Academia - Elep02 - Activity 4 PDF

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ACADEMTA, Motthew Louwil S- 02/04/2023 ELEP O2 ACTIVIW #4 Port A? Tesk for exactness and solve the cavation. AY Clay + yy OK + (x? Xdy =O SOLUTLON + C2xy sy dx t (x? -x1 dy =O 70 *LRYEY AK = - CK -KIBY, 2 “Mae ~ Ge -xddy — tN) A - 4 G=xy Ty 284, aN y Gx) oy S je 4 wy i ia ‘sI bicen Co) cae - Sets < oe XOeN) dx Wnty)” oe ocr xn “(oe Int) > (xed ral ei sel XO XY “KT KOR KOEN XD \ \ \ KO XK KT TO X intyhe2f% ~ f[ Fata Inly)=2 Je (tS * (ae Inlyp> (SE - 3 (2 A Letixci ot Ahen'dvat NATIONAL UNIVERSITY in(y)> Ww) - | In ly) # Wed - 3 in(4) + nC) Inlyl WX) = BNL HIN Cd) f= Ge) Intyy = Wn 014 Wn (X13 2022-20019 In Gy) =Wn (XC (x10 ) Academia, Matthew Louwil s. = Oke)? ACADEMTA , Matthew Louwil S- 02/04/2023 ELEP 02 21 vy(Luv?-3)dus (But v?-3u ¢v)dv =O SONTION: V (Luv? -3)dut (3u?-v?-3u adv) dv =O Madu + Ndu =o Ms vCLuv?-3) , Ne 3u2-y?-3atdy HY agit -3 couvt-3, Guts “OM aN + Trison exad Iv TV 7 CUV~3 = buv*-3-- Aererential aquntion U7 du- 3 dv + BU? y? du -3udv +d -D AvP UA) -3(vduaudsd 44 dE) =O Ave ur) -3dluvd & 2d(v7)" O fd > OF - BU +207 )20 veut - 3 +2V* = 3.) (cosx:cosy-cotx lax ~Sinx siny dy =O SOLUTLON: (cos x-Cos Y- Coke Vax ~ sink SINYdy =O Let A= Cosx Cos Y-COLK , Be ~sinxsiny Lek Clay) = $(-sinx sing dy Cay) = SINK COSY + ly) COSK COSY 4 W'CK) » COSKLOSY ~ COk h'(x) =cok x Wix\= “In sin x oC bau) _= Sin x COs - In Sink Sin x COSY ~\InSin x =C AV (9 8 = Dros? OV dr + FCS (Lr Sin +1)d6=0 SOLUTTON * Let» Ws SO - 2 Cos? B , N= rCOsBL Lr Sind HN) =2e*cosdBsinBs ros =r*sinG + vc0sh& aN Ye 7 sBrAvcos Osin® =CosO+2rsinB 2 # *Lesin® + sO 23M 38 (Mdr + (Nae =C (Gin® - Lreos? B ddr + §(oldd =G sin = r*cos*H =C] ACADEMIA Notthew Louwil S- 02/04/2023, ELEP O02 ACTIVITN #4 Pact B: Verikyifearh equation is linear then find the solution Make sure Fo rewrite equation in the form Si +yPl4) = Qexy- 1) O45 «By dx -xAy =O OY a Se [le Sy\k-vdy)-0] SE-B +o $+ 5 Sy _ AY 9 » Ay Bye yu LK) exo Be Yd o's Thisis linear DE in y where Penis “2 and Aare x4 tt « eS Rox T 2 wert Re ‘The Integrating Factor is B ree ac yiLe) = (day Cer ydx 4c \ | + ys) = (xt ets aK eC gs) ob ae Sax +e ast +e ZL) udrs (1-3) xdu =3u7e74 du SQWTTON: Wax ¥C\- BU) xAU = BU7e34 Gu vd + Urdu) KdK= Stem due Vdk + (CU BudKdK ~ BU7E%™ JdueO on (uax* Wie3u)« - 34% e34 Idu =O] Udy ‘ LO-3ur%~ But 024 Iau bau udu Ox | U3Bulx -bure?4 aw w 2 dx U-3u), Burtede | au ty 8 dx, (i 3u gate oa, - Sue" 20 ae (ha) = 5ue" ex Linear DE in x of the Foren du * MU) X= Alu) wheve? plud (5-3) & ald: 3ue3" =0 0 ACADEMIA Matthew Louwil S- 02/04)2023 ELE? OV ACTIVITY » 4 ford BAZ continuation * o's Tntegintion factor : The ce) Purvdu 2 he 2g 18 SH elma Ba oly 9-30 rte te e° 2. General Solution in Mhe Sor? X(E-F}= [Guact-Fdu + xlu- €) =(3 yer ve Aut C em > 3\wausc 23 +e 2c te" Swe) ee 3) i CSE K+ YCOEX SOLUTION* a ~Yook x =C5¢ = Ye WE YE Lineoe D-Einy * a ADEIY* Bay where! Pore “cote Ox rcxx Ife ace esirwornax sete re -Inlsinx) = LAG a . as Generel Solution yLL-e = [Oem (rl au +e Ga) . {escx Cosexdax de sg ~ (coc x Pax $C phy vveorn te ant (By =-Wtx 4 sinx yt Ok x (Sink) + C SINK ye SS (et) + CSinx ACADENIA ,Matinew Louwil S- 02/01/2023 ELEP 02 ACTINITY * 4 WA CLyy aX 4X" Yau - (aw lay=0 SO\UTLON Chay xt 4x4) a+ Ce) dy= 0 Ue OO eth (Leys? exo 2 ea (est der Orton “Cre ar Ley +X ay 4. Dey + tat) One") Ce) x 1x Ue we) a tee * oe lx X* UE) ay ee) te ae na a as te 4 +e ore wee ae mY Linear DE in y of treform: Ayldx +PEdY > Aer) Where: Pox) = 2x Ow x¥ Tre) Te > eS Peardx ee) cen se itty ie} 4 Wh cela em, omc) 2" Cs xt) Dee Uaey General Solution» Ylr-t)* (Gud (EF ax HC 4 : ay y aye” = (x? Utd HO mt he =i Ba (saa) ra We” i (ip i wee Xe tan" tC a Bae than’ ec] Rela: tantx FOV]

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