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Rubrics for Programming projects (75 points)

Q3. Calculate score for a 10-pin bowling game, which usually have 10 frames. The score is based on the number of pins
knocked down. You are to enter the number of pins knocked down for each throw for each frame, giving correct extra
points for strikes and spares.


Programming Project comprises of four components:

Components Points Due Date
A Program Analysis 10 14 September 2012
B Algorithm and Flowchart 15 21 September 2012
C Program Code 25 5 October 2012
D Project Presentation 25 12 October 2012

A - Program Analysis
Students are expected to analyze the programming problem and identify the requirements to solve the problem, in terms of input
data needed, the output with its format and layout.

B - Algorithm and Flowchart

Students are expected to present the solution of the given problem, using a flow chart to show the algorithm as clearly and detailed
as possible.

C - Program Code
Students are to submit the programming code for the project which has been coded to follow the five criteria of a good program.

D - Project Presentation
Students are to present their project in the Computer Lab and show a live demonstration of their program in front of the class
instructor(s) and peers. The presentation must first introduce the initial problem and its solution.
Rubrics for Programming project


Q3 Calculate score for a 10-pin bowling game, which usually have 10 frames. The score is based on the number of pins
knocked down. You are to enter the number of pins knocked down for each throw for each frame, giving correct extra
points for strikes and spares.

A. Program Analysis (10 points)

5 points 3 points 1 points Point earned

1. Input All input variables are correctly identified Only some input variables are identified Input variables not identified
and data types are correctly specified and /or but data types not specified correctly

2. Output All output variables are correctly identified Some output variables correctly identified and Output variables not correctly identified
and format of output clearly outlined /or format of output not clearly outlined and format of output not given


Rubrics for Programming project


B. Flowchart and algorithm (15 points)

5 points 3 points 1 points Points earned

All shapes used are correct and All shapes used are correct and linked All shapes used are incorrect and
1. Correct Use linked correctly correctly wrongly connected

The flowchart depicts the The flowchart explains the flow The flowchart does not explain the
2. Clarity program flow as one-to-one program flow at all

The algorithm is capable of The algorithm is capable of solving the The algorithm is incapable of solving
3. Algorithm solving the problem completely problem partially the problem at all


Rubrics for Programming project


C. Program Code (25 points)

5 points 3 points 1 point Points earned

1. Readability
Extensive documentation with Info about Some documentation No Info about programmer,
programmer, overall program function and interim Info about programmers, program function
comments to describe the steps in each function program function provided

The program is completely modular more than one The program is somewhat The whole program consists of the
2. Modularity two levels of function calls modular with several main module only.
function calls

The program uses structured programming The program uses The program is very inefficient and
3. Efficiency effectively and fits a reasonable length of code reasonable length of code lengthy.

The program fulfils the requirement of the The program adheres to The program does not solve the
4. Usability question and is correct part of the question and is original problem or is incorrect
partially correct

The program contain all the necessary measures The program contain The program contain measures that
5. Robustness that will cater any possibility of users’ erratic measures that will cater all will cater all users’ erratic
interaction users’ erratic interaction interaction


D. Project Presentation (25 points)


5 points 3 points 1 point Points earned

1. User Interface
Interface is neat and well organized Interface is reasonably neat Interface is untidy and not

Runs smoothly and without glitches Runs but with some glitches Still contain error or warning.
2. Run without error

Program is according to the original Program follows the original partially Program is completely incorrect.
3. Correct question and gives correct output or gives some incorrect output

Presents about the whole project in an Presents about the program only and Presentation is an unclear or not
4. Clear presentation organized manner in an unclear manner understandable.

The program shows its ability to handle The program shows limited ability to The program does not handle
5. Robustness any possibility of users’ erratic handle some of users’ erratic users’ erratic interaction
interaction interaction


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