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Variant Ⅰ

Task 1
1A 2C 3B 4B 5A 6C
1 True 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 True 6 True
1E 2C 3B 4H 5G 6A

Variant Ⅱ

Task 1
1B 2A 3C 4C 5B 6A
1 False 2 True 3 True 4 True 5 False 6 False
1G 2E 3A 4C 5H 6B
Variant Ⅰ
Task1. Read the magazine article and choose the correct answer (A, B or C) 1. Sarah isn’t a fashion designer. T/F
The different faces of Andy Serkis 2. Martin’s clothes are for fashion and sport. T/F
3. Martin’s collection has got footwear. T/F
Andy Serkis is from England. He has lots of work in America and countries like France,
Y 4. Sarah has got clothes from other sports stars’ collections. T/F
but his home is in England.
He’s friendly and funny. He’s slim, and not very tall (1.73 m). His eyes are green and his 5. Her favourite bag isn’t black and white. T/F
hair is dark brown and grey. Andy is an amazing actor and can change his appearance.
6. David Beckham is a model at this show. T/F
In the film Lord of the Rings, Andy is a small, unhappy creature called Gollum. His hair is
long, brown and dirty, and his eyes are very big and bright blue.
In Rise of the Planet of the Apes, he plays Caesar. He has white skin, not pink like Andy’s,
dark brown and grey hair (all over his body!) and grey eyes. He’s very strong and is not very Task3. Match sentences 1-6 with notices A-H.
friendly to people.
In Einstein and Eddington, Andy is the German scientist Albert Einstein. His eyes, normally 1. You can’t eat here today. ____
green, are dark brown and his hair, usually short, is long and light brown. So Andy has lots of
experience of changing his appearance! 2. Children can watch this. _____
3. You can’t phone people in here. ____
1. Andy Serkis is 2. Andy’s eyes are 3. Gollum’s eyes are
4. Phone for information. ____
A English. A grey. A small.
B American. B dark brown. B blue. 5. People don’t eat meat here. ____
C French. C green. C brown. 6. You can’t wear some clothes to this.____
4. Caesar is 5. Caesar has the same colour 6. In Einstein and Eddington, Andy
A friendly A hair as Andy. A has green eyes
B strong. B skin as Andy. B can speak German
C funny. C eyes as Andy. C has long brown hair.

Task2. Read the article. Mark the statements true or false?

Sarah is interested in fashion and she’s got great style. She’s very tall
and slim and is a model.
Today she is at a fashion show in London. Her friend, Martin, is a fashion designer and this is
his first show. Martin’s collection has got dresses, trousers, skirts, jackets and sports clothes, too.
A lot of sports stars have got fashion collections, but Sarah has only got clothes from her friend’s
collection. They are her favourite things.
Her friend likes bright colours, so his collection is very colourful. Sarah’s sports bag is red,
orange and pink. It’s her favourite bag. David Beckham, a famous footballer, is one of the models
today for Martin’s collection.
Sarah’s favourite food is pizza, but this isn’t good for a model! She does exercise every day to
stay slim.
Variant Ⅱ
Task1. Read the magazine article and choose the correct answer (A, B or C)
1. Sarah is a fashion designer. T/F
2. Martin’s clothes are for fashion and sport. T/F
The different faces of Andy Serkis
3. Martin’s collection hasn’t got footwear. T/F
Andy Serkis is from England. He has lots of work in America and countries like France, 4. Sarah’s favourite clothes are from Martin’s collection. T/F
but his home is in England.
He’s friendly and funny. He’s slim, and not very tall (1.73 m). His eyes are green and his 5. Her favourite bag isn’t bright. T/F
hair is dark brown and grey. Andy is an amazing actor and can change his appearance. 6. Sarah is a model at this show . T/F
In the film Lord of the Rings, Andy is a small, unhappy creature called Gollum. His hair is
long, brown and dirty, and his eyes are very big and bright blue.
In Rise of the Planet of the Apes, he plays Caesar. He has white skin, not pink like Andy’s,
dark brown and grey hair (all over his body!) and grey eyes. He’s very strong and is not very Task3. Match sentences 1-6 with notices A-H.
friendly to people.
In Einstein and Eddington, Andy is the German scientist Albert Einstein. His eyes, normally 1. People don’t eat meat here. ____
green, are dark brown and his hair, usually short, is long and light brown. So Andy has lots of
2. You can’t eat here today. ____
experience of changing his appearance!
3. You can’t wear some clothes to this.____
1. Andy Serkis is 2. Andy’s eyes are 3. Gollum’s eyes are
4. Children can watch this. _____
A American. A green. A small.
5. Phone for information. ____
B English. B dark brown. B brown.
C French. C grey. C blue. 6. You can’t phone people in here. ____
4. Caesar is 5. Caesar has the same colour 6. In Einstein and Eddington, Andy
A friendly A eyes as Andy. A has long brown hair.
B funny. B hair as Andy. B can speak German
C strong. C skin as Andy. C has green eyes

Task2. Read the article. Mark the statements true or false?

Sarah is interested in fashion and she’s got great style. She’s very tall
and slim and is a model.
Today she is at a fashion show in London. Her friend, Martin, is a fashion designer and this is
his first show. Martin’s collection has got dresses, trousers, skirts, jackets and sports clothes, too.
A lot of sports stars have got fashion collections, but Sarah has only got clothes from her friend’s
collection. They are her favourite things.
Her friend likes bright colours, so his collection is very colourful. Sarah’s sports bag is red,
orange and pink. It’s her favourite bag. David Beckham, a famous footballer, is one of the models
today for Martin’s collection.
Sarah’s favourite food is pizza, but this isn’t good for a model! She does exercise every day to
stay slim.

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