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ENPHYS30 Seatwork no.

1 (F)
General Directions: Read each question and directions carefully and write your answers
and solutions in a clean sheet of Paper. Show STEP BY STEP solution
and box your final answer. Please follow instructions as stated in your
first activity.

1. A spring in vertical position is bolted into a fixed beam. When the spring is
loaded with a 120 g object causing the spring to be displaced from its
equilibrium position to 10 cm. The load was then replaced with a 150 g object
then compressed upwards. Neglecting air resistance and damping, the object-
spring assembly was subjected to oscillating motion. Calculate the following for
an amplitude of 35 cm.

a. The angular frequency in rad/s.

b. The Period and Frequency in seconds and hertz, respectively.
c. The Maximum Velocity in m/s
d. The Maximum Acceleration in m/s2
e. The restoring force of the spring in N.

2. A 500 g block connected to a spring which the force constant is 5 N/m is free to
oscillate on a frictionless, horizontal surface. The block is displaced 6 cm from
equilibrium and released from rest. Calculate the following:

a. Period of the motion in seconds

b. Maximum speed in m/s.
c. Maximum acceleration in m/s2
d. Express the position, velocity, and acceleration as functions of time.

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