Ali Attia WMUCHR - MGT - 013 - MPI - Probation Period - Local

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Probation Period Interview

Employees Reporting to Local Supervisor

Name: Ali Attia Supervisor: Bahaa Abdelaal
Job Title / Dept.: Assistant Flight Service Job Title / Dept.: Team Leader
Start Date: 14/11/2022 Interview Date: 18.01.2023

Probation Period Interview Form


In a workplace setting, probation (or probationary period) is a status given to new employees of a company. The
probation period allows a supervisor or other company manager to evaluate closely the progress and skills of the
newly hired worker, determine appropriate assignments, and monitor other aspects of the employee such as
honesty, reliability, and interactions with co-workers, supervisors or customers.

The Probation Interview should take place at least 4 weeks prior to the completion of the Probation Period
Note: If necessary, please adapt the Probation Interview Form to your specific local law requirements

This Probation Interview consists of two parts:

Part A
The Employee fills-in Part A before the Interview and shares the results with the Supervisor.

Part B

The Supervisor fills-in Part B and shares the results with the Employee during the Probation Interview.

After the Probation Interview, the following must be done:

 Both Supervisor and Employee must sign the Form

 The Supervisor hands over the signed form to HR Local

Guide to Conversation:

1. Prepare for the conversation beforehand to discuss all relevant topics.

2. Allow enough time for the conversation and ensure an appropriate venue for the conversation.

3. Conduct the interview in a private and trusting environment.

4. Document the agreed actions and responsibilities. Then, review them during the next meeting and validate
to what extent they have been implemented.

Part A

Last Update: October 2018││ Probation Interview Local Supervisor WMUCHR_MGT_013_MPI 1

of 4
Probation Period Interview
Employees Reporting to Local Supervisor
Name: Ali Attia Supervisor: Bahaa Abdelaal
Job Title / Dept.: Assistant Flight Service Job Title / Dept.: Team Leader
Start Date: 14/11/2022 Interview Date: 18.01.2023

I. Feedback of the Employee (to be completed by the Employee)

How did you find your initial experience so far?

I think it is a very good experience.

What do you think is lacking from your initial training?


Have you met your initial expectations of the role and responsibilities? If not, why?
Yes, I did it.

How do you feel about your team involvement?

I am so happy, because they are friendly.

How do you feel about working with your manager?

They are helpful and support me.

Comments and Remarks

I have no comments as they do everything to me.

Part B
I. Feedback of the Supervisor (to be completed by the Supervisor)

Last Update: October 2018││ Probation Interview Local Supervisor WMUCHR_MGT_013_MPI 2

of 4
Probation Period Interview
Employees Reporting to Local Supervisor
Name: Ali Attia Supervisor: Bahaa Abdelaal
Job Title / Dept.: Assistant Flight Service Job Title / Dept.: Team Leader
Start Date: 14/11/2022 Interview Date: 18.01.2023

Criteria Strengths Areas for Development

• Values the importance of delivering high
• Anticipates and forecasts customer He does his best to learn. Giving more information as he is

requirements fresh graduate.

• Defines ways of working to add value to
customers’ operation
• Develops awareness of customers’ business
• Makes realistic commitments to customers

• Promotes fairness and equity

• Creates an environment that supports and I see he adapts with the Team
celebrates team success members and all the time he
• Shows respect for people and their differences keeps in touch with the
• Accepts collective responsibility for the
actions of other members of the team

• Encourages cross-functional discussions when

• Follows through on commitments to the team
• Gives clear explanations for actions or
• Adapts communication style to the audience

• Good relation quality-quantity of work

• Delivers timely and accurate results
• Energy, determination and Work-Rate I think it will be fine in the

• Flexibility in the eventualities future

• Strives for efficient, effective, high quality
• Takes initiative to make improvements
• Implements control and quality processes

• Professional knowledge of the current position

• Corresponds to rules and guidelines
• Initiative: ability to anticipate events

effectively in the development of their His German is very good

• Steadiness under pressure
• Language fluency
• Demonstrates effective oral and written
communication skills
• Resilient when responding to situations that
are not going well

Part B
II. Feedback from the Supervisor (to be completed by the Supervisor)

Last Update: October 2018││ Probation Interview Local Supervisor WMUCHR_MGT_013_MPI 3

of 4
Probation Period Interview
Employees Reporting to Local Supervisor
Name: Ali Attia Supervisor: Bahaa Abdelaal
Job Title / Dept.: Assistant Flight Service Job Title / Dept.: Team Leader
Start Date: 14/11/2022 Interview Date: 18.01.2023

What are the Employee’s strengths?

His language is very good - quietness-ready to learn-

What are his/her areas for improvement and development?

In which areas should he/she be more involved?

He needs to know exactly how to communicate with his/her colleagues.

Other Comments (e.g. deviating feedback of self and from others)

Probation Period Final Evaluation:

The Probation period   is successful.  is not successful.

Name and Signature of Employee Name and Signature of Supervisor

Date: Date:

Last Update: October 2018││ Probation Interview Local Supervisor WMUCHR_MGT_013_MPI 4

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