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ACADEMIA, Nokthew Louwil S- REP OD Ackwity Ss T Solve each problem with compere soludion- ONO 03/10/2023 ARockena grow Inanutrient sowtion ak a rare proportional To the g YT: Inittaally here are 250 strands of te bacteric, in he SOIUTION WINN Grows to BOO STANAS after SeVEN NOUrS,Fird AVON CXPESSION For The QOPOXIMate Humber of Strands in the: culture OF any Aimee and b) Ahe rime weeded for the bocketia XO Grow FO \LOO Strands - cn: N= Noe! SOLWTION: 200: 159ef \ Bre tor Ww G1) © e+ ONGC “ BY \UOD« 250° WeHent GoW = CoWurene A \ one Ne DIA Mold grows at a rare Proportional tots Present Size -{nitiolly Anere \o LOZ Of Wis Mold , aNd two days later thereis 30z- Find oY How Mudy Mold WAS Present after One day andb) Now muon Mola will be Present Iw ten days: GIVEN: LOL, 9Or SOLUTION: oe. oe, ne ae Xe Se kat cn “ee Celn 2 fat = Khar p mee We eC nls Wor Wes wer XC pee In P- \nes* FC en g Ps TeK* Ce woe 4D P23 x20, PEL 3+ 2e™ TNC) TNS LSS a 022-200119 Academia, Matthew Louwil S. ACNDENIA , Matthew Louwil S: 03/10/2023 ELEP+ 02 Activity 0S Ale O)t=\ 7 pe 2(2) ° [P27 ws ez bIt=10 s v-2.(5) > Pais Teed BIA MOlA Qrows at a rare Proportional +0 14S present sire lf the ONgNA\ AMoUINt Aoubles in ONE JAY, WHAT Proportion ofthe Orig al arMoANy Will be Present In fIwe days ? Hee es ANZ Initia AMUN by N, Wis nor neessary to Know lo exp\icity- SOUTION: any wer. Se NO > NEN) Ce XO + NCK)~ No + No? ceX C0 > NUK) = Noe (i) vowe fet K + N= LNo When _X2 Lday -» 2No = Noe* ,27¢% NW\-Nol? = BING 4 WIA Werasr Grows OF A Tare Proportional to ITS Present Size - TF the OFIGINAL AMOUNY doubles in tWO hows, in how Hany Hours WNW Avipiet SOLUTION: rare of growth + SE © Bop + BP uy 9 (Gf fat log P2 KR AC * Pa et* ¥C = ef eKt = CreKe Bt+0, PP ™ Por Cre*™ - C= Po @tr1,PeDPo-w 2Po = Poe em = Ladin > Ke O-34bu 3Po* Poe Mw = Za clones) ORR SYA CEMLAIN FADO ACAWE Marteriarl \s KNOWN to decay at arate Rropor onal yo the amounr presen -\f \nitially there are loo Wnilhararns of the Morerial PFESAA Ond fF aFrer two Years 1x \e Oloserved than 5 percent of The Original Pnoeeal es ACADEMIA , Makhew Lowwil S- 03/7 10/2023 Eier O1 Activity oS Se 1 Rnd G) ONexpression for the mass at any time t ANd b\Ahe WHE NESSary, For \O percen’ of the origina! Mass TO howe decayed GIVEN: (OOM. 5‘) SOLUTION! On oe Megegy | HP 2 Ne oS + 95-\00e"% Oda KN ae em, 10 ay ay (ws) WWW\s “KR * WW C0) ~" 05 NYAS IW) 5 yey eM eM [yy (MOP) 29, wl) e-vea Bee fred yn) -0.05 Wears cet co *=0, N=\00 by NUD > Woe + a6, (Oo- cu) + C= \00 \oo \ wo WlA= \ooe** oon “inl SS) 7 'g™ (5) GA deposrtor Places $10,000 Ina certificate of deposit whidh Ys Lpercend Interest per annum, Compounded conlironly.. ow mud will be in awLount ort the end of Seven years, ASSUMING NO ADAMNOrEr’\ ACPOSITS OF withdraws 1 GUEN: $10,000, &'| Interest =O-0U .t* years SOLUTLON* wn 2Po \V ec) , ne Al = dopo L\s 0-06)" pete (v5) + 10.000 U1: 06)" P> Po (Ve yom P= $415 046 -30) VIA deposi Sor CurrENrly Was $4O00 and plans to Invest It nan CLOUD Thor acorves Interest Conti Novs\y WA Inreres+ Fare Must the ban Pay if the depositor needs Tohoave $10.0 in four years? GIVEN. $6,000 , $10,000 , Yuears SOLVITON: Future Yaue = Presenk vartue (\ +0” 10,000 = (O00 (4s 1)>% ACATENTA , Madyhew Lovwl\ 5. 03/10/2025 BER OT Aetwity LO0O0_ | Giana: COdO L4UG = Cyr) WiC = YOR ABGIOSAD > Ure) \\3W\O59 -1= Fr R- O- 131059 =(23- Gi BIA DOdY ONO temMpererrtuve OF OF io placed in POON Whose kmp- etartote is Kept ar \00°F- \F after \O minutes the tempertve OF The body is 2S°F Find a-) the time reauived For the body to read a temperature of 50°F , and.b:) the temperature of the ody AFrer LO MinVrCs GIVEN: O'R-To , (\Oo's -T . 1S°F -aT SOUUTEOW: OT) \OO- \OOe'SE3t 50* TOO~ LO ners “50 -\00« igs \ In Corrs \n (0°95) \o \ eee + WE) IS +8 tim mG b) TU = (Oo- loo e Mgrs ee T = \oo- Woe orm [V> Wd: tS°F MANOA ple WAS Cooked at A Comstan\ temperature OF 35°F As Taken ditecrly from ON OVEN and Placed Outdoors th te shade TO Col ON A day when the aif Temperature In the Shows \o B5°F - Atker S minutes in the snade, She tempertur, OF Ne ple Wad loeen reduced to LSO°F- Determine or) the temp: erarure OF the Ple Alter LOMInutes and 1o-) the time reyied for sre ple TO readn L75° F- GIVEN: BSE , VSPR |S mMinvtes , L50°F SOLUTION: SS uk = tn SEF lets O57 To Co 4 05 £70 Y>325°F DLS- 85 -Ue* - C220 ~ T= UO 1085 ACADEMTA , Matthew Louw) S 02/10/2015 ELer 02 Actwity 8S 42S T= 150°F 150 + 2W0 oF ¥Q5 we = O-6835 ol Temp atter 1O mins Ts WO|e #59 45 = 24D (O-GOISY $O5 = 158-U°F b\ Time Fo teach 235°F qs? er 2 175 2140™ 4 3S s Ge™)* = O- BNO + (0° LB45)* = O30 JOA ody 15 AvOppEA From a Neight of 30044 with an initial Velocity of Bott see - Assuming NO Ait esis tance finda) am expression for Xhe veloci tyof the body at any timet nd 0) The rivme reagdited TO the body +d hi + the gro. GIvew: BOO FA =heigrr , initia velocity = SOF / sec SOLUTION: a) Ve Os 9% b) n= Ut 40°SgA* Boor Bot 4:05 (32-497 t? WA body wenn WOW is topped LOGOFA Above ground with No initiad velocity -As it falls, the toody encounters or Force Aue 0 air yesistane propor tonal to \Fs velocity: \f the lim: Wrieg, velousy of kMnis pee) is BLOF Isec, Find a) anerpresin for the Velocity of the body at Cany tyme Lt) And b) an expression toc The posi tion of the ody ot any time ()- GIVEN: \UO\vs, 1000 F, 320F 4 /see SOLUTION * a) W= Wg * (UO os Y/ av | st Rema mila) Re 2 S Gaees)* (net + [aplabogil «get =i : Ww eNO ir a AY jig ky | A ALY Ott +e sku 7 a Teter tnbong Mev) | 5 ACADEMIA, Mathew LOU) 9° 03/10/2023 eugp OD Activity 8S heer NE> ng Cire Ht] Wy. St og Lee“) + Sox 2 [me Cre] at okt ent sng [ka 8 t XU > aq {x i L\ DA sank italy Nolas \ogal oF freshwater. at A=0 brine SO\UKON COMraining Hib of SALT Per gallon is paved into the Jank AL arate of Tgal/min , While the Well—stivved mix swe leaves the tank at same time: Find a) the awouht And b) Me concentration of Salk In the tank at any tire + GEN: 10 bay , Ulos oF sa\t, Lgal/min SOLUTION: a) aw Mw \Wl4o-2m) == . xt ay 7 AND) -2 (8 Bt ln Co) HO IME avy 5 Mdm 402M Uo eb w= HOrete? i ee) yee | eee dn, at = Wore oes Ho-a © “10 2 No wT Ove At cl S- Woe F -v ._C-Yoere [aortas {oO 7 Zlncto-tan| twa2PE & Ws “o \n Co) Po. 1 10) DIA tank contains UWL of Solution conraining ‘Lg of susblane fer Vier Sala worter containing 3g of this substance per liter Tums in at therate of YLImin and the well-stirred mixture runs oulat We Same Rake. Find kre amount of substonce in the tank after Gynins. ACADEMIA, Martine Louwil S: BuER 02 GEN: WOL 2g 39. WJ min SOLUTE ON (Woy 2) = 80 9 No>4O, a= BO (b*% FRY ae tha 212 ALr)= (L04 CEM" | V=O WIFI the OF thogoral trajectories oF the family of Curves xty* «ct. DUNIOW: KY Ut = Ct =~ Tx- Dy abet (dy /dy) = X/y + wax Jy *xly Og \A\ * log \yl = Log le”) ~ Lande) +6y/g)= O° > “prey Find Ane Orthogonal tfajectories oF the family of curves xtty">ey SOUSTON Yh ayhe Cy ay aeriy 3 = ae ays <3 = 72x (aya 9 = 2x dy te EE me “Yare o>” Oy 2 x y> eat Y = -— 2% a “Syte = Fly) oy ol Oy {byt xt ok FY) dy dey zz & LE 04/10/2025 Acwwity ws Q= =O ,80=1204Ce" “Me c+-4o GW 1+ (2O- UOe M9 QUS)= Obs 120-4Oe «4° oS veh yeux ay ly Av Sox gw OV gy 2 BEV? =X? x ax *Y 2% Uvx) 2 u2 yt -x™ Ls _ he Ov) UV ~ wea) =| \ 2 INO ®@ oa, + EL aw VV N ei Tey Py th Yo \1= Ww lel + Cy AQADENTA, Matthew Louwil Ss: 03/41072023 Eee Or AaWwity #5 Wry -Vb = (vn ad ta N20? -11e4 Cinta £0) wy Wut “Vd = Ul Xb FHC Qu7-1 ee Ullal $4! Qvt -12 Cx we Ete ac rr ayr Sree 4 Ly ~¥* Cod +1 yr > x2 Cex] 2 he z \WFind the or thegoral Aajectories OF the family of curves y*+Hex SOLUTION : yr ACK ODE Cores oe _ 4c a For Cees trajectory ! Oy Lay ma MF Jyoqrdasar ody eaten 7 wy st ah 1x

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