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your reference. The right part of this sheet contains the score sheet for your inputs.

Kindly pick your score from the drop down a

remarks that you would like us to send to the startups for their improvement.

Startup Name

Member names


Technologies being used / intending to use:

Startup development stage:
Describe the progress of the startup
Describe the problem that you are trying to
Describe the solution that your startup is
working on.
Describe how the solution addresses the
problem in terms of relevance. Include the
features of your solution.

Describe the profile of your target customers

Describe how are you generating/will
generate revenues.

What are the next steps that you will

undertake to develop your product further?
Describe your competitive advantage. (How
are you different from – or better than –
similar startups?)
Briefly describe your validation plans. (How
are you validating/will you validate your
business model?
Should you win, how do you intend to use
the DICT startup grant fund?
Please record your 3-minute pitch and
upload it to Youtube as an unlisted video.
Indicate the Youtube link to your pitch
recording here:
Pitch Deck
Pitch Video
Other submitted files
his sheet contains the score sheet for your inputs. Kindly pick your score from the drop down and indicate any
send to the startups for their improvement.

[startup name] Criteria Weight

[name 1, LinkedIn profile link] Viability 25%

[name 2, LinkedIn profile link] Relevance 25%

[name 3, LinkedIn profile link, if applicable] Impact 20%

[name 4, , LinkedIn profile link, if applicable] Creativity 20%

[school name, delete field for professional category] Presentation 10%

[idea, prototype, launch or early revenue]











[save in google drive and paste link here]
[youtube link]
[save in google drive and paste link here]
Criteria Considerations Your score
Can it work in the real world?
Can the solution do what it is set out to do?
Is this project responsive to the challenge/problem for
which it was submitted?
Is it technically feasible?
How usable or user-friendly is the solution?
How much positive impact (economic, social and/or
environmental) can this project have?
How creative/innovative is the approach?
Is the project something that hasn’t been attempted
before, or is it an improvement on something that
already exists?
How well did the team communicate their project?
Were they effective in presenting the problem, the
solution, and why it is important?

Your Feedback (if any)


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