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If ever that the retraction letter of Rizal will be proven as true and authentic,

will you still consider him as a hero? Why or why not?

My answer is YES, why? because we all know Dr. Jose Rizal as our national hero
became one of the significant personality in our history that made big contribution
especially in the Revolution at his time. Dr. Jose Rizal is symbol of Filipino
nationalism, model and sacrifice, left a big controversial issue with regards of its
events with his death and also the retractions. When we say retraction it is an
accusation or undertaking. Dr. Jose Rizal issued that he retracted to the Catholic
church and accept to be Catholic in his death to surrender or defeat by Catholic
church, but this issue has not proven yet. There are some evidence like letter from
him in catholic church and the letter says the he wrote. Based on what I read Dr.
Jose Rizal revealed the bad work of Spanish Catholic church in his era through
writing, in his books like "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibustirismo" we can see
how traumatic and brutal it is. Everyone knows that Dr. Jose Rizal is against
Catholic and if the accusation is true I will consider him as a hero and there is
always a reason behind it. All I know is he exchanged his personal life by
defending and protecting us Filipinos maybe he retracted and accept it, to do what
he wants before his death. He is a human too. Whether he retracted or not this will
not affect the history, Philippines independence or what he contribute to our
country, he do nothing to dishearten Filipinos to jumpstart a Philippine revolution
and of course it did not tarnish the legacy of Dr. Jose Rizal as a symbol of Filipino
nationalism, as a symbol of model Filipino this nothing to do in him as being a
national hero. All I can say is Dr. Jose Rizal is one of the biggest personality in our
country and as prominent face of history, of course and most glorious and one of
the best hero that we have ever been.

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