EECKT230 - Quiz 2 1

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GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Copy and answer the following questions with complete solutions. Final answers must be rounded
up to three decimal places and must be enclosed in a quadrilateral. Incomplete and unorganized work will not be accepted.
Do not attach this questionnaire.

I. Consider the sinusoidal voltage: v(t) = 120cos (250πt – 35°).

1. What is the maximum amplitude of the voltage? (1 pt.)
2. What is the frequency in hertz? (1 pt.)
3. What is the frequency in radians per second? (1 pt.)
4. What is the phase angle in radians? (1 pt.)
5. What is the phase angle in degrees? (1 pt.)
6. What is the period in milliseconds? (1 pt.)
7. What is the first time after t = 0 that v(t) = 80 V? (3 pts.)

II. For the given circuit:

8. Find the total impedance ZT in polar form. (3 pts.)
9. Find the current I and the voltages VR, VL, and VC in phasor form. (5 pts.)
10. Find the power factor of the circuit, and indicate whether it is leading or lagging. (3 pts.)

11. For the given network diagram find the complex power and power factor supplied by the source. (10 pts.)
12. For the given network diagram find the value of Vo in the circuit using any method using any method. (10 pts.)

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