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Tipos de Visualizações Gráficas

Pie charts are circular, statistical graphics that are divided into slices to
illustrate numerical proportions. The total sum of all “slices” must equal 100%. Pie
charts are useful for showing the relative proportion for a small number of items. They
can very easily show which category is the largest or has the most impact.
Example: A grocery store chain uses a pie chart to show the percentage of total profit
from different grocery store locations and highlight the store earning the most profit.

Bar charts are useful for ranking a large number of categories, showing

correlation, and using for before-after analysis. Use bar charts for comparison and
ranking. Bar charts help illustrate change over time.
Example: An online pharmacy observes a big jump in web traffic during the COVID-19
pandemic, so they use a bar chart to capture month-to-month traffic for one year to
make it easier to identify the increase in web traffic.

Column charts can show relative proportion between items and show

data over time and frequency. Column charts display information vertically. They are
also useful for showing negative data.
Example: A big-box company tracks the number of accidents that occur in warehouses.
When the number of accidents falls below the monthly average, the company uses a
column chart to distinguish this in a monthly report.

Line charts can display data over time and frequency; however they
typically display this data over a continuum. Line charts can track changes over short
and long periods of time. Because of this, line charts are useful for indicating small
changes. They are effective in showing trends.
Example: An IT help desk must measure their service performance for closing
customer issues, so they use a line graph to track how many chats and emails the team
responds to per month.

Scatter plot charts display plotted points to show a relationship

between two sets of data. They display a large amount of data and make outliers stand
out. Scatter plot charts can also help you identify patterns.
Example: A bank uses a scatter plot chart to explain to executives that a data set of
thousands of customer calls reveals that customer happiness levels are highest when
call response time is lowest. 

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