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MPL 506, Instrumentasi dan Interpretasi Kualitas Lingkungan

Soal Ujian Quiz (24 Feb 2023)

Waktu: 08:00 - 09.00 WIB (open book)
Dosen: Prof. Dr. Ir. Izarul Machdar, M.Eng.

Pilih satu (1) soal dari setiap kelompok pertanyaan (A-E) di bawah ini.
Masing-masing nilai 20.
Dilarang bekerja sama dan Akses Internet
(jawab dalam bahasa Indonesia)

1. How does environmental analysis differs from traditional analytical chemistry?

2. Describe the difference between (a) accuracy and precision, and (b) method detection
limits and practical quantitation limits.

3. Describe in what cases the use of ‘‘median’’ can be preferred over that of ‘‘mean’’ in
environmental data reporting?

1. Why are the data quality objectives (DQOs) important prior to the implementation of
environmental sampling?

2. Make a list of important factors (criteria) that are important in developing a sampling
design including where, when, and how many samples are collected?

3. Define: (a) composite sampling; (b) transect sampling; and (c) search sampling.

1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of (a) composite sampling and (b) systematic

2. Describe (a) the difference between systematic grid sampling and systematic random
sampling and (b) the method to calculate the mean and standard deviation from
systematic sampling.


1. Explain why glass containers are generally used for organic compounds whereas PVC
type containers are used for inorganic compounds?

2. Describe the special considerations in taking water samples from: (a) flowing waters
(rivers and streams), (b) static waters (lakes and ponds), and (c) estuaries.


1. Explain the operational difference for pipets labeled as ‘‘TD’’ or ‘‘TC’’.

2. Write all chemical reactions involved in the measurement of DO using Winkler

(iodometric) method.

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