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How does media influence our values?

Mass Media refers to several means of communication such as communication

devices. Communication devices are used to interact and communicate among
people. The most common forms of media today are radio, internet, newspaper and
television. Media is an important part of lives. It is also two-sided meaning that it
has a positive side and a negative one.

The Problems of Mass Media

The problem of Mass Media is that it can become traumatic especially for children
as they see it more and more. While watching TV or an action movie, it is usual to
see many images of violence and people hurting others. Another problem is that real
war is used as a form of entertainment by the media. The media creates the ideal
image of beautiful men and women with all the traits of a successful person, one can
see it in movies, TV and internet.

Mass media are the powerful means that do not only influence today’s world but
also shape the globe of tomorrow. Upon our survey, around 50% of the people affirm
that Mass media play an important role in our life and only 6.4% argue that it has
small importance in our life.

Advantages of mass media

The greatest advantage of mass media is the power to reach a large number of people
all around the world in a very short period of time. Through television and radio
programs, people get to learn about health matters, environmental conservation, and
much more. They get news daily through the media and this keeps them updated on
the happenings around the world. Wilbur Schramm asserts in his article about mass
media " Father of Communication Studies” , "By making one part of a country aware
of other parts, their people, arts, customs, and politics; …by making possible a
nation-wide dialogue on national policy; by keeping the national goals and national
accomplishments always before the public-thus modern communication, widely
used, can help weld together isolated communities, disparate subcultures, self-
centered individuals and groups, and separate developments into a truly national
development." . So, it is clear that Media lead to diffusion of different cultures. It
also helps people around the world to understand each other and embrace their
differences. It can help forming opinions on the world.

Disadvantage of mass media

The first effect of mass media on teenagers is violence. Teenagers who watch violent
movies may behave in an aggressive way towards others for example bullying and
fighting in schools. Moreover, children repeat what they see on screens, they imitate
it and acquire its aggressive models of behavior. At the early age they cannot
distinguish between such concepts as good and bad. The negative psychological
effects of media are seen in terms of media changing the people’s outlook on life.
Upon the survey the people can spend 6 hours and more watching television. A
majority of the audiences believe in what is depicted by the media. Youngsters and
children often tend to mix the true and the false world under the influence of the
mass media. According to our survey about 82.3% agree that mass media affect the
interpersonal relationships. It also leads to individualism; people spend too much
time on the internet and watching television. As a result, socialization with friends,
family and neighbors is affected.
Furthermore, the results of the survey show that 35.5% of people think that mass
media change views on interpersonal relationships positively and also 35.5% think
the opposite. So, this means that if the power of media is used positively it can do
well to society and a country. Although media has many advantages it also has its
limits. It is up to the users, to decide to use it wisely for the best impact.

Influence of mass media on public opinion

The mass media and all media in general have a heavy influence and impact on
individuals and society, as many people rely on the media as a source of information
without even thinking whether it is true or not. Media sources play significant roles
in shaping a person’s understanding and perception about the events occurred in the
daily lives. Furthermore, the media are very powerful weapon that can quickly
change people's perspectives and beliefs. In our democratic society, mass media are
the driving force of public opinion. The information that the public receive from the
mass media about current events is critical to their view and understanding of our

Mass media shape our views and opinions on just about everything. The mass media
can manipulate people’s opinion and force them to take action. Just before an
election, for example, voters who earlier had only a mild preference for one party or
candidate may be inspired by media coverage not only to take the trouble to vote but
perhaps also to contribute money or to help a party organization in some other way.
Factors such as agenda-setting, framing and priming help and shape the public
1. Agenda setting: means the ability of the mass media to bring issues to the
attention of the public and of politicians. The basic claim is that as the media devote
more attention to an issue, the public perceives the issue as important.

2. Framing: is an important factor by allowing the media to select certain aspects

about the problem and then make them appear more important in the text, which
results in enhancing the meaning or interpretation of the situation.

3. Priming: plays an important role in shaping public opinion. It works as the media
repeatedly exposed certain issues in the public viewers. The more exposure an issue
gets, the more likely an individual will recall or retain the information in their minds.

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