Ing To Ou! 'ail-WPS Office

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'ing to ou! 'aily !eco!'s of e(ents in the Police )lotte!,pa!ticula!ly in Page N!* ++-, Ent!y N!* ++.

/+ 0ate' +/
Octobe! +1-, Tie' -%++ PM2 the follo3ing 'atee4ist, (i5%On o! about %/6 in the afte!noon of
Octobe! /, +1-, this office !ecei(e' a !epo!t coing f!o aconce!ne' citi5en nae' 7en'ie )e!oy, of legal
age, single an' a !esi'ent of Pu!o8 /, )!gy* )agacay,Calbayog City, Saa!, info!ing that a hit an' !un
acci'ent t!anspi!e' along Magsaysay E4tension of )!gy* )agacay, Calbayog City, Saa!* 9pon !eceipt of the
sai' !epo!t, PNP pe!sonnel of this officecopose' of SPO1 Ma* The!esa Lipo!a'o Canican, PO/ :len Iosa
Panis Coilang an' PO/ ;ec8Calagos Rebucas, ie'iately p!ocee'e' to the gi(en place of acci'ent to (e!ify
the (e!acity of the sai'!epo!t* 9pon a!!i(al the!eat, !espon'ing policeen sa3 one feale lying on the g!
oun' an' oneoto!cycle 3ith Plate No* HL"1-//* The 3itness, 8en'ie )e!oy, info!e' the !espon'ing
policeen thatthe sai' oto!cycle 3as hit by one #hite Mitsubishi 0elica 3ith Plate No* )E0".1* T!affic
in(estigation3as con'ucte' by the un'e!signe' in(estigato! an' 'isclose' that on o! about %/+ in the afte!
noon of Octobe! /, +1-, 3hile a blac8 oto!cycle 3ith Plate No* HL"1-// '!i(en by Sheen Ann Mo!allo
Calagos,1< y!s* Ol', single, a c!iinology stu'ent of N3SS9 an' a !esi'ent of Pu!o8 , )!gy* Cauto', Sta*Ma!
ga!ita, Saa! 3ith Stu'ent 0!i(e!=s License No* H+>1-S++?.+ is !unning south 'i!ection boun' toSta* Ma!
ga!ita, Saa! coing f!o Calbayog City P!ope!* 9pon !eaching Magssaysay E4tension of )!gy*)agacay,
Calbayog City pa!ticula!ly at the ongoing const!uction site of the !oa' of sai' ba!angay, 3asacci'entally hit
by #hite Mitsubishi 0elica 3ith Plate No* )E0".1, !unning fast to3a!'s sae 'i!ectionalso* As a
conse@uence of its ipact, the oto!cycle an' its '!i(e! 3as th!o3n on the left si'e of the !oa'causing the '!
i(e! to sustain an inu!y in the hea' 3hich lea' to he! 'eath*Ie'iately the!eafte!, eleents of this station
3as in hot pu!suit fo! the '!i(e! of the (ehicle!esponsible fo! the sai' hit an' !un*ENTERE0 )$%BS:0
PO/ :len Iosa Panis CoilangTHIS POLICE )LOTTER EDTRACT is issue' this .


'ay of Octobe! +1-, at Calbayog City,Saa!, Philippines, upon !e@uest of the inte!este' pa!ty fo!
3hate(e! legal pu!poses this ay se!(e hi*SPO/ Ma* The!esa Lipo!a'o CanicanPolice Senio! Office!

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