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“Dream is not what you see in sleep, it is the thing which doesn’t let you

sleep.” Everyone has a dream to achieve something in his life. Some

people dream of become famous, rich, popular and some want to make
others life better by helping them. My dream is to become a good human
being first & also to do the best what ever I do. If we humans can become
good human beings then we should be called humans in true meaning.
Professionally my dream is to become a teacher, as I feel that it is a very
noble job & really a job that can change the society & a teacher can
produce good human beings. teacher may be a free bird as fas as
expressing ideas is concerned. He can be called a mentor of the society.
teachers are respected in all places and among all types of society. My
parents and teachers always motivate me to study well and passionately
work towards achieving my dream.

One of the main factors that sets those who achieve their dream job apart
from those who simply carry on dreaming is priorities. High achievers
define what they want to achieve – and when – and create a list of steps
towards their goal. Here’s how:

Build a career-specific resume. Base your resume on the job you are
applying for.

Create a cover letter tailored to the business you are sending it to. Use
enthusiasm, explain your relevant skills and experience, and include facts
about the business.

Establish an online presence using your full name. Create a professional

website containing your portfolio, resume and any relevant materials to
your field. Include a professional photo of yourself, contact page and a
biography page.

Focus your job search on careers in which you are truly interested. There
is no need to apply for jobs that do not meet your requirements. The more
effort you put into applying for the jobs you are truly passionate about,
the greater chance you have of landing that job.

Follow up a week after you apply. Maintain a high level of enthusiasm

and interest.

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