Summary Rain

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Rain on the Roof


In this poem, the poet expresses his love for nature and praises the healing
power of rain, especially when heard from a cozy bed in a lovely cottage. The
poet is thrilled when he observes the starry sky being overcast with rain-
bearing clouds. But he does not like the darkness that spreads all around. It
appears to his imagination that the sky is turning melancholic and weeping
with sadness.

The poet feels immense pleasure to lie in his cottage-chamber bed with his
head pressed against a soft pillow and listen to the sound of the raindrops
falling on the roof overhead. Every drop of rain falling on the roof makes a
tinkling sound that produces a resounding echo in the poet’s heart.

These sounds arouse a thousand imaginations in the poet’s busy mind. The
pattering sound of the raindrops also revives a thousand memories of his
childhood. One of these memories is related to his dear mother who is not in
this world. The poet remembers how she used to gaze lovingly at her children
when she put them to sleep and wished them to have sweet dreams before
leaving them to meet again the next morning.

The poet, while listening to the repetitive rhythms of the raindrops falling on
the roof of his cottage, can feel the presence of his mother around him. He
visualizes her affectionate look bending over him. Thus, he presents rain as a
bridging force between his present and past.

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