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Working women

T he current era Is characterized by the Great developpement that is clearly reflected in

the work of women and their position in society, and This has provided great
opportunities for women to obtain their political, social, economic, educational, and
other rights, as well as the opportunity for them to participate in practical life. With her
responsibilities and duties towards her family and her institution This has many advantages
and many disadvantages.
For the advantages , Indeed, the working woman enjoys independence, and takes care
of her personal development. She also brings moral and material comfort to her family. She
helps in the prosperity of the home and is invested in the success of the business.
For the disadvantages In return, she pays with her personal comfort, lives under
pressure both from and within her home, and finally suffers the tensions and conflicts of
group work.
However, as a citizen, work is one of her most basic rights, and the dedication of her studies
only finds its true value in the exercise of a job which guarantees her full citizenship.
Ultimately, the working woman certainly has a lot of constraints, but personally I
think modern women are able to find the necessary balance between family and
professional obligations. How else could society move forward without the contribution of
its half ?

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