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Programme: APPLIED TO ALL ITSE PROGRAMS Subject: Curso de Reforzamiento Académico

Link to work plan: Duration: 110 minutes

 Introduce yourself
 Introduce others
 Talk about things in an office

Competencies: Performance Criteria:

1. To handle a basic range of situations immediately relevant to the students’ needs in 1.2 To introduce themselves in a basic way, giving some personal information in a variety of
simple everyday situations. contexts
1.3 Understand basic questions and statements about personal details if addressed slowly
and clearly.

Learning objectives for the lesson: Resources:

 Introduce yourself and others saying hello and goodbye and role-playing scenarios. Startup 1 Units 1 to 5
 Talk about things in the office. Microsoft Teams

Timing Performance Criteria Instructor Activity Practical Activity Resources Assessment

20 To introduce themselves Instructor reads the vocabulary topic Students listen and repeat vocabulary StartUp 1, lesson 1 Oral practices introducing
in a basic way, giving aloud and explains what occupation 2.1A. English lab and computers themselves in a conversation.
some personal is.
information in a variety of Have students introduce others. Say, This is …, and this is …
contexts Model introducing several students in
the class.
20 Understand basic Present students the simple present Complete the practice on page 105. Check pronunciation and grammar
questions and form of the verb to be. errors.
statements about
personal details if Review the use of -s -es and -ies for
addressed slowly and third person singular subject pronouns
clearly. and nouns.
Read the two articles rules in the

Give an example of vowel sounds and

consonant sounds.

30 Explain what the word stress and a Students listen and repeat the Observe how students provide their
stress syllable is. pronunciation activity part 2.3A. personal information.

Show an example saying a word Students circle the stress they hear in
aloud and have students give which part B practice.
syllable was stressed.

Have students listen and complete Students share their answers in class.
exercise 2.3B.

Role-play. Have students work in Students will work in pairs and practice
group of three, take turns and the conversation using their own
introduce the others to the class using information.
the occupations, verb to be, articles
a /an correctly.

10 Wrap-up Closing and review of contents

covered during class.

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