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Grade Rubric for the Movie Critique

Deadline: December 23, 23:59pm

1. Review of the Topic: Involves a review of autism. The review may include a definition of
autism, the symptoms and developmental deficits identified in autism, causes of autism and
interventions to facilitate optimal development in autistic children (5 points).
2. Discussion: Involves a discussion of the content of the movie in relation to the literature on
autism (3 points).
3. Mechanics, Formatting, and References: (2 points). Correct spelling, punctuation, sentence
structure, word usage. Writing should be free or almost free of errors. Correct use of APA in
body of paper. In-text citations and reference list citations are complete and properly
formatted in APA style (Use Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(7th ed.). The report should conform to APA format and include all references. The paper is
expected to be between 4-5 pages (including the title and reference page). The report needs to
be typed double-spaced, on A4 paper with 2.5 cm. margins on all four sides, using a 12-point
font Times New Roman. written double spaced in Times New Roman, 12-point font size)

Total 10 points

Hints for your paper!

Your references must be journal articles or scientific books, but not any sources from the
internet or Wikipedia!
When you cite the reference for the first time in the text don’t use abbreviation!
Don’t put a reference in your reference list if you did not cite it in your text
If you cite a reference in the text, you must also list under reference section with full citation.

Editing your paper

Set proofing language as English, US
Do the spell and grammar check before the submission of your paper
Give space after punctuation marks
Formatting the page(s) of your paper
Have a cover page
Your paper must be written double spaced in Times New Roman, 12-point font size

There will be no makeup for missing paper assignment unless you have a legitimate excuse
with an official document.
Late submission will drop 10% of the grade for every day late (excluding weekends).

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