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Effect of Air Velocity in Relative Humidity


Air temperature and humidity are important property related to human, animals and plants
comfort and health. They are essential components of a comfortable environment. Other areas
of importance, include many electronic devices have humidity specifications, for example, 5%
to 95%. At the top end of the range, moisture may increase the conductivity of permeable
insulators to malfunction. Too low humidity may make materials brittle. Also in traditional
building designs typically had weak insulation, and it allowed air moisture to flow freely
between the interior and exterior. The energy-efficient, heavily-sealed architecture introduced
in the 20th century also sealed off the movement of moisture, and this has resulted in a
secondary problem of condensation forming in and around walls, which encourages the
development of mold and mildew. Therefore it is important to understand the relationship
between air temperature and its moisture holding capacity and thus its effect on relative


 To measure the relative humidity of the air at different conditions

 To study the effect of the air velocity on the relative humidity, humidity ratio and dew
point temperature

The amount of water vapour in the air can be specified in various ways. Probably the most
logical way is to specify directly the mass of water vapour present in a unit mass of dry air. This
is called absolute or specific humidity (also called humidity ratio) and is denoted by ω:

ω= (kg water vapour / kg dry air)

The specific humidity can also be expressed as:

m v P v V / R v T Pv / R v Pv
ω= = = =0.622
m a P a V / R a T Pa / R a Pa

Where Rv = 0.4615 kJ/kg.K and Ra = 0.287 kJ/kg.K. or

0.622∗P v
ω= (kg water vapour/kg dry air)

where P is the total pressure. The amount of moisture in the air has a definite effect on how
comfortable we feel in an environment. However, the comfort level depends more on the
amount of moisture the air holds (mv) relative to the maximum amount of moisture the air can
hold at the same temperature (mg). The ratio of these two quantities is called the relative
humidity φ.

m v P v V /R v T Pv
φ= = =
m g P g V /R v T P g

where Pg = Psat @ given T. The relative humidity φ ranges from 0 for dry air to 1 for saturated air. The
dew point temperature, Tdp is defined as the temperature at which vapour condenses when
cooled at constant pressure. In other words, Tdp is the saturation temperature of water
corresponding to the vapour pressure:

T dp=T sat @ P v

You have probably noticed that when you buy a cold canned drink on a hot and humid day, dew
forms on the can. The formation of the dew on the can indicates that the temperature of the
drink is below the dew-point temperature of the surrounding air.

This is a PLINT TE06 humidity measurement bench shown in the figure below. The equipment
has a fan inducing air in a duct. It is equipped with the following devices that can be used to
measure the humidity of the air:

 Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer

 Hair Hygrometer
 Whirling Hygrometer

Digital Temperature
Display Hair Hygrometer

Dry & Wet Bulb



Orifice Plate

Blower Fan

The wet and dry bulb hygrometer, is normally wall mounted where a measurement of relative
humidity is required. This instrument comprises two thermometers, one being fitted with a
wick wetted by a small reservoir of water. The amount of moisture present in the air affects the
amount of evaporation from the wick and therefore depresses the temperature of the wet bulb
( the lower the relative humidity the greater the depression). After a short settling period, the
wet and dry bulb temperatures are recorded and using the look-up chart included with the
instrument, the dry bulb temperature is compared with the wet bulb depression to obtain the
percentage RH.

The hair hygrometer utilizes actual human hair which is sensitive to moisture to indicate
relative humidity through a mechanical linkage which magnifies the dimensional change in the
hair. The instrument is normally wall mounted and is typically used to monitor environments
where a direct reading is required. Note that the manufacturer’s literature suggests monthly
regeneration of the hair to ensure accuracy of the hygrometer. This involves the hair absorbing
a high degree of moisture.


The whirling hygrometer or sling psychrometer as it is sometimes known is basically a portable

form of wet and dry bulb hygrometer. The unit measures percentage relative humidity by
comparing the ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ bulb temperatures using a sliding calculator on the instrument
case or with the aid of psychrometric tables. Evaporation on the wet bulb results in that
temperature being depressed in exactly the same way as the wet and dry hygrometer. The
difference between the units is that the whirling hygrometer is physically ‘whirled’ by the
operator to achieve a movement of the air.

An orifice plate air flow meter is incorporated as an added feature of the PUNT TE06 humidity
measurement bench. The orifice plate is calibrated against the maximum flow rate available
from the blower and an assumed value for the orifice coefficient. Using the cross-sectional area
of the duct (0.3m x 0.3m) the mean duct velocity is calculated and compared with the
recommendations of the instrument manufacturers for ‘best results’. An application of
Bernoulli’s equation between a point upstream of the orifice and the vena contracta gives:
CA 0 ( 2 gh) 2


C = 0.62 (from PLINT)

A0 = 6.4 x 10-3 m2

A1 = 7.8 x 10-3 m2

H = 14 mm water (= 11.8m air)


Q = 0.62 x 6.4 10-3 (2 x 9.81 x 11.8)1/2 / (1 – 0.673)1/2 = 105 l/s


1. Measure the atmospheric pressure using the barometer

2. Set the prescribed percentage of the intake valve position. Start with 20% until 100%
with increment of 20%
3. Switch on the fan and wait for around 5 minutes to reach the steady condition
4. Take readings of the relative humidity while conditions stabilise
5. Once conditions stabilise start to take readings. Record the dry bulb temperature, wet
bulb temperature and the average relative humidity
6. Use the measured dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and psychrometric
chart to find the values of relative humidity, humidity ratio and dew point temperature.
Use these reading to fill in the table 1.
7. Change the intake valve position and repeat steps 4 to 6 until reaching the 100% intake
valve position
TABLE 1: READING RECORD SHEET (From Psychrometric Chart)

Inlet Inclined
RH (%) RH (%) Average Humidity ratio Dew point
valve manomete Tdb Twb
Hygrometer Psychrometric RH (%) kg water vapour temperature
position r head (⁰C) (⁰C)
(× 0.1) chart (× 0.1) kg dry air (⁰C)
(%) (mm)
20 33 21.5 18 65 71 54.8 0.0128 16.4
40 34.5 21.5 18 65 71 55 0.0128 16.4
60 35.5 21.5 18 65 71 55.6 0.0128 16.4
80 36.5 21.5 18 66 71 56.1 0.0128 16.4
100 36.5 21.5 18 66.5 71 57.3 0.0128 16.4

TABLE 2: READING RECORD SHEET (From calculation)

Inlet Inclined
RH (%) RH (%) Average Humidity ratio Dew point
valve manomete Tdb Twb
Hygrometer Psychrometric RH (%) kg water vapour temperature
position r head (⁰C) (⁰C)
(× 0.1) chart (× 0.1) kg dry air (⁰C)
(%) (mm)
20 33 21.5 18 65 71 54.8 0.0115 16
40 34.5 21.5 18 65 71 55 0.0115 16
60 35.5 21.5 18 65 71 55.6 0.0115 16
80 36.5 21.5 18 66 71 56.1 0.0115 16
100 36.5 21.5 18 66.5 71 57.3 0.0115 16

 At 20% inlet valve position:

i. To find partial vapour pressure (Pv):


∴ P v =ф Pg

Since Pg = Psat @ 21.5⁰C, ∴ interpolation is needed:

From Steam Table:

20℃ = 2.3392 kPa

21.5℃ = x kPa

25℃ = 3.1698 kPa

20−21.5 2.3392−x
20−25 2.3392−3.1698

∴ P g=x =2.58838 kPa

Sub. Pg = 2.58838 kPa into 1st equation:

Pv = ( 0.71 )( 2.58838 ) =1.8377498 kPa

ii. To find Pa (P = 101.325 kPa):

Since P = Pa + Pv
∴ Pa = P - P v

Pa = 101.325 – 1.8377498 = 99.48725 kPa

iii. To find humidity ratio (ω):



kg of water vapour
∴ ω=0.0115
kg of dry air

iv. To find dew point temperature: T dp =T sat @ P v

Since Tdp = T@ 1.8377498, ∴ interpolation is needed.

From steam table:

15℃ = 1.7057 kPa

X ℃ = 1.8377498 kPa

20℃ = 2.3393 kPa

15−x 1.7057−1.8377498
15−20 1.7057−2.3392

∴ T dp=x =16 ° C

 Graph of air velocity by average RH:




Average RH (%)





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Inlet valve position (%)

 Graph of air velocity by humidity ratio:



humidity ratio (%)





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
inlet valve postion (%)
 Graph of air velocity by dew point temperature:


Dew Point Temperature



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
inlet valve position (%)


From the tabulation above, it shows that the experimental and theoretical value obtained has a
slight difference, which shows a 10% errors that occured between the humidity ratio value, and
2% errors occured between the dew point temperature value.

Although the difference between the mentioned value is minimal, there are also slight
problems detected, where the value of the dry bulb temperature (T db) and the wet bulb
temperature (Twb) remains constant throughout the experiment processes ( i.e. at 20%, 40%,
60%, 80% and 100% inlet valve positions). Therefore, since the value is constant throughout the
experiment, the humidity ratio value and dew point temperature value (experimental and
theoretical) are also the same at all positions.

From Psychrometric Chart:

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