
application of a voltage potential. This redox switching rated into the polymer/dopant complex to counterbal-
modulates the polymer surface charge, rearrangement of ance its net negative charge; these cationic drugs can be
tethered dopants, and ion flux through the polymer–elec- later released during the oxidation of the polymer film.
trolyte interface, which eventually affects properties such A classic example by Miller and Zhou[127] is the loading
as conductivity, wettability, actuation, etc. The incorpora- and release of dopamine in a poly(N-methylpyrrolylium)/
tion of an appropriate dopant during synthesis is there- poly(styrene sulfonate) composite: N-methylpyrrole
fore of utmost importance to modulate the properties of was polymerized in the presence of sodium poly(styrene

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sulfonate) to provide a conjugated polymer that could between structural proteins: the formation of disulfides
be reduced (−0.4 V vs SCE) in an aqueous dopamine solu- can improve the mechanical properties of actin fibers,[147]
tion; the electrostatically bound dopamine could be later can strengthen the association of mucus glycoproteins
released by stepping the polymer film potential to +0.5 V. (mucins)[148] or can (reversibly) inhibit the polymeriza-
tion of microtubules.[149,150] In synthetic systems, since
2) Physical entrapment: The active principle is added
the thiol oxidative dimerization can occur also by simple
in the polymerization environment, being entrapped
exposure to air, it has specifically attracted attention as
within the polymer matrix after polymerization be-
a means to converting liquid precursors into 3D matrices
cause of a mixed of steric hindrance and unspecific in-
under extremely mild and cell-compatible conditions. It
teractions or coprecipitation. This approach has been
must also be stressed that disulfides are dynamic struc-
used with steroidal drugs,[122] proteins,[109] and even
tures, due also to the relative weakness of the S–S bond
living cells.[128]
(around 60 kcal mol−1, ≈40% weaker than a C–C bond); in
3) Affinity entrapment: Less conventional approaches particular, the presence of free, deprotonated thiols[151,152]
have exploited specialized dopants such as cyclodex- leads to a rapid and continuous exchange of organic resi-
trins[129,130] or biotin[131] derivatives, which allow the dues between oxidized (disulfide) and reduced (thiolate)
incorporation of active principles via specific host– forms. In these equilibria, glutathione has a major role:
guest supramolecular complexation or ligand–receptor not only it is the most common biologically occurring thiol
interactions. This strategy, however, has predominantly (intracellular free thiol concentrations of 1–20 nmol per
developed in the direction of selective recognition and mg protein[153,154]), but it is also capable of forming mixed
sensing,[132–135] rather than in that of redox-controlled disulfides with protein thiols[155] (Figure 4, top) that are
drug release. present in concentrations up to 30 nmol g−1 of tissue[156]),
which can exchange with synthetic thiols providing free
Finally, few examples exist where the release of the
glutathione and disulfide bioconjugates. Since in any given
drug is driven by a physical change in the conjugated
biological environment thiols and disulfides are always
polymer, for example, actuation and conformational
present at the same time and continuously exchange,
change. For instance, Martin and co-workers[136] reported
it is therefore almost impossible to consider thiol- and
that the release profile of dexamethasone encapsulated in
disulfide-bearing polymers as separate categories.
poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) electrospun nanofibers
could be controlled by the electrochemical deposition
of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), showing 5.1.1. Thiol-Disulfide Equilibrium and Mucoadhesion
a marked release of dexamethasone in solution upon
This environmental responsiveness is characterized by
PEDOT swelling controlled by electrochemical oxidation.
small variations in redox potential, but it is heavily affected
Also redox-responsive changes in the permeability of
by entropy, for example, the entropic gain associated to the
conjugated polymer membranes have been used for sus-
liberation of lower MW compounds in depolymerization or
tained release of drugs.[137,138]
side-chain cleavage processes, by the thiol acidity, and by a
number of kinetic factors.[157]
Disulfide groups are most often introduced to provide
5. Heteroatom-Containing Organic Polymers
responsiveness to conditions characteristic of intracel-
lular environments, and in particular to those encoun-
5.1. Polythiols
tered in endocytic compartments, which are mildly
Here, we will focus only on the interconversion between reducing due to the presence of a significant concentra-
thiols and disulfides, although other redox processes are tion of glutathione. S-S groups can be introduced in poly-
possible and actually occur under physiological conditions, mers using disulfide-containing initiators,[158–160] which
for example, nitrosylation,[139,140] oxidation to sulfenic,[141] end up holding a central position in the polymer chain,
sulfinic acids,[142] and possibly beyond, and have been but side-chain systems have been used too.[161] In alter-
applied to biomaterials in some cases (e.g., nitrosylation native, disulfides can be produced from thiol-containing
for controlled NO release[143]); for an exhaustive review polymers, typically crosslinking via oxidative dimeriza-
of biological, ROS-mediated redox processes of thiols, tion of their complexes with a payload, for example, a
please refer to the excellent reviews of Forman[144] and nucleic acid.[162,163] The cleavage of disulfide links in these
Winterbourn.[145] systems can decrease the structural integrity of a par-
In Nature, thiol oxidation to disulfides is a classical ticle[164,165] or the binding of a polymer carrier to a nucleic
response observed in case of redox imbalance and oxi- acid,[161,166,167] or exhibit both effects,[168] therefore facili-
dative stress,[146] and can have significant mechanical tating the release of a pharmacologically active principle
effects, for example, when intervening in the interactions from a carrier only after the uptake of the latter by cells.

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Oxidation-Responsive Polymers: Which Groups to Use . . . Chemistry and Physics

Figure 4 . Top: Biological thiols, for example, glutathione (structure in the insert), can be oxidized to their homodisulfides (left) or can
exchange with other disulfides, for example, inter- or intramolecular disulfides present in proteins, leading to mixed (hetero)disulfides;
since the average oxidation number of the sulfur atoms does not change, formally the exchange cannot be seen as a thiol oxidation reac-
tion. Bottom: In a recent report,[169] Bernkop-Schnuerch has reversed the normal mode of action of thiomers; disulfides particularly prone to
exchange were synthesized by linking a side chain cysteine residues in a mixed disulfide structure with mercaptonicotinic acid; the release
of the latter is particularly favored due the possibility of establishing a keto-enolic equilibrium and is the main driving force for the forma-
tion of mixed disulfides with mucin, and for the resulting mucoadhesion of the polymers.

Thiols are generally introduced in macromolecular under basic conditions (see later the section devoted
structures through polymer-analogous reactions such as to polysulfides). The thiol-ene coupling of thioacetic
carbodiimide-mediated amidation/esterification reac- acid onto allyl residues followed by deprotection of the
tions,[163,170,171] or ring-opening reactions, for example, resulting thioesters[163,174,175] has also been used.
that of iminothiolane (Traut’s reagent) by primary amines One of the most interesting application of thiol-disulfide
to provide 3-mercaptoguanidine groups,[162,170] or of equilibria on polymeric substrates (aka thiomers) is
ethylene[172] or propylene sulfide,[173] although the latter the formation of mixed disulfides with mucins, whose
is possibly complicated by their own polymerization supramolecular structures are kept together by a

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network of inter-chain disulfide bonds.[148,176] The forma- when mechanical action, for example, a scratch, leads to
tion of mucin/thiomer heterodisulfides has been shown homolytic scission of some crosslinks in a disulfide-based
to increase mucoadhesion for a variety of macromol- network; the corresponding mobility increase coupled to
ecules, for example, poly(acrylic acid),[177] alginate,[178] the possibility of thiyl radical recombination has been
or chitosan;[179] the effect is reversed by the addition of cleverly used to confer self-healing properties to polymer
low MW thiols and is more noticeable with larger poly- films in a recent work of Balazs and Matyjaszewski,[187]
mers.[180] Thiol stability upon storage is of paramount who employed star structures with peripheral thiols to
importance, for example, to avoid self-crosslinking of facilitate diffusion and reactivity of the macroradicals.
the macromolecules; in a recent approach, Bernkop-
Schnuerch has addressed this issue by “preactivating” the
5.2. Polysulfides
thiol groups,[169] which inter alia is another clear example
of the interchangeability between thiol- and disulfide- A recent review[188] provides an extensive overview of the
polymers: thiomers were prereacted with low MW thiols possible synthetic strategies for sulfur(II)-containing poly-
to form provisional, reactive disulfides. The reaction of mers. Herein, unless otherwise specified, we will predomi-
these groups with protein thiols at the site of application nantly focus on poly(1,2-alkylene sulfide)s, which are most
is entropically favored due to the release of a low MW commonly prepared through the ring-opening polymeri-
thiol, and the resulting thiomer-protein mixed disulfides zation of episulfides (aka thiiranes); this is generally per-
finally allow for mucoadhesion (Figure 4, bottom). formed with a classical anionic mechanism[175,189,190] based
on thiolates both as initiators and propagating species
5.1.2. Crosslinking and Self-Healing (Figure 5, top), which, due to their mildly basic character,
allow to carry out the process even in a water environ-
The group of Prestwich has extensively investigated the ment, for example, in emulsion.[191]
preparation of gels via oxidation of thiolated hyaluronic The presence of disulfide impurities in the initiators is
acid (HA); the materials can be cured by simple expo- the only weak point of this technique; following equilibra-
sure to air, although the use of mild oxidants provides a tion with the propagating species (thiolates), disulfides act
higher crosslink density.[171] The disulfide crosslinks did as chain transfer agents,[193] affecting both the molecular
not alter the excellent biocompatibility and the negligible weight dispersion (broadening + characteristic dimer peak)
cell adhesion that are typical of HA-based substrates, but and the control over terminal groups. Our group has reported
substantially decreased enzymatic degradability, possibly the combination of protected initiators and in situ reducing
due to the poor diffusion of hyaluronidase into a highly agents as a suitable means to overcome these effects.[194]
crosslinked material.[181] Thiolated HA can be used to pro- Insertion polymerization using thioester-,[195]
duce disulfide-linked materials with other thiolated mac- dithioester-[196] or thiocarbamate-[197] containing ini-
romolecules, such as gelatin,[182] or within decellularized tiators (Figure 5, bottom) is a more modern synthetic
matrices,[183] but can also be crosslinked with multiple method to provide low polydispersity polysulfides with
Michael-type acceptors[172,184] or gold nanoparticles.[185] linear[197] or cyclic structures;[195,196] due to the absence of
Prestwich had demonstrated a more rapid gelation free thiols, this technique is possibly less affected by the
kinetics with the use of more acidic thiols;[171] this is based presence and action of disulfides.
on the higher reactivity of deprotonated thiols, which
is to be expected since the preferred path to disulfides
5.2.1. Oxidation-Responsive Behavior
requires the one-electron oxidation of thiolates to thiyl
radicals. Using thiolated star PEGs, we have confirmed Thioethers are generally stable under aerobic conditions;
the role of thiol deprotonation and further showed that typically, they can react with oxygen only under transition
the oxidation process can be accelerated using Fenton metal catalysis and in the presence of co-oxidants (e.g.,
chemistry (tens of minutes vs hours).[174] Interestingly, aldehydes).[198] On the other hand, these groups readily
we noted that storage of the disulfide bonded gels at pH = respond to powerful oxidants such as ROS; an accurate
10 (above the thiol pKa) eventually caused their solubi- review of the oxidation chemistry of natural organosulfur
lization, which occurred without affecting the number compounds was provided by Block in 1992 and is yet a
of disulfides; the phenomenon was likely caused by the milestone in the field.[199] In Nature, this oxidation can have
presence of residual thiolates, which allowed a conversion a protective function; for example, sulfur(II) compounds
of intermolecular (crosslinking) disulfides into entropi- typically present in garlic and onion oils are well known to
cally favored intramolecular ones; this phenomenon was have a protective function against, for example, lipid per-
also applied by Wu et al.[186] for inducing a reorganization oxidation acting as sacrificial targets for ROS.[200,201] In pro-
of disulfide-based gels at basic pH. The very similar thiyl teins, the oxidation of methionine to methionine sulfoxide
radical-disulfide equilibrium can also occur, for example can also serve to the same scope, protecting more sensitive

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Oxidation-Responsive Polymers: Which Groups to Use . . . Chemistry and Physics

cysteines) were oxidized with hydrogen

peroxide, undergoing a dramatic con-
formational transition from α-helix to
random coil.[204]
The hydrophobic–hydrophilic tran-
sition produced by thioether oxida-
tion has been extensively investigated
by our group, specifically focusing on
poly(propylene sulfide) (PPS): this struc-
ture provides an appropriate combina-
tion of high hydrophobicity in a reduced
state and high hydrophilicity due to
the small aliphatic content in an oxi-
dized one. It is worth mentioning that
PPS is considerably more hydrophobic
than its oxygenated cognate polymer
poly(propylene glycol), and as a result
amphiphilic block copolymers of PPS
have lower critical micelle concen-
trations (CMCs) and show negligible
exchange between micelles, as dem-
onstrated by Förster resonance energy
transfer (FRET) experiments.[205]
The oxidation of PPS by hydrogen
peroxide has allowed the solubilization
of PPS–PEG vesicular aggregates[206]
or the swelling of different forms of
crosslinked PPS nanoparticles.[207–209]
In the latter case, nanoparticles could
be eventually solubilized if degradable
links are present.[209] Thioether oxi-
dation was also used by Almutairi to
uncover degradable groups, therefore
Figure 5. Top: The anionic ring-opening polymerization of episulfides is the best-known
method for the preparation of organic polysulfides; thiolates are obtained via depro- controlling the cleavage of hydrolytically
tonation of thiols, typically with organic bases, or via in situ generation from thioac- sensitive groups through oxidation.[210]
etates. Disulfides can be present as impurities of the initiators or can be generated in These phenomena can be efficiently
the polymerization environment because of oxygen ingress; in both cases, their chain used to liberate encapsulated payloads
transfer activity would lead to non-end-capped polymers featuring terminal or central
proportionally to the concentration of
disulfide bonds. Bottom: The chain extension polymerization mechanism is based on
the addition of episulfides to thioacetates, trithiocarbonates, thiourethanes etc. and it ROS, that is, in an inflammation-respon-
is typically catalyzed by tetrabutylammonium halides. The mechanism hypothesized by sive fashion; this mechanism has been
Nishikubo[192] (A) foresees an initial activation of episulfides followed by nucleophilic repeatedly proved in vitro, also through
attack of the resulting thiolate onto the carbonyl and a 5-centre rearrangement; how- the enzymatic generation of ROS.[211] On
ever, the coordination of the sulfur to tetrabutylammonium ions in the initial step is
the other hand, polysulfides can also be
not proven. An alternative mechanism (B) may foresee the initial attack of the “naked”
chloride, followed by transient formation of a episulfonium ion and its final rearrange- used as sacrificial materials to protect
ment through a four-centre intermediate. sensitive payloads from damage caused
by oxidizing conditions.[212]
The nature of the oxidizing species,
residues from oxidative damage.[202] In some cases, how- however, profoundly influences the polysulfide oxidative
ever, methionine oxidation may be undesired, for example responsiveness, most likely because they are more diffi-
it inhibits actin polymerization and promotes dissocia- cult to oxidize than other responsive groups (see Table 2).
tion of its already polymerized fibers due to the disrup- First, the kinetics of the process can significantly depend
tion of hydrophobic associations at critical sites.[203] A on the solubility of the oxidant in the matrix, which typi-
similar effect was recorded by Deming, when polypeptides cally increases with the degree of oxidation leading to an
based on thioether-containing amino acids (S-glycosylated auto-accelerating behavior;[207] facing ROS with identical

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Conversely, it is also possible to extend

PPS sensitivity to molecular signals to
which it is not originally responsive to:
the conjugation of oxidizing enzymes
to PPS-based systems allows to translate
a chemical signal into a redox signal,
and to maximize the PPS response by
colocalizing with the oxidizing system
(Figure 6, bottom). For example, the
decoration of PPS nanoparticles with
glucose oxidase[217] or that of PPS–PEG
micelles with superoxide dismutase[213]
allowed to generate hydrogen peroxide
at the colloidal surface upon exposure,
respectively, to glucose or superoxide,
thus selectively triggering the release
of payloads in a glucose- or superoxide-
responsive fashion.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that
polyselenides exhibit the same kind of
responsiveness to oxidants, which can
trigger hydrophobic–hydrophilic mor-
phological transitions, as it has been
demonstrated using block copolymers
Figure 6. Top: Oxidant-dependent behavior of polysulfides. Aliphatic polysulfones are of PEG and hydrophobic, Se-containing
well known to undergo facile depolymerization at low temperatures, leading to sulfur polyurethanes.[218]
dioxide and olefins.[215,216] Bottom: The oxidation response of polysulfide can be coupled
to enzymatic reactions to generate a signaling cascade, where the physical proximity of
the oxidation-sensitive groups and of the, for example, hydrogen peroxide-generating 5.3. Polystannanes
enzyme is of the essence to maximize the translation of the chemical signal (the pres-
ence and concentration of the enzyme substrate) into a redox one (the oxidation of the Poly(diorganostannanes) have been
polysulfide matrix). recently reviewed by Caseri and

oxidizing power, it is therefore easy to

predict a quicker response to less polar
(hence more PPS-soluble) molecules.
Second, not all oxidants produce the
same effects: for example, when using
xanthine oxidase to generate in situ
both hydrogen peroxide and super-
oxide, PPS was revealed to be com-
pletely insensitive to superoxide.[213]
On the other hand, while hydrogen
peroxide can quantitatively, although
rather slowly, convert PPS thioethers
into sulfoxides, hypochlorite produced
a mixture of sulfoxide and sulfones;
the presence of the latter labilized the
oxidized polymer structure making
it prone to depolymerization and
increasing its toxicity[214] (Figure 6, top). Figure 7. The photochemical lability of Sn-Sn bonds and their homolytic scission can
As a result, the effect of PPS responsive- lead to the final oxidation of tin atoms (Sn(II) to Sn(IV)) through radical reactions that
have been demonstrated with dichloromethane but can in principle occur with a large
ness can be different depending on the variety of organic compounds. Oxidation-sensitive groups can be introduced in polymer
ROS “cocktail” it is exposed to in a bio- materials in the form of metal complexes or simple heteroatoms. The synthesis, key
logical environment. properties and perspective biomedical applications of these materials are reviewed.

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Oxidation-Responsive Polymers: Which Groups to Use . . . Chemistry and Physics

Smith.[219] With the exception of their oxidative conver- forces; not surprisingly, depending on the polymer archi-
sion to tin oxide at high temperatures in air,[220] strictly tecture, the occurrence of these reactions could give rise
speaking polystannanes do not present responsiveness to to very different phenomena, ranging from crosslinking
oxidizing conditions, but their light-induced depolymeri- (e.g., in the case of thiomers) or self-healing, to solubiliza-
zation behavior is worth to mention in the context of this tion when in the presence of excess thiols.
review. The field is yet in its infancy; for example, a more
Polystannanes feature Sn–Sn main chains with a sig- coherent integration between electrochemistry, polymer
nificant degree of σ conjugation,[220,221] similar to what is chemistry and inflammatory cell biology is required. At
recorded for polygermananes[222] and polysilanes.[223,224] the same time, there are plenty of biological applications
Upon irradiation in the main absorption band, these poly- that could be solved by appropriately designed oxidation-
mers have limited stability and easily undergo unzipping (inflammation-) responsive materials, therefore there is
reactions, leading to depolymerization. The scission of no shortage of motivation!
Sn–Sn bonds proceeds through an homolytic mechanism:
radical scavengers are reported to delay the reaction,[225] Received: August 21, 2012; Published online: December 13, 2012;
and radical-stabilizing structures such as side-chain aro- DOI: 10.1002/macp.201200502
matic groups may reverse the degradation by allowing
the recombination of terminal radicals.[226] The scission Keywords: conjugated polymers; ferrocene; polysulfides; redox
polymers; stimuli-sensitive polymers
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