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Some people think that everybody should do something regularly in their life to help
other people, but is it necessary? There are arguments on both sides.

Firstly, you should help your family and friends from time to time. Also, they are
people who wants the best for you and you have to do the same for them because it
costs nothing.

In addition to this, it’s important to give something back to society as it always makes
us feel better about ourselves.

On the other hand, some people can’t help others because they already have enough
problems in their life and they haven’t nothing to give. However, this type of person is
the one who needs to be helped by others.

On balance, I would say that it’s essential to help other people when they need help
and we will feel better.
Hi Hannah!
Thanks for your last letter and I’m sorry that I haven’t written sooner but I’ve been
away on holiday. By the way, how are you these days?

Both jobs seem very interesting. It’s true that in the supermarket they pay you more
than the publishing company, but I think that work with a family member it could be
better. Also, your uncle can helps you if you have problems or if you don’t know how
to do something. Anyway it depends on whether you want to earn more or less money
this Summer.

The only other advice I can give is to do what you really like and if you think that the
supermarket could be boring I would choose the publishing company.

Well, got to finish now,

Give my regards to your family.


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