Zakir Nagar 18.

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R000 R 1000


3ale daed for_ Bs.15,909/-

St.amp du ty -
Cor porati on tax Rs.750/-
Tot al at amp Rs 1200/

This sale deed is executed at

day of
Now nelh1

1987, by Balley s/o

on this
ordh an; Nnthi /o
Budhu, Mrs. Ram Kali w/o Ramu, a Cand , Phogat singh &
Pren Chand lereE EYboesdskx xxDY
Lxobxsons of Ramu, re sidents of vil1 ge Sr al Julen,
New De1hi ,hereinafter alle d"The
Vendors" (which expression
shall me an and include their
beirs,successor s ,le gal
repre sentati ves , admini str
ator s ,execu tors ,non. nees and
Mr. Huzoor J
ah un w/o 3hri Asghar Khan r/o 8,
Jogab nl,
New Delhi ,hereinaf ter c
alled"The Vendee" (whlch
xpressi on
shall me un and inc ude her be irs , surcessors,legal
representatives , d minlstr ntors ,exoCu tors,nomines nnd ass igns).

00 M R200


Where as the vendors are the absolute owners and in
pos se ssion of agricultur al land me asur ing 1 bi gha, khasra

No 237 min, situated in village Jog ab ai ,Tehsil

Mehr amli,
New Delhi.

And where as the vendors have agreed to sell and the

vendee has agreed to purchase the said land for a sum of

Rs 15,000/-
Now this_sale deed witnesseth_as under;
Th at in consider ati on of the sun of
thous and only) which has alre ad y been
received by the vendors
from the vendee,the recei pt of which the vendors hereby admit
and acknowle dge, the vendor s doth
hereby sell,convey and
tr ansfer the said land to the vendee
,who shall hereafter be
the absolute owner of the same and
shall enjoy all rights of
owner ship pos
, session ,privilege s ,e asements and appurtenance s ,
whatsoever of the said land.
That the actual physical vacant possession of the said

land has been deli vered by the vendors to the vendee ,on the


Now the vendors h ave been left with no right,title,interest,

claim or concern of any nature with the said land and the

vendee has become the ab solute owner of the same.

That the vendors assure the vendee that the said land is

free from all kinds of encumbr ances such as sale ,gift ,mortgage,
dispute s,1itig ation , ac qu isiti on , attac hment in the decree of any

court,lien ,court injunction ,le ase ete .etc. and if it 1s ever

proved otherwi se , or if the whole or any porti on of the said
land is taken away or goes out from the possession of the

vendee on account of any le gal defect in the owner ship and

title of the vendors ,then the vendors will be l i able and

respon sible to make good the loss suffered by the vendee

That the vendors undert ake to have the said land mutated
in favaur of the vendee in revenue records and other concerned

authorities,other wise , the vendee can also get the said land
mut ated in her own nane in ravenue rec ords and other concerned

au thor ities on the basis of this s ale deed or its certified

true copy.

That the land revenue and other dues and demand

s pay able

in respect of the said land shall be paid by the

vendor -s
upto-date and there af ter the vendee will be
responsible for the
payment of the same.
That the land has not been notified under section

4 or 6 of the Land Acquisition Act,1894 ,either for the

of Delhi or for any other purpo ses and
planned development
belt outside the urbanised limits.
is situated in the green

This sale deed oes not contravene the provisions of Delhi

Land HeformsAc t ,1954.

That there is no poultry farm,w are hou se ,cattle

of grass on the said land.The sald land 1is

stock r ai sing
used only for agricultural
agricultur al land and is being


ail the expenses of this sale desd viz.stamp duty,

ate.h ave been borne and paid by the
registr ation ch arge s


In witne ss whereof , the vaadors have signed this sale deed

at New Delhi on the date first mentioned above in the presence

of the followi ng witne sse s;

Witnesses; Balley

Nathi Ram Nali

Ram Kali

Lal Chand
KkJectrdLLh vd_
Bhagat Singh

Prem Chand


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