Proposal For PR Campaign PDF

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Proposal for


What are the key messages?
Emphasize the importance of self-love and acceptance
Encourage students to embrace their unique qualities
and strengths
Promote a healthy body image that is not based on
unrealistic beauty standards
Encourage students to appreciate the diversity of
bodies and identities around them
Highlight the negative impacts of body shaming and
unrealistic beauty standards



Increase awareness and understanding of body
positivity MIC students
Promote self-love and acceptance regardless of size,
shape, or appearance
Encourage students to take action to support body
positivity and spread the message to others

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and
Twitter to share stories, tips, and inspirational quotes
related to body positivity
In-person events and activities like workshops,
seminars, or panels with body positivity experts and
advocates and social experiments like Pass the
Compliment and photo booths.
main campaign elements
1. Conducting seminars, panel discussions

We can invite different prominent personalities in and

around Manipal who can give useful inputs on Body
Positivity issue to the concerned students of MAHE.

We can also invite faculties of different institutes of MAHE

to put in their thoughts and speak out their heart.

Student Influencers can also be called to address the issue

and provide useful insights to have a greater impact on the
student community.


This activity is designed to spread body positivity around

campus. The idea is to create a box full of compliments
that feature positive body affirmations and place it near
entrances of MIC as well as in classrooms, in the canteen,
and other highly visible spaces where students are most
likely to see them and pick one message out of the box.

Remember: A little compliment can go a long way!

Some body affirmation messages can be:

I am accepting myself as I am right now.

I am feeling good about myself.
I am compassionate and warm to my body.
My very existence makes the world a better place.
I am taking care of my overall well-being.
I am choosing to do kind things for myself.
I love my body as it is today.


Encourage the faculty, staff, and students to compliment

others. Make a business-size card or bookmark with a
positive saying about having self-confidence and accepting
one's body. Pass it on throughout the day, wherever you
are on campus. Give one to the person in line behind you at
the aunty's shop or canteen, the librarian at the library
desk, the office assistant in a campus department, the
student sitting next to you in class or to the Akkas & Annas
doing their chores around. Giving someone a compliment
when they least expect it can make their day and yours
happier! And spreading it further can have an impact on the
entire area.

This can also be done in other languages.

Some compliments can be:

“Your smile is so radiant and contagious!”

“Looking snazzy — You’re always so well-dressed!”
“You look so happy! Hope you keep having days like these.”
ಅಪೂರ್ಣತೆಯೇ ಸೌಂದರ್ಯ (Imperfection is beauty)
आप किसी के मुस्कु राने की वजह हैं (You're someone's reason to smile)

In today's social media age, taking a photo of yourself

without any filters might almost be frowned upon. Too
many of us feel awkward uploading or being tagged in
pictures that have not been digitally edited to present a
more "ideal" you. No-Filter Selfies take us to a time before
Instagram filters and photo-editing apps. In order to
appreciate our unaltered, natural bodies, we can use our
normal phone camera to take images and write about the
things we love about ourselves. Finding our "unedited
beauty" might help us accept and feel more confident with
our bodies as they are.

This can be a online challenge in which we can tell students

as well as teaching and non teaching staffs of MIC to post
their no filter selfie for 7 days and tag MIC (Body Positivity

5. Testimony Video or Story telling booth

Tell a story about how you see yourself. Here, we can make
a storytelling booth on campus where students can share
experiences that affect body confidence, self-acceptance,
and self-esteem.
It can be about themselves, a friend, a family member, or
even someone they don't know but whose story touched
them in some way. This process can give new insight into a
situation, help someone understand their own experience,
or inspire others to share their story or take action. One
person can tell a story, two or three people can have a
conversation, or one person can ask questions during an

For this, we can make a booth and place a camera there

and appoint a volunteer to shoot the videos and a sign
sheet should be presented to every participant for their
consent to use the videos in our further social media

6. Photo booth

CLICK! CLICK! Find a place on campus that’s central —

student or rec center, quad, outside the library, bookstore
or food court — and set up a photo booth to celebrate
body positivity and self-love. All it takes is a dry erase
board, markers, and a smartphone.

7. Mirrorless Monday
This activity is about giving students a day when they don't
have to worry about how they look. The goal of the event is
to relieve some of the pressure we may feel in our daily
lives, shift the focus from how we look to how we feel, and
increase positivity by having students and faculty leave
each other positive messages.

Make sure all the Akkas and Annas (campus housekeeping

staffs) are aware of this fact and most importantly we need
to take permission from the college authorities to take this
step to cover all the mirrors present in the washrooms with
normal papers with motivational messages written on it. We
can also leave markers on the sink so that willing people
can write messages too.

Measurement and EVALUATION

Track social media engagement through likes, shares,

and comments
Measure event attendance to evaluate the reach of the
Conduct online surveys or focus groups to assess
changes in attitudes and behaviors related to body
positivity among the target audience

Overall, this Body Positive Revolution
campaign aims to spark a cultural shift
towards a more inclusive and accepting
attitude towards bodies of all shapes and
sizes. By challenging beauty standards and
promoting self-love and diversity, the
campaign can empower people to feel
confident and comfortable in their own skin
and create a more positive and supportive

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