Budget Center 2022

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Komax Limited Value


Project No.: 406450 Original Estimated

Duration: 24months Tender Contract Client End

Date: Mar-23 Allowance Adjust. Variations Value

Ref Division a b c d=(a+b+c)

1 2220 Excavation,Backfilling and compaction 741,854.00 45,125.54 786,979.54

2 2720 Storm Sewer Systems 129,220.00 8,122.60 137,342.60

3 3100 Concrete Formwork 139,635.00 8,664.10 148,299.10

4 3200 Reinforcement in foundation 852,300.00 1,029,189.73 1,881,489.73

5 3300 Concrete in foundation 994,896.00 63,175.75 1,058,071.75

6 3101 Concrete Formwork 1,207,221.00 220,567.66 1,427,788.66

7 3201 Reinforcement in superstructure 2,285,100.00 1,290,096.08 3,575,196.08

8 3310 Concrete in superstructure 1,689,865.50 433,721.85 2,123,587.35

9 4220 Concrete Unit Masonry 104,910.00 18,617.76 123,527.76

10 3350 Concrete Surface preparation 44,457.14 8,040.28 52,497.42

11 4270 Glass Partitions 4,280.00 12,000.42 16,280.42

12 4420 Stone Wall Cladding 1,090,650.00 192,006.67 1,282,656.67

13 9760 Concrete Sealants 138,548.00 25,200.88 163,748.88

14 6265 Wooden Screens 71,520.00 24,973.75 96,493.75

15 6420 Inetrior panel Works 123,750.00 43,206.12 166,956.12

16 6450 Wood trim- Standing & Running 135,409.00 47,496.09 182,905.09

17 8211 Wooden & Plastic Doors 654,500.00 228,287.68 882,787.68

18 9200 Lath and plaster 24,154.29 18,385.58 42,539.87

19 9260 Dry wall systems 159,077.14 55,156.75 214,233.90

20 9310 Ceramic Tiling 857,669.29 300,144.67 1,157,813.96

21 9350 Mosaic Tiling 1,896.43 15,321.32 17,217.75

22 9510 Acoustical Ceiling 377,285.71 131,763.36 509,049.07

23 9550 Wood Flooring & Wood base 687,160.71 240,544.73 927,705.45

24 9638 Stone Flooring 173,635.71 59,753.15 233,388.87

25 9680 Carpets 163,925.00 57,301.74 221,226.74

26 9800 Special finishes. Eg spral stairwalls 292,315.00 101,120.72 393,435.72

27 9900 Painting 465,310.00 183,855.85 649,165.85

28 9950 Wall covering. Plasterboard on concrete 148,128.00 51,786.06 199,914.06

29 9975 Upholstery walls 23,580.00 8,273.51 31,853.51

30 8814 Mirrored Glass 17,314.29 6,741.38 24,055.67

31 6201 Public Areas 2,972,647.60 - 2,972,647.60

32 6202 Guest Rooms 3,987,698.00 - 3,987,698.00

33 6203 Floor Corridors & Elevator Lobbies 290,014.00 - 290,014.00

34 7101 Landscaping 235,500.00 - 235,500.00

35 7102 Roads-Bitumen Surfacing 298,300.00 - 298,300.00

36 7103 Drainage 204,100.00 - 204,100.00

37 7104 Footpaths 219,800.00 - 219,800.00

38 7105 Tennis Court 188,400.00 - 188,400.00

39 7105 Plant Yard 157,000.00 - 157,000.00

40 7106 Serwage treatment plants 141,300.00 - 141,300.00

41 7107 Water Tanks 109,900.00 - 109,900.00

42 7108 Others 15,700.00 - 15,700.00

43 7200 M& E works: - -

44 7201 Electricals 1,603,380.39 98,793.35 1,702,173.73

45 7202 Internal Plumbing & Sanitaryware 2,253,868.61 141,876.51 2,395,745.12

46 7203 Vents & Arconditioning 1,679,731.84 103,569.85 1,783,301.69

47 7204 Lifts 1,450,677.49 118,230.43 1,568,907.92

48 7205 Kitchen and Laundry Equipment 687,163.02 47,292.17 734,455.19

49 5520 Stair Railings 107,460.00 37,115.09 144,575.09

50 7410 Roof Panel & walls(Metal) 241,056.00 83,349.88 324,405.88

51 7500 Membrane roofing 45,952.14 14,846.03 60,798.18

52 7600 Flashing & sheet metal 71,280.00 95,438.79 166,718.79

53 7710 Prefabricated roof 20,000.00 6,362.59 26,362.59

54 8110 Hollow metal doors 105,964.29 36,054.65 142,018.94

55 8331 Coiling doors 11,000.00 848.34 11,848.34

56 8450 Structural Glass Doors 8,000.00 2,757.12 10,757.12

57 8520 Aluminium Windows 935,337.00 323,643.54 1,258,980.54

58 8920 Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls 1,519,440.00 583,237.05 2,102,677.05

59 5101 Architectural 915,000.00 - 915,000.00

60 5102 Structural Design 610,000.00 - 610,000.00

61 5103 M&E Designs 762,500.00 - 762,500.00

62 5100 Others 762,500.00 - 762,500.00

63 4101 Expatriate management staff 485,000.00 - 485,000.00

64 4102 Local Staff 523,000.00 - 523,000.00

65 4103 Plant & Vehicle 690,461.00 - 690,461.00

66 4104 Fuel,oil & Grease 352,000.00 86,571.43 438,571.43

67 4105 Management offices 310,000.00 - 310,000.00

68 4106 Storage Facilities 50,000.00 - 50,000.00

69 4107 Canteen/Mess room/Drying Room 35,000.00 - 35,000.00

70 4108 Toilet/Showers 15,000.00 - 15,000.00

71 4109 First Aid Room 15,000.00 - 15,000.00

72 4110 Typical Hotel Model Room 60,000.00 - 60,000.00

73 4111 Other(External works-Drainage,carpark etc) 10,000.00 - 10,000.00

74 4112 Temporary Power Supply 12,000.00 - 12,000.00

75 4113 Water Supply Connections 9,000.00 - 9,000.00

76 4114 Sewarage 7,000.00 - 7,000.00

77 4115 Telphone connections 7,000.00 - 7,000.00

78 4116 IT connections 9,000.00 - 9,000.00

79 4117 Other(Utilities) 6,000.00 - 6,000.00

80 4118 Furniture 18,000.00 - 18,000.00

81 4119 Computers 10,000.00 - 10,000.00

82 4120 Printers 4,000.00 - 4,000.00

83 4121 Photocopier 4,000.00 - 4,000.00

84 4122 A0 Drawings Dryline Plotter 6,000.00 - 6,000.00

85 4123 Digital Camera 300.00 - 300.00

86 4124 Survey Equipment 50,000.00 - 50,000.00

87 4125 Stationary 6,000.00 - 6,000.00

88 4126 Postage 3,500.00 - 3,500.00

89 4127 Toilet/Office Messing 4,000.00 - 4,000.00

90 4128 Small tools 8,000.00 - 8,000.00

91 4129 Safety Protective Clothing 36,000.00 - 36,000.00

92 4130 First Aid Boxes 1,500.00 - 1,500.00

93 4131 Fire Extinguishers 4,000.00 - 4,000.00

94 4132 Printing material(plotting Paper,etc) 10,000.00 - 10,000.00

95 4133 Site Security Costs 50,000.00 - 50,000.00

96 4134 Walky-Talky Radio Facility 5,000.00 - 5,000.00

97 4135 Concrete Testing Equipment 2,000.00 - 2,000.00

98 4136 Concrete Laboratory Testing 2,000.00 - 2,000.00

99 4137 Employers Sign Board 1,000.00 - 1,000.00

100 4138 Site Safety Signage 2,000.00 - 2,000.00

101 4139 CAR Insurance Cover 130,239.00 - 130,239.00

102 4140 Performance Bond 43,000.00 - 43,000.00

103 4141 Progress Site Photography 1,000.00 - 1,000.00

104 4142 Local Authority Inspection Charges 1,000.00 - 1,000.00

105 4143 Final Site Clean 2,000.00 - 2,000.00

106 4144 Relocation of race course 400,000.00 - 400,000.00

107 -

Total Budgets USD 39,810,237.59 6,708,628.62 - 46,518,866.22

Cost Percentages

Actual Forecast Further Estimated Cost

Costs to Future Site End to date

Date Costs Provision P or L %

Key Indicators
e f g i=(d-h) j Comments

- 786979.54 Within budget

- 137342.60 Within budget

- 148299.10 Within budget

- 1881489.73 Within budget

- 1058071.75 Within budget

- 1427788.66 Within budget

- 3575196.08 Within budget

- 2123587.35 Within budget

- 123527.76 Within budget

- 52497.42 Within budget
- 16280.42 Within budget

- 1282656.67 Within budget

- 163748.88 Within budget

- 96493.75 Within budget

- 166956.12 Within budget

- 182905.09 Within budget

- 882787.68 Within budget

- 42539.87 Within budget

- 214233.90 Within budget

- 1157813.96 Within budget

- 17217.75 Within budget

- 509049.07 Within budget

- 927705.45 Within budget

- 233388.87 Within budget

- 221226.74 Within budget

- 393435.72 Within budget

- 649165.85 Within budget

- 199914.06 Within budget

- 31853.51 Within budget

- 24055.67 Within budget

- 2972647.60 Within budget
- 3987698.00 Within budget

- 290014.00 Within budget

- 235500.00 Within budget

- 298300.00 Within budget

- 204100.00 Within budget

- 219800.00 Within budget

- 188400.00 Within budget

- 157000.00 Within budget

- 141300.00 Within budget

- 109900.00 Within budget

- 15700.00 Within budget

- 0.00

- 1702173.73 Within budget

- 2395745.12 Within budget

- 1783301.69 Within budget

- 1568907.92 Within budget

- 734455.19 Within budget

- 144575.09 Within budget

- 324405.88 Within budget

- 60798.18 Within budget

- 166718.79 Within budget
- 26362.59 Within budget

- 142018.94 Within budget

- 11848.34 Within budget

- 10757.12 Within budget

- 1258980.54 Within budget

- 2,102,677.05 Within budget

- 915,000.00 Within budget

- 610,000.00 Within budget

- 762,500.00 Within budget

- 762,500.00 Within budget

- 485,000.00 Within budget

- 523,000.00 Within budget

- 690,461.00 Within budget

- 438,571.43 Within budget

- 310,000.00 Within budget

- 50,000.00 Within budget

- 35,000.00 Within budget

- 15,000.00 Within budget

- 15,000.00 Within budget

- 60,000.00 Within budget

- 10,000.00 Within budget
- 12,000.00 Within budget

- 9,000.00 Within budget

- 7,000.00 Within budget

- 7,000.00 Within budget

- 9,000.00 Within budget

- 6,000.00 Within budget

- 18,000.00 Within budget

- 10,000.00 Within budget

- 4,000.00 Within budget

- 4,000.00 Within budget

- 6,000.00 Within budget

- 300.00 Within budget

- 50,000.00 Within budget

- 6,000.00 Within budget

- 3,500.00 Within budget

- 4,000.00 Within budget

- 8,000.00 Within budget

- 36,000.00 Within budget

- 1,500.00 Within budget

- 4,000.00 Within budget

- 10,000.00 Within budget
- 50,000.00 Within budget

- 5,000.00 Within budget

- 2,000.00 Within budget

- 2,000.00 Within budget

- 1,000.00 Within budget

- 2,000.00 Within budget

- 130,239.00 Within budget

- 43,000.00 Within budget

- 1,000.00 Within budget

- 1,000.00 Within budget

- 2,000.00 Within budget

- 400,000.00 Within budget


- ###
- 46,518,866.22

Value Cost Percentages

Project 0

Project No.: 406450 Original Estimated Actual Estimated Cost

Duration: 24months Tender Contract Client End Costs to End to date

Date: Mar-23 Allowance Adjust. Variations Value Date P or L %

Key Indicators
Ref Division a b c d=(a+b+c) e i=(d-h) j Comments

1 2220 Excavation,Backfilling and compaction 830,876.48 63,175.75 894,052.23 894052.23 Within budget

2 2720 Storm Sewer Systems 144,726.40 11,371.63 156,098.03 156098.03 Within budget

3 3100 Concrete Formwork 156,391.20 12,129.74 168,520.94 168520.94 Within budget

4 3200 Reinforcement in foundation 954,576.00 1,440,865.62 2,395,441.62 2395441.62 Within budget

5 3300 Concrete in foundation 1,114,283.52 88,446.05 1,202,729.57 1202729.57 Within budget

6 3101 Concrete Formwork 1,352,087.52 308,794.73 1,660,882.25 1660882.25 Within budget

7 3201 Reinforcement in superstructure 2,559,312.00 1,806,134.51 4,365,446.51 4365446.51 Within budget

8 3310 Concrete in superstructure 1,892,649.36 607,210.59 2,499,859.95 2499859.95 Within budget

9 4220 Concrete Unit Masonry 117,499.20 26,064.87 143,564.07 143564.07 Within budget

10 3350 Concrete Surface preparation 49,792.00 11,256.39 61,048.39 61048.39 Within budget

11 4270 Glass Partitions 4,793.60 16,800.58 21,594.18 21594.18 Within budget

12 4420 Stone Wall Cladding 1,221,528.00 268,809.34 1,490,337.34 1490337.34 Within budget

13 9760 Concrete Sealants 155,173.76 35,281.23 190,454.99 190454.99 Within budget

14 6265 Wooden Screens 80,102.40 34,963.25 115,065.65 115065.65 Within budget

15 6420 Inetrior panel Works 138,600.00 60,488.57 199,088.57 199088.57 Within budget

16 6450 Wood trim- Standing & Running 151,658.08 66,494.53 218,152.61 218152.61 Within budget

17 8211 Wooden & Plastic Doors 733,040.00 319,602.75 1,052,642.75 1052642.75 Within budget

18 9200 Lath and plaster 27,052.80 25,739.82 52,792.62 52792.62 Within budget

19 9260 Dry wall systems 178,166.40 77,219.46 255,385.86 255385.86 Within budget

20 9310 Ceramic Tiling 960,589.60 420,202.54 1,380,792.14 1380792.14 Within budget

21 9350 Mosaic Tiling 2,124.00 21,449.85 23,573.85 23573.85 Within budget

22 9510 Acoustical Ceiling 422,560.00 184,468.70 607,028.70 607028.70 Within budget

23 9550 Wood Flooring & Wood base 769,620.00 336,762.63 1,106,382.63 1106382.63 Within budget

24 9638 Stone Flooring 194,472.00 83,654.41 278,126.41 278126.41 Within budget

25 9680 Carpets 183,596.00 80,222.44 263,818.44 263818.44 Within budget

26 9800 Special finishes. Eg spral stairwalls 327,392.80 141,569.00 468,961.80 468961.80 Within budget

27 9900 Painting 521,147.20 257,398.19 778,545.39 778545.39 Within budget

28 9950 Wall covering. Plasterboard on concrete 165,903.36 72,500.49 238,403.85 238403.85 Within budget

29 9975 Upholstery walls 26,409.60 11,582.92 37,992.52 37992.52 Within budget

30 8814 Mirrored Glass 19,392.00 9,437.93 28,829.93 28829.93 Within budget
31 6201 Public Areas 3,329,365.31 - 3,329,365.31 3329365.31 Within budget

32 6202 Guest Rooms 4,466,221.76 - 4,466,221.76 4466221.76 Within budget

33 6203 Floor Corridors & Elevator Lobbies 324,815.68 - 324,815.68 324815.68 Within budget

34 7101 Landscaping 263,760.00 - 263,760.00 263760.00 Within budget

35 7102 Roads-Bitumen Surfacing 334,096.00 - 334,096.00 334096.00 Within budget

36 7103 Drainage 228,592.00 - 228,592.00 228592.00 Within budget

37 7104 Footpaths 246,176.00 - 246,176.00 246176.00 Within budget

38 7105 Tennis Court 211,008.00 - 211,008.00 211008.00 Within budget

39 7105 Plant Yard 175,840.00 - 175,840.00 175840.00 Within budget

40 7106 Serwage treatment plants 158,256.00 - 158,256.00 158256.00 Within budget

41 7107 Water Tanks 123,088.00 - 123,088.00 123088.00 Within budget

42 7108 Others 17,584.00 - 17,584.00 17584.00 Within budget

43 7200 M& E works: - 0.00

44 7201 Electricals 1,795,786.04 138,310.68 1,934,096.72 1934096.72 Within budget

45 7202 Internal Plumbing & Sanitaryware 2,524,332.84 198,627.12 2,722,959.96 2722959.96 Within budget

46 7203 Vents & Arconditioning 1,881,299.66 144,997.80 2,026,297.45 2026297.45 Within budget

47 7204 Lifts 1,624,758.79 165,522.60 1,790,281.39 1790281.39 Within budget

48 7205 Kitchen and Laundry Equipment 769,622.59 66,209.04 835,831.63 835831.63 Within budget

49 5520 Stair Railings 120,355.20 51,961.12 172,316.32 172316.32 Within budget

50 7410 Roof Panel & walls(Metal) 269,982.72 116,689.83 386,672.55 386672.55 Within budget

51 7500 Membrane roofing 51,466.40 20,784.45 72,250.85 72250.85 Within budget

52 7600 Flashing & sheet metal 79,833.60 133,614.31 213,447.91 213447.91 Within budget

53 7710 Prefabricated roof 22,400.00 8,907.62 31,307.62 31307.62 Within budget

54 8110 Hollow metal doors 118,680.00 50,476.52 169,156.52 169156.52 Within budget

55 8331 Coiling doors 12,320.00 1,187.68 13,507.68 13507.68 Within budget

56 8450 Structural Glass Doors 8,960.00 3,859.97 12,819.97 12819.97 Within budget

57 8520 Aluminium Windows 1,047,577.44 453,100.96 1,500,678.40 1500678.40 Within budget

58 8920 Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls 1,701,772.80 816,531.87 2,518,304.67 2,518,304.67 Within budget

59 5101 Architectural 1,024,800.00 - 1,024,800.00 1,024,800.00 Within budget

60 5102 Structural Design 683,200.00 - 683,200.00 683,200.00 Within budget

61 5103 M&E Designs 854,000.00 - 854,000.00 854,000.00 Within budget

62 5100 Others 854,000.00 - 854,000.00 854,000.00 Within budget

63 4101 Expatriate management staff 543,200.00 - 543,200.00 543,200.00 Within budget

64 4102 Local Staff 585,760.00 - 585,760.00 585,760.00 Within budget

65 4103 Plant & Vehicle 773,316.32 - 773,316.32 773,316.32 Within budget

66 4104 Fuel,oil & Grease 394,240.00 121,200.00 515,440.00 515,440.00 Within budget

67 4105 Management offices 347,200.00 - 347,200.00 347,200.00 Within budget

68 4106 Storage Facilities 56,000.00 - 56,000.00 56,000.00 Within budget

69 4107 Canteen/Mess room/Drying Room 39,200.00 - 39,200.00 39,200.00 Within budget

70 4108 Toilet/Showers 16,800.00 - 16,800.00 16,800.00 Within budget
71 4109 First Aid Room 16,800.00 - 16,800.00 16,800.00 Within budget

72 4110 Typical Hotel Model Room 67,200.00 - 67,200.00 67,200.00 Within budget

73 4111 Other(External works-Drainage,carpark etc) 11,200.00 - 11,200.00 11,200.00 Within budget

74 4112 Temporary Power Supply 13,440.00 - 13,440.00 13,440.00 Within budget

75 4113 Water Supply Connections 10,080.00 - 10,080.00 10,080.00 Within budget

76 4114 Sewarage 7,840.00 - 7,840.00 7,840.00 Within budget

77 4115 Telphone connections 7,840.00 - 7,840.00 7,840.00 Within budget

78 4116 IT connections 10,080.00 - 10,080.00 10,080.00 Within budget

79 4117 Other(Utilities) 6,720.00 - 6,720.00 6,720.00 Within budget

80 4118 Furniture 20,160.00 - 20,160.00 20,160.00 Within budget

81 4119 Computers 11,200.00 - 11,200.00 11,200.00 Within budget

82 4120 Printers 4,480.00 - 4,480.00 4,480.00 Within budget

83 4121 Photocopier 4,480.00 - 4,480.00 4,480.00 Within budget

84 4122 A0 Drawings Dryline Plotter 6,720.00 - 6,720.00 6,720.00 Within budget

85 4123 Digital Camera 336.00 - 336.00 336.00 Within budget

86 4124 Survey Equipment 56,000.00 - 56,000.00 56,000.00 Within budget

87 4125 Stationary 6,720.00 - 6,720.00 6,720.00 Within budget

88 4126 Postage 3,920.00 - 3,920.00 3,920.00 Within budget

89 4127 Toilet/Office Messing 4,480.00 - 4,480.00 4,480.00 Within budget

90 4128 Small tools 8,960.00 - 8,960.00 8,960.00 Within budget

91 4129 Safety Protective Clothing 40,320.00 - 40,320.00 40,320.00 Within budget

92 4130 First Aid Boxes 1,680.00 - 1,680.00 1,680.00 Within budget

93 4131 Fire Extinguishers 4,480.00 - 4,480.00 4,480.00 Within budget

94 4132 Printing material(plotting Paper,etc) 11,200.00 - 11,200.00 11,200.00 Within budget

95 4133 Site Security Costs 56,000.00 - 56,000.00 56,000.00 Within budget

96 4134 Walky-Talky Radio Facility 5,600.00 - 5,600.00 5,600.00 Within budget

97 4135 Concrete Testing Equipment 2,240.00 - 2,240.00 2,240.00 Within budget

98 4136 Concrete Laboratory Testing 2,240.00 - 2,240.00 2,240.00 Within budget

99 4137 Employers Sign Board 1,120.00 - 1,120.00 1,120.00 Within budget

100 4138 Site Safety Signage 2,240.00 - 2,240.00 2,240.00 Within budget

101 4139 CAR Insurance Cover 145,867.68 - 145,867.68 145,867.68 Within budget

102 4140 Performance Bond 48,160.00 - 48,160.00 48,160.00 Within budget

103 4141 Progress Site Photography 1,120.00 - 1,120.00 1,120.00 Within budget

104 4142 Local Authority Inspection Charges 1,120.00 - 1,120.00 1,120.00 Within budget

105 4143 Final Site Clean 2,240.00 - 2,240.00 2,240.00 Within budget

106 4144 Relocation of race course 448,000.00 - 448,000.00 448,000.00 Within budget

107 - -

Total Budgets 44,587,466.10 9,392,080.07 - 53,979,546.18 - 53,979,546.18

Level 2 Cost Budget Analysis
Zakhem Construction Limited
Project: 0
Month March-23

Ref CO no. Description Amount(USD) $ Rate GH¢ Rate CO Totals

1 001 Increase in square area of construction as designed by PSP Architects 4,446,028.62 1.40 6,224,440.07
2 001 Uplifting of construction cost due to basic material price increases 2,262,600.00 1.40 3,167,640.00

6,708,628.62 Gh¢ 9,392,080.07

Project: 0
Project No. 406450 March-23
Refrence Cost Codes Budget Allowance

Cost Allocation Centers Exchange Rate Gains

US Dollar Gh cedi US Dollar - Gh cedi Total Gains (Base rate)

A. Substructure
1 2220 Excavation,Backfilling and compaction 741,854.00 830,876.48 1,053,432.68 222,556
2 2720 Storm Sewer Systems 129,220.00 144,726.40 183,492.40 38,766
3 3100 Concrete Formwork 139,635.00 156,391.20 198,281.70 41,891
4 3200 Reinforcement in foundation 852,300.00 954,576.00 1,210,266.00 255,690
5 3300 Concrete in foundation 994,896.00 1,114,283.52 1,412,752.32 298,469

Total Substructure 2,857,905.00 3,200,854

B. Superstructure
6 3101 Concrete Formwork 1,207,221 1,352,087.52 1,714,253.82 362,166
7 3201 Reinforcement in superstructure 2,285,100 2,559,312.00 3,244,842.00 685,530
8 3310 Concrete in superstructure 1,689,866 1,892,649.36 2,399,609.01 506,960
9 4220 Concrete Unit Masonry 104,910 117,499.20 148,972.20 31,473
10 3350 Concrete Surface preparation 44,457 49,792.00 63,129.14 13,337
11 4270 Glass Partitions 4,280 4,793.60 6,077.60 1,284
12 4420 Stone Wall Cladding 1,090,650 1,221,528.00 1,548,723.00 327,195
13 9760 Concrete Sealants 138,548 155,173.76 196,738.16 41,564

Total Superstructure 6,565,031.64 7,352,835

C. Carpentry And Joinery
14 6265 Wooden Screens 71,520.00 80,102.40 101,558.40 21,456
15 6420 Inetrior panel Works 123,750.00 138,600.00 175,725.00 37,125
16 6450 Wood trim- Standing & Running 135,409.00 151,658.08 192,280.78 40,623
17 8211 Wooden & Plastic Doors 654,500.00 733,040.00 929,390.00 196,350

Total Capentry & Jionery 985,179.00 1,103,400

D. Interior & Exterior wall finises
18 9200 Lath and plaster 24,154 27,052.80 34,299.09 7,246
19 9260 Dry wall systems 159,077 178,166.40 225,889.54 47,723
20 9310 Ceramic Tiling 857,669.29 960,589.60 1,217,890.39 257,301
21 9350 Mosaic Tiling 1,896.43 2,124.00 2,692.93 569
22 9510 Acoustical Ceiling 377,286 422,560.00 535,745.71 113,186
23 9550 Wood Flooring & Wood base 687,160.71 769,620.00 975,768.21 206,148
24 9638 Stone Flooring 173,635.71 194,472.00 246,562.71 52,091
25 9680 Carpets 163,925 183,596.00 232,773.50 49,178
26 9800 Special finishes. Eg spral stairwalls 292,315.00 327,392.80 415,087.30 87,695
27 9900 Painting 465,310.00 521,147.20 660,740.20 139,593
28 9950 Wall covering. Plasterboard on concrete 148,128 165,903.36 210,341.76 44,438
29 9975 Upholstery walls 23,580 26,409.60 33,483.60 7,074
30 8814 Mirrored Glass 17,314 19,392.00 24,586.29 5,194

Interio & Exterior wall finishes 3,391,451.57 3,798,426

E. FF & E
31 6201 Public Areas 2,972,648 3,329,365.31 4,221,159.59 891,794
32 6202 Guest Rooms 3,987,698 4,466,221.76 5,662,531.16 1,196,309
33 6203 Floor Corridors & Elevator Lobbies 290,014 324,815.68 411,819.88 87,004
FF& E 7,250,359.60 8,120,403
F. External Works
34 7101 Landscaping 235,500.00 263,760.00 334,410.00 70,650
35 7102 Roads-Bitumen Surfacing 298,300.00 334,096.00 423,586.00 89,490
36 7103 Drainage 204,100.00 228,592.00 289,822.00 61,230
37 7104 Footpaths 219,800.00 246,176.00 312,116.00 65,940
38 7105 Tennis Court 188,400.00 211,008.00 267,528.00 56,520
39 7105 Plant Yard 157,000.00 175,840.00 222,940.00 47,100
40 7106 Serwage treatment plants 141,300.00 158,256.00 200,646.00 42,390
41 7107 Water Tanks 109,900.00 123,088.00 156,058.00 32,970
42 7108 Others 15,700.00 17,584.00 22,294.00 4,710

Total External Works 1,570,000.00 1,758,400

G. Subcontractors
43 7200 M& E works:
44 7201 Electricals 1,603,380.39 1,795,786.04 2,276,800.15 481,014
45 7202 Internal Plumbing & Sanitaryware 2,253,868.61 2,524,332.84 3,200,493.42 676,161
46 7203 Vents & Arconditioning 1,679,731.84 1,881,299.66 2,385,219.21 503,920
47 7204 Lifts 1,450,677.49 1,624,758.79 2,059,962.04 435,203
48 7205 Kitchen and Laundry Equipment 687,163.02 769,622.59 975,771.49 206,149

49 5520 Stair Railings 107,460.00 120,355.20 152,593.20 32,238
50 7410 Roof Panel & walls(Metal) 241,056.00 269,982.72 342,299.52 72,317
51 7500 Membrane roofing 45,952.14 51,466.40 65,252.04 13,786
52 7600 Flashing & sheet metal 71,280.00 79,833.60 101,217.60 21,384
53 7710 Prefabricated roof 20,000.00 22,400.00 28,400.00 6,000
54 8110 Hollow metal doors 105,964.29 118,680.00 150,469.29 31,789
55 8331 Coiling doors 11,000.00 12,320.00 15,620.00 3,300
56 8450 Structural Glass Doors 8,000.00 8,960.00 11,360.00 2,400
57 8520 Aluminium Windows 935,337.00 1,047,577.44 1,328,178.54 280,601
58 8920 Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls 1,519,440.00 1,701,772.80 2,157,604.80 455,832

Professional Fee:
59 5101 Architectural 915,000.00 1,024,800.00 1,299,300.00 274,500
60 5102 Structural Design 610,000.00 683,200.00 866,200.00 183,000
61 5103 M&E Designs 762,500.00 854,000.00 1,082,750.00 228,750
62 5100 Others 762,500.00 854,000.00 1,082,750.00 228,750

Total Subcontractors 13,790,310.78 15,445,148

H. Preliminaries
63 4101 Expatriate management staff 485,000 543,200.00 688,700.00 145,500
64 4102 Local Staff 523,000 585,760.00 742,660.00 156,900
65 4103 Plant & Vehicle 690,461 773,316.32 980,454.62 207,138
66 4104 Fuel,oil & Grease 352,000 394,240.00 499,840.00 105,600
67 4105 Management offices 310,000 347,200.00 440,200.00 93,000
68 4106 Storage Facilities 50,000 56,000.00 71,000.00 15,000
69 4107 Canteen/Mess room/Drying Room 35,000 39,200.00 49,700.00 10,500
70 4108 Toilet/Showers 15,000 16,800.00 21,300.00 4,500
71 4109 First Aid Room 15,000 16,800.00 21,300.00 4,500
72 4110 Typical Hotel Model Room 60,000 67,200.00 85,200.00 18,000
73 4111 Other(External works-Drainage,carpark etc) 10,000 11,200.00 14,200.00 3,000
74 4112 Temporary Power Supply 12,000 13,440.00 17,040.00 3,600
75 4113 Water Supply Connections 9,000 10,080.00 12,780.00 2,700
76 4114 Sewarage 7,000 7,840.00 9,940.00 2,100
77 4115 Telphone connections 7,000 7,840.00 9,940.00 2,100
78 4116 IT connections 9,000 10,080.00 12,780.00 2,700
79 4117 Other(Utilities) 6,000 6,720.00 8,520.00 1,800
80 4118 Furniture 18,000 20,160.00 25,560.00 5,400
81 4119 Computers 10,000 11,200.00 14,200.00 3,000
82 4120 Printers 4,000 4,480.00 5,680.00 1,200
83 4121 Photocopier 4,000 4,480.00 5,680.00 1,200
84 4122 A0 Drawings Dryline Plotter 6,000 6,720.00 8,520.00 1,800
85 4123 Digital Camera 300 336.00 426.00 90
86 4124 Survey Equipment 50,000 56,000.00 71,000.00 15,000
87 4125 Stationary 6,000 6,720.00 8,520.00 1,800
88 4126 Postage 3,500 3,920.00 4,970.00 1,050
89 4127 Toilet/Office Messing 4,000 4,480.00 5,680.00 1,200
90 4128 Small tools 8,000 8,960.00 11,360.00 2,400
91 4129 Safety Protective Clothing 36,000 40,320.00 51,120.00 10,800
92 4130 First Aid Boxes 1,500 1,680.00 2,130.00 450
93 4131 Fire Extinguishers 4,000 4,480.00 5,680.00 1,200
94 4132 Printing material(plotting Paper,etc) 10,000 11,200.00 14,200.00 3,000
95 4133 Site Security Costs 50,000 56,000.00 71,000.00 15,000
96 4134 Walky-Talky Radio Facility 5,000 5,600.00 7,100.00 1,500
97 4135 Concrete Testing Equipment 2,000 2,240.00 2,840.00 600
98 4136 Concrete Laboratory Testing 2,000 2,240.00 2,840.00 600
99 4137 Employers Sign Board 1,000 1,120.00 1,420.00 300
100 4138 Site Safety Signage 2,000 2,240.00 2,840.00 600
101 4139 CAR Insurance Cover 130,239 145,867.68 184,939.38 39,072
102 4140 Performance Bond 43,000 48,160.00 61,060.00 12,900
103 4141 Progress Site Photography 1,000 1,120.00 1,420.00 300
104 4142 Local Authority Inspection Charges 1,000 1,120.00 1,420.00 300
105 4143 Final Site Clean 2,000 2,240.00 2,840.00 600
106 4144 Relocation of race course 400,000 448,000.00 568,000.00 120,000

Total Preliminaries 3,400,000.00 3,808,000

Tender Allowance Total: 39,810,237.59 44,587,466.10 56,530,537.38 11,943,071.28

Interbank Exchange Rates

Base Rate 1.1200
1008 USDGHS 31-Oct-08 7.5100
1108 USDGHS 30-Nov-08 7.3100
1208 USDGHS 31-Dec-08 1.1900
0109 USDGHS 30-Jan-09 1.2600
0209 USDGHS 27-Feb-09 0.9700
0309 USDGHS 27-Mar-09 1.3900
0409 USDGHS 29-Apr-09 1.4100
0509 USDGHS 29-May-09 1.4100
0609 USDGHS 22-Jun-09 1.4200
Preliminaries Build-up

1. Site Management Organisation

Staff Salaries Quantity Unit Duration Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 Project Director 1 no. 24 mths 3,333.33 80,000.00
2 Project Manager 1 no. 24 mths 9,375.00 225,000.00
3 Construction Manager 1 no. 24 mths 7,500.00 180,000.00
4 Quantity Surveyor 1 no. 24 mths 1,666.67 40,000.00
5 Planning/Resource Manager 1 no. 20 mths 9,500.00 190,000.00
6 Senior Construction Engineer 1 no. 24 mths 7,500.00 180,000.00
7 Site Engineer 1 1 no. 22 mths 909.09 20,000.00
8 Site Engineer 2 1 no. 22 mths 909.09 20,000.00
9 Safety Officer 1 no. 22 mths 909.09 20,000.00
10 Concrete Frame Foreman 1 no. 12 mths 1,250.00 15,000.00
11 Finishes Foreman 1 no. 12 mths 1,250.00 15,000.00
12 Secretary/Administration 1 no. 24 mths 416.67 10,000.00
13 Site Admin. Assistant 1 no. 24 mths 333.33 8,000.00
14 General Office Labour Gang 1 no. 22 mths 227.27 5,000.00
Total Salaries 1,008,000.00

2. Site Plant and Equipment Wriiten off over 5years- 2years charge to the Hotel

Plant Description Quantity Unit Duration Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 Tower Cranes 2 no. 16 mths 2,187.50 70,000.00
2 Hoist 2 no. 8 mths 1,085.06 17,361.00
3 Generators 250kva 2 no. 22 mths 454.55 20,000.00
4 Concrete Batching Plant 1 no. 12 mths 4,416.67 53,000.00
5 Concrete pump 1 no. 12 mths 4,000.00 48,000.00
6 Concrete Trucks 3 no. 15 mths 7,777.78 350,000.00
7 6 poker 2 no. 15 mths 40.00 1,200.00
8 Tampers / Vibrators 2 no. 16 mths 31.25 1,000.00
9 Front Loaders/JCB 1 no. 24 mths 2,083.33 50,000.00
10 2m3 concrete skips 2 no. 18 mths 27.78 1,000.00
11 Concrete Test Equipment 1 no. 18 mths 55.56 1,000.00
12 Jet washer 1 no. 8 mths 62.50 500.00
13 4 tool compressors 1 no. 10 mths 80.00 800.00
14 Pumps 2 no. 10 mths 30.00 600.00
15 4t Dumpers 1 no. 16 mths 375.00 6,000.00
16 Lighting Towers 2 no. 15 mths 200.00 6,000.00
17 Small Tools 1 Item 24 mths 83.33 2,000.00
18 Rebar cutters 1 no. 16 mths 125.00 2,000.00
19 Excavators(Internal Hire) 1 no. 10 mths 3,000.00 30,000.00
20 Bull dozers(Internal Hire) 1 no. 10 mths 3,000.00 30,000.00
21 Fuel/ Lubricants 1 Item 24 mths 13,000.00 352,000.00
Total Plant 1,042,461.00

3. Site Accommodation and Storage Facilities

Office Description Quantity Unit Duration Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 Management offices 1 Item 24 mths 12,916.67 310,000.00
2 Storage Facilities 1 Item 24 mths 2,083.33 50,000.00
4 Canteen/Mess room/Drying Room 1 Item 24 mths 1,458.33 35,000.00
5 Toilet/Showers 1 Item 24 mths 625.00 15,000.00
6 First Aid Room 1 Item 24 mths 625.00 15,000.00
7 Typical Hotel Model Room 1 Item 24 mths 2,500.00 60,000.00
8 Other(External works-Drainage,carpark 1 Item 24 mths 416.67 10,000.00
Total Site Accommodation 495,000.00

4. Site Accommodation Services

Services Description Quantity Unit Duration Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 Temporary Power Supply 1 Item 24 mths 500.00 12,000.00
2 Water Supply Connections 1 Item 24 mths 375.00 9,000.00
3 Sewarage 1 Item 24 mths 291.67 7,000.00
4 Telphone connections 1 Item 24 mths 291.67 7,000.00
5 IT connections 1 Item 24 mths 375.00 9,000.00
6 Other(Utilities) 1 Item 24 mths 1,100.00 6,000.00
Total Site Services 50,000.00

5. Survey Equipment

Office Furniture/Equipment DescriptionQuantity Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 Furniture 18,000.00
2 Computers 10,000.00
3 Printers 4,000.00
4 Photocopier 4,000.00
5 A0 Drawings Dryline Plotter 6,000.00
6 Digital Camera 300.00
7 Other
Total Furniture/Equipment 42,300.00

6. Survey Equipment

Survey Instruments Quantity Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 EDM equipment 30,000.00
2 Level 10,000.00
3 Staff and Ranging Rods 10,000.00
4 Other
Total Survey Equipment 50,000.00

7. Office Consumables

Consumables Description Quantity Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 Stationary 6,000.00
2 Postage 3,500.00
3 Toilet/Office Messing 4,000.00
4 Small tools 8,000.00
5 Protection Material Included
6 Safety Protective Clothing 36,000.00
7 First Aid Boxes 1,500.00
8 Fire Extinguishers 4,000.00
9 Printing material(plotting Paper,etc) 10,000.00
10 Other
Total Consumables 73,000.00

8. Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous Items Quantity Unit Duration Rate(USD) Cum. Total(USD)

1 Site Security Costs 1 24 mths 2,083.33 50,000.00
2 Walky-Talky Radio Facility 5,000.00
3 Concrete Testing Equipment 2,000.00
4 Concrete Laboratory Testing 2,000.00
5 Employers Sign Board 1,000.00
6 Site Safety Signage 2,000.00
7 CAR Insurance Cover 130,239.00
8 Performance Bond 43,000.00
9 Progress Site Photography 1,000.00
10 Local Authority Inspection Charges 1,000.00
11 Final Site Clean 2,000.00
12 Other
Total Miscellaneous Items 239,239.00


Element Total
1 Site Management Organisation 1,008,000.00
2 Site Plant and Equipment 1,042,461.00
3 Site Accomm. and Storage Facilities 495,000.00
4 Site Accommodation Services 50,000.00
5 Survey Equipment 42,300.00
6 Survey Equipment 50,000.00
7 Office Consumables 73,000.00
8 Miscellaneous 239,239.00
9 Relocation of race course 400,000.00
US$ 3,400,000.00

Section/Referen a Quantity Unit
Rate Rate

02220 - Excavation, Backfilling and Compacting

10 Remove unsuitable material to any depth and dispose off as directed 22,930 M3
### 126,115.00

15 Replace unsuitable material with good quality laterite material from approved borrow pit 9,300 M3
### 93,000.00

20 Excavate in solid rock and dispose away from site 5,733 M3

### 85,995.00

25 Provide place and compact to 95% stamdard proctor density per ASTM D-898 804 M3
### 40,200.00

26 Ditto Base course 804 M3

### 10,452.00

35 Provide and lay tensar 8x11 filter fabric 5,400 m2

### 37,800.00

40 150mm approved gravel finish well compacted subgrade 804 M3

### 12,060.00

45 Excavate trench for drain pipes commencing fom reduced level 1,735 M3
### 12,145.00

100 Excavation to reduce level 6,693 M3

### 46,851.00

105 Basement excavation commencing from reduce level 9,660 M3

### 67,620.00

100 Excavate foundation for access well 400 M3

### 2,800.00

115 Excavate trench for foundation starting from basement level 149 M3
### 1,043.00

116 Ditto starting from reduced level 1,116 M3

### 7,812.00

120 Excavate pit for column bases commencing from basement level 459 M3
### 3,213.00

121 Ditto commencing from reduced level 4,157 M3

### 29,099.00

125 Extra over excavation for Rock excavation 3,985 M3

### 59,775.00

130 Remove surplus excavated material away from site 4,076 M3

### 22,418.00

200 Backfill selected excavated material well remmed and consolidated around foundation 3,200 M3
### 19,200.00

205 150mm thick imported literate earth filling well rammed and consolidated to make up level 4,016 M3
### 40,160.00

300 Level and ram bottom of Excavation to receive concrete 6,024 m2

### 24,096.00

2220 Excavation, Backfilling and Compacting 741,854

02720 - Storm Sewer Systems

10 305mm diameter pipe 145 #

M## 3,770.00

15 400mm diameter pipe 25 #

M## 950.00

20 460mm diameter pipe 165 #

M## 7,425.00

25 510mm diameter pipe 80 #

M## 4,160.00

30 530mm diameter pipe 225 #

M## 12,375.00

35 610mm diameter pipe 380 #

M## 23,940.00

40 915mm diameter pipe 45 #

M## 3,600.00

45 3 meter deep manhole with average diameter of 1.4m. Including 305mm concrete slab base and 5 EA
### 70,000.00
305mm cement stabilized sand

50 965 x 965mm overall size inlet type 'A' constructed to specification 2 EA

### 600.00

51 ditto type 'B' ditto 8 EA

### 2,400.00

2720 Storm Sewer Systems 129,220 -



02220 - Concrete Formwork

3100 10 Sides of basement foundation 248 m2

### 2,232.00

3100 15 Ditto foundation 1,532 m2

### 13,788.00

3100 15 Sides of column bases 2,920 m2

### 26,280.00
3100 20 Sides Columns 3,297 m2
### 29,673.00

3100 25 Sides of basement wall 3,968 m2

### 35,712.00

3100 30 Sides of Retaining wall 1,700 m2

### 15,300.00

3100 35 Edge of Slab on grade 1,850 m2

### 16,650.00

3100 10 Soffit of suspended slab 40,493 m2

### 445,423.00

3100 15 Sides of wall 7,730 m2

### 85,030.00

3100 20 Sides of Columns 21,340 m2

### 234,740.00

3100 25 Sides and soffit of beams 33,596 m2

### 369,556.00
3100 30 Sofit of roof slab 4,982 m2
### 54,802.00

3100 35 Sides of parapet wall 560 m2

### 6,160.00

3100 40 Sides of roof fascia 490 m2

### 5,390.00

3100 45 Edges of slab maximum 200mm thick 2,040 #

M## 6,120.00

3100 Concrete Formwork

03200 - Concrete Reinforcement

3200 12 12mm diameter bars 345 TON

### 310,500.00

3200 16 16mm diameter bars 37 TON

### 33,300.00

3200 20 20mm diameter bars 53 TON

### 47,700.00

3200 25 25mm diameter bars 79 TON

### 71,100.00

3200 30 28mm diameter bars 107 TON

### 96,300.00

3200 30 30mm diameter bars 140 TON

### 126,000.00

3200 32 32mm diameter bars 186 TON

### 167,400.00

3200 Concrete Reinforcement 852,300

03210 - Concrete Reinforcement - Superstructure

3210 12 12mm diameter bars. 923 TON

### 830,700.00

3210 16 16mm diameter bars. 101 TON

### 90,900.00

3210 20 20mm diameter bars. 143 TON

### 128,700.00

3210 25 25mm diameter bars. 212 TON

### 190,800.00

3210 30 28mm diameter bars. 286 TON

### 257,400.00

3210 30 30mm diameter bars. 376 TON

### 338,400.00

3210 32 32mm diameter bars. 498 TON

### 448,200.00

SUBTOTAL - 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement - Superstructure 2,285,100

03300 - Cast in Place Concrete

3300 10 Reinforced poured concrete (1:3:6 -40mm aggregate) poured against faces of excavation in:

3300 15 Foundation 118 M3

### 14,868.00

3300 20 Column bases 2,417 M3

### 304,542.00

3300 25 Beams 308 M3

### 38,808.00

3300 30 Retaining wall 358 M3

### 45,108.00

3300 35 Retaining walls foundation 668 M3

### 84,168.00

3300 40 Slab on grade 125mm thick 191 M3

### 24,066.00

3300 45 Slab on grade 150mm thick 1,712 M3

### 215,712.00
3300 50 Column 582 M3
### 73,332.00

3300 60 Basement wall 447 M3

### 56,322.00

3300 65 Walls 1,095 M3

### 137,970.00

SUBTOTAL - 03300 - Cast in Place Concrete 994,896

03310 - Cast in Place Concrete - Superstructure

3310 10 Beams 3,534 M3

### 445,284.00

3310 15 Suspended Slab 150mm thick 566 M3

### 71,271.90

3310 15 Suspended Slab average 250mm thick 810 M3

### 102,060.00

3310 20 Parapet wall 90 M3

### 11,340.00

3310 25 Wall 2,631 M3

### 331,506.00

3310 30 Columns 1,121 M3

### 141,246.00

3310 35 Roof Beams 30 M3

### 3,780.00

3310 40 Roof Slab 200mm thick 153 M3

### 19,227.60

3310 45 Roof facial 65 M3

### 8,190.00

3310 400 Basement partition walls 1,020 m2

### 30,600.00

3310 405 Toilet partition 62 m2

### 1,860.00

3310 410 walls in elevator pit area/pump 202 m2

### 6,060.00

3310 415 Partition type A 16,507 m2

### 495,210.00

3310 416 Partitition type A2 20 m2

### 600.00

3310 420 Stair flights, monumental 61 m2

### 1,830.00

3310 425 Stair landings, monumental 19 m2

### 570.00

3310 430 Back-of house stair flight 485 m2

### 14,550.00

3310 435 Back-of house stair landing 156 m2

### 4,680.00

SUBTOTAL - 03310 - Cast in Place Concrete - Superstructure 1,689,866

03310 - Concrete Finishes

3350 950 Wall preparation for wall covering installation 6,224 m2

### 44,457.14

SUBTOTAL - 03310 - Concrete Finishes 44,457



04220 - Concrete Unit Masonry

4220 10 Partition type C10 144 m2

### 1,440.00

4220 15 Partition type C15 535 m2

### 5,350.00

4220 20 Partition type C20 18 m2

### 180.00

4220 25 Partition type B15 99 m2

### 990.00

4220 30 Partition type D10 90 m2

### 900.00

4220 35 Partition type D15 476 m2

### 4,760.00

4220 40 Partition type D20 96 m2

### 960.00

4220 100 Partition wall laundry area 910 m2

### 9,100.00

4220 105 Partition service corridor 1,321 m2

### 13,210.00

4220 110 Parititon receiving/storage area 1,367 m2

### 13,670.00

4220 115 Walls restrooms/locker 1,508 m2

### 15,080.00
4220 120 Partition kitchen and dinning 1,402 m2
### 14,020.00

4220 125 Parititon banquet 1,043 m2

### 10,430.00

4220 130 Urinal wall 6 m2

### 60.00

4220 135 Shower stall 8 m2

### 80.00

4220 140 Spa area partition 579 m2

### 5,790.00

4220 145 Service area partition 889 m2

### 8,890.00

SUBTOTAL - 04220 - Concrete Unit Masonry 104,910.00

04270 - Glass Unit Masonry

4270 10 Glass partition 107 m2

### 4,280.00

SUBTOTAL - 04270 - Glass Unit Masonry 4,280

04420 - Cut Stone

4420 10 Balcony stone flooring w/fluid applied waterproofing 751 m2

### 112,650.00

4420 60 Stone wall cladding ST -1 fin 4,667 m2

### 933,400.00

4420 65 Interior stone clad wall 10 m2

### 2,000.00

4420 70 Stone wall cladding for waterfall 213 m2

### 42,600.00

SUBTOTAL - 04420 - Cut Stone 1,090,650



05520 - Stair Railings

5520 10 Railings on Monumental stair 79 #

M## 14,220.00

5520 15 Back-of house stair balustrade 315 #

M## 56,700.00

5520 20 Back-of house stair wall rail 203 #

M## 36,540.00

SUBTOTAL - 05520 - Stair Railings 107,460



06265 - Architectural Ornamentation

6265 10 Wood screen, building exterior 894 m2

### 71,520.00

SUBTOTAL - 06265 - Architectural Ornamentation 71,520

06420 - Wood Interior Panel work

6420 10 Paneling, WD-03, matt stain 186 m2

### 4,092.00

6420 15 Paneling, WD-20, matt stain 989 m2

### 21,758.00

6420 20 Paneling, WD-21, matt stain 99 m2

### 2,178.00

6420 25 Paneling, WD-22, matt stain 100 m2

### 2,200.00

6420 30 Paneling, WD-27, matt stain 69 m2

### 1,518.00

6420 35 Wood wall finish, not typed 4,182 m2

### 92,004.00

SUBTOTAL - 06420 - Wood Interior Panel work 123,750

06450 - Standing and Running Wood Trim

6450 10 Crown molding; to concrete base, include stain/seal 5,239 #

M## 36,673.00

6450 15 Isolated general wood molding surfaces, include stain/seal 1,705 m2

### 25,575.00
6450 50 Skirting; plugging; screwing to concrete base,WD-02 5,618 #
M## 50,562.00

6450 55 Skirting; to plasterboard base; plugging; screwing 2,500 #

M## 22,500.00

6450 60 Skirting; to plasterboard base; plugging; screwing curved 11 #

M## 99.00

SUBTOTAL - 06450 - Standing and Running Wood Trim 135,409



07150 - Dampproofing

7150 10 Water Resistive barrier to external CMU 2,000 m2

### 18,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 07150 - Dampproofing

07410 - Performed Roof and Wall Panels

7410 10 Metal soffit/fascia 112 m2

### 8,736.00

7410 15 Wall cladding ST-1 817 m2

### 114,380.00

7410 20 75mm thick ST-1 cap 17 m2

### 2,210.00

7410 25 Aluminum panel sys AL-1 fin 85 m2

### 8,925.00

7410 30 Metal wall panel system 49 m2

### 6,860.00

7410 32 Eyebrow roof 755 m2

### 71,725.00

7410 35 Canopy roof 332 m2

### 28,220.00

SUBTOTAL - 07410 - Performed Roof and Wall Panels 241,056

07500 - Membrane Roofing

7500 10 Tapered insulation 593 m2

### 4,659.29

7500 15 Flat roof w/sheet membrane 4,584 m2

### 32,742.86

7500 20 Roof drain 9 EA

### 8,550.00

SUBTOTAL - 07500 - Membrane Roofing 45,952

07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal

7600 10 Aluminum roof edge, 300mm high 219 #

M## 17,520.00

7600 30 Parapet cap 672 #

M## 53,760.00

SUBTOTAL - 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal 71,280

07710 - Prefabricated Roof Specialties

7710 10 Roof hatch 2 EA

### 20,000.00

07710 - Prefabricated Roof Specialties 20,000


08110 - Hollow metal steel doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8110 10 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 44 EA
### 22,000.00

8110 15 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 1HR FR 1 EA
### 714.29

8110 20 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 90 min FR 25 EA
### 17,857.14

8110 25 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2250 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 607.14

8110 30 Single door sets; type FN as drawing AE-611;vision panels; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 27 EA
### 17,357.14

8110 35 Double door sets; type FN2 as drawing AE-611;vision panels; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS
### 2,785.71

8110 40 Double door sets; type FN2 as drawing AE-611;vision panels; to suit 1800x2100x 44 doors overall 12 PRS
### 11,142.86

8110 45 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS
### 1,857.14
8110 50 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 13 PRS
### 12,071.43

08110 - Hollow metal partially glazed steel with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8110 60 Single door sets; type FH as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 15 PRS
### 12,857.14

8110 65 Double door sets; type FH2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS
### 1,714.29

08210 - Extruded aluminum glazed doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8120 10 Double door sets; type FG2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900x2100x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 1,000.00

8120 15 Double door sets; type FG2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS
### 3,000.00
8120 20 Double door sets; type FG2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1 HR FR 1 PRS
### 1,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 08110 - Hollow metal steel door 105,964

08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8211 10 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 EA
### 1,714.29

8211 15 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 17 EA
### 7,285.71

8211 20 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 384 EA
### 178,285.71

8211 25 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 90min FR 1 EA
### 464.29

8211 30 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 428.57

8211 35 Single door sets; type SE as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA
### 571.43

8211 40 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 2 EA
### 857.14

8211 45 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 6 EA
### 4,071.43

8211 50 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 5 PRS
### 4,285.71

8211 55 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 7 PRS
### 6,500.00

08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with solid wood frame and lining sets

8211 60 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 250.00

8211 65 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 357.14

8211 70 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS
### 1,071.43

08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld doors with solid wood frame and lining sets

8211 75 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 714.29
8211 80 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1500 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 PRS
### 4,571.43
08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets ###
8211 85 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 EA
### 2,857.14
8211 90 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1500 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 1,142.86
08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld sliding frameless doors with solid wood trim and lining ###
8211 100 Single door sets; type FPL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 321.43
8211 105 Single door sets; type FPL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2600 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 428.57
08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld sliding doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets ###
8211 110 Single door sets; type FPL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2600 x 44 doors overall 3 EA
### 1,285.71
08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with extruded aluminum frame and lining sets ###
8211 115 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA
### 321.43
08211 - Solid core plastic laminated faced doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets ###
8211 120 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 45 EA
### 22,500.00
8211 125 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall;1HR FR 1 EA
### 500.00
8211 130 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 90 min FR 5 EA
### 2,500.00
8211 135 Single door sets; type FN as drawing AE-611; vision panels; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 11 EA
### 6,678.57
8211 140 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 6 PRS
### 5,571.43
08211 - Solid core plastic laminated faced doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets ###
8211 145 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 EA
### 928.57
08211 - Solid core wood veneered stile and rail doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets ###
8211 150 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA
### 464.29
08211-Solid core wood veneered paneled stile and rail doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets ###
8211 155 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 464.29
8211 160 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA
### 464.29
8211 165 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 EA
### 1,857.14
08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneled stile and rail doors with solid wood frame and lining sets ###
8211 170 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA
### 464.29
8211 175 Double door sets; type SX2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2400 x 3750 x 44 doors overall 6 PRS
### 5,571.43
8211 180 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1600 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 PRS
### 3,714.29
8211 185 Single door sets; type FP as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS
### 857.14
8211 190 Single door sets; type FP as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS
### 857.14
08211 - Solid core wood veneered stile and rail doors with solid wood frame and lining sets ###
8211 195 Double door sets; type ASX2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2400 x 3750 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 1,285.71
08211 - Solid core wood veneered glazed doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets ###
8211 200 Single door sets; type FG as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 428.57
8211 205 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS
### 2,785.71
8211 210 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 928.57
8211 215 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 240 PRS
### 222,857.14
8211 220 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1500 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 7 PRS
### 6,500.00
8211 225 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS
### 1,857.14
08211 - Solid core wood veneered glazed doors with solid wood frame and lining sets ###
8211 230 Single door sets; type FG as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 7 EA
### 3,250.00
8211 235 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 5 PRS
### 4,642.86
08211 - Solid core wood veneered two pane glazed doors with solid wood frame and lining sets ###
8211 240 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 247 EA
### 123,500.00
8211 245 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 EA
### 1,500.00
8211 250 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 500.00
08211 - Solid core wood veneered two pane glazed doors with hollow metal frame and lining sets ###
8211 255 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 EA
### 3,428.57
08211 - Solid core wood veneered three pane glazed doors with hollow metal frame and lining sets ###
8211 260 Single door sets; type F3G as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 EA
### 1,714.29
8211 265 Single door sets; type F3G as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR 1 EA
### 857.14
08211 - Solid core wood veneered three pane glazed doors with solid wood l frame and lining sets ###

8211 270 Single door sets; type F3G as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA
### 571.43
8211 275 Double door sets; type F3G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 6 PRS
### 5,571.43

08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with glazed over panel and sidelight; hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8211 280 Single door sets; type FA as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors; 1400 x 2600 overall 2 EA
### 1,142.86

SUBTOTAL - 08211 - Wood Doors 654,500.00

08331 - Overhead coiling doors; powder coated steel

8331 10 Coiling door; 2000 x 3000 4 EA

### 8,000.00

8331 15 Coiling door; 4000 x 2000 1 EA

### 3,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 08331 - Overhead Coiling Doors 11,000.00

08450 - Structural tempered fully glazed doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8450 10 Double door sets; type G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 3000 doors overall 1 PRS
### 1,500.00

08450 - Structural tempered fully glazed frameless doors

8450 15 Single door sets; type G as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2600 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 2,500.00
8450 20 Double door sets; type G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2600 x 2000 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 2,000.00
8450 25 Double door sets; type G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2600 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS
### 2,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 08450 - Sturctural Glass Doors 8,000

08520 - Aluminum Windows

8520 10 Window type, A1 - 3050 x 9850 15 EA

### 75,000.00

8520 15 Window type, A1A - 3750 x 9850 10 EA

### 60,714.29

8520 20 Window type, A2 - 3050 x 9850 1 EA

### 5,000.00

8520 25 Window type, A2A - 3750 x 9850 1 EA

### 6,071.43

8520 30 Window type, A3 - 3050 x 45832 1 EA

### 23,571.43
8520 35 Window type, A3A - 3750 x 45832 1 EA
### 28,571.43
8520 40 Window type, A4 - 3050 x 39850 2 EA
### 40,000.00
8520 45 Window type, A5 - 3050 x 5832 2 EA
### 5,857.14
8520 50 Window type, A6A - 3750 x 65832 1 EA
### 40,557.14
8520 55 Window type, A7A - 3750 x 36832 1 EA
### 2,285.71
8520 60 Window type, A8A - 3750 x 4850 1 EA
### 2,142.86
8520 65 Window type, A9 - 3080 x 35832 1 EA
### 18,214.29
8520 70 Window type, A10 - 3050 x 4850 1 EA
### 2,428.57

8520 75 Window type, 313 1 EA

### 49,000.00

8520 80 Window type, 110A 1 EA

### 50,000.00

8520 85 Window type, A11 - 3050 x 60832 2 EA

### 58,281.14

8520 90 Window type, A11A - 3750 x 60832 1 EA

### 35,845.71

8520 95 Window type, B2 - 3050 x 60832 4 EA

### 116,562.29

8520 100 Window type, B2A - 3050 x 2050 1 EA

### 3,000.00

8520 105 Window type, B3 - 2800 x 3050 4 EA

### 5,428.57

8520 110 Window type, B3A - 3050 x 3050 1 EA

### 1,464.29

8520 115 Window type, C - 1750 x 1050 31 EA

### 8,967.86

8520 120 Window type, D1 - 2800x600 18 EA

### 4,757.14

8520 125 Window type, D1A - 3500 x 600 16 EA

### 5,314.29

8520 130 Window type, D1B - 3050 x 600 8 EA

### 2,297.14

8520 135 Window type, D2 - 2800 x 1150 5 EA

### 2,528.57

8520 140 Window type, D2A - 3500 x 1150 8 EA

### 5,062.86

8520 145 Window type, D2B - 3050 x 1150 2 EA

### 1,107.14

8520 150 Window type, E1 - 1050 x 3500 7 EA

### 4,200.00
8520 155 Window type, E3A - 3500 x 2400 1 EA
### 1,321.43
8520 160 Window type, F2 - 7500 x 2050 2 EA
### 4,835.71
8520 165 Window type, F3 - 7500 x 3050 1 EA
### 3,595.00
8520 170 Window type, F3 - 3000 x 7000 2 EA
### 6,600.00
8520 175 Window type, F3B - 3050 x 7500 1 EA
### 3,595.00
8520 180 Window type, G - 5100 x 4284 4 EA
### 13,742.86
8520 185 Window type, GB - 4000 x 4284 2 EA
### 5,428.57
8520 190 Window type, GD - 5100 x 6217 1 EA
### 5,000.00
8520 195 Window type, GF - 5100 x 4309 1 EA
### 4,985.71
8520 200 Window type, H - 4068 x 5400 5 EA
### 17,285.71
8520 205 Window type, HA - 4068 x 6100 2 EA
### 7,857.14
8520 210 Window type, HB - 5400 x 6142 1 EA
### 5,211.43
8520 215 Window type, HC - 3693 x 5400 1 EA
### 3,133.57
8520 220 Window type, J - 1950 x 3500 1 EA
### 1,072.14
8520 225 Window type, K - 3900 x 5700 21 EA
### 67,500.00
8520 230 Window type, KA - 3900x5700 w/1900x2700 opening 13 EA
### 46,428.57
8520 235 Window type, KB - 1900 x 5700 4 EA
### 6,857.14
8520 240 Window type, L - 4284 x 5700 6 EA
### 23,142.86
8520 245 Window type, LA - 4284x5700 w/2000x2700 opening 1 EA
### 3,857.14
8520 250 Window type, LB - 4284x5700 w/2000x2700 opening 1 EA
### 3,842.86
8520 255 Window type, N - 4790 x 7000 2 EA
### 10,571.43
### -
8520 260 Window type, P - 1600 x 1600 4 EA
### 1,628.57

8520 265 Window type, P1- louver - 1050 x 3500 24 EA

### 4,800.00
8520 270 Window type, P2- louver - 2050 x 3500 51 EA
### 3,934.29
8520 275 Window type, P3- louver - 1750 x 2050 12 EA
### 3,000.00
8520 280 Window type, P4- louver - 700 x 25000 5 EA
### 4,642.86
8520 285 Window type, P5- louver - 1900 x 1200 10 EA
### 1,214.29
8520 290 Window type, P6- louver - 3300 x 3300 12 ### 4,200.00
8520 295 Supply window 3 m2
### 150.00
8520 300 Louver 52 m2
### 1,671.43

SUBTOTAL - 08520 - Aluminum Windows 935,337

08814 - Mirrored Glass

8814 10 Mirrors 404 m2

### 17,314.29

SUBTOTAL - 08814 - Mirrored Glass

08920 - Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls

8920 10 Aluminum/Glass CW-1 499 m2

### 199,600.00

8920 15 Aluminum/Glass CW-3 1,560 m2

### 624,000.00
8920 20 Aluminum/Glass CW-4 409 m2
### 163,600.00
8920 25 Aluminum-1 Reveal band 30 m2
### 12,000.00
8920 30 Aluminum clad parapet wall 25 m2
### 10,000.00
8920 35 Aluminum-2 BAND 92 m2
### 36,800.00
8920 40 Aluminum wall panel system 13 m2
### 5,200.00
8920 45 Glass-3 band 551 m2
### 220,400.00
8920 50 Glass-2 band 62 m2
### 24,800.00
8920 55 Glass-4 band 221 m2
### 88,400.00
8920 60 Glass handrail - 1m high 46 #
M## 7,820.00
8920 65 Elevation guardrail system, 1m high 37 #
M## 6,290.00
8920 70 Glass guardrail system, 1m high 709 #
M## 120,530.00

SUBTOTAL - 08920 - Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls 1,519,440



09200 - Lath and Plaster

9200 10 Plaster on cmu walls, interior 2,227 m2

### 12,725.71
9200 15 Plaster on cmu walls, exterior 2,000 m2
### 11,428.57

SUBTOTAL - 09200 - Lath and Plaster 24,154

09260 - Drywall Systems

9260 10 Partition type E07 4,177 m2

### 35,802.86
9260 11 Partition type E09 2,142 m2
### 18,360.00
9260 12 Partition type E14 106 m2
### 908.57
9260 20 Partition type F07 1,044 m2
### 8,948.57
9260 21 Partition type F07 circular 31 m2
### 265.71
9260 30 Partition type G07 4,994 m2
### 42,805.71
9260 35 Partition type G09 166 m2
### 1,422.86
9260 40 Partition type J06 22 m2
### 188.57
9260 40 Partition type J06 475 m2
### 4,071.43
9260 100 Hotel offices partition 3,477 m2
### 29,802.86
9260 105 Banquet hall partition 984 m2
### 8,434.29
9260 110 Meeting area 941 m2
### 8,065.71

SUBTOTAL - 09260 - Drywall Systems 159,077

09310 - Ceramic Tiling

9310 300 Threshold at entry; to concrete base, ST-03M 258 #

M## 5,160.00
9310 305 Sloped curb to shower up stand; as detail, ST-04M 525 #
M## 10,500.00
9310 310 Floors; to concrete base, ST-?? Not defined 9 m2
### 231.43
9310 315 Floors; to concrete base, ST-05 333 m2
### 8,562.86
9310 320 Floors; to concrete base, ST-07 44 M3
### 1,131.43
9310 325 Floors; to concrete base, ST-12 43 m2
### 1,105.71
9310 330 Floors; to concrete base, ST-07/ST-13 10 m2
### 257.14
9310 335 Tile to wood transition strips 516 #
M## 2,303.57
9310 340 Floors; to concrete base, CT-01 2,920 m2
### 75,085.71
9310 345 Skirting; to plasterboard base, CT-02 1,335 #
M## 5,959.82
9310 350 Floors; to concrete base, CT-04 271 m2
### 6,968.57
9310 400 Ceramic floor tile, not typed 6,778 m2
### 174,291.43
9310 400 Wall tile, ST-02 679 m2
### 16,975.00
9310 405 Glass tile 131 m2
### 11,111.61
9310 405 Wall tile, ST-05 391 m2
### 9,775.00
9310 410 Wall tile, ST-07 41 m2
### 1,025.00
9310 415 Wall tile, ST-15 355 m2
### 8,875.00
9310 420 Wall tile, ST-16 105 m2
### 2,625.00
9310 425 Wall tile, ST-17 22 m2
### 550.00
9310 430 Wall tile, ST-20 83 m2
### 2,075.00
9310 435 Wall tile, ST-20, band 42 M### 1,050.00
9310 440 Wall tile, ST-33 81 m2
### 2,025.00
9310 445 Wall tile, ST-34 260 m2
### 6,500.00
9310 450 Wall stone tile, not typed 5,571 m2
### 385,990.71
9310 456 Wall tile, onyx 63 m2
### 1,575.00
9310 460 CT-03, on plasterboard 1,738 m2
### 43,450.00
9310 461 Mosaic accent wall tile CT-05 4 m2
### 194.29
9310 462 Ceramic wall tile, not typed 3,099 m2
### 77,475.00

SUBTOTAL - 09310 - Ceramic Tiling 857,669.29

09350 - Glass Mosaic Tile

9350 10 Wall tile GT-01 34 m2

### 1,092.86
9350 15 Wall tile GT-20 25 m2
### 803.57

SUBTOTAL - 09350 - Glass Mosaic Tile 1,896

09510 - Acoustical Ceilings

9510 10 Suspended acoustical tile ceiling, 300 suspension 7,275 m2

### 207,857.14
9510 15 Suspended acoustical tile ceiling, 1150 suspension 4,505 m2
### 128,714.29
9510 20 Coffer up stand detail 826 m2
### 23,600.00
9510 25 Drapery pocket up stand detail 599 m2
### 17,114.29

SUBTOTAL - 09510 - Acoustical Ceilings 377,286

09550 - Wood Flooring and Wood Base

9550 10 Sub-floors; fixing to concrete base 7,968 m2

### 256,114.29
9550 15 Floors; to timber sub-floor base, WD-01 7,630 m2
### 245,250.00
9550 20 Floors; to timber sub-floor base, WD-01 324 m2
### 10,414.29
9550 25 Floors; to timber sub-floor base, WD-01 12 m2
### 385.71
9550 30 Threshold strips at wood to wood locations, WD-01 156 m2
### 5,014.29
9550 700 Wood floor, not typed 1,243 m2
### 39,953.57
9550 701 Skirting to other areas outsides guestrooms 12,136 #
M## 130,028.57

SUBTOTAL - 09550 - Wood Flooring and Wood Base 687,161

09638 - Stone Flooring

9638 700 Stone floor tile 5,402 m2

### 173,635.71

SUBTOTAL - 09638 - Stone Flooring 173,636

09680 - Carpet

9680 10 Carpet & carpet pad 6,557 m2

### 163,925.00

SUBTOTAL - 09680 - Carpet 163,925

09760 - Fluid Applied Flooring

9760 10 Sealed concrete 3,646 m2

### 138,548.00

SUBTOTAL - 09760 - Fluid Applied Flooring 138,548

09800 - Special Interior Finishes

9800 450 Special finish to spiral stair wall SF-20, curved 150 m2
### 12,750.00

9800 455 Special finish, wall SF-20 1,344 m2

### 114,240.00
9800 460 Special finish, not described 1,945 m2
### 165,325.00

SUBTOTAL - 09800 - Special Interior Finishes 292,315

09900 - Painting

9900 5 Semi-matt stain, wood floors; Spec 09642/2.01A 7,968 m2

### 39,840.00
27 Paint ceilings and up stands; to mineral fiber base 13,205 m2
### 66,025.00

9900 70 Paint ceiling excluding guest rooms 23,281 m2

### 116,405.00

9900 71 Ceiling finishes trim excluding guest rooms 14,580 m2

### 72,900.00

9900 72 Painted ceiling PT-20 88 m2

### 440.00

9900 100 Paint columns 88 m2

### 440.00

9900 105 Paint screens PT24 32 m2

### 160.00

9900 110 Paint PT-01 to external concrete parapets and overhang/soffits 400 m2
### 2,000.00

9900 115 Paint walls 22,442 m2

### 112,210.00

9900 150 General surfaces of solid wood doors, stain/seal 1,641 m2

### 8,205.00

9900 155 General surfaces of glazed wood doors, stain/seal 2,626 m2

### 13,130.00

9900 160 Isolated general surfaces of wood door frames,

stain/seal 651 m2
### 3,255.00

9900 165 General surfaces of metal doors frames paint 867 m2

### 4,335.00

9900 200 Special finish to spiral stair soffit SF-20 150 m2

### 750.00
9900 220 Isolated general wood skirting surfaces, paint PT-02 950 m2
### 4,750.00

9900 250 Stain/seal, General surfaces of solid wood doors 465 m2

### 2,325.00

9900 255 Paint, General surfaces of metal doors 403 m2

### 2,015.00

9900 260 Paint, General surfaces of glazed metal doors 303 m2

### 1,515.00

9900 265 Paint, Isolated general surfaces of metal door frames 802 m2
### 4,010.00

9900 700 Concrete column painted - 4m high 825 EA

### 4,125.00

9900 705 Concrete parapet wall PT-1 fin 291 m2

### 1,455.00

9900 710 Concrete reveal PT-1 fin 79 m2

### 395.00

9900 715 Concrete finish on external wall 925 m2

### 4,625.00

SUBTOTAL - 09900 - Painting 465,310

09950 - Wall Coverings

9950 10 WC-01, on concrete base 3,586 m2

### 21,516.00

9950 15 WC-02, on plasterboard base 6,122 m2

### 36,732.00

9950 20 WC-03, on concrete base 1,430 m2

### 8,580.00

9950 21 WC-03, on plasterboard base 7,727 m2

### 46,362.00

9950 25 WC-04, on concrete base 108 m2

### 648.00

9950 27 WC-04, on plasterboard base 33 m2

### 198.00

9950 30 WC-06, on plasterboard base 10 m2

### 60.00

9950 35 WC-07, on plasterboard base 70 m2

### 420.00

9950 40 WC-08, on concrete base 107 m2

### 642.00

9950 42 WC-08, on plasterboard base 34 m2

### 204.00

9950 45 WC-09, on plasterboard base 64 m2

### 384.00
9950 50 WC-10, on plasterboard base 10 m2
### 60.00

9950 55 WC-13, on plasterboard base 203 m2

### 1,218.00

9950 60 WC-14, on plasterboard base 20 m2

### 120.00

9950 65 WC-15, on concrete base 1,077 m2

### 6,462.00

9950 67 WC-15, on plasterboard base 213 m2

### 1,278.00

9950 70 WC-16, on concrete base 68 m2

### 408.00

9950 75 WC-17, on plasterboard base 857 m2

### 5,142.00

9950 80 WC-18, on plasterboard base 37 m2

### 222.00

9950 85 WC-19, on concrete base 113 m2

### 678.00

9950 90 Wall covering WC-21, restrooms 436 m2

### 2,616.00

9950 95 Accent wall covering type WC-29 153 m2

### 918.00

9950 100 Wall covering type WC-50 32 m2

### 192.00

9950 105 WC-51, on plasterboard base 7 m2

### 42.00

9950 110 WC-52, on plasterboard base 7 m2

### 42.00

9950 115 Wall covering not typed 2,164 m2

### 12,984.00

SUBTOTAL - 09950 - Wall Coverings 148,128

09975 - Fabric Covered Panels

9975 10 Upholstered walls 262 m2
### 23,580.00

SUBTOTAL - 09975 - Fabric Covered Panels 23,580



10170 - Phenolic Resin Toilet Partitions

10170 10 Toilet partition 34 EA

### 9,714.29

10170 15 Toilet partition, ADA 19 EA

### 5,428.57

SUBTOTAL - 10170 - Phenolic Resin Toilet Partitions





(a) Preliminaries (Demolition
works,mobilisation,site office establishment,
1 site security) 3,000,000.00
(b) Proportion of costs for the relocation
of the racecourse. 400,000.00

2 Design & Engineering 3,050,000.00

3 Site Clearing & Grubbing 520,000.00

Foundations to include all excavation (Bulk
4 Excavation 100% Complete) 1,411,407.89

5 Superstructure/ Concrete Frame 4,532,727.90

6 External cladding and roof finishes 4,270,497.00

7 General Finishes 6,170,100.09

8 Services (M&E) and Lifts 7,635,144.71

9 External Works 1,570,000.00

10 FF&E Costs 7,250,360.00

Section/Reference Bill Description Quantity Unit Rate Rate

02220 - Excavation, Backfilling and Compacting

10 Remove unsuitable material to any depth and dispose off as directed 22,930 M3 $5.50 $126,115.00

15 Replace unsuitable material with good quality laterite material from approved borrow pit 9,300 M3 $10.00 $93,000.00

20 Excavate in solid rock and dispose away from site 5,733 M3 $15.00 $85,995.00

25 Provide place and compact to 95% stamdard proctor density per ASTM D-898 804 M3 $50.00 $40,200.00

26 Ditto Base course 804 M3 $13.00 $10,452.00

35 Provide and lay tensar 8x11 filter fabric 5,400 m2 $7.00 $37,800.00

40 150mm approved gravel finish well compacted subgrade 804 M3 $15.00 $12,060.00

45 Excavate trench for drain pipes commencing fom reduced level 1,735 M3 $7.00 $12,145.00

100 Excavation to reduce level 6,693 M3 $7.00 $46,851.00

105 Basement excavation commencing from reduce level 9,660 M3 $7.00 $67,620.00

100 Excavate foundation for access well 400 M3 $7.00 $2,800.00

115 Excavate trench for foundation starting from basement level 149 M3 $7.00 $1,043.00

116 Ditto starting from reduced level 1,116 M3 $7.00 $7,812.00

120 Excavate pit for column bases commencing from basement level 459 M3 $7.00 $3,213.00

121 Ditto commencing from reduced level 4,157 M3 $7.00 $29,099.00

125 Extra over excavation for Rock excavation 3,985 M3 $15.00 $59,775.00

130 Remove surplus excavated material away from site 4,076 M3 $5.50 $22,418.00

200 Backfill selected excavated material well remmed and consolidated around foundation 3,200 M3 $6.00 $19,200.00

205 150mm thick imported literate earth filling well rammed and consolidated to make up level 4,016 M3 $10.00 $40,160.00

300 Level and ram bottom of Excavation to receive concrete 6,024 m2 $4.00 $24,096.00

Excavation, Backfilling and Compacting $741,854.00

02720 - Storm Sewer Systems

10 305mm diameter pipe 145 M $26.00 $3,770.00

15 400mm diameter pipe 25 M $38.00 $950.00

20 460mm diameter pipe 165 M $45.00 $7,425.00

25 510mm diameter pipe 80 M $52.00 $4,160.00

30 530mm diameter pipe 225 M $55.00 $12,375.00

35 610mm diameter pipe 380 M $63.00 $23,940.00

40 915mm diameter pipe 45 M $80.00 $3,600.00

45 3 meter deep manhole with average diameter of 1.4m. Including 305mm 5 EA $14,000.00 $70,000.00
305mm cement stabilized sand

50 965 x 965mm overall size inlet type 'A' constructed to specification 2 EA $300.00 $600.00

51 ditto type 'B' ditto 8 EA $300.00 $2,400.00

Storm Sewer Systems $129,220.00



02220 - Concrete Formwork

3100 10 Sides of basement foundation 248 m2 $9.00 $2,232.00

3100 15 Ditto foundation 1,532 m2 $9.00 $13,788.00

3100 15 Sides of column bases 2,920 m2 $9.00 $26,280.00

3100 20 Sides Columns 3,297 m2 $9.00 $29,673.00

3100 25 Sides of basement wall 3,968 m2 $9.00 $35,712.00

3100 30 Sides of Retaining wall 1,700 m2 $9.00 $15,300.00

3100 35 Edge of Slab on grade 1,850 m2 $9.00 $16,650.00 139,635.00

3100 10 Soffit of suspended slab 40,493 m2 $11.00 $445,423.00

3100 15 Sides of wall 7,730 m2 $11.00 $85,030.00

3100 20 Sides of Columns 21,340 m2 $11.00 $234,740.00

3100 25 Sides and soffit of beams 33,596 m2 $11.00 $369,556.00

3100 30 Sofit of roof slab 4,982 m2 $11.00 $54,802.00

3100 35 Sides of parapet wall 560 m2 $11.00 $6,160.00

3100 40 Sides of roof fascia 490 m2 $11.00 $5,390.00

3100 45 Edges of slab maximum 200mm thick 2,040 M $3.00 $6,120.00

3100 Concrete Formwork

03200 - Concrete Reinforcement

3200 12 12mm diameter bars 345 TON $900.00 $310,500.00

3200 16 16mm diameter bars 37 TON $900.00 $33,300.00

3200 20 20mm diameter bars 53 TON $900.00 $47,700.00

3200 25 25mm diameter bars 79 TON $900.00 $71,100.00

3200 30 28mm diameter bars 107 TON $900.00 $96,300.00

3200 30 30mm diameter bars 140 TON $900.00 $126,000.00

3200 32 32mm diameter bars 186 TON $900.00 $167,400.00

3200 Concrete Reinforcement $852,300.00

03210 - Concrete Reinforcement - Superstructure

3210 12 12mm diameter bars. 923 TON $900.00 $830,700.00

3210 16 16mm diameter bars. 101 TON $900.00 $90,900.00

3210 20 20mm diameter bars. 143 TON $900.00 $128,700.00

3210 25 25mm diameter bars. 212 TON $900.00 $190,800.00

3210 30 28mm diameter bars. 286 TON $900.00 $257,400.00

3210 30 30mm diameter bars. 376 TON $900.00 $338,400.00

3210 32 32mm diameter bars. 498 TON $900.00 $448,200.00

SUBTOTAL - 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement - Superstructure 2,285,100

03300 - Cast in Place Concrete

Reinforced poured concrete (1:3:6 -40mm aggregate) poured against

3300 10 faces of excavation in:

3300 15 Foundation 118 M3 $126.00 $14,868.00

3300 20 Column bases 2,417 M3 $126.00 $304,542.00

3300 25 Beams 308 M3 $126.00 $38,808.00

3300 30 Retaining wall 358 M3 $126.00 $45,108.00

3300 35 Retaining walls foundation 668 M3 $126.00 $84,168.00

3300 40 Slab on grade 125mm thick 191 M3 $126.00 $24,066.00

3300 45 Slab on grade 150mm thick 1,712 M3 $126.00 $215,712.00

3300 50 Column 582 M3 $126.00 $73,332.00

3300 60 Basement wall 447 M3 $126.00 $56,322.00

3300 65 Walls 1,095 M3 $126.00 $137,970.00

SUBTOTAL - 03300 - Cast in Place Concrete $994,896.00

03310 - Cast in Place Concrete - Superstructure

3310 10 Beams 3,534 M3 $126.00 $445,284.00

3310 15 Suspended Slab 150mm thick 566 M3 $126.00 $71,271.90

3310 15 Suspended Slab average 250mm thick 810 M3 $126.00 $102,060.00

3310 20 Parapet wall 90 M3 $126.00 $11,340.00

3310 25 Wall 2,631 M3 $126.00 $331,506.00

3310 30 Columns 1,121 M3 $126.00 $141,246.00

3310 35 Roof Beams 30 M3 $126.00 $3,780.00

3310 40 Roof Slab 200mm thick 153 M3 $126.00 $19,227.60

3310 45 Roof facial 65 M3 $126.00 $8,190.00

3310 400 Basement partition walls 1,020 m2 $30.00 $30,600.00

3310 405 Toilet partition 62 m2 $30.00 $1,860.00

3310 410 walls in elevator pit area/pump 202 m2 $30.00 $6,060.00

3310 415 Partition type A 16,507 m2 $30.00 $495,210.00

3310 416 Partitition type A2 20 m2 $30.00 $600.00

3310 420 Stair flights, monumental 61 m2 $30.00 $1,830.00

3310 425 Stair landings, monumental 19 m2 $30.00 $570.00

3310 430 Back-of house stair flight 485 m2 $30.00 $14,550.00

3310 435 Back-of house stair landing 156 m2 $30.00 $4,680.00

SUBTOTAL - 03310 - Cast in Place Concrete - Superstructure $1,689,865.50

03310 - Concrete Finishes

3350 950 Wall preparation for wall covering installation 6,224 m2 $7.14 $44,457.14

SUBTOTAL - 03310 - Concrete Finishes $44,457.14



04220 - Concrete Unit Masonry

4220 10 Partition type C10 144 m2 $10.00 $1,440.00

4220 15 Partition type C15 535 m2 $10.00 $5,350.00

4220 20 Partition type C20 18 m2 $10.00 $180.00

4220 25 Partition type B15 99 m2 $10.00 $990.00

4220 30 Partition type D10 90 m2 $10.00 $900.00

4220 35 Partition type D15 476 m2 $10.00 $4,760.00

4220 40 Partition type D20 96 m2 $10.00 $960.00

4220 100 Partition wall laundry area 910 m2 $10.00 $9,100.00

4220 105 Partition service corridor 1,321 m2 $10.00 $13,210.00

4220 110 Parititon receiving/storage area 1,367 m2 $10.00 $13,670.00

4220 115 Walls restrooms/locker 1,508 m2 $10.00 $15,080.00

4220 120 Partition kitchen and dinning 1,402 m2 $10.00 $14,020.00

4220 125 Parititon banquet 1,043 m2 $10.00 $10,430.00

4220 130 Urinal wall 6 m2 $10.00 $60.00

4220 135 Shower stall 8 m2 $10.00 $80.00

4220 140 Spa area partition 579 m2 $10.00 $5,790.00

4220 145 Service area partition 889 m2 $10.00 $8,890.00

SUBTOTAL - 04220 - Concrete Unit Masonry $104,910.00

04270 - Glass Unit Masonry

4270 10 Glass partition 107 m2 $40.00 $4,280.00

SUBTOTAL - 04270 - Glass Unit Masonry $4,280.00

04420 - Cut Stone

4420 10 Balcony stone flooring w/fluid applied waterproofing 751 m2 $150.00 $112,650.00

4420 60 Stone wall cladding ST -1 fin 4,667 m2 $200.00 $933,400.00

4420 65 Interior stone clad wall 10 m2 $200.00 $2,000.00

4420 70 Stone wall cladding for waterfall 213 m2 $200.00 $42,600.00

SUBTOTAL - 04420 - Cut Stone $1,090,650.00



05520 - Stair Railings

5520 10 Railings on Monumental stair 79 M $180.00 $14,220.00

5520 15 Back-of house stair balustrade 315 M $180.00 $56,700.00

5520 20 Back-of house stair wall rail 203 M $180.00 $36,540.00

SUBTOTAL - 05520 - Stair Railings $107,460.00



06265 - Architectural Ornamentation

6265 10 Wood screen, building exterior 894 m2 $80.00 $71,520.00

SUBTOTAL - 06265 - Architectural Ornamentation $71,520.00

06420 - Wood Interior Panel work

6420 10 Paneling, WD-03, matt stain 186 m2 $22.00 $4,092.00

6420 15 Paneling, WD-20, matt stain 989 m2 $22.00 $21,758.00

6420 20 Paneling, WD-21, matt stain 99 m2 $22.00 $2,178.00

6420 25 Paneling, WD-22, matt stain 100 m2 $22.00 $2,200.00

6420 30 Paneling, WD-27, matt stain 69 m2 $22.00 $1,518.00

6420 35 Wood wall finish, not typed 4,182 m2 $22.00 $92,004.00

SUBTOTAL - 06420 - Wood Interior Panel work $123,750.00

06450 - Standing and Running Wood Trim

6450 10 Crown molding; to concrete base, include stain/seal 5,239 M $7.00 $36,673.00

6450 15 Isolated general wood molding surfaces, include stain/seal 1,705 m2 $15.00 $25,575.00

6450 50 Skirting; plugging; screwing to concrete base,WD-02 5,618 M $9.00 $50,562.00

6450 55 Skirting; to plasterboard base; plugging; screwing 2,500 M $9.00 $22,500.00

6450 60 Skirting; to plasterboard base; plugging; screwing curved 11 M $9.00 $99.00

SUBTOTAL - 06450 - Standing and Running Wood Trim $135,409.00



07150 - Dampproofing

7150 10 Water Resistive barrier to external CMU 2,000 m2 $9.00 $18,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 07150 - Dampproofing $18,000.00

07410 - Performed Roof and Wall Panels

7410 10 Metal soffit/fascia 112 m2 $78.00 $8,736.00

7410 15 Wall cladding ST-1 817 m2 $140.00 $114,380.00

7410 20 75mm thick ST-1 cap 17 m2 $130.00 $2,210.00

7410 25 Aluminum panel sys AL-1 fin 85 m2 $105.00 $8,925.00

7410 30 Metal wall panel system 49 m2 $140.00 $6,860.00

7410 32 Eyebrow roof 755 m2 $95.00 $71,725.00

7410 35 Canopy roof 332 m2 $85.00 $28,220.00

SUBTOTAL - 07410 - Performed Roof and Wall Panels $241,056.00

07500 - Membrane Roofing

7500 10 Tapered insulation 593 m2 $7.86 $4,659.29

7500 15 Flat roof w/sheet membrane 4,584 m2 $7.14 $32,742.86

7500 20 Roof drain 9 EA $950.00 $8,550.00

SUBTOTAL - 07500 - Membrane Roofing $45,952.14

07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal

7600 10 Aluminum roof edge, 300mm high 219 M $80.00 $17,520.00

7600 30 Parapet cap 672 M $80.00 $53,760.00

SUBTOTAL - 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal $71,280.00

07710 - Prefabricated Roof Specialties

7710 10 Roof hatch 2 EA $10,000.00 $20,000.00

07710 - Prefabricated Roof Specialties $20,000.00


08110 - Hollow metal steel doors with hollow metal steel frame and
lining sets

8110 10 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 44 EA $500.00 $22,000.00

8110 15 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 1HR FR 1 EA $714.29 $714.29

8110 20 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 90 min FR 25 EA $714.29 $17,857.14

8110 25 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2250 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $607.14 $607.14

8110 30 Single door sets; type FN as drawing AE-611;vision panels; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 27 EA $642.86 $17,357.14

8110 35 Double door sets; type FN2 as drawing AE-611;vision panels; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS $928.57 $2,785.71

8110 40 Double door sets; type FN2 as drawing AE-611;vision panels; to suit 1800x2100x 44 doors overall 12 PRS $928.57 $11,142.86

8110 45 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS $928.57 $1,857.14

8110 50 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 13 PRS $928.57 $12,071.43

08110 - Hollow metal partially glazed steel with hollow metal steel frame
and lining sets

8110 60 Single door sets; type FH as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 15 PRS $857.14 $12,857.14

8110 65 Double door sets; type FH2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS $857.14 $1,714.29

08210 - Extruded aluminum glazed doors with hollow metal steel frame
and lining sets

8120 10 Double door sets; type FG2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900x2100x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $1,000.00 $1,000.00

8120 15 Double door sets; type FG2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS $1,000.00 $3,000.00
8120 20 Double door sets; type FG2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1 HR FR 1 PRS $1,000.00 $1,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 08110 - Hollow metal steel door $105,964.29

08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with hollow metal steel frame
and lining sets

8211 10 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 EA $428.57 $1,714.29

8211 15 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 17 EA $428.57 $7,285.71

8211 20 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 384 EA $464.29 $178,285.71

8211 25 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 90min FR 1 EA $464.29 $464.29

8211 30 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $428.57 $428.57
8211 35 Single door sets; type SE as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA $571.43 $571.43

8211 40 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 2 EA $428.57 $857.14

8211 45 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 6 EA $678.57 $4,071.43

8211 50 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 5 PRS $857.14 $4,285.71

8211 55 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 7 PRS $928.57 $6,500.00

08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with solid wood frame and
lining sets

8211 60 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $250.00 $250.00

8211 65 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $357.14 $357.14

8211 70 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS $357.14 $1,071.43

08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld doors with solid wood frame
and lining sets

8211 75 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $714.29 $714.29

8211 80 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1500 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 PRS $1,142.86 $4,571.43

08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld doors with hollow metal steel
frame and lining sets

8211 85 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 EA $714.29 $2,857.14

8211 90 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1500 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $1,142.86 $1,142.86

08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld sliding frameless doors with
solid wood trim and lining

8211 100 Single door sets; type FPL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $321.43 $321.43
8211 105 Single door sets; type FPL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2600 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $428.57 $428.57
08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneld sliding doors with hollow
metal steel frame and lining sets $0.00
8211 110 Single door sets; type FPL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2600 x 44 doors overall 3 EA $428.57 $1,285.71
08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with extruded aluminum frame and lining sets $0.00
8211 115 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA $321.43 $321.43
08211 - Solid core plastic laminated faced doors with hollow metal steel
frame and lining sets $0.00
8211 120 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 45 EA $500.00 $22,500.00
8211 125 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall;1HR FR 1 EA $500.00 $500.00
8211 130 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 90 min FR 5 EA $500.00 $2,500.00
8211 135 Single door sets; type FN as drawing AE-611; vision panels; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 11 EA $607.14 $6,678.57
8211 140 Double door sets; type F2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 6 PRS $928.57 $5,571.43
08211 - Solid core plastic laminated faced doors with hollow metal steel
frame and lining sets $0.00
8211 145 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 EA $464.29 $928.57
08211 - Solid core wood veneered stile and rail doors with hollow metal
steel frame and lining sets $0.00
8211 150 Single door sets; type F as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA $464.29 $464.29
08211-Solid core wood veneered paneled stile and rail doors with
hollow metal steel frame and lining sets $0.00
8211 155 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $464.29 $464.29
8211 160 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA $464.29 $464.29
8211 165 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 EA $928.57 $1,857.14

08211 - Solid core wood veneered paneled stile and rail doors with solid
wood frame and lining sets

8211 170 Single door sets; type S3 as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR FR 1 EA $464.29 $464.29

8211 175 Double door sets; type SX2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2400 x 3750 x 44 doors overall 6 PRS $928.57 $5,571.43

8211 180 Double door sets; type S2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1600 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 PRS $928.57 $3,714.29

8211 185 Single door sets; type FP as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS $428.57 $857.14

8211 190 Single door sets; type FP as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS $428.57 $857.14

08211 - Solid core wood veneered stile and rail doors with solid wood frame and lining sets

8211 195 Double door sets; type ASX2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2400 x 3750 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $1,285.71 $1,285.71

08211 - Solid core wood veneered glazed doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8211 200 Single door sets; type FG as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $428.57 $428.57

8211 205 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 PRS $928.57 $2,785.71

8211 210 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $928.57 $928.57

8211 215 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 240 PRS $928.57 $222,857.14
8211 220 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1500 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 7 PRS $928.57 $6,500.00

8211 225 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 PRS $928.57 $1,857.14

08211 - Solid core wood veneered glazed doors with solid wood frame
and lining sets

8211 230 Single door sets; type FG as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 7 EA $464.29 $3,250.00

8211 235 Double door sets; type FGA2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 5 PRS $928.57 $4,642.86

08211 - Solid core wood veneered two pane glazed doors with solid
wood frame and lining sets $0.00

8211 240 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 247 EA $500.00 $123,500.00

8211 245 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 3 EA $500.00 $1,500.00

8211 250 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $500.00 $500.00

08211 - Solid core wood veneered two pane glazed doors with hollow
metal frame and lining sets

8211 255 Single door sets; type F2GL as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 4 EA $857.14 $3,428.57

08211 - Solid core wood veneered three pane glazed doors with hollow
metal frame and lining sets

8211 260 Single door sets; type F3G as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 2 EA $857.14 $1,714.29

8211 265 Single door sets; type F3G as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors overall; 1HR 1 EA $857.14 $857.14

08211 - Solid core wood veneered three pane glazed doors with solid
wood l frame and lining sets

8211 270 Single door sets; type F3G as drawing AE-611; to suit 800 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 EA $571.43 $571.43

8211 275 Double door sets; type F3G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1200 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 6 PRS $928.57 $5,571.43

08211 - Solid core wood veneered doors with glazed over panel and
sidelight; hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8211 280 Single door sets; type FA as drawing AE-611; to suit 900 x 2100 x 44 doors; 1400 x 2600 overall 2 EA $571.43 $1,142.86

SUBTOTAL - 08211 - Wood Doors 654,500.00

08331 - Overhead coiling doors; powder coated steel

8331 10 Coiling door; 2000 x 3000 4 EA $2,000.00 $8,000.00

8331 15 Coiling door; 4000 x 2000 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 08331 - Overhead Coiling Doors 11,000.00

08450 - Structural tempered fully glazed doors with hollow metal steel frame and lining sets

8450 10 Double door sets; type G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 1800 x 3000 doors overall 1 PRS $1,500.00 $1,500.00
08450 - Structural tempered fully glazed frameless doors

8450 15 Single door sets; type G as drawing AE-611; to suit 1000 x 2600 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $2,500.00 $2,500.00
8450 20 Double door sets; type G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2600 x 2000 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $2,000.00 $2,000.00
8450 25 Double door sets; type G2 as drawing AE-611; to suit 2600 x 2100 x 44 doors overall 1 PRS $2,000.00 $2,000.00

SUBTOTAL - 08450 - Sturctural Glass Doors 8,000

08520 - Aluminum Windows

8520 10 Window type, A1 - 3050 x 9850 15 EA $5,000.00 $75,000.00

8520 15 Window type, A1A - 3750 x 9850 10 EA $6,071.43 $60,714.29

8520 20 Window type, A2 - 3050 x 9850 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00

8520 25 Window type, A2A - 3750 x 9850 1 EA $6,071.43 $6,071.43

8520 30 Window type, A3 - 3050 x 45832 1 EA $23,571.43 $23,571.43

8520 35 Window type, A3A - 3750 x 45832 1 EA $28,571.43 $28,571.43
8520 40 Window type, A4 - 3050 x 39850 2 EA $20,000.00 $40,000.00
8520 45 Window type, A5 - 3050 x 5832 2 EA $2,928.57 $5,857.14
8520 50 Window type, A6A - 3750 x 65832 1 EA $40,557.14 $40,557.14
8520 55 Window type, A7A - 3750 x 36832 1 EA $2,285.71 $2,285.71
8520 60 Window type, A8A - 3750 x 4850 1 EA $2,142.86 $2,142.86
8520 65 Window type, A9 - 3080 x 35832 1 EA $18,214.29 $18,214.29
8520 70 Window type, A10 - 3050 x 4850 1 EA $2,428.57 $2,428.57

8520 75 Window type, 313 1 EA $49,000.00 $49,000.00

8520 80 Window type, 110A 1 EA $50,000.00 $50,000.00

8520 85 Window type, A11 - 3050 x 60832 2 EA $29,140.57 $58,281.14

8520 90 Window type, A11A - 3750 x 60832 1 EA $35,845.71 $35,845.71

8520 95 Window type, B2 - 3050 x 60832 4 EA $29,140.57 $116,562.29

8520 100 Window type, B2A - 3050 x 2050 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00

8520 105 Window type, B3 - 2800 x 3050 4 EA $1,357.14 $5,428.57

8520 110 Window type, B3A - 3050 x 3050 1 EA $1,464.29 $1,464.29

8520 115 Window type, C - 1750 x 1050 31 EA $289.29 $8,967.86

8520 120 Window type, D1 - 2800x600 18 EA $264.29 $4,757.14

8520 125 Window type, D1A - 3500 x 600 16 EA $332.14 $5,314.29

8520 130 Window type, D1B - 3050 x 600 8 EA $287.14 $2,297.14

8520 135 Window type, D2 - 2800 x 1150 5 EA $505.71 $2,528.57

8520 140 Window type, D2A - 3500 x 1150 8 EA $632.86 $5,062.86

8520 145 Window type, D2B - 3050 x 1150 2 EA $553.57 $1,107.14

8520 150 Window type, E1 - 1050 x 3500 7 EA $600.00 $4,200.00

8520 155 Window type, E3A - 3500 x 2400 1 EA $1,321.43 $1,321.43
8520 160 Window type, F2 - 7500 x 2050 2 EA $2,417.86 $4,835.71
8520 165 Window type, F3 - 7500 x 3050 1 EA $3,595.00 $3,595.00
8520 170 Window type, F3 - 3000 x 7000 2 EA $3,300.00 $6,600.00
8520 175 Window type, F3B - 3050 x 7500 1 EA $3,595.00 $3,595.00
8520 180 Window type, G - 5100 x 4284 4 EA $3,435.71 $13,742.86
8520 185 Window type, GB - 4000 x 4284 2 EA $2,714.29 $5,428.57
8520 190 Window type, GD - 5100 x 6217 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00
8520 195 Window type, GF - 5100 x 4309 1 EA $4,985.71 $4,985.71
8520 200 Window type, H - 4068 x 5400 5 EA $3,457.14 $17,285.71
8520 205 Window type, HA - 4068 x 6100 2 EA $3,928.57 $7,857.14
8520 210 Window type, HB - 5400 x 6142 1 EA $5,211.43 $5,211.43
8520 215 Window type, HC - 3693 x 5400 1 EA $3,133.57 $3,133.57
8520 220 Window type, J - 1950 x 3500 1 EA $1,072.14 $1,072.14
8520 225 Window type, K - 3900 x 5700 21 EA $3,214.29 $67,500.00
8520 230 Window type, KA - 3900x5700 w/1900x2700 opening 13 EA $3,571.43 $46,428.57
8520 235 Window type, KB - 1900 x 5700 4 EA $1,714.29 $6,857.14
8520 240 Window type, L - 4284 x 5700 6 EA $3,857.14 $23,142.86
8520 245 Window type, LA - 4284x5700 w/2000x2700 opening 1 EA $3,857.14 $3,857.14
8520 250 Window type, LB - 4284x5700 w/2000x2700 opening 1 EA $3,842.86 $3,842.86
8520 255 Window type, N - 4790 x 7000 2 EA $5,285.71 $10,571.43
$0.00 $0.00
8520 260 Window type, P - 1600 x 1600 4 EA $407.14 $1,628.57

8520 265 Window type, P1- louver - 1050 x 3500 24 EA $200.00 $4,800.00
8520 270 Window type, P2- louver - 2050 x 3500 51 EA $77.14 $3,934.29
8520 275 Window type, P3- louver - 1750 x 2050 12 EA $250.00 $3,000.00
8520 280 Window type, P4- louver - 700 x 25000 5 EA $928.57 $4,642.86
8520 285 Window type, P5- louver - 1900 x 1200 10 EA $121.43 $1,214.29
8520 290 Window type, P6- louver - 3300 x 3300 12 $350.00 $4,200.00
8520 295 Supply window 3 m2 $50.00 $150.00
8520 300 Louver 52 m2 $32.14 $1,671.43
SUBTOTAL - 08520 - Aluminum Windows 935,337

08814 - Mirrored Glass

8814 10 Mirrors 404 m2 $42.86 $17,314.29

SUBTOTAL - 08814 - Mirrored Glass

08920 - Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls

8920 10 Aluminum/Glass CW-1 499 m2 $400.00 $199,600.00

8920 15 Aluminum/Glass CW-3 1,560 m2 $400.00 $624,000.00

8920 20 Aluminum/Glass CW-4 409 m2 $400.00 $163,600.00
8920 25 Aluminum-1 Reveal band 30 m2 $400.00 $12,000.00
8920 30 Aluminum clad parapet wall 25 m2 $400.00 $10,000.00
8920 35 Aluminum-2 BAND 92 m2 $400.00 $36,800.00
8920 40 Aluminum wall panel system 13 m2 $400.00 $5,200.00
8920 45 Glass-3 band 551 m2 $400.00 $220,400.00
8920 50 Glass-2 band 62 m2 $400.00 $24,800.00
8920 55 Glass-4 band 221 m2 $400.00 $88,400.00
8920 60 Glass handrail - 1m high 46 M $170.00 $7,820.00
8920 65 Elevation guardrail system, 1m high 37 M $170.00 $6,290.00
8920 70 Glass guardrail system, 1m high 709 M $170.00 $120,530.00

SUBTOTAL - 08920 - Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls 1,519,440



09200 - Lath and Plaster

9200 10 Plaster on cmu walls, interior 2,227 m2 $5.71 $12,725.71

9200 15 Plaster on cmu walls, exterior 2,000 m2 $5.71 $11,428.57

SUBTOTAL - 09200 - Lath and Plaster 24,154

09260 - Drywall Systems

9260 10 Partition type E07 4,177 m2 $8.57 $35,802.86

9260 11 Partition type E09 2,142 m2 $8.57 $18,360.00
9260 12 Partition type E14 106 m2 $8.57 $908.57
9260 20 Partition type F07 1,044 m2 $8.57 $8,948.57
9260 21 Partition type F07 circular 31 m2 $8.57 $265.71
9260 30 Partition type G07 4,994 m2 $8.57 $42,805.71
9260 35 Partition type G09 166 m2 $8.57 $1,422.86
9260 40 Partition type J06 22 m2 $8.57 $188.57
9260 40 Partition type J06 475 m2 $8.57 $4,071.43
9260 100 Hotel offices partition 3,477 m2 $8.57 $29,802.86
9260 105 Banquet hall partition 984 m2 $8.57 $8,434.29
9260 110 Meeting area 941 m2 $8.57 $8,065.71

SUBTOTAL - 09260 - Drywall Systems 159,077

09310 - Ceramic Tiling

9310 300 Threshold at entry; to concrete base, ST-03M 258 M $20.00 $5,160.00
9310 305 Sloped curb to shower up stand; as detail, ST-04M 525 M $20.00 $10,500.00
9310 310 Floors; to concrete base, ST-?? Not defined 9 m2 $25.71 $231.43
9310 315 Floors; to concrete base, ST-05 333 m2 $25.71 $8,562.86
9310 320 Floors; to concrete base, ST-07 44 M3 $25.71 $1,131.43
9310 325 Floors; to concrete base, ST-12 43 m2 $25.71 $1,105.71
9310 330 Floors; to concrete base, ST-07/ST-13 10 m2 $25.71 $257.14
9310 335 Tile to wood transition strips 516 M $4.46 $2,303.57
9310 340 Floors; to concrete base, CT-01 2,920 m2 $25.71 $75,085.71
9310 345 Skirting; to plasterboard base, CT-02 1,335 M $4.46 $5,959.82
9310 350 Floors; to concrete base, CT-04 271 m2 $25.71 $6,968.57
9310 400 Ceramic floor tile, not typed 6,778 m2 $25.71 $174,291.43
9310 400 Wall tile, ST-02 679 m2 $25.00 $16,975.00
9310 405 Glass tile 131 m2 $84.82 $11,111.61
9310 405 Wall tile, ST-05 391 m2 $25.00 $9,775.00
9310 410 Wall tile, ST-07 41 m2 $25.00 $1,025.00
9310 415 Wall tile, ST-15 355 m2 $25.00 $8,875.00
9310 420 Wall tile, ST-16 105 m2 $25.00 $2,625.00
9310 425 Wall tile, ST-17 22 m2 $25.00 $550.00
9310 430 Wall tile, ST-20 83 m2 $25.00 $2,075.00
9310 435 Wall tile, ST-20, band 42 M $25.00 $1,050.00
9310 440 Wall tile, ST-33 81 m2 $25.00 $2,025.00
9310 445 Wall tile, ST-34 260 m2 $25.00 $6,500.00
9310 450 Wall stone tile, not typed 5,571 m2 $69.29 $385,990.71
9310 456 Wall tile, onyx 63 m2 $25.00 $1,575.00
9310 460 CT-03, on plasterboard 1,738 m2 $25.00 $43,450.00
9310 461 Mosaic accent wall tile CT-05 4 m2 $48.57 $194.29
9310 462 Ceramic wall tile, not typed 3,099 m2 $25.00 $77,475.00

SUBTOTAL - 09310 - Ceramic Tiling 857,669.29

09350 - Glass Mosaic Tile

9350 10 Wall tile GT-01 34 m2 $32.14 $1,092.86

9350 15 Wall tile GT-20 25 m2 $32.14 $803.57

SUBTOTAL - 09350 - Glass Mosaic Tile 1,896

09510 - Acoustical Ceilings

9510 10 Suspended acoustical tile ceiling, 300 suspension 7,275 m2 $28.57 $207,857.14
9510 15 Suspended acoustical tile ceiling, 1150 suspension 4,505 m2 $28.57 $128,714.29
9510 20 Coffer up stand detail 826 m2 $28.57 $23,600.00
9510 25 Drapery pocket up stand detail 599 m2 $28.57 $17,114.29

SUBTOTAL - 09510 - Acoustical Ceilings 377,286

09550 - Wood Flooring and Wood Base

9550 10 Sub-floors; fixing to concrete base 7,968 m2 $32.14 $256,114.29

9550 15 Floors; to timber sub-floor base, WD-01 7,630 m2 $32.14 $245,250.00
9550 20 Floors; to timber sub-floor base, WD-01 324 m2 $32.14 $10,414.29
9550 25 Floors; to timber sub-floor base, WD-01 12 m2 $32.14 $385.71
9550 30 Threshold strips at wood to wood locations, WD-01 156 m2 $32.14 $5,014.29
9550 700 Wood floor, not typed 1,243 m2 $32.14 $39,953.57
9550 701 Skirting to other areas outsides guestrooms 12,136 M $10.71 $130,028.57

SUBTOTAL - 09550 - Wood Flooring and Wood Base 687,161

09638 - Stone Flooring

9638 700 Stone floor tile 5,402 m2 $32.14 $173,635.71

SUBTOTAL - 09638 - Stone Flooring 173,636

09680 - Carpet

9680 10 Carpet & carpet pad 6,557 m2 $25.00 $163,925.00

SUBTOTAL - 09680 - Carpet 163,925

09760 - Fluid Applied Flooring

9760 10 Sealed concrete 3,646 m2 $38.00 $138,548.00

SUBTOTAL - 09760 - Fluid Applied Flooring 138,548

09800 - Special Interior Finishes

9800 450 Special finish to spiral stair wall SF-20, curved 150 m2 $85.00 $12,750.00

9800 455 Special finish, wall SF-20 1,344 m2 $85.00 $114,240.00

9800 460 Special finish, not described 1,945 m2 $85.00 $165,325.00

SUBTOTAL - 09800 - Special Interior Finishes 292,315

09900 - Painting

9900 5 Semi-matt stain, wood floors; Spec 09642/2.01A 7,968 m2 $5.00 $39,840.00
27 Paint ceilings and up stands; to mineral fiber base 13,205 m2 $5.00 $66,025.00

9900 70 Paint ceiling excluding guest rooms 23,281 m2 $5.00 $116,405.00

9900 71 Ceiling finishes trim excluding guest rooms 14,580 m2 $5.00 $72,900.00

9900 72 Painted ceiling PT-20 88 m2 $5.00 $440.00

9900 100 Paint columns 88 m2 $5.00 $440.00

9900 105 Paint screens PT24 32 m2 $5.00 $160.00

9900 110 Paint PT-01 to external concrete parapets and overhang/soffits 400 m2 $5.00 $2,000.00

9900 115 Paint walls 22,442 m2 $5.00 $112,210.00

9900 150 General surfaces of solid wood doors, stain/seal 1,641 m2 $5.00 $8,205.00

9900 155 General surfaces of glazed wood doors, stain/seal 2,626 m2 $5.00 $13,130.00

9900 160 Isolated general surfaces of wood door frames,

stain/seal 651 m2 $5.00 $3,255.00

9900 165 General surfaces of metal doors frames paint 867 m2 $5.00 $4,335.00

9900 200 Special finish to spiral stair soffit SF-20 150 m2 $5.00 $750.00
9900 220 Isolated general wood skirting surfaces, paint PT-02 950 m2 $5.00 $4,750.00

9900 250 Stain/seal, General surfaces of solid wood doors 465 m2 $5.00 $2,325.00

9900 255 Paint, General surfaces of metal doors 403 m2 $5.00 $2,015.00

9900 260 Paint, General surfaces of glazed metal doors 303 m2 $5.00 $1,515.00

9900 265 Paint, Isolated general surfaces of metal door frames 802 m2 $5.00 $4,010.00

9900 700 Concrete column painted - 4m high 825 EA $5.00 $4,125.00

9900 705 Concrete parapet wall PT-1 fin 291 m2 $5.00 $1,455.00

9900 710 Concrete reveal PT-1 fin 79 m2 $5.00 $395.00

9900 715 Concrete finish on external wall 925 m2 $5.00 $4,625.00

SUBTOTAL - 09900 - Painting 465,310

09950 - Wall Coverings

9950 10 WC-01, on concrete base 3,586 m2 $6.00 $21,516.00

9950 15 WC-02, on plasterboard base 6,122 m2 $6.00 $36,732.00

9950 20 WC-03, on concrete base 1,430 m2 $6.00 $8,580.00

9950 21 WC-03, on plasterboard base 7,727 m2 $6.00 $46,362.00

9950 25 WC-04, on concrete base 108 m2 $6.00 $648.00

9950 27 WC-04, on plasterboard base 33 m2 $6.00 $198.00

9950 30 WC-06, on plasterboard base 10 m2 $6.00 $60.00

9950 35 WC-07, on plasterboard base 70 m2 $6.00 $420.00

9950 40 WC-08, on concrete base 107 m2 $6.00 $642.00

9950 42 WC-08, on plasterboard base 34 m2 $6.00 $204.00

9950 45 WC-09, on plasterboard base 64 m2 $6.00 $384.00

9950 50 WC-10, on plasterboard base 10 m2 $6.00 $60.00

9950 55 WC-13, on plasterboard base 203 m2 $6.00 $1,218.00

9950 60 WC-14, on plasterboard base 20 m2 $6.00 $120.00

9950 65 WC-15, on concrete base 1,077 m2 $6.00 $6,462.00

9950 67 WC-15, on plasterboard base 213 m2 $6.00 $1,278.00

9950 70 WC-16, on concrete base 68 m2 $6.00 $408.00

9950 75 WC-17, on plasterboard base 857 m2 $6.00 $5,142.00

9950 80 WC-18, on plasterboard base 37 m2 $6.00 $222.00

9950 85 WC-19, on concrete base 113 m2 $6.00 $678.00

9950 90 Wall covering WC-21, restrooms 436 m2 $6.00 $2,616.00

9950 95 Accent wall covering type WC-29 153 m2 $6.00 $918.00

9950 100 Wall covering type WC-50 32 m2 $6.00 $192.00

9950 105 WC-51, on plasterboard base 7 m2 $6.00 $42.00

9950 110 WC-52, on plasterboard base 7 m2 $6.00 $42.00

9950 115 Wall covering not typed 2,164 m2 $6.00 $12,984.00

SUBTOTAL - 09950 - Wall Coverings 148,128

09975 - Fabric Covered Panels

9975 10 Upholstered walls 262 m2 $90.00 $23,580.00

SUBTOTAL - 09975 - Fabric Covered Panels 23,580



10170 - Phenolic Resin Toilet Partitions

10170 10 Toilet partition 34 EA $285.71 $9,714.29

10170 15 Toilet partition, ADA 19 EA $285.71 $5,428.57

SUBTOTAL - 10170 - Phenolic Resin Toilet Partitions



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