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Look up and define these words before reading the following two-paragraph excerpt from

Moby-Dick, written by American novelist Herman Melville in 1851. Moby-Dick is the sailor
Ishmael's narrative of the quest of Ahab, captain of the whaling ship Pequod, for vengeance
against Moby Dick, the giant white whale that crippled him on the ship's previous voyage.

Note: Starbuck is the name of the first-mate on the ship. Also, read footnote number 6!

1. Joint-stock companies: a was storeissaintsandby


2. Knaves: a dishonest
or unscrupulous man

3. Meagre: lacking in quantity or quality

4. Ignominious: dorsorving or causing public disgrace or shame

5. Keenest:highly developed

6. Valor:great courage in thefaceofdanger

7. Investiture:theactof formalin invasion honorsor aramin aparson

8. Mariners: a sailor

9. Ascribe:
to blame someone to something

10. Ethereal:ghosniaanwispinoin nature

11. Swart:swarthy

painof Isn
12. Cervantes (Look up who this is an allusion to):conn wing town similarfromthepas

13. Cull: take from a lag quant


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