Project 5

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YOU can stop it

before it is too late

“Each year, an estimated 3.3 million children

witness their mothers or female caretakers being
abused”, and 47% of men who beat their wives
do so at least 3 times per year (Florida Mortality
Review Project). Family violence may cause long-
term physical and psychological damage, and
possibly death. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO STOP
FAMILY VIOLENCE. If you know someone is in
danger or you are suffering from family violence
yourself, act today! Tell your friend, tell the media,
report to police, or call us before it is too late.
We provide shelter and resources to help victims
away from danger and rebuild their lives. YOU can
stop the family violence simply just report it.

Abuse Hotline : 1-800-818-2211 (24 hours)

Family Violence
Audience Analysis
According to The United States Conference they can rely on. For people who are a
of Mayors, A Status Report on Hunger and victim’s neighbor, friend, or family also has
Homelessness in America’s Cities, 57% the obegation to take action by reporting
of homeless families identified domestic any spourse abuse that they suspect. They
violence as a primary cause of homeless- may not have ability to solve victim’s family
ness. In addition, black women experience problem but they certainly can save a life
intimate partner violence at a 35% higher just calling the 24 hours hotline before it is
rate than white women. Furthermore, family too late.
violence is a battle for a woman who is not a
The Pulbic Service Ad, “You can stop it”
legal resident, or whose immigration status
will be a poster distribuated to Social Se-
depends on her partner. The last group of
curity buildings, DMVs, hospitals, libraries,
victims usually is isolated by cultural dynam-
bus stops, train stations, buses, trains, and
ics which may prevent them from leaving
supermarkets. Its intended audience will be
their husband or partners to seek assistance
lower income communities and strategies
from the legal system. Evidences show that
for capturing the audience include the use of
many family violence victims did not know
rhetoric and image. The “negative” images
where to get help from Family Violence Or-
of the bruised victim’s face and a splatter of
blood indicate the possible harm from family
The government has the responsibility to violence that the audience needs to help to
advertise Family Violence Organization to prevent. The big “YOU” emphasize that any-
let family violence victims know they need one should take a action if they know there
to report family violence and there is a place is a family violence going on.

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