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TUT-2 Project Life Cycle

Q1 What is Project life cycle ?

A. It is PMP
B. It is the path the project takes as the project moves through the various
stages of the project management from the initial project stages to the
completion of the project
C. It is a planning phase only

Q2: The life cycle of the project is ………..because it breaks the project into
smaller stages making it easer to plan tasks n

A. Not essential
B. Essential
C. None of them

Q3: The 5 phases in life cycle of the project management are?

A. Initiation Phase, Mongering and controlling

B. Planning phase, closing, and execution phase
C. All above

Q4: at this phase in the project . Her the project manager will decide if the
project is worth to do it or not

A. Initiation Phase
B. Planning Phase.
C. Closing

Q5: what is the WBS (work Breakdown Structure)?

A. It is not essential for any project

B. It subdivides the project into small pieces to be easily manageable.
C. It will not help for equation the project as fast.
Q6: At this phase the project manager will create the road map to the team
to follow these involve several different steps, the project manager will do
the following
A. Planning phase
B. Initiation Phase
C. Non above

Q7: To perform this kick of meeting the project manager will follow several
steps such as

A. Outline goals and deliverables

B. Assign tasks to the team members
C. All above
There will be several different Items in the kick off meeting Agenda such as :-
A. Opening the meeting
B. During the meeting and closing the meeting
C. All above
They are considered the Project execution phase steps?
A. Monitor execution of task assignments Deliverable, Project
B. Track project status at regular intervals and at project milestones
C. All above

Q10: at closing meeting part during the kick off meeting?

A. Hold a Q&A session to clarify any agenda items

B. Project manager can leave at middle of the meeting
C. None Above

Q11: During project execution, regularly monitor task assignments and

completion against the …………. Reflect these results in the project status.

A. planned schedules
B. planned scope
C. none above
Q12: The execution phase officially begins with the project kick off meeting
that was scheduling during ……………?

A. Initiation Phase
B. the planning phases
C. M&C Phase

Q13: Her the project manager control the project to ensure it is on the right
track to success

A. Monitoring and controlling (M&C)

B. Execution phase
C. Initiation phase

Q14: Project Closure ….?

A. When the customer accepts the project and get the money this means
we in the final phase project closure.
B. Come after initial phase
C. None a above

Q15: Project life cycle is ...?

A. It is the path the project takes as the project moves through the various
stages of the project management from the initial project stages to the
completion of the project
B. It has 3 phases only
C. The life cycle of the project is not essential for project closure.

Q16: ……….manages any scope changes that arise during the execution phase

A. Team Leaders
B. Stakeholders
C. Project managers
Q17: Project Manager Role are?

A. Leads by example, Has sound Judgement

B. Is a motivator and can delegate?
C. all above
There will be several different Items during the kick off meeting Agenda such
as: -
A. Project roadmap. outline team roles.
B. Discuss the action Items.
C. All above

Q19: During the execution phase the Manage deliverables cab=n be

represent as:-
A. Manage the creation of the deliverables according to the plan.
B. Modify plans based on changes in the final delivery schedules
C. all above
At the below figure Number 3 represent?
A. Execution
B. Initiation
C. Closing

Good Luck Dr_Tharwat

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