Contemporary World

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How did the experiences of Latin American countries contribute to the new conception of global


Recent changes in Latin America's politics and economics have been observed. Since the early
1980s, eight Latin American nations have seen a marked shift in political authority from military to
civilian government. As a result, democracy is gradually taking root as a political system throughout
Latin America. In terms of economics, they are confronted with issues such as accumulated external
debts, slowed exports, and the expansion of financial deficits as a result of a changing international
economic environment, among other factors, forcing those countries to carry out structural reforms of
their domestic economic systems. In terms of international relations, Latin American nations appear to
be embracing a multifaceted approach to diplomacy, breaking from their traditional attitude of
prioritizing relations with the United States. Possible explanations for this phenomenon include, in the
economic field, a reduction in US foreign economic aid and a slump in their trade with the US, and in the
diplomatic field, differences of opinion between the US and Latin American countries on the Falkland
Islands (Malvinas) dispute and conflicts in Central America. However, as a more basic cause, they are
growing increasingly concerned about Japan and other Asian countries, in addition to Europe and other
places with whom they have historically had close ties. Aside from this tendency, Latin American nations
are actively seeking integration of their territories in order to boost their economies and have a greater

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