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What happens if we don’t take nature for granted?


Anthropocene attempt to period of time influenced by human activity. (geologically) human

effect>nature affect they says.

-1800 ind revolution

1945 first atomic bomb

Climate change driven by human actions.

Biosphere also a matter of politics, why earth getting hotter, (industry, mass production, mass
consumption, companies, increasing populations. manufacturing, why not be politic? Why we not
thinking climate change about political.  government regulations, environmental regilotion it is
new, yes it is politics is I it government regulations. The way we leave. Poliitc choice government.

Individual choice: do we have chanse to choose.indisrtues can arrange like pet şişede mi cam da mı
yapçaklar tüketicinin seçeneği yok..markeeting ucuz olsun diye çevreye zararlı bişiler yapıyolar.

Cam plastic coca cola şirketi seçerken plastiği seçiyoç-cam mı plastic mi olmasına biz karar
vermiiyoruz. If government say no plassitc we have one choice glass.

Why singapure get plastic water from turkey, because It is cheap, it is about cost.

Climate change wild-fire humidity., more drier and spread. Land clearer polices, human polition.we
have les and less forest, construction, absence of regulation we close too much to forest disaestaer
also.indigonus forest management why sepicif forest still good. Land management practice.

Fosil fuleds can be conflict globally even not about that country.

All countries effect of climate change different times.

Falling behind from other countries, if accept that we are part of the environment and the risk.

“Can we save the planet?”

Enviromenatlis thinking like wester enviroantelims but not.

What can state do, regulation, politics.

What is the 'tragedy of the commons'? How might this tragedy be overcome, or resolved, according
to liberal institutionalists and realists?
The world common to us all, like forest, fruit trees, no one thing that tree plant or water, equal
access but not equal responsibilities for sustained.

Liberal institutionalist: work care about world agrremnt nation policy thye say this tragedy, paris
agreement why did.

Realists : I am gona do what useful for me. Self-interes world.

Increasing enviromentalisç, carbon footprinting, changing subjectives , form of conducts,

Summits end up retrenching dominant interest.

Change is too expensive.

Ortak varlıkların trajedisi veya ortak malların trajedisi, herkesin ortak bir kaynağı kullandığı bir
durumda, kendi çıkarları doğrultusunda bağımsız hareket eden bireysel kullanıcıların, toplu eylemleri
yoluyla, paylaşılan kaynağı tüketerek veya bozarak tüm kullanıcıların ortak yararına aykırı
davranmasıdır. “Paylaşılan bir kaynak varsa kaçınılmaz olarak imha olacaktır. Çünkü hiçbir bireyin
bunu kullanmamak veya kullanmaktan kaçınmak gibi bir motivasyonu
yoktur. Müştereklerin hepsinin sonu bir trajedidi

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