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Part 1 

Let’s talk about where you live…

 Where are you from?

- I’m from Morocco. I live in the capital city, Rabat, but now I spend a lot of time in Agadir
since I have a professional mission here.

 What do you like most about living in …?

- I like going out in the evening because there are a lot of good restaurants and shops. I love
also cultural activities; there are museums and art galleries. And when I want to enjoy
nature, I prefer to go outside of the city; there are a lot of places which are easy to reach.

 What sort of accommodation do most people live in?

- The majority of people live in apartment blocks. People who do not have enough money to
buy a house normally live in rental accommodation.
But In the countryside, people live in terraced houses with gardens. I feel that living in the
suburbs is great because the environment there is much fresher.

 Is the town/city you live in an easy place to live?

- Firstly, I love the weather of this place since it is pretty close to the mountain the weather
remains pleasant throughout the year especially in summers.
In addition, I love traveling to mountains so while living here I can easily plan weekend trips
with my family and friends which is more like a stress buster for me. Agadir is actually a very
modern and a well-planned city. It offers all sorts of facilities to its dwellers from educational
institutes to shopping malls.

 Where do most people shop in your area?

- Personally, Shopping is one of my most favourite things to do. Here in Agadir, there is the
Marina; it is a complex that has different stores of several ready-to-wear brands. We can also
find holiday apartments, cafes, restaurants and boat trips for groups (including a faux pirate
ship called the Jack Sparrow).

Let's talk about what you do...

 Do you have a job or are you a student?

- I graduated a few years ago and I’m now in full-time employment as civil engineering quality

 What do you typically do each day?

- I normally have several inspections a day, so I start my day by planning the day's work. This
normally takes between an hour or two depending on the pace of the work. I then start the
inspections, and around 4 p.m. I write the work report.
 What's the most interesting thing about what you do?
- What I find most interesting is when I have a question to answer and have no idea where it
leads or where I should start. I like to look critically and then find that I fixed the problem.

 How easy is it to find a job in your country?

- It is not easy to find a job in my country; there are mostly few rounds of interviews before
someone is hired. On hiring background and criminal records are checked, after which the
person is kept on the job.

 Where do you see yourself in ten years' time?

- I like working by myself, so I would like to be my own boss. Therefore, I dream of having my
own technical design office.

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