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Abah, Shareen
Achas, Chloe
Del Rio, Aeriel
Manubag, Samantha


5 topics (in total)
 2 reasons (each topic)
 Type of research

1.) Topic:
Use of shortcuts and self-strategies in mathematical problem solving to improve mathematical
The Use of Shortcuts and Self-Strategies in Amplifying the Mathematical Thinking of ADZU STEM

 1. The STEM strand tackles many complex mathematical problems. As such, the use of
heuristics/shortcuts in problem solving can lessen the workload the brain experiences.
 2. The use of heuristics/shortcuts in problem solving makes use of a person's common sense.
This also improves a person's ability to make decisions.

Type of Research: Qualitative or Quantitative

2.) Topic:
“Determinants and Acceptability of Changing Study Habits”
The Determinants and Acceptability of Changing Study Habits of ADZU STEM Students during the COVID-19

 1. A person's study habits may vary from person to person. With the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic,
students must adapt to the situation in order to keep on learning. As such, our paper wants to identify the
several study habits people had during this period, what exactly pushed them to change, and how effective
it was.
 2. We would also like to know if students, even after the COVID-19 Pandemic, will continue to do said
study habits.
Type of Research: Qualitative

3.) Topic:
“Effects of Antibiotics on Bacterial Populations”

Title: The Effects of Antibiotics on Bacterial Populations: Yakult (Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota) and Yogurt
(Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus)
 1. To know whether or not an antibiotic is suitable for fighting the said bacteria.
 2. If suitable, to observe its effectiveness in killing off or stopping the production of bacteria.
Type of Research: Experimental
4.) Topic:
“Rice Water as a Root Enhancer”
Rice (Oryza sativa) Water as a Root Enhancer for Daikon (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) Plant

 1.  Rice is commonly found in Asian households. Water is also quite accessible for a majority of people.
So, by simply mixing the 2 ingredients together (rice and water), people can make an environmentally
friendly (and cheap) root enhancer for their plants. In this paper, we are to observe its effects on the
Daikon radish plant.
 2. Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) are chemicals present in the rice water. These
aforementioned chemicals are also the very essential nutrients needed in stimulating root growth. Making
it a good alternative for store bought root enhancers as these primarily contain chemicals that can damage
the environment. 

Type of Research: Experimental

5.) Topic:
“Advantages of STEM Students in engineering program”
The Advantages of ADZU STEM Students Planning to Take Engineering as Their College Program

 1. For aspiring engineers (and other courses, really), planning and having the sufficient knowledge and
skills to take on the job are necessary. So, it is important to know whether or not taking on the STEM
strand in Senior High School would be beneficial/advantageous when proceeding to the engineering
college program.
 2. If the STEM strand does indeed help with the engineering college program it would equip the student
with a variety of skills and knowledge necessary. This opportunity would possibly even test their
capabilities, allowing them to grow and improve. It might also make them question if this is truly suited for

Type of Research: Qualitative

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