Practical Research 2 Q1 LAS Wk1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol


Stalin S. Baja
Cecille P. Buco

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol


No. of Total No. of

Learning Competency Days Competencies
Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and
kinds of quantitative research
1-3 Illustrates the importance of quantitative research across 12 3
Differentiates kinds of variables and their uses
Designs a research used in daily life
Writes a research title
Describes background of research
4-5 8 6
States research questions
Indicates scope and delimitation of study
Presents written statement of the problem
Illustrates and explain the conceptual framework
Defines terms used in study
6-7 List research hypothesis (if appropriate) 8 4
Presents written review of related literature and
conceptual framework
Total 28 13
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Practical Research 2
First Quarter, Week 1 – Day 1

Name : ______________________________________ Score : __________

Grade : ____________ Section: __________

Competency: Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of

quantitative research
Objective: To describe the characteristics of quantitative research
Topic: Quantitative Research
Materials: Learning Activity Sheets
References: Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School.
Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc., 2017.
Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research
Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.
CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. "
An Overview of Quantitative Research." Grand Canyon
University. Accessed June 1, 2020.
I Hope. 2019. " Quantitative Research: It’s Characteristics and
Strenghts." YouTube. Accessed June 3, 2020.
"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication.
Accessed June 1, 2020.
Copyright: For classroom use only
Pending for approval

Concept Notes:

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is commonly used in natural sciences research
problems because of the following characteristics:
1. LARGE SAMPLE SIZE. To obtain more meaningful statistical result, the data
must come from a large sample size.
2. OBJECTIVE. Data gathering and analysis of results are done accurately,
objectively, and are unaffected by the researcher’s intuition and personal
3. VISUAL RESULT PRESENTATION. Data is numerical, which makes
presentation through graphs, charts, and tables possible and for better
conveyance and interpretation.
4. FASTER DATA ANALYSIS. The use of a statistical tools give way for a less
time-consuming data analysis.
5. GENERALIZED DATA. Data taken from a sample can be applied to the
population if sampling is done accordingly, i.e., sufficient size and random
samples were taken.
6. FAST DATA COLLECTION. Depending on the type of data needed, collection
can be quick and easy. Quantitative research uses standardized research
instruments that allow the researcher to collect data from a large sample size
efficiently. For instance, a single survey form can be administered
simultaneously to collect various measurable characteristics like age, gender,
socio-economic status, etc.
7. RELIABLE DATA. Data is taken and analyzed objectively from a sample as a
representative of the population, making it more credible and reliable for
policymaking and decision making.
8. REPLICATION. The Quantitative method can be repeated to verify findings
1. Identification
its validity, free from false or immature conclusions.
Direction. Write your answers on the space provided the term being described.

________________________1. Data is numerical, which makes presentation through

graphs, charts, and tables possible and for better
conveyance and interpretation.
________________________2. Single survey form can be administered simultaneously to
collect various measurable characteristics like age, gender,
socio-economic status, etc.
________________________3. It can be repeated to verify findings enhancing its validity,
free from false or immature conclusions.

Exercise 2. Modified True or False

Direction: On the space provided, write TRUE if the statement describes the
characteristic of a quantitative research. If it is incorrect, ENCIRCLE the
word(s) that make(s) the statement false and WRITE the word(s) on the
space being provided to make(s) the statement true.

________________________1. The results of quantitative research can be used to

generalize and predict.
________________________2. Data gathering and analysis of results are inaccurate.
________________________3. Quantitative data are more credible, reliable, and useful
than qualitative data.


Practical Research 2
Week 1 Day 2
Objective: To describe the strengths of quantitative research

Concept Notes


The following are the strengths of quantitative research.
1. It is objective. The most reliable and valid way of concluding results, giving
way to a new hypothesis or to disproving it. Because of bigger number of the
sample of a population, the results or generalizations are more reliable and
valid. Since it provides numerical data, it can’t be easily misinterpreted.
2. The use of statistical techniques facilitates sophisticated analyses and
allows you to comprehend a huge amount of vital characteristics of data.
3. It is real and unbiased. If the research is properly designed, it filters out
external factors, and so can be seen as real and unbiased.
4. The numerical data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way. By
employing statistically valid random models, findings can be generalized to
the population about which information is necessary.
5. Quantitative studies are replicable. Standardized approaches allow the
study to be replicated in different areas or over time with formulation of
comparable findings.
6. Quantitative experiments are useful for testing the results gained by a
series of qualitative experiments, leading to a final answer, and narrowing
down of possible directions to follow.

Exercise 1. Identification
Direction. Write your answers on the space provided the term being described or asked.
________________________1. This will allow the study to be replicated in different areas
or over time with formulation of comparable findings.
________________________2. What techniques to be used which facilitates sophisticated
________________________3. In quantitative research, numerical data can be analyzed in
what manner?
Exercise 2. Modified True or False
Direction: On the space provided, write TRUE if the statement describes the strengths
of quantitative research. If it is incorrect, ENCIRCLE the word(s) that make(s)
the statement false and WRITE the word(s) on the space being provided to
make(s) the statement true.

________________________1. If the research is properly designed, it filters out internal

factors, and so can be seen as real and unbiased.
________________________2. A quantitative research uses statistical techniques in
analyzing the gathered data.
________________________3. The bigger number of the sample of a population, the
more reliable and valid the data are.’

Practical Research 2
Week 1 Day 3

Objective: To describe the weaknesses of quantitative research

Concept Notes


The disadvantages of quantitative research are as follows:
1. Quantitative research requires a large number of respondents. It is
assumed that the larger the sample is, the more statistically accurate the
findings are.
2. It is costly. Since, there are more respondents compared to qualitative
research, the expenses will be greater in reaching out to these people and in
reproducing questionnaires.
3. The information which is contextual factors to help interpret the
results or to explain variations are usually ignored. It does not consider
the distinct capacity of the respondents to share and elaborate further
information unlike the qualitative research.
4. Much information are difficult to gather using structured research
instruments, specifically on sensitive issues like pre-marital sex, domestic
violence, among others.
5. If not done seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires may be
incomplete and inaccurate. Researchers must be on the look-out on
respondents who are just guessing in answering the instrument
Exercise 1. Identification
Direction: Write your answers on the space provided.
________________________1. What will happen on the data being gathered if not done
seriously and correctly?
________________________2. This refers to the weakness of quantitative research
wherein the expenses will be greater in reaching out to the
respondents and in reproducing questionnaires.
________________________3. What is the required number of respondents in a
quantitative research?

Exercise 2. Modified True or False

Direction: On the space provided, write TRUE if the statement describes quantitative
research. If it is incorrect, UNDERLINE the word(s) that make(s) the statement
false and WRITE the word(s) on the space being provided to make(s) the
statement true.
________________________1. Contextual information are usually acknowledged.
________________________2. In quantitative research, information are easily be
gathered because of its research instrument.
________________________3. In quantitative research, cost is more focus on the
expenses of food and allowance of the researcher.

Practical Research 2
Week 1 Day 4

Objective: To describe the kinds of quantitative research

Concept Notes

 Descriptive design is used to describe a particular phenomenon by observing it

as it occurs in nature. There is no experimental manipulation and the researcher
does not start with a hypothesis. The goal of descriptive research is only to
describe the person or object of the study. An example of descriptive research
design is “the determination of the different kinds of physical activities and how
often high school students do it during the quarantine period.”
 The correlational design identifies the relationship between variables. Data is
collected by observation since it does not consider the cause and effect for
example, the relationship between the amount of physical activity done and
student academic achievement.
 Ex post facto design is used to investigate a possible relationship between
previous events and present conditions. The term “Ex post facto”, means after the
fact, looks at the possible causes of an already occurring phenomenon. Just like
the first two, there is no experimental manipulation in this design. An example of
this is “how does the parent’s academic achievement affect the children obesity?”
 A quasi-experimental design is used to establish the cause and effect
relationship of variables. Although it resembles the experimental design, the
quasi-experimental has lesser validity due to the absence of random selection and
assignment of subjects. Here, the independent variable is identified but not
manipulated. The researcher does not modify pre-existing groups of subjects. The
group exposed to treatment (experimental) is compared to the group unexposed to
treatment (control): example, the effects of unemployment on attitude towards
following safety protocol in ECQ declared areas.
 Experimental design like quasi- experimental is used to establish the cause and
effect relationship of two or more variables. This design provides a more
conclusive result because it uses random assignment of subjects and
experimental manipulations. For example, a comparison of the effects of various
blended learning to the reading comprehension of elementary pupils.

Exercise 1. Identification
Direction: Identify the term being described. Write your answers on the space
_____________1. The goal of this is only to describe the person or object of the study.
_____________2. Ex post facto mean what?
_____________3. It identifies the relationship between variables.

Exercise 2. Let’s match

Direction: Match the following quantitative research title or undertaking under column
A to its classification (research design) in column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
______1. Investigating the difference on the effects of A. Descriptive
formalin treated eggplants, cucumber and B. Ex post facto
string beans. C. Experimental
______2. Factors affecting job satisfaction among Tech- D. Correlational
Voc graduates. E. Case Study
______3. Relationship of Age of the Victims and Death
infected by Covid-19.
Key Answer

Day 1
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1. Visual result Presentation 1. True
2. Fast Data Collection 2. inaccurate – accurate
3. Replication 3. True

Day 2
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1. Replicable 1. internal – external
2. Statistical techniques 2. True
3. Quick and easy way 3. Data – results or generalization

Day 3
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1. Incomplete and inaccurate data 1. Acknowledged – ignored
2. Costly 2. Easily – difficult
3. Large number 3. Food and allowance – reaching
of people and in reproducing

Day 4
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1. Descriptive 1. C
2. After the fact 2. A
3. Correlational 3. D

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