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Break-out game 1

The finishing phase

Practice organisation
• Area 30x10yds with goals at each end, as illustrated.
• 6 players, in 2 teams of 3.
• P
 ractice starts with: ball fed in by coach to A’s who have 3v1
advantage in defensive third.
• A
 team releases 1 player into mid third, where player C
is confronted by D to create 1v1.
• 3
 rd D becomes the goalkeeper whilst initial D makes a recovery run
to defensive third.
• After 6 sets, players rotate roles.


10 yds
• Area can be modified, depending on age & ability of players.
• Preparing body & feet to receive ball in a side-on position.
• Attacking D at speed: attack player or space to side of D.
• Awareness of D providing cover behind 1st D.
• Disguising intended strike at goal.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Initial D recovers to defend in middle third.
- Third D allowed into middle third to pressurise 30 yds
& support early.

12-16 years
Age group
Key coaching points • On eliminating D assess the position of the GK.
• Decision on how to beat last GK.
• Receiving & strength & direction of 1st touch.
• D
 ecision to shoot early at goal or attack D
before strike.

218 The Future Game

Break-out game 2

The finishing phase

Practice organisation
• A
 rea 56x20yds with goals at alternate ends, set-out
as illustrated.
• 1
 4 players (incl. 2GK’s), with outfield players in pairs, working 4v1 in
each grid & Server for each.
• P
 ractice starts with: ball fed into grid by Server to
A’s who play 4v1.
• A
 ’s keep ball, looking to release one player out of
grid to go onto score 1v1 with GK. S
• A’s observe off-side rule, using edge of grid. GK
• D cannot pursue break-out player.
25 yds
• After 6 sets, players rotate roles.

20 yds
Detail 6 yds
• A
 wareness of position in which player may
receive ball.
• 1st touch on receiving ball.
• Assessing situation on or after 1st. touch.
• Early strike or attacking GK to go 1v1.
S 25 yds
• Disguising strike at goal.
• Rebounding all strikes on goal.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:

12-16 years
Age group
- D recovers to pressurise A breaking at goal.
- D recovers & additional A supports breaking player.

Key coaching points • C

 ombination play, body shape to receive, pass
& move to set-up breaking player.
• M
 aking quick decisions based-on when to dribble, when to pass out
• Setting-up break-out passes & patience.
of grid.
• Shot selection in 1v1 against GK.
• Quick passing & wall-passes in the grid.
• Sharp receiving & turning skills in the grid.
• Movement with & without ball in the grid.

The Future Game 219

Combination play

‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, divided into thirds with central third divided in half
& appropriate size goals at each end, as illustrated. 60 yds
• 16 players (incl. 2 GK’s), organised in two groups of 8, 2 balls.
• P
 ractice starts with: 3v2 in each end third, plus 2 attacking MF
players for each team in each of two central safe zones, who remain
in their own half.
• M
 F’s can only provide one touch passes into A’s, through the screen
of their MF opponents.
• O
 bjective of game is to pass through central zones
into A’s who look to link-up play & enter into goal scoring situations


40 yds
• Realistic defending in challenge areas. GK GK

• C
 ommunication between A’s & MF’s essential through recognising
signals & body shape.
• Encourage clever & inventive individual & combination plays by A’s.
• Range of passing skills (which may be disguised) to supply A’s.
• Simple progression for this practice is:
- When receivers are allowed to use 2 touches, D’s may press in
safe zones after opponents’ first touch.

12-16 years
Age group
Key coaching points - Receiving, passing, turning, dribbling & shooting skills.
- Shielding, passing & turning skills.
• Challenges for players include:
- Changing tempo of attacks.
- Quick play to open-up forward passing opportunities to A’s.
- Playing in between opponents.
- A’s timing their movement.
- Recognising & exploiting space in front & to side of D’s.
- Combination & support play from front & behind in attacking areas.

154 The Future Game

Compact defending

‘in balance’
Defensive play whilst
in a small-sided game
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, divided into 8 grids, each measuring 20x15yds with
appropriate size goals at each end, as illustrated.
60 yds
• 16 players (incl. 2GK’s), arranged 7v7, as shown in the diagram.
• Supply of balls by each goal.
• Normal off-side rules apply over the halfway line.
• Practice starts with: ball rolled-out from GK.
• T
 eam in possession, look to build play through good ball retention &
controlled possession, with the objective of scoring a goal.
• Defending team look to counter-attack on gaining possession.

40 yds
• O
 pen play continues until ball goes dead: then practice
recommences with initial arrangements. GK

• M
 ain factor affecting decision to press ball is whether pressing
player can affect player in possession & force error.
• E
 arly recognition of possible opportunity by individuals to force
errors & unsettle opponents seeking to gain composed possession.
• U
 nderstanding the need to remain compact as a team, sliding
across, marking & covering when opposition are established
in position.

12-16 years
Age group
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
15 yds 15 yds 15 yds 15 yds
- If defending team gains possession: it has limited time (e.g. 7secs)
to counter-attack & strike on goal.
- Counter-attacking team limited to 5 passes before taking shot.

Key coaching points • C

 ommunication between players, especially those from behind, who
have a clearer picture of oppositions team arrangements.
• D
 efending team remain compact & concentrate numbers in area of
• U
 nderstanding of transition from defending to breaking out to create
field where ball, is with good spacing & appropriate depth.
width & attack.
• I f defensive block is established: decision to press
ball needs to be taken.
• If not involved in pressing: other D’s mark, cover or balance.

The Future Game 189

Counter-attacking from

‘out of balance’
Attacking when opponents are
deep 1
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, with pitch divided into halves, with
goals 6yds behind each end of area, as illustrated. 60 yds
• 16 players (incl. 2GK’s), 1 ball.
• P
 ractice starts with: GK rolls ball-out to Attacking team which has a
6v3 numerical advantage in itsown half.
• In attacking half, there are 2A’s v 3D’s.
• A’s, in possession pass-out from back.
• 4A’s advance into opponents half to make 6v3 in attacking half.
• H
 alf way serves as off-side line, with A’s only able to cross into
attacking half once ball has been played into space.

40 yds
• O
 bjective of game is to move advancing A’s rapidly into D’s half, GK GK
bringing A’s into game & get early strikes on goal.
• P
 lay resumes in opposite direction from GK, using same
playing numbers.
• O
 ne team has a period of attacking (to & from both ends), before
players re-organise to change roles (& understanding).

• C
 hallenge 1: Try to use one touch opportunities to change the
tempo of attacks.

12-16 years
Age group
• Challenge 2: Try to score using 4 passes.
• C
 oach needs to connect questions to individual player’s needs,
based on technical execution & decision-making demands.
• Timing, distance & angles of support as play develops.
• N
 oticing opportunity to feed runner into attacking half & supply
with a variety of measured, accurate passes.
• Ability of receiving player to control ball when moving at speed.
• Early support for ball receiver to produce strike at goal.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Extra D recovers into defending half.
Key coaching points - Angle of runs & passes into opponents half, including when &
where to release forward pass.
- Allow/encourage realistic defending in challenge areas. • Other challenges for players include:
- A’s timing their movement to link-in with advancing
- Determine length of time to retain possession before releasing first support players.
breaking A (with supporting runners) into D’s half.
- Changing tempo of attacks.
- Timing runs from MF areas.

The Future Game 169


‘out of balance’
Attacking when opponents are
from deep 2
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 80x40yds, divided into three zones, with goals
at each end, as illustrated.
• 14 players (incl. 2GKs), arranged 7v7, 1 ball.
• Teams are arranged 4v4 in centre zone, 2v2 in opposite half. 80 yds

• P
 ractice starts with: an Attacking player serves into
GK from wide position.
• T
 his player then recovers to establish a good
marking position in 2v2.
• GK distributes ball to A team, who attack his goal.
• D
 ’s work to nullify the attack & on gaining

40 yds
possession, initiate counter-attack through playing quickly into GK GK
strikers or breaking from defensive
areas with 2 players able to support, unopposed.
• T
 he team has 10 seconds to create a goal scoring opportunity &
shoot on goal.

• I f recovering team regains possession it can initiate
its own counter-attack.
20 yds 20 yds 40 yds
• Quick change of defending to attacking attitude.

12-16 years
Age group
• Moving the play forward early, accurately & quickly.
• A
 ctions by players ahead of ball to ensure quick attack &
strike at goal.
• Ensure defensive security as team counters the counter-attack.
• Simple progression for this practice is:
- Challenge counter-attacking team to score within
a time frame (e.g. 6 seconds from regaining possession of ball).

Key coaching points • Moving forward quickly with ball under control.
• Assessing play whilst moving quickly with ball.
• Speed of initiating attack after gaining possession.
• Inter-play & movement of forwards (in 2v2 situation).
• Accuracy & speed of the passing over ground.
• Timing & speed of supporting runs from players breaking forward.

170 The Future Game


‘out of balance’
Attacking when opponents are
Practice organisation
Full width of pitch
• H
 alf pitch, working across the width, with 5yd channel marked by
cones at each end, as illustrated. C
• 1
 5 players, arranged 7v7, plus one floater, who plays for the team in
possession at all times.
• Practice starts with: Coach passes into practice area, to either team.
• A
 ’s look to keep possession & look for opportunity
to get ball into opponent’s end zone.


• P
 asser must make forward run until team mates have achieved 2
consecutive passes elsewhere.
• O
 n loss of possession D’s look to quickly break forward to other end
& score by running ball into opposite end zone.

Half pitch
• A
 fter counter-attack attempt: coach restarts practice by feeding
into previous counter-attacking team & roles are reversed.

• Area modified, depending on numbers & age of players.
• Timing, speed & angle of forward runs to support receiving player.
• Assessing build-up play whilst making runs.
• E
 ncourage flowing combination play, to establish good tempo of
forward passing moves.
• D’s to defend realistically at all times, tracking runs & challenging.

12-16 years
Age group
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Introduce 2GK’s (one at either end), initially without goals
to act as ‘sweepers’ & defend end zones.
5 5
- Introduce goals for GK’s & D’s to defend. yds yds

Key coaching points • I ntelligent use of possession, movement & individual skills,
on & off the ball.
• Quick reaction to movement of players to initiate counter-attack.
• D
 ’s deny space & delay progress, looking for opportunities to
• Look to penetrate behind opposition with runs & well-placed passes. intercept, spoil & initiate counter-attack from regains of possession.

168 The Future Game

Crossing & finishing

The finishing phase

Practice organisation
• H
 alf pitch with appropriate size goal & cones extending from
corner of penalty area to half-way, as illustrated.
Full width of pitch
• 14 players (incl. 2GK’s), arranged in two groups of 6.
• E
 ach group contains 2 Attackers; 2 Midfield &
2 Flanker players, as shown.
• E
 ach group works separately, with 2nd. set of players ready to
take-up position on half way line, by coach.
• P
 ractice starts with: coach passes into MF’s who combine before
playing into A.
• A
 plays ball out to flank, for wide player to take forward & cross into
penalty area for A’s to strike at goal.

Half pitch
• M
 F’s push forward to edge of penalty area & opposite side flank
player attacks far post from cross.
• O
 nce attack is concluded: 2nd group establish position, GK’s change
places & practice recommences from coach.
• 1st group quickly return to half way to prepare for next attack.
• A
 fter predetermined number of attacks: players change roles
within group.

• D
 elivery & type of cross from flank player may vary (near, far post,
lofted, driven, cross pulled back to edge for MF).

12-16 years
Age group
• E
 ncourage flowing combination play, to establish good tempo of
forward passing moves.
• A
 ’s to coordinate movement (staggering entry, to prevent becoming
flat) into penalty area to cover all areas.
• G
 ood body shape & footwork to prepare for clean contact when
striking on goal.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Introduce 2D’s who (passively) mark A’s in build-up phase, but track
& defend goal in penalty area, realistically.
- Introduce 3rd. D to track back on goal from MF position, after Key coaching points • Timing, velocity & trajectory of cross delivered from flank player.
challenging (1v2) initial MF play into A’s. • Assessing build-up play whilst making runs.
• Accuracy & weight of initial pass into A.
• Timing & coordination of run from opposite flank player with A’s.
• Receiving, communication & combining skills of 2A’s.
• Timing & coordination of runs from MF’s to edge of penalty area.
• P
 recision & speed of pass to flank player: when played in front &
when played into feet, to take forward.

224 The Future Game

Dealing with attacking

‘out of balance’
Defensive play whilst
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds set-out in equal thirds, with each end zone divided
into 12 equal size grids & goals at each end, as illustrated. 60 yds
• 1
 6 players (incl. 2GKs), plus 2 Neutral players who support team
in possession.
• P
 ractice starts with: GK rolls ball into Attackers in end zone,
who are supported by 2 Neutral players.
• A’s play out to MF area for N’s making forward runs into mid third.
• Once N’s arrive in MF zone an A forward can combine with them.
• Defenders are not allowed to recover into MF zone.

40 yds
• A’s forwards receive service from MF, on move.
• A
 im of A’s: receive, pass & move to a new grid in end zone, whilst GK
looking to score.
• Roles of players changes when play is reversed.

• D’s organise to initially protect central attacking routes to goal.
• D
 eflect attacking play away from goal if possible by intelligent
pressing & support.
• M
 arking opponents & passing-on opponents who inter-change
positions & move to different grids.

12-16 years
Age group
20 yds 20 yds 20 yds
• Blocking passes, crosses & shots at goal.
• Intelligent 1v1 defending skills.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- D may recover into middle & defending zones,
if required.
- D recovers to defending zone if necessary, plus
one other into the middle zone as an outlet for
a pass on D’s regaining possession.

Key coaching points • O

 n regaining possession: D’s should attempt to
counter-attack quickly.
• D
 ’s organise strategy to combat movement
& numbers of A’s.
• D
 ’s organise to combat play in front, behind
& to the side, in defensive third.

204 The Future Game

Defending &

‘out of balance’
Defensive play whilst
Practice organisation
• F ull pitch, restricted in length with appropriate size goal at one end &
4 small goals across pitch, as illustrated.
• 2
 1 players (incl. GK), arranged 11v10 in teams structured 4-3-3
(counter-attacking team) & 4-4-2 (team attacking 4 goals), as shown.
• Practice starts with: GK rolls ball-out to Attacking team.
• A’s look to build-up play & score in any of the 4 goals.
• D
 ’s are looking to gain possession & quickly counter-attack to single
goal with GK.
• A
 fter conclusion of an attack: practice restarts
from GK.
• R
 oles of teams can be reversed after a defined
period of play or number of restarts.

• D’s work ethic getting back behind ball to defend.
• D’s to defend realistically at all times, tracking runs & challenging.
• Q
 uick reaction to adjust position & depth of defensive line in relation
to ball movement.
• Engaging player on ball swiftly to delay & deny forward passing.

12-16 years
Age group
• S liding across as a unit, remaining compact & leaving furthest
attacker away from ball.
• E
 nsure a quick tempo in passing & movement from team
in possession.
• Encourage creative & clever play in advanced areas.
• E
 mphasis on individual techniques & precise execution of
passing, receiving dribbling & running with the ball skills.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Replace 4 goals with one & GK, to develop full game.
- Teams to develop own counter-attacking style in • Coordination of pressing & spoiling effort from D’s. • Q
 uick change of defending to attacking attitude from players
4-4-2 & 4-3-3 formations. (& vice versa).
• Engage player on ball (if possible) on recovery run.
Key coaching points • E
 arly recognition of supporting strikers to ‘show’ for ball on regains • L ooking for timely runs & well-placed passes to quickly penetrate
opposition on counter-attack.
of possession.
• P
 layers ahead of ball to recover at pace to establish defensive block,
• Quick reaction to movement of players to initiate counter-attack. • C
 oncentration & assessment of build-up play in advanced positions
behind ball.
to receive break-out passes from MF & counter-attack areas of pitch.
• O
 nce goal-side: adjust from pressing to cover & balance in relation to
ball & defensive line.

The Future Game 201

Defending overloads

‘in balance’
Defensive play whilst
in flank areas
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds marked into equal thirds, with 10yd flank channels 60 yds
divided into three sections on each side running full length &
appropriate size goals at each end, as illustrated.
20 yds 20 yds 20 yds
• 16 players (incl. 2GK’s) arranged 8v8, 1 ball.
• Game is organised 2v2 in each end third, with 3v3 in middle third.

10 yds
• Off-side applies in each attacking third.
• Practice starts with: coach feeds ball into MF.
• A
 ttacking team must visit & overload at least 2 of the
flank areas before attacking goal.
• Defending team sends one or two D’s in response to attacking team.
• Overloads can be 1A v 0D, 2A v 1D or 3A v 2D in the wide sections.

40 yds
• P
 ractice restarts with opposite team GK rolling ball GK GK
to D’s, who then look to pass into MF.

• Area can be modified, depending on numbers & age of players.
• E
 mphasis on players making decisions on their own
team defensive arrangements.
• P
 rioritising marking of opponents in central areas when D’s are
drawn away towards flanks.

12-16 years
Age group
• Preventing crosses & marking opponents in goal scoring areas. C
• Defending against changes of play across the pitch.
• Simple progression for this practice is:
- Award 3 points to opponents if goal is scored from
a cross & 1 point if goal is scored from central attack.

Key coaching points • When to pressurise & when to concede ground.

• Showing opponents outside or across pitch.
• Defending when out-numbered in flank areas.
• Preventing penetrating through passes.
• Speed & angle of approach to ball.
• Distance from ball when pressing.
• Pressure, cover & balance.

188 The Future Game

Defending when

‘out of balance’
Defensive play whilst
outnumbered 1
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds set-out in equal thirds with goals at each end, 60 yds
as illustrated.
• 1
 4 players (incl. 2GKs), with Defenders out numbered 2v3 in each
end third.
• P
 ractice starts with: Neutral players in mid third,
serve ball into Attackers & support play from behind, without
entering end third.
• O
 bjective of practice: D’s play out-numbered to prevent A’s from N
scoring, gain possession & pass in to N’s, to score one point.

40 yds
• Rotate roles of players.
• D
 istance between 2D’s when being attacked by
three opponents. N
• Communication, changing roles & working with GK as sweeper.
• Deflecting attacks away from central goal-scoring areas.
• Balanced, controlled 1v1 defending skills.
• D
 ’s identifying opportunity to pass or run with ball
on gaining possession.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:

12-16 years
Age group
- N serves & moves into end zone to become an A 20 yds 20 yds 20 yds
i.e. 2D’s v 4A’s.
- N serves & moves forward & other recovers to defend i.e. 3D’s v 4A’s.

Key coaching points • Marking & covering.

• Blocking shots. • Winning ball & quickly playing forward to N.

• P
 ressing man on ball & employing delaying tactics
to avert attack.

202 The Future Game

Defending when

‘out of balance’
Defensive play whilst
outnumbered 2
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 50x40yds set-out in three areas with goals at each end,
as illustrated. 50 yds
• 1
 4 players (incl. 2GKs), with Defenders initially having
a 3v2 advantage in own half.
• Practice starts with: GK rolls ball-out to Attacking team.
• P
 lay has to build through mid area, with one A able
to enter to make 3v1.
• P
 lay moves into D’s half with 2A’s able to join-in
& make 4v3 advantage.

40 yds
• D’s have to prevent A’s from scoring whilst outnumbered.
• I f D’s gain possession: they look to quickly
counter-attack opponents.
• Roles of players changes when play is reversed.

• A
 llocation of marking & covering roles when having
defensive advantage.
• E
 arly decisions as to who confronts the player in possession
when ball enters defending third & roles of other D’s.
• P
 ressing ball & deflecting attacking play away from central goal
15 yds 15 yds 20 yds

12-16 years
Age group
scoring areas when outnumbered.
• Constant changes of role & responsibility.
• M
 aintaining safe defensive structure when counter-attack
is initiated.
• Simple progression for this practice is:
- D from middle zone can recover to the defending zone,
to make 4v4.

Key coaching points • O

 n gaining possession: quick adjustments
necessary to initiate counter-attack..
• D
 ’s organise strategy with numerical advantage
of 3v2.
• Q
 uick re-organisation required to deal with
numerical disadvantage of 3v4.

The Future Game 203

Defensive balance

‘in balance’
Defensive play whilst
& compactness
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 75x60yds divided into equal thirds, with half way line
marked & appropriate size goals, as illustrated.
• 16 players (incl. 2GK’s) arranged 8v8, 1 ball.
• G
 ame is organised 4v4 in middle third & both teams have 3
supporting players in their defensive third.
• P
 ractice starts with: GK rolls ball out to supporting player in
defensive third, who in-turn, looks to pass into midfield.
• P
 layers look to shoot from long range, or break into attacking
third with numbers to play against 3 Defenders.
• D’s gaining possession must play into midfield third.

60 yds
• W
 hen ball goes ‘dead’: practice restarts with GK GK
opposite team GK rolling ball to D’s, who then look
to pass into MF.

• Area can be modified, depending on numbers & age of players.
• T
 his should form part of regular practice content to develop
game understanding.
• O
 n breakdown of play: MF’s need to reorganise & retreat to
middle third as quickly as possible

12-16 years
Age group
• Deciding quickly which player takes responsibility for opponents.
• Role of pressing player. 75 yds
• Role of the two other MF players in terms of cover & support.
• Change of responsibilities as possession passes between opponents.
• Marking opponents & passing on to other D’s.
• Simple progression for this practice is:
- Employ man-for-man marking in MF.

Key coaching points • Preventing penetrating through passes.

• Covering the pressing player.
• Marking positions.
• Achieving (& maintaining) compactness both centrally & wide.
• Challenging & pressurising opponent in possession.
• S howing opponents into agreed areas or positions
in middle third.

The Future Game 187

Exploiting space in midfield 1

‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, marked in 10x10yd grids, with appropriate size goals
at each end, as illustrated.
• 16 players (incl. 2GK’s), 1 ball.
60 yds
• Small-sided game 8v8.
• P
 ractice starts with the ball being rolled-out by GK to a team mate in
defensive third.
• O
 bjective of game is to score goals by passing through opposition,
whilst keeping ball below head-height.

• C
 hallenge: Try to receive the ball & play forwards, or if this is not
possible, pass to a player who is in a position to do so.

40 yds
• C
 onstant & considered movement into receiving positions & GK GK
observation of other players’ movements.
• P
 ass quality to feet or to space & the encouragement of clever,
disguised passes when appropriate.
• E
 ncouragement of a variety of passing skills using both feet &
different surfaces.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Divide area into equal thirds (retaining the 24 grids) & define
challenges for players, as follows:
- In defending third: team in possession may stand in a square to

12-16 years
Age group
receive ball.
- In mid third: team in possession may stand in a free square to
receive a pass or move into a new square to receive.
- In attacking third: players may stand in a free square to receive a
pass or move to another square within attacking third to receive.

Key coaching points • Place changing to unbalance opposition.

• Deal with opponents entering into grid
• Players to look for spaces to exploit.
• Create space for team mate to exploit.

The Future Game 151


‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
space in midfield 2
Practice organisation
• Area 70x30yds, with appropriate size goals at each end, as illustrated.
• 16 players (incl. 2GK’s), working as 2 teams 8v8, supply of balls by goals.
• Teams are structured 3v1 in each end zone & 3v3 in mid zone.
• P
 ractice starts with: GK rolls ball-out to Attackers, who look to build 20 yds 15 yds 15 yds 20 yds
play through midfield.
• A can move into MF to create 4v3 in mid zone.
• A
 ’s can pass back into end zone using back players
as outlets for support.
• I f Defenders gain possession: they can move one back player up
into MF, with the additional A retreating.

30 yds
• This establishes 4v3 situation for D’s. GK GK
• A
 ’s can move MF’s into end zone to support CF,
but defending MF’s are restricted to mid zone.
• When play goes dead: arrangements return to original.

• Area modified, depending on age & ability of players.
70 yds
• Dispersal by A’s when in possession: when & how.
• Retention of possession in middle third to advance play.

12-16 years
Age group
• Support positions & quick accurate passing of ball.
• H
 ow to release a player from middle third of pitch into attacking
area using passes to space.
• A’s ahead of ball showing to receive.
• Quick support for any A receiving ball.
• Clever individual play by the lone striker.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Try to produce a strike at goal within 10 seconds
of entering middle zone.
- On winning ball: D’s try to counter-attack to produce a strike at Key coaching points
goal within 5 passes. • Team in possession work-on when to create space as a team.
• R
 ecognition & exploitation of space in mid third of field to set-up
attacks, moving into end third
• Moving appropriate back player to support MF.

The Future Game 157

Forward passing in

‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
advanced areas
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, divided into 6 zones, with end zones 10x40yds,
divided into 2 equal size areas & 2 central zones, each 20x40yds wide, 60 yds
as illustrated.
• 16 players, 1 ball.
• 3
 v3 in each central zone, 2 Target players for each team in each of 2
end zones.
• Practice starts with the Blues in possession.
• O
 bjective of game to pass through each of 2 central zones to play T
into T.
• O
 nce achieved, T player transfers ball to second T
in adjoining end zone.

40 yds
• S econd T passes into opponent’s central third player to change
direction of play.
• T
 players may change positions, but must remain in balance, as do
central players, in terms of numbers.

Detail T

• C
 hallenge 1: Try to play forward early, or (if unable), pass to a player
who is in a position to do so.
• Teams need to retain their positional balance & structure.

12-16 years
Age group
• E
 xchanges of position in central zones, whilst maintaining balance is
encouraged. 10 yds 20 yds 20 yds 10 yds
• Choice, speed & accuracy of passes in congested central zones.
• Q
 uality of passes into T’s, who will be on the move
in end zones.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- D’s may press in end zone.
- Players may pass into end zones & replace receiving player who
exits end zone for mid zone.

Key coaching points - Place changing to unbalance opposition.

- Deal with opponents entering into grid
• Other challenges for players include:
- Players to look for spaces to exploit.
- Create space for team mate to exploit.

The Future Game 153

Midfield unit remaining

‘in balance’
Defensive play whilst
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, marked into equal thirds, with
mid-third divided into 4 zones, two 5yd channels
length of area down both sides & appropriate size goals at each
end, as illustrated.

5 yds
• 1
 8 players (incl. 2GK’s), arranged 8v8, plus two N
Neutral players who operate in wide channels, 1 ball.
• D’s in mid-third attempt to cover 2-3 of the 4 zones.
• P
 ractice starts with: ball fed from side by N to player
in defensive third.
• All attacks must pass through middle third.

40 yds
• N
 ’s can be used for support by both teams & must pass into middle GK GK
third on receiving.

• C
 hallenge: Try to win ball back in midfield areas to establish
• O
 pportunities to rotate players in position should
be taken, due to structured nature of practice.
5 yds
• In Midfield areas:
- Marking positions & distances.
60 yds

12-16 years
Age group
- Passing opponents on to other MF defenders.
- Moving across pitch together as a 3 man unit.
- Tracking opponents as they move forward.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Man-for-man marking used in each end zone.
- Two of the three MF players can move forward into attacking
third to take up scoring positions.

Key coaching points

• In Midfield: • Angles & distances of support to the pressurising D. • Preventing attackers from turning.
- Defensive compactness & shape in each of the thirds. • Positioning & looking to intercept. • Blocking passes crosses & shots.
- Defensive distances. • Keeping sight of ball when in marking & covering situations. • Organising against counter-attack.
- Defensive pressure, cover & balance. • Tackling off front & back foot.

186 The Future Game

Quick passing in a

‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
small-sided game
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, divided into 3 equal zones, with appropriate size 60 yds
goals at each end, as illustrated.
• 16 players (incl. 2GK’s), arranged 2-3-2, as shown in the diagram.
• Supply of balls by each goal.
• P
 layers are restricted to the designated zones
& off-side applies in each end zone.
• Practice starts with: ball rolled-out from GK.
• T
 eam in possession, look to play through the thirds
of the field, varying speed of attacking play & using

40 yds
1 touch passing, if possible.
• O
 pen play continues until the ball goes dead. The practice then GK
recommences with initial set-up arrangements.

• Quick passing using 1 touch (if possible), to eliminate pressure.
• R
 ecognition of when to use 1 touch passing & when
to slow-down play to secure ball retention.
• U
 se of different skills & foot surfaces to maximise
1 touch/quick play.
• Making good decisions when quick play sequences are unavailable.

12-16 years
Age group
• Simple progressions for this practice are: 20 yds 20 yds 20 yds
- U
 nits can push-up & drop-back into next zone to create 5v5 in
single & two-zone play.
- All players are ‘free’ & interchange roles & positions.

Key coaching points • Changing tempo (e.g. slowing down play, to speed-up & vice versa).

• Stretch opponents from end-to-end & side-to-side. • I ndividual & combined movement of advanced attackers to achieve
shots on goal.
• Angles & distances of support.
• Early selection of individual finishing techniques & execution.
• Appropriate speed of passes & inter-passing.
• Combination play, using minimal touches.

156 The Future Game

Quick play around the

‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
penalty area
Practice organisation 45 yds
• A
 rea 45x40yds marked into two zones of 20x40yds, with a 5yd
central channel & appropriate size goals, placed 6yds behind line at
each end, as illustrated.
• 14 players (incl. 2 GK’s), 2 balls.
• 3v2 in each end grid.
• T
 he central channel can be used in possession, where player on ball
cannot be challenged by an opponent.
• Offside applies & objective is to create goal scoring opportunities & score.
• P
 ractice starts with: ball served into end grid by an Attacker, who starts in
safe zone & then moves forward to support play (making 3v3).
• P
 ossession is retained if a goal is scored.

40 yds
If not, possession changes hands. GK GK
• I f D’s gain possession during open play the ball must be transferred
into safe zone before reversing roles & becoming A’s.

• Challenge 1: Try to use one touch opportunities to set-up attacks.
• Challenge 2: Try to score without using support players.
• E
 ncourage a variety of passing skills to either feet
or space according to As’ circumstances.

12-16 years
Age group
• E
 ncourage clever & unexpected turning skills, especially from A’s in
attacking zone.
• Quick & deceptive combination play from A’s.
• Simple progressions for this practice are: 5 yds
- Allow 2D’s to man mark forward players to encourage movement to
lose markers.
- Expand practice to a 6v6 game, but no challenging
for ball in safe zone.

Key coaching points - Body shape to take up goal scoring opportunities.

- Range of shooting & finishing skills.
• Other challenges for players include:
- Combination play & 3rd. player movement.
- Quick decision-making.
- General movement with & without ball.
- Awareness of position of opponents (including GK).
- Sharp passing & receiving skills.

152 The Future Game

Shooting circuit 1

The finishing phase

Practice organisation
• 2
 practice areas measuring 30x8yds & 30x15yds
with one goal at alternate ends of each, set-out 30 yds
as illustrated.
• 14 players (incl. 2 GK’s), with outfield players arranged in pairs.
• E
 ach pair has a ball, with exception of 2 pairs who operate as D’s
inside grids, before rotation of roles.

8 yds
• P
 ractice starts with: A’s work around circuit, combining 2v1 against
D’s who are restricted to designated defensive grids.
• O
 bjective: score as many goals in a pre-determined time, before
rotating D’s

• 1st. touch to attack D or protect ball.
• Attack D at speed & with control.
• Dribbling to eliminate D in 1v1 or combination play with team mate
• Assessing position & movement of GK.

15 yds
• Decision of how to score: power or placement.
• Feints to shoot & moving ball to a better striking position.
• Supplying team mates with appropriate pass to feet or space.
• Always hitting the target with shot.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:

12-16 years
Age group
- Increase/decrease size of defensive areas (grids)
30 yds
to affect demands on A’s.
- Allow 2nd D to advance into front/middle grid (making 2v2).
- A’s attempt to score before engaging 2nd D (looking for swerve &
early shots).
- A’s can only score in the grid nearest to the GK.

Key coaching points • Overlapping & movement to distract D’s.

• Shot selection.
• When to dribble, when to pass, when to shoot.
• Assessing position of 2nd D & GK.
• Quick passing & wall-passes.
• Taking shooting opportunities early.

220 The Future Game

Shooting circuit 2

The finishing phase

Practice organisation
• 2
 areas measuring 40x30yds, divided into 3 zones of 20x30; 10x30;
20 yds 10 yds 10 yds
10x30yds with goals of appropriate size at alternate ends of each
area, as illustrated.
• 1
 6 players (incl. 2GK’s), arranged 2 Attackers versus 2 Defenders in
middle zones & 1v1 in each end zone, as shown in the diagram.
• Supply of balls with each Server.

30 yds
• Off-side rules apply in the 20x30yd end zone. GK
• P
 ractice starts with: ball played into 2A’s by S, who then supports play
from behind (making 3v2).
• 2A’s look to combine & play into advanced A in end zone.
• O
 ne A is able to move into end zone to support (creating 2v1) &
combine in build-up to shoot at goal.
• W
 hen attack is concluded: one A rotates to next group & initial set-up 40 yds
arrangements are re-established.

• Losing markers with changes of pace & direction.
• Turning quickly & using disguise.

30 yds
• O
 bserving GK position & evaluating possibility of early strike S GK
on goal.
• Execution of excellent technique in finishing situations.

12-16 years
Age group
• Following-up/rebounding initial shots at goal.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Dribble/drive with the ball into end zone to link with advanced A.
- Play wall pass in middle zone to free A & wall pass with advanced A 10 yds 10 yds 20 yds
to shoot or cut back, depending on reaction/position of D & GK.

Key coaching points • Precision & quality of ball played in to advanced A.

• Timing of forward run to support advanced A.
• Supporting distances & angles.
• Combination-play to produce strikes on goal.
• C
 ombination play & looking to turn against D’s in middle zone areas
& make forward passes. • Recognising early opportunities to strike on goal.
• O
 pening-up passing opportunities with quality movement to • Striking at goal with accuracy & placement.
dislocate defensive stability in middle zone.

The Future Game 223

Shooting circuit 3

The finishing phase

Practice organisation
• 2
 practice areas measuring 38x10yds, with end grid within each area
of 18x10yds & goals at alternate ends, as illustrated.
• 1
 4 players (incl. 2GK’s), working in pairs, with 2 pairs operating 38 yds
as Defenders.
• P
 ractice starts with: A’s work up & down each practice area, to
complete circuits.

10 yds
• Off-side applies in final third.
• D
 ’s are restricted to defending individually in 1st & mid thirds,
but 2nd D can defend back into end third.
• Attackers can shoot from any position.
• P
 airs operate around circuit & after per-determined time, changes
roles with D’s.

• A
 rea can be modified, depending on age, ability of players & learning
• Attacking at speed with ball under control.

10 yds
• Feints to off-balance D with intent to dribble or pass. GK
• Timing of release of passes to fellow A’s.
• Action on releasing pass to other A.
• Assessment, decision & execution of strike at goal.

12-16 years
Age group
• Disguising the strike & striking with power & accuracy.
• Hitting the target as the prime aim. 18 yds 10 yds 10 yds
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Initial D can defend 1st two thirds.
- A’s restricted to shooting in end third.

Key coaching points • S hooting from distance or attacking to move

closer to goal.
• Quality of first receiving touch.
• Assessing both GK position & location of D.
• Attack D with ball.
• Individual dribbling skill or combined attacking play to eliminate D’s.

The Future Game 221

Shooting circuit 4

The finishing phase

Practice organisation 6 yds 6 yds 18 yds
• 2
 practice areas: 30x10yds & 30x20yds, including end grid
within each practice area 18yds deep with one goal at alternate
ends, set-out as illustrated.
• 1
 4 players (incl. 2 GK’s), working in pairs, with 2 pairs operating
as Defenders & 1 pair working as Support players on side of

10 yds
each practice area. GK

• P
 ractice starts with: A’s at end of grid who are free to play unopposed
in 1st third.
• D’s are restricted to mid & defensive thirds.
• A’s work up & down each area to complete circuit.
• Off-side applies in final third.
• A’s can shoot from any position.
• P
 airs move around circuit & after per-determined number of
attempts, change roles with D’s & S’s.

• A
 reas can be modified, depending on age, ability

20 yds
of players & learning focus. GK

• Width in attack to stretch D’s distances from each other.

• Attacking with ball centrally to pull D’s together.
• Passes to feet or measured to space.

12-16 years
Age group
• Early strikes after one or two touches.
• Hitting the target as prime aim.
• Rebounding all strikes at goal.
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
18 yds 6 yds 6 yds
- D’s defend early in 1st third on 1st touch of A receiver.
- Award points for hitting the target & deduct points for failure to do so.
- Support player moves into mid third to create 3v2.

Key coaching points • Pass quality when supplying team-mates with scoring opportunities.
• Assessing GK’s position before striking at goal.
• Initial receiving touch.
• Decision on how to beat GK.
• Assessing positions of D’s.
• Movement by A’s to disorganise D’s.

222 The Future Game

Shooting practice 1

The finishing phase

Practice organisation S
• Area 20x20yds with goal at one end, set-out as illustrated.
• 6
 players (incl. GK), with outfield players arranged in 2’s
who are active & 3 Servers.
• Supply of balls, with 3 Servers.
• P
 ractice starts with: 2 Attackers working in grid as a pair,
receiving ball fed-in from any side. S
• A’s combine, one A shoots, partner rebounds.
• C
 oach may introduce a line (e.g. 10yds from goal), inside
which a shot may not be taken.
• Server & shooter change places, to continue practice.

20 yds
Detail GK
• Area can be modified, depending on age & ability of players.
• A
 wareness of positions & movement of all players involved in
practice whilst moving to receive ball.
• Feints to shoot at goal & supply team mates with possession.
• C
 ombination skills to produce scoring opportunity when D’s
are introduced.
• Assessing GK’s position & how to score.
• E
 xcellence in the strike of ball once the decision has been made how
to beat GK.

12-16 years
Age group
• Rebound all shots at goal.
• Simple progression for this practice is: S
- Add D to increase challenge for 2A’s.
20 yds

Key coaching points • Assess position of support player & GK.

• R
 ebound any strike at goal from support players
• Movement to receive ball in a half-turned position.
strike or own initial shot.
• F irst touch of ball sets up opportunity to strike at
goal or is the strike at goal.

216 The Future Game

Shooting practice 2

The finishing phase

Practice organisation
• Area 20x20yds with goal at one end, set-out as illustrated.
• 8
 players (incl. GK), with outfield players arranged in 2’s who
are active as Attackers or Defenders, plus 3 Servers.
• Supply of balls, with 3 Servers.
• P
 ractice starts with: 2 Attackers working in grid as
a pair, receiving ball fed-in from any side. S
• A’s combine; one A shoots, partner rebounds.
• D’s operate as they would in a game.
• Server & shooter change places, to continue practice.

20 yds
• Area can be modified, depending on age & ability of players.
• A
 wareness of positions & movement of all players involved in
practice whilst moving to receive ball.
• Feints to shoot at goal & supply team mates with possession.
• Combination skills to produce scoring opportunities.
• Assessing GK’s position & how to score.
• E
 xcellence in the strike of ball once the decision has been made how
to beat GK.
• Rebound all shots at goal.
• D’s play man-to-man, or mark-and-cover.

12-16 years
Age group

20 yds

Key coaching points • Assess position of support player & GK.

• R
 ebound any strike at goal from support players
• Movement to receive ball in a half-turned position.
strike or own.
• F irst touch of ball sets up opportunity to strike at
• Possible ‘combinations’ between forward players.
goal or is the strike at goal.

The Future Game 217

Spreading out to

‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
maintain & exploit space
Practice organisation
• Area 70x30yds, marked in 10x10yd grids, as illustrated.
• 16 players, 2 balls.
• 2
 groups of 6 players in main gridded area, plus
4 Target players - 1 in each sector of the split 70 yds
end zones.
• P
 ractice starts with: each team has a ball & the objective is to pass
through main area to eventually play unopposed into a T, moving in T T
the end zone.
• 1
 player only allowed in each grid, in main gridded area,
to maintain spacing.

30 yds
• I f 2 players arrive in the same grid, they may only
play 1 touch & move-off.
• I n end zones: T’s move in & out of split sectors to create space in
which to receive passes.
• Play resumes in opposite direction, from T’s. T T

• Awareness of other players’ positions & movements.
• Variations in types & speed of passes to supply team-mates.
• Encourage invention & unusual passing skills.

12-16 years
Age group
• Encourage quick sequences of 1 touch passing if possible.
• U
 nderstanding where 1st. touch may be directed according to space
& time available.
• Simple progression for this practice is:
- Set challenge for each team to play from end to
end as many times as possible in 1/2 minutes (coach/players
decide) - to encourage speedy
but accurate passing & support play.

Key coaching points - Timing & nature of movement off ball to

support passer.
• Challenges for players include:
- Understanding where to move-to next.
- Varying passes & engaging team mates through MF areas.
- Strikers timing their movement to link-in
- Maintaining good spacing to provide passing options. with advancing support players.

The Future Game 155

Spreading play in a

‘in balance’
Attacking when opponents are
small-sided game
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, divided into 3 channels of equal width marked the
length of pitch & appropriate size goals at each end, as illustrated.
• 16 players (incl. 2 GK’s), arranged 8v8, as shown in the diagram.
• Supply of balls by each goal.
• Off-side lines are marked with cones at the side of pitch.
• Practice starts with the ball being rolled-out by GK to the attacking team.
• T
 he team in possession look to build play through good ball retention
& controlled possession, with the objective of scoring a goal.
• Defending team look to counter-attack on gaining possession.

40 yds
• O
 pen play continues until the ball goes dead, the practice then
recommences with initial set-up arrangements.

• C
 hallenge: Try to use spreading-out into wide areas as an
opportunity to exploit space created in central areas to attack goal.
• Quick passing, to eliminate pressure.
• Drawing D’s to create weak side to switch play.
• S upporting play from behind to ensure defensive safety from
potential counter-attack & provide outlet passing option.

12-16 years
Age group
• Recognition of when to slow-down play to secure possession. 60 yds
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- Mark 5yd wide channels along each touch line that wingers/full-
backs can attack through, unopposed.
- Switch play & early crossing into central areas with attackers
arriving quickly into space.

Key coaching points

• Stretch opponents from end-to-end & side-to-side.
• S witching play is dependent on quick, accurate
• A
 ’s determine whether to attack centrally or wide depending on
& precise passing & awareness of space available.
strength of defensive numbers.
• T
 eam out of possession look to remain compact & cover 2 of • A
 ’s on opposite side must remain aware of potential
the 3 channels. to make forward runs to receive diagonal passes, whilst ensuring
defensive security (against a potential counter-attack).
• A
 ’s look to switch play when faced with defensive numbers & exploit
weak side (empty channel).

150 The Future Game

Supporting front players

‘out of balance’
Attacking when opponents are
in final third
Practice organisation
• A
 rea 60x40yds, divided into thirds with an off-side line drawn 60 yds
15yds from each end line of practice area & goals at each end, C
as illustrated.
• 16 players (incl. 2GKs) arranged 8v8, 1 ball.
• T
 eams are arranged 4v4 in centre zone, 2v1 (in favour of Defenders
who are pushed-up to off-side line) in end zones.
• P
 ractice starts with: ball served into central zone
by coach & receiving team initiates attack by playing into lone striker.
• T
 wo Attacking MF’s can be released into end zone to create 3v2 &
support front player, working to create goal-scoring opportunity.
• I f D’s gain possession: they transfer ball into central zone, for their

40 yds
team mates to initiate attack via their lone striker. GK GK

• A
 ’s supporting MF’s are able to recover into central zone
to challenge.
• Practice is reset when ball goes dead.

• Challenge: try to set-up attacks off 3rd man movement.
• I f recovering team regains possession it can initiate
its own counter-attack.

12-16 years
Age group
• Striker moving D towards ball to create space behind for runners.
15 yds 30 yds 15 yds
• Simple progressions for this practice are:
- D’s send one player back from central zone to challenge 2
breaking players (& create a 3v3 in defensive half).
- GK gathering ball & quickly identifying opportunity to throw into
central zone where numbers are in team’s favour, to maintain
momentum of game (outfield players to remain aware of

Key coaching points • A

 ngles & distances of support behind & moving
ahead of the receiver of ball.
• P
 assing & support play in central zone, looking for opportunity to
• S triker securing possession & holding-up play giving time for MF’s to
pass forward.
make ground to support.
• T
 iming of runs from MF to support from behind, to the side & in
• S triker looking for opportunity to turn D’s, to threaten goal or play
advance of the lone striker.
through pass to running MF player.

172 The Future Game

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